Showing posts with label Breastworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breastworks. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2025

Diary of Private Seth J. Wells: December 11, 1862

Weather warm. I was on fatigue nearly all day, cutting and hauling wood for the company. We had dress parade at 4 o'clock. Just at dusk the news came in that a guerilla band was to attack us before morning. Fifty men from our regiment and forty-eight from the 126th (which is here doing picket duty) were detailed to build breastworks of cotton, four hundred bales of which lay near the depot. Col. Norton and Major Bates did the engineering. After they had finished we lay on our arms during the night, but no enemy made its appearance, and about 7 o'clock we were ordered back to camp.

SOURCE: Seth James Wells, The Siege of Vicksburg: From the Diary of Seth J. Wells, Including Weeks of Preparation and of Occupation After the Surrender, p. 15-6

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Diary of Lieutenant-Colonel John Beatty: August 15, 1861

I have a hundred axmen in my charge, felling timber on the mountain, and constructing rough breastworks to protect our left flank.

General Reynolds came up to-day to see De Lagniel. They are old acquaintances, were at West Point together, and know each other like brothers.

The irrepressible Corporal Casey, who, in fact, had nothing whatever to do with the capture of De Lagniel, is now surrounded by a little group of soldiers. He is talking to them about the prisoner, who, since it is known that he is an acquaintance of General Reynolds, has become a person of great importance in the camp. The Corporal speaks in the broadest Irish brogue, and is telling his hearers that he knew the fellow was a sesesh at once; that he leveled his musket at him and towld him to halt; that if he hadn't marched straight up to him he would have put a minnie ball through his heart; that he had his gun cocked and his finger on the trigger, and was a mind to shoot him anyway. Then he tells how he propounded this and that question, which confused the prisoner, and finally concludes by saying that De Lagniel might be d----d thankful indade that he escaped with his life.

The Corporal is the best-known man in the regiment. He prides himself greatly on the Middle Fork "skrimage." A day or two after that affair, and at a time when whisky was so scarce that it was worth its weight in gold, some officers called the Corporal up and asked him to give them an account of the "skrimage." Before he entered upon the subject, it was suggested that Captain Dubois, who had the little whisky there was in the party, should give him a taste to loosen his tongue. The Corporal, nothing loth, took the flask, and, raising it to his mouth, emptied it, to the utter dismay of the Captain and his friends. The dhrap had the effect desired. The Corporal described, with great particularity, his manner of going into action, dwelt with much emphasis on the hand-to-hand encounters, the thrusts, the parries, the final clubbing of the musket, and the utter discomfiture and mortal wounding of his antagonist. In fact by this time there were two of them; and finally, as the fight progressed, a dozen or more bounced down on him. It was lively! There was no time for the loading of guns. Whack, thump, crack! The head of one was broken, another lay dying of a bayonet thrust, and still another had perished under the sledge-hammer blow of his fist. The ground was covered now with the slain. He stood knee-deep in secesh blood; but a bugle sounded away off on the hills, and the d----d scoundrels who were able to get away ran off as fast as their legs could carry them. Had they stood up like men he would have destroyed the whole regiment; for, you see, he was just getting his hand in. "But, Corporal," inquired Captain Hunter, "what were the other soldiers of your company doing all this time?" "Bless your sowl, Captain, and do you think I had nothing to do but to watch the boys? Be jabers, it was a day when every man had to look after himself."

