Washington Jany 22, 1854
My Dear Sir, I think
you are mistaken in the amt, of my debt to you — it was for one
letter instead of two or three when you wrote last, and it is for two now. I am
quite willing however that the balance in this account should be decidedly
against me, as your letters have much more interest for me than mine can have
for you; and besides I am harder pushed than you can be.
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I don't feel a
great deal of interest in the election of Senator, since our side has nothing
to expect. If it could be postponed we should have a fair chance:— as it is, I
suppose, we have none though I feel right sure that the time is not distant
when men who now vote to have Ohio represented here by a Hunker will rue it as
a foolish & unnecessary act.
My great anxiety is
to have our friends in Ohio buckle on their armor & go to work to redeem
the State. We can do that I am sure if we will & by our means. I think,
circumstanced as you now are, you ought to reestablish your connection
with the press, or at least take up your location in a part of the State where
you can advantage the cause — say, Toledo Cleveland or Cincinnati. You ought to
resume the Editorial charge of the True Democrat. Wade says he will give you
his interest of $1000 — I will give you mine of $200 — if an arrangement can be
made by which you will become permanently interested & Editor. I
should think you would feel as deeply as I do on the subject of wresting Ohio
from the Hunkers.
The Nebraska Bill
is the principal topic of conversation here. What is the prospect of the
Resolution on the subject in our Legislature? I enclose the Washn.
Sentinel that you may see with what insolence the Editor speaks of our State.
It makes me repent my vote for Tucker for printer, & wish I had voted for
some one wholly unconnected with the Political Press or for Bailey. It will
prevent me from voting to give him the Patent Report to print which he needs
Benton says (I
dined with him yesterday) that Douglas has committed political suicide He is
staunch against the repeal of the Missouri Prohibition. Gov. Allen, & two
of the members for R. I. will vote against it. The Governor has written to R.
I. for Legislative instructions, which if they come will fix his colleagues.
Mason, of Virginia told Fish that he did not want the Nebraska Bill: he was
content that things should stand as they are. Douglas, I suppose, eager to
compel the South to come to him has out southernized the South; and has dragged
the timid & irresolute administration along with him.
Won't you write a
strong article for the Columbian on the Sentinel Article?
Let them know
immediately the prospect of the Resolution in the Senate & House. It should
be pushed to a vote at the earliest moment.
Tell me the names
of the most prominent men of the two Houses, with short sketches of them. Do
you know Makenzie? Give me all the information you can. Where is Townshend?
What of his wife's health.
SOURCE: Diary and correspondence of Salmon P. Chase, Annual
Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol.
2, p. 254-6
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