Showing posts with label Skirmishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skirmishing. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Diary of Captain Joseph Stockton, February 19, 1863

Left camp on the 16th on a scout to hunt up Blythe's forces. Orders came upon us suddenly to prepare two days rations and go in light marching order. Men strapped a rubber and one common blanket across their shoulders and were soon ready, all glad of the change as camp life had become very monotonous. Our force consisted of some 500 cavalry, 800 infantry (our regiment and part of the 11th) and two pieces of artillery. It had been raining for some time and the roads were horrible. Marched about twenty-one miles the first day. The rebels had burned all the bridges and we had to cut down trees to cross over the streams. Rained the first day. About 6 o'clock in the evening we went into camp, without any tents. Sleep was almost impossible. Reached Blythe's camp on the morning of the 17th, but the bird had flown. Company A were thrown out as skirmishers and moving forward in that way came upon Blythe's camp. They had been forced to retreat so fast that they had left all their camp utensils and provisions covered up with leaves and hid under branches of trees cut down. We destroyed everything we could find and commenced our march homeward, Co. A as rear guard. We kept skirmishing with the Rebs who would come just near enough to get a shot at us. Raining hard all the time. Marching terrible through a swamp when it was so dark you could not distinguish the men in front, we waded through water for an hour; when we came to Horn Lake river it was so swollen and deep from the rain that we could not ford it and as all the bridges have been burned down we cut down two large trees which fell across the stream and by the light of a single lamp crossed on these. We went into camp about four miles from the river but sleep was impossible owing to the rain. I sat on a log most of the night and tumbled off once in the mud from being asleep. I was a tough looking picture. Next morning we reached camp and all glad to get back. It was on this march that an incident occurred which was very amusing. We had halted and stacked arms at noon near a farm house where the men went for chickens, geese, pigs and everything eatable they could get, when all at once a lot of the men came rushing out of the yard yelling what was thought to be "Rebs." Men rushed for their arms-officers mounted, when it was discovered instead of Rebs it was bees. A lot of men in search of provisions had come upon a number of bee-hives and in trying to get the honey upset the hives and the whole swarm of bees set upon them. They were routed and fled, the bees attacked the horses and men so vigorously that we had to move the regiment.

SOURCE: Joseph Stockton, War Diary (1862-5) of Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Stockton, p. 8

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

General Robert E. Lee to John C. Breckinridge, March 25, 1865

March 25, 1865.

At daylight this morning General Gordon assaulted and carried enemy's works at Hare's Hill, captured 9 pieces of artillery, 8 mortars, between 500 and 600 prisoners, among them one brigadier-general and number of officers of lower grade. Enemy's lines were swept away for distance of 400 or 500 yards to right and left, and two efforts made to recover captured works were handsomely repulsed; but it was found that the inclosed works in rear, commanding enemy's main line, could only be taken at great sacrifice, and troops were withdrawn to original position. It being impracticable to bring off captured guns, owing to nature of ground, they were disabled and left. Our loss reported is not heavy. Among wounded is Brigadier-General Terry, flesh wound, and Brig. Gen. Phil. Cook, in arm. All the troops engaged, including two brigades under Brigadier-General Ransom, behaved most handsomely. The conduct of the sharpshooters of Gordon's corps, who led assault, deserves the highest commendation. This afternoon there was skirmishing on the right between the picket-lines, with varied success. At dark enemy held considerable portion of the line farthest in advance of our main works.

R. E. LEE.
        Secretary of War.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 46, Part 1 (Serial No. 95), p. 382-3

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, July 15, 1863

Nothing out of the common routine took place during this day. Skirmishing continued and some shelling.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 279

Monday, September 2, 2024

Diary of Private Bartlett Yancey Malone: May 8, 1862

was a beautyful one and the Yankees was alanding at West Point and about 8 o'clock we was marched down to the intended battle field And from that time untell 12 oclock we was a scurmishing and a running from one place to another hunting the scamps And in the eavning we marched back in the woods and stade thar untell about 12 oclock in the night And then marched about a mile futher back And stad thar all night And then as soon as day broke we started on our march again And about 3 oclock in the eavning we got to West Point coathouse whar we found General Johnston and all of his men And then we marched about 2 miles futher and stop for the night

SOURCE: Bartlett Yancey Malone, The Diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone, p. 19

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Diary of Captain Joseph Stockton, December 28, 1862

Marched twenty-three miles today. For the first time since I have been in the South have I seen the Stars and Stripes waved from a house. An old woman stood in her doorway and waved the glorious banner, whether from loyalty or to save her chickens I do not know. The rebel cavalry are on our flanks and pick up all stragglers. There has been some skirmishing today but nobody hurt.