SOURCE: John Beatty, The Citizen-soldier: Or, Memoirs of a Volunteer, p. 53-5

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Diary of Musician David Lane, June 24, 1863

Haines Bluff. Yesterday, as I was strolling through the ravines, picking berries, I came across a spring of delicious water, cold and pure. It is about half a mile from camp, in a lovely, romantic spot, almost shut out from the light of day by the thick foliage of the magnolia and other evergreens which are thickly interwoven with flowering vines. I wish I could picture the unrivaled beauty of the magnolia. The largest I have seen is about fifty feet in height, leaves from four to six inches in length by two in breadth in the middle, rounding each way to a point, and are of the darkest shade of green. Its chief beauty lies in its blossoms, which are pure white, about six inches in diameter, contrasting strongly with its dark green leaves. It is very fragrant, filling the air with sweet perfume. Nature is indeed prolific in this Southern clime, bestowing her gifts in the greatest variety and profusion, both animate and inanimate, things pleasant to look upon and grateful to the senses, and those that are repulsive and disgusting in the extreme. Insects and reptiles, varying in size from diminutive "chiggers," too small to be seen by the unaided eye, but which burrows in the flesh and breeds there, to the huge alligator that can swallow, a man at a single gulp. I have not seen an alligator yet, but some of our men have seen him to their sorrow. Soon after our arrival some of the men went in to bathe and wash off some of the dust of travel. They had been in the water but a few minutes when one of their number uttered a shriek of terror and disappeared. Two of his comrades who happened to be near by seized him and dragged him to shore. The right arm was frightfully mangled, the flesh literally torn from the bone by an alligator. Since that incident bathing in the Yazoo is not indulged in.

Moccasin snakes and other poisonous reptiles abound, and a species of beautifully-tinted, bright-eyed, active little lizards inhabit every tree and bush, creep into and under our blankets and scamper over us as we try to sleep. The nimble little fellows are harmless, but quite annoying.

There has been uninterrupted firing of small arms and artillery at Vicksburg today. We are busily engaged in throwing up breastworks two hundred rods from here. Our regiment was detailed for that purpose today.

SOURCE: David Lane, A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer, 1862-1865, p. 58-9

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Diary of Musician David Lane, June 26, 1863

Haines Bluff, Miss.  We get no news from the outside world. Not even the New York Herald or Detroit Free Press, those blatant organs of secession, can penetrate these lines. But the air is filled with rumors—rumors that are true today and false tomorrow. It is said the Rebels have a battery now where they fired on us when we came down; that they have captured all our mail and destroyed the mail boat. Today they sank the boat in shallow water and one of our gunboats secured the mail. All we are sure of is we are here, felling trees and throwing up breastworks; that General Grant is still knocking for admittance at the "Gates of Jericho." Were I to credit what I hear, and it comes from "reliable sources," I would believe he has already made the seventh circuit of that doomed city with his terrible ram's horn in full blast, and now, covered with sweat and dust, has paused on a "commanding eminence" to witness the final consummation of his plans. But the continuous thundering of his artillery and the occasional rattle of musketry convince me that, in these latter days, the tumbling down of formidable walls is not so easily accomplished as in the olden times when the Almighty seemed to take more interest in the affairs of men. But, although the long-wished for event is delayed until hope is well-nigh dead, still, seeing and knowing what I do, I have entire confidence in Grant's final success.

But hark! What cry is this? Oh, joyful sound. The mail! the mail has come!

Thank God, there is one for me!

SOURCE: David Lane, A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer, 1862-1865, p. 60-1

Friday, August 16, 2024

Diary of Private William S. White, July 1, 1861

Changed our position to Young's Mill, a strong position nine miles from Newport News.

Throwing up breastworks, reënforced by four pieces of artillery and Fifth Louisiana regiment.

SOURCE: William S. White, A Diary of the War; or What I Saw of It, p. 104

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: March 20, 1865

We advance early this morning. The Seventh are soon deployed on the skirmish line, and are soon skirmishing, for on such occasions the Seventh with their sixteen-shooters are always called upon. The Fifteenth Corps gaining position, we commence throwing up breastworks within cannon range of the enemy's works. By 4 o'clock p. M. Johnson finds himself confronted with a complete and strong line of battle.

