Saturday, July 30, 2011

School Meeting

Some two dozen citizens assembled at the Court House yesterday morning, for the purpose of transacting the necessary school business.  Mr. Jno. Collins, President of the Board, called the meeting to order.

The President then read the report of the School Board for the past year.

The following resolutions were offered and adopted:

Resolved, That a tax of one and a half mills on the dollar be levied by this meeting, for the payment of teachers’ salaries.

Resolved, That a tax of one mill on the dollar be levied by this meeting for school house and incidental purposes.

The Vice President being absent, on motion of M. D. Snyder was chosen assistant Judge of election.

On motion the polls were opened for the election of officers, to remain open until six o’clock p.m.

The whole number of votes cast was 586, as follows:

For President, John Collins, 565.
For Vice-President, James Grant, 570.
For Secretary, Otto Smith, 296; Eliel Peck, 284.  Smith’s majority 12.
For Treasurer, Geo. H. French had 563 votes.
Dr. J. J. Olhausen was elected Director without opposition.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 11, 1862, p. 1

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