SOURCE: Joseph Stockton, War Diary (1862-5) of Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Stockton, p. 6-7

Monday, May 27, 2024

Diary of Private Theodore Reichardt, Wednesday, October 23, 1861

A clear day. The enemy in great force around Leesburg. We can see the church steeples of that place. Skirmishing kept up all day. In the evening our battery received orders to embark and cross the river,—Capt. Tompkins, having come back from Harper's Ferry, with the right section, the evening before,—three guns were already loaded on a canal boat, together with Company C, First Maryland Regiment, and started; but the current of the stream being too strong, and losing half of the oars, they had to return again. Orders awaited us already to disembark immediately, and return to camp. All the troops withdrew from the Virginia shore before daylight, eight thousand men in all.

SOURCE: Theodore Reichardt, Diary of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, p. 25-6

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: March 11, 1865

We arrive at Fayetteville, and while approaching, the advance was for awhile engaged in skirmishing with Wade Hampton's cavalry, that covered the rear of Hardee's retreating army.

SOURCE: abstracted from Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 298

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: March 15, 1865

The 4th Division take the advance this morning. The advance encounter Hampton's cavalry, but by a little skirmishing they are soon scattered. We move only ten miles to-day, going into camp for the night one mile from South river, where the rebels are said to be in force.

SOURCE: abstracted from Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 299

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: March 20, 1865

We advance early this morning. The Seventh are soon deployed on the skirmish line, and are soon skirmishing, for on such occasions the Seventh with their sixteen-shooters are always called upon. The Fifteenth Corps gaining position, we commence throwing up breastworks within cannon range of the enemy's works. By 4 o'clock p. M. Johnson finds himself confronted with a complete and strong line of battle.

SOURCE: abstracted from Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 300

Friday, May 10, 2024

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, September 2, 1861

The following extract from a letter which I have just written to a friend, is the sum and substance of my thoughts, journalized for to-day. "Major will not write his mother whether an attack on Washington is expected. I will tell you what I think: From the dome of the Capitol we can see the rebels throwing up works just beyond Arlington. Every day or two we have picket skirmishing.

On Wednesday night we had, within a short distance of Washington, seven men set as picket guards. The next day I saw one of the seven wounded in the side by a musket ball. The other six were killed. Almost everybody here is looking for an attack, but I do not believe we shall have one. I have no doubt that Beauregard would like to draw us out to attack him; that he would then retreat, with the hope of drawing us into his nets as he did at Bull Run. But he will not attack us here.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 20-1

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, September 6, 1861

I introduce the following letter to a friend, as sufficiently explicit as to the occurrences since the last date:

CHAIN BRIDGE, VA., Sept. 6, 1861.


I commence this letter with the reiteration, Poor Virginia! That State, which for forty years has stood as the guiding star of our galaxy of States,—that State, which alone could, six months ago, have assumed the position of umpire to the belligerents, and which only would have been respected in the assumption—now stands at the very foot of the list. In the commencement of this contest she degraded herself by offering to become the cat's paw for South Carolina, and was still farther degraded by South Carolina rejecting the proposition to become her menial. By her officious subservience, however, she got her paw into the fire, and how dreadfully it is burned only those who are on her soil can form any idea. Everywhere is the destruction going on. Her soil is the battle-field, and, so far as the destruction of property is concerned, it matters but little which party is successful. Armies must have room to move and manœuvre, soldiers will have the fruits and vegetables which grow around their encampment, and camp life is a poor fertilizer of that moral growth which marks the line of "meum et tuum."