SOURCE: abstracted from Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 300

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Diary of Private William S. White, June 7, 1861

Throwing up breastworks all day, and we now are impatiently awaiting the enemy. Provisions are scarce; had a couple of hard crackers and a teaspoonful of salt pork gravy. Somewhat different from good old Mrs. Mottley's suppers at the Linwood House on Main street, where we Richmond boys most delighted to board. However, I didn't suffer much, having succeeded in getting a good dinner for a slight compensation. The people in this neighborhood are in rather poor circumstances, and of course we are willing to pay for anything we get of them.

SOURCE: William S. White, A Diary of the War; or What I Saw of It, p. 95

Monday, August 21, 2023

Diary of Private Louis Leon: November 26, 1863

When we had marched seven miles we heard cannonading. The enemy is trying to cross the river at Jacob's Ford, but our boys kept them back. We laid in breastworks of our own make until the 27th.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 52

Diary of Private Louis Leon: November 28, 1863

To-day the whole army is throwing up breastworks. The sharpshooters are out in front, my corps out to-day. We made ourselves small pits to lay in as a protection from the Yankee bullets. These pits are just about large enough to hold two or three men. Pinkney King, Sam Wilson and myself are in one. We are shooting at the enemy all day. They are returning the compliment. Late this evening we saw some of them opposite our pits, trying to get into a house. We jumped out of our pits and fired at them several times, when poor King was shot and died in a few minutes. Another man was sent to relieve in his place, and we held our position.. The other corps of sharpshooters fought all day.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 53

Diary of Private Louis Leon: December 2, 1863

This morning at 3 we moved to the right until daylight, when our corps was again sent to the front. We advanced toward the enemy's works. We moved, of course, very carefully, as we saw their breastworks, and in front of us two cannon. When we got in shooting range, the order was given to "Charge!" We did so with a rebel yell, and as we got upon their breastworks, lo and behold, there were no Yankees, and the cannons we saw were nothing but logs. We followed them to the river, but their whole army had crossed. We, of course, captured a great many of their sick and stragglers.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 54

Monday, March 20, 2023

Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, May 7, 1863

Camp Gregg, Va.,        
May 7, 1863.

We have just returned from the field of the great battle. It was a complete victory for us. It was a terrible fight. Our brigade charged on their breastworks and took them. Edwin and Billie were both in it. Edwin was not touched, but Billie had two bullet holes through his clothes. He was not hurt, though. We have had a very hard time of it for seven or eight days. My mind and body are so worn out that I will not write any more, but will to-morrow or next day. When I write again I will write the particulars. Edwin, Billie and I are in good health.

Good-by for the present.

SOURCE: Dr. Spencer G. Welch, A Confederate Surgeon's Letters to His Wife, p. 49

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, June 26, 1862

Camp near Richmond, Va.,        
June 26, 1862.

I returned to camp on Monday because we expected to have a fight. Our brigade was ordered away last night with two days' rations, but I am left behind with the sick. There are a great many sick men in the hospitals and they are dying by the thousands. Our regiment has lost about one hundred men since we came to Virginia.

The enemy threw shells all about our camp yesterday and killed two horses, but only one man. It was a great day between our batteries and those of the enemy. They fired all day long, but as it was all at long taw little damage was done. I went out this morning to view the enemy, and could see them and their breastworks very distinctly.

Since I began writing this letter I hear a terrific cannonading on the left wing of our army, and I believe the battle has opened. I am informed that General Jackson is about there and that a fight will certainly take place this week.

You must be cheerful and take things easy, because I believe the war will soon be ended.

SOURCE: Dr. Spenser G. Welch , A Confederate Surgeon's Letters to His Wife, p. 14

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Colonel William A. Hoskins to Brigadier-General George H. Thomas, November 4, 1861

November 4, 1861. (Received November 6.)
        Commanding, Crab Orchard:

GENERAL: On yesterday Colonel Wolford left to make a reconnaissance of the rebel force below this, and with the general understanding that, should he find the enemy too strong, he was either to return or send back for re-enforcements, when Colonel Bramlette and myself are to move forward with all our available force, which we think will reach 1,200.

