Monday, April 15, 2024

Diary of Captain Joseph Stockton, December 2, 1862

Left camp at Lumpkins Mills at six o'clock this morning, the 72d in the advance. General Grant passed us while we were at a halt. I was sitting in a fence corner keeping myself warm with a splendid fire of fence rails. Nell Towner was with the escort; it did me good to see him. Encamped for the night on a cotton plantation. Fence rails, straw, chickens, etc., disappeared as suddenly as if they had been swept off by a hurricane. The men believe in making themselves comfortable. Skirmishing ahead, our forces cross the Tallahatchie river, having to take the artillery apart to get it across on a small flat boat that was found.

SOURCE: Joseph Stockton, War Diary (1862-5) of Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Stockton, p. 5

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