This letter is written on sheets taken from the former residence of Hon. W. W. Slade, once a member of Congress from Virginia. I rode around with a foraging party. We entered his fine old mansion, and I could not but weep over the sad changes which I could see had taken place within a few hours, Within no living soul was left. The soldiers entered; for a time I stood back, but when I did go in what a sight presented itself! Already the floors were covered knee-deep with books and papers, which it must have required a long life of toil and trouble to amass, fine swinging-mirrors shivered into thousands of pieces—a fit emblem of the condition to which efforts are being made to reduce this glorious government—each piece reflecting miniature images of what the whole had shown, but never again to reflect those pigmy images in one vast whole. In the large and spacious drawing-room stood the ruins of one of those old-fashioned sideboards, around which had grown so much of the reputation of Southern high life and hospitality; its doors, wrenched from their hinges, lay scattered on the floor; large mahogany sofas, with their covers torn off, marble-top tables, stationery, china, stoves and spittoons, were there in one promiscuous heap of ruins. I stepped into the library, hoping to bring away some relic that had been untouched by the soldiers, but I was too late—all here was ruin. In a corner I picked up a few yellow pamphlets, and read "Constitution and By-Laws of the National Democratic Association." Sadly enough I left the house, and seated myself, to rest and think, on the spacious verandah. For a moment I looked on the vast orchards, the beautiful flower garden, the long rows of laden grape vines, the broad acres of corn and clover, and thought, "What a place and what a condition to pass old age in comfort and quiet," and my heart began to lighten. How momentary the lightning, for just then company after company from the different regiments came up; gates were thrown open, fences thrown down, and horses, cattle and mules were destroying all these evidences of prosperity and comfort. And this is but one feature in the great haggard countenance of war which stares at us whenever we look at Virginia's "sacred soil." Alas, poor Virginia! This subject alone would give interest to a whole volume, but I must leave it.

On Tuesday night, at half-past ten o'clock, the "long roll" brought our brigade, of five regiments, to their feet, when we found ourselves under orders to march at once for the Virginia side of the river, where, it was said, a large body of rebels had been collecting just at night. We had had slight skirmishing in that neighborhood for several days, and now the crisis was expected, and our regiment was to have a chance. All was excitement, and in half an hour from the alarm we were ready to start. By the time we arrived here it had commenced raining—we found no enemy—bivouaced for the night, and slept in the rain to the music of the tramp, tramp of infantry, and the rattling, roaring tear of artillery wagons over the roughly macademized road which passed by our encampment. Yesterday it rained all day, as if every plug had been pulled out; still we kept on our arms and ready for action—our general and brigade officers dashing about all the time, and warning us to be ready for an attack. Day before yesterday a scouting party of our brigade went in pursuit of a party of cavalry who had been seen hovering about us. When they came in sight the cavalry took to their heels, leaving to us only three large contrabands, who "tink massa oughten to run away from poor nigga so, heah! heah! They just run and leab us to de mercy of de darn abolishuns, heah! heah!" They report that around Fairfax and Centreville there are sixty or seventy regiments, who are well provisioned, but that there is a great deal of sickness among them, measles being the prevailing disease. We had, when we left Kalarama, about twenty-five in the hospital, whom we left there under the charge of Dr. There are three or four here who have sickened in consequence of exposure to the two days and two night's rain, but they will be out in a day or two. We have not yet lost a man by disease or accident, though I hear that one man yesterday received a musket ball through his cap, but as it did not hit his head it is thought he will recover. The musket was carelessly fired by some soldier in our camp.

A little occurrence to-day has caused quite a stir in our camps, and I deem it worthy to be noted here for my remembrance. Capt. Strong, of the Second Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, was with a small party on picket guard. He strolled away from his company, and suddenly found himself surrounded by six of the rebel pickets. Being out of reach of help from his men, he surrendered himself a prisoner. After a short consultation as to whether they should kill the "d----d Yankee" on the spot, they concluded that they would first take him into camp. They demanded his pistols, which he took from his belt and presented. But at the moment when the rebels were receiving them, they both went off, killing two of his captors on the spot. But there were four left, two on foot, two on horseback. He dashed into a pine thicket, they discharging their pieces after him and immediately giving chase. He struck into a deep hollow or ravine leading down to the Potomac. It was so precipitous that the horsemen could not follow. But when he emerged from it near the river; he found himself confronted by the two horsemen who had ridden around and reached the spot in time to head him off. He had received a shot through his canteen. Immediately on seeing his pursuers he fired again, killing one more of them, and simultaneously he received another shot through his cheek. He continued firing with his revolvers till he had made in all eleven shots. By this time the fourth man had been unhorsed. The footmen did not pursue, and he made his way into camp. This is the story, though some are so uncharitable as to discredit it, notwithstanding one hole through his canteen and another through his cheek.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 21-5

