Monday, June 4, 2012

Jeff. Davis’ Cabinet And The Commander Of The Army

The proposed act of the Rebel Congress in calling upon Jeff. Davis is to name [a] Lieutenant-General who should have sole command of the army and navy of the Confederate States – in effect, to name his own superior officer – has created quite a sensation in Executive Councils at Richmond.  The Examiner of the 7th inst. Says: –

We understand positively that President Davis has not as yet sent in any Cabinet nomination whatever.  The bill to create the office of Commanding-General has proved a source of embarrassment as between the president and congress, the former, it is said, having determined to delay the constructions of his Cabinet until the determination of this measure; and, on the other hand, many members of Congress doubting the propriety of passing the bill until the Cabinet is formed, and the office of Commanding General can be established without reference to the present political combinations or the interference of any party influences whatever.  Gen. Lee was expected to arrive in Richmond yesterday, having been summoned here, it is understood, by President Davis.  He is named for the office of Commanding General, should the appointment be committed to the Executive.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 15, 1862, p. 2

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