Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Citizens' Meeting



The citizens of Davenport and vicinity are requested to meet in Le Claire Hall, on Monday evening, April 7th, at 7 ½ o’clock, for the purpose of adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary and advisable to secure prompt attention to the wounded and proper respect to the dead of the volunteers from Scott county, who may hereafter be disabled or killed in defense of our national honor and liberties, in the war against rebellion.

The experience of Fort Donelson has shown that volunteer citizen aid is of the utmost importance to the proper and immediate care of the wounded and dying after a sanguinary engagement, which numbers its victims by hundreds, and multiplies demands for nurses and surgical skill which the ordinary provisions of the army are inadequate to meet.  Desperate and bloody conflicts are impending, in which the patriot sons of Iowa will be, as ever, “bravest of the brave.”  Bleeding wounds and mangled bodies will attest their devotion to the cause they have espoused.  Let our appreciation of their valor and patriotism be manifested by a tender and constant care of each suffering limb and a reverential respect for every lifeless form.  To do this is duty; to do less disgrace.  A full attendance at the above mentioned time and place is therefore earnestly requested.

DAVENPORT, April 4th, 1862.

Edward Russell,
Geo. G. Arndt,
John L. Reed,
C. H. Sheaff,
J. C. Tood,
C. G. Bloed,
R. Osborn,
J. W. Crampton,
Henry H. Smith,
Levi Davis,
E. Peck,
Warren Teele,
James McCosh,
W. Burris,
John Yantis,
J. Dial,
Richard B. Hill,
O. W. Skinner,
W. H. Porter,
Almet Skeel,
John Collins,
J. Smith Conner
John L. Davies,
Charles H. Eldridge,
D. N. Richardson,
Geo. R. West.
H. Lischer,
and others.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 7, 1862, p. 1

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