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, September 11, 1861

Had some skirmishing to-day. Took some prisoners, who state that within twelve miles of us is the center of operations of about one hundred thousand rebels, who are preparing to attack us and march on Washington. This, if true, falsifies all the predictions of this journal, that there is no considerable force of the enemy in front of us, and that we shall have no general engagement here. Nevertheless, my opinion is unchanged.

This morning quite a body of troops, infantry, cavalry and artillery, passed us, on the road going in the direction of where the enemy are supposed to be. By twelve o'clock artillery firing was distinctly heard some four miles in the direction which they took. In the afternoon we were hurriedly called to march to the support of our retreating men.

We met them about two miles this side of where the fight was. They claim to have gained a great victory, but they brought in no prisoners; no guns captured. Why was that. These reports of victories are very unreliable affairs. All kinds of stories are going through the camp, but I shall record none of them till they have assumed a shape worthy to be remembered.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 27-8

Monday, April 15, 2024

Diary of Captain Joseph Stockton, December 2, 1862

Left camp at Lumpkins Mills at six o'clock this morning, the 72d in the advance. General Grant passed us while we were at a halt. I was sitting in a fence corner keeping myself warm with a splendid fire of fence rails. Nell Towner was with the escort; it did me good to see him. Encamped for the night on a cotton plantation. Fence rails, straw, chickens, etc., disappeared as suddenly as if they had been swept off by a hurricane. The men believe in making themselves comfortable. Skirmishing ahead, our forces cross the Tallahatchie river, having to take the artillery apart to get it across on a small flat boat that was found.

SOURCE: Joseph Stockton, War Diary (1862-5) of Brevet Brigadier General Joseph Stockton, p. 5

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Diary of Private Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Saturday December 27, 1862

Commenced skirmishing early, falling back slowly; fought through Triune and beyond Mr. Perkins. Rained on us all day. After passing Mr. P's, we took up line of march, came up three miles and turned off for Murfreesboro. I stopped and spent the night in a kitchen; came on Sunday 28th and overtook the Regiment. M. Met the wagons, unloaded them days' rations, but were ordered to meet the Yankees. A false alarm. Staid out until near midnight. Came back to where we left the wagons but they were not there.

We came in five miles of and prepared to cook three saddle up and get out to

SOURCE: Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Diary of Ephraim Sh elby Dodd: Member of Company D Terry's Texas Rangers, p. 5

Diary of Private Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Monday December 29, 1862

Went out this morning to the end of the Wilkerson pike. Met the Yankees and skirmished with them all day, falling back gradually. Their cavalry charged us once but paid dear for it. A number of prisoners were taken. We fell back to our infantry this evening.

SOURCE: Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Member of Company D Terry's Texas Rangers, p. 5

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: December 9, 1864

Companies I, E and F, are now mounted—are now moving upon the war path as of old. The non-mounted portion of the regiment are in the advance of the Fifteenth Army Corps. To-day we find the roads all obstructed by the felling of trees, but not enough to check the army; the Pioneers keep the roads all free from impediments. Some skirmishing to-day but nothing serious. The weak rebel forces seem but idle toys for the moment.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 282

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: December 11, 1864

This morning we cross the Ogeechee, and do not advance far until skirmishing commences; Company K is deployed forward, and Company H barricades the road with rails. Soon the Thirty-ninth Iowa comes up and the entire Seventh is deployed forward; advancing a short distance we discover a rebel fort and camp swarming with rebels, who seeing our flag appear from the margin of the woods on to an open field, open their artillery upon us. Upon the field we find ourselves. much exposed, and being unable to advance in consequence of the extensive rice swamps in front of us, we change position by the left flank under a heavy fire, cross the road and take our position behind an embankment thrown up from a ditch, where we remain until night comes on, and then return to the woods and go into camp.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 283

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: December 12, 1864

Finds us across the Ogeechee, finds us before Savannah, finds us twelve miles from the sea. A defiant foe is before us disputing our advance; this day we may fight a battle—may see what virtue there is in lead and steel. The army is now at a stand; some skirmishing and some fighting is continually going on. The troops are upon quarter rations. Will we fail? Our gallant Sherman says no, follow me, and I will lead you through. To-night we hear Slocum's guns echoing a death-knell to arch-treason. Tomorrow's sun may set upon a field wet with the heart's blood of warriors, for everything this evening looks warlike.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 283-4

Monday, March 20, 2023

Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 12, 1863

March 12, 1863.1

For once I have been so busy that I could not find time to note the thousand and one incidents of our expedition.

Tuesday morning, at two, our fleet of five steamers moved slowly up the St. Johns. Passed the yellow bluffs, the night glorious in its blue, misty moonlight, the river wide and beautiful. When daylight came we were delighted by the scenery of the shores and the cosy looking homes scattered here and there.

Strange as it may seem, the rebels were taken by surprise and the city was neither defended nor burned, and we landed without a gun being fired. One man came down to the wharf and caught the line when it was thrown off and the Col. was the first to step on shore. Then followed Capt. Metcalf and Capt. Rogers with their men and soon other companies followed, till pickets were posted in the suburbs. Meanwhile, Col. Montgomery and Capt. Trowbridge with their men, started off in the direction of the rebel camp. The John Adams, Boston and Burnside remain at the wharves, while the Uncas and the Norwich lie out in the stream.

We expect to hold this city, though I don't see how it is to be done without reinforcements. Our men will do almost anything, but I don't believe they can do so much picket service without exhaustion. Skirmishing is intensely exciting and they enjoy it beyond measure. Yesterday they brought in a saddle and some instruments that belonged to a surgeon of the cavalry, who was shot through the head. At every fight our boys have put the rebels to flight, though they have twice made the attack with forces superior to ours.

The rebel camp is eight miles out. It is not easy for us to know their exact force. Under the protection of gunboats, we are safe, but we hope, ere long, to be safe under our own protection. Many of our men were slaves here, not long ago and you can scarcely imagine the horror and dread the secesh have of them. We have a few important prisoners, one of whom was a lieut. in the U. S. army and afterward in the Confederate army.

Capt. Rogers is provost marshal and has his powers taxed considerably. He likes his work exceedingly and does it well. He rides a little secesh pony which he captured the first morning here. I am sick of "loyal slaveholders," and would not resort to the blasphemy of administering the oath to them. I think we are not doing so much of this last as some commanders have done.

I should judge this to be a town of 4000 inhabitants. It has excellent wharves and large brick warehouses more than half a mile in length. The town gradually rises from the river, back a third or half a mile. Streets and houses have gas fixtures, a New England look to everything, streets beautifully shaded by live oaks, now and then a Cornus Florida, the ground paved with its white petals, peach trees in full bloom.

Our headquarters are grand. The new brick house we occupy was owned by Col. Sanderson, one of the ablest lawyers in the state and one of the most traitorous. He is in Dixie while his family is north. I just now asked Serg't Hodges if he knew Sanderson. "Oh yes, I was one of the carpenters who worked many a hard day on that fine house."

There are probably 400 or 500 people remaining here. If everything goes right I shall convert the Washington Hotel into a hospital. At present we keep sick and wounded on the John Adams.

This is the only place that I have yet seen in the South that suits me for a residence. It is the most important position in Florida for us to hold. It has already been twice abandoned by our troops and it remains to be proved whether it must be abandoned a third time.

1 The report of Brigadier General Joseph Finegan, dated March 14, gives the Confederate account. Saxton's report was brief. 1 Records of the Rebellion, XIV. 226.

SOURCE: Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Volume 43, October, 1909—June, 1910: February 1910. p. 371-3

Monday, February 13, 2023

Diary of Private Louis Leon: July 5, 1863

Left this morning at 5 o'clock. Only marched ten miles to-day. The enemy being in our rear, and skirmishing very strong.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 38