We learned this evening that there was a rebel force of cavalry of 350 at Travisville, and, if true, I have no doubt that Colonel Wolford has proceeded to that point with a view of giving them battle.

On Friday night the same party were at Monticello, distant 20 miles from this place; that infantry force, numbering 3,200, made but a short stay at Albany on their return to their encampment at Old Monroe from Burkesville, though it is said they ravaged the country in their passage, driving off horses, cattle, and hogs. They also found a brother of Captain Frogg sick in bed, whom they murdered.

My boys are quite eager to meet the rebels in combat, and should any more troops move in that direction I could not, if I were disposed, prevent their joining in the march.

I have improved our position at this place by the erection of some rude breastworks along the face of the hill and parallel with the roads. I have also blockaded a number of roads to prevent a flank movement of the enemy. They, I learn, had determined to force's passage by this route with a view of forming a junction with Zollicoffer at Crab Orchard, not doubting but that he would reach that point. Their whole force at Travisville and Old Monroe from the best information will reach near 4,000, though all assert that they are but insufficiently and poorly armed. I have not learned that they certainly have any artillery.

Recruits are coming in rapidly the past few days, and I hope to have the minimum number by the 10th instant and a full regiment in a few weeks.

I hope soon to see matters sufficiently quieted in this section to allow me time to return and dispose of my old quartermasters business.

Most respectfully, your friend and obedient servant,

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 4 (Serial No. 4), p. 334-5

Monday, July 25, 2022

General Robert E. Lee to James A. Seddon, August 24, 1864

 August 26, 1864. (Via Petersburg.)

General A. P. Hill attacked the enemy in his intrenchments at Reams' Station yesterday evening, and at the second assault carried his entire line. Cooke's and MacRae's North Carolina brigades, under General Heth, and Lane's North Carolina brigade, of Wilcox's division, under General Conner, with Pegram's artillery, composed the assaulting column. One line of breast-works was carried by the cavalry under General Hampton with great gallantry, who contributed largely to the success of the day. Seven stand of colors, 2,000 prisoners, and 9 pieces of artillery are in our possession. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded is reported to be heavy, ours relatively small. Our profound gratitude is due to the Giver of all victory and our thanks to the brave men and officers engaged.

R. E. LEE.
        Secretary of War.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 42, Part 1 (Serial No. 87), p. 851

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Diary of Private Louis Leon: March 16, 1863

A picket came in this morning and reported the enemy advancing. We were put in line of battle to receive them, and after marching one mile up the road to get to our brigade we were put at the extreme left of our line, and made breastworks out of rotten logs. Stayed here one hour, when another picket came and reported them ten miles away. So we resumed our march for camp and got there at 7 o'clock — twenty-one miles to-day. Tom Notter, Aaron Katz and myself pressed into service to-day a donkey and a cart with a negro, who took us to Kinston. Each of us drove at times, and I was fortunate enough to stall in a mudhole. We had to get out and lift the cart and donkey to dry ground again. Thus ends the march and fight at Deep Gully.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 19

Diary of Private Louis Leon: April 2, 1863

Our regiment was sent on picket this morning at daylight-one mile from camp and two miles from the enemy. Companies B and G are on the left, A and D on the right, F and I in the center. We are within hailing distance of the Yankee line of pickets. There is not much firing. Tom Tiotter and I are on the color guard. We have nothing to do if we don't want to, except stay with the colors. So this evening at 4 o'clock we went as near the Yankees as we dared, to see the town of Washington. Saw the place, their breastworks and their camps very plainly. We then returned and slept on our arms all night that is, we tried to sleep, but could not for the infernal noise from the owls that are in the swamps around us.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 20-1

Diary of Private Louis Leon: April 6, 1863

A little firing to-day. Went to the river to throw up breastworks. Worked all night. We put up one piece of cannon right on the river bank, but had to work all night in the swamp to do so. We carried sandbags for breastworks to protect the artillerymen.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 22

Diary of Private Louis Leon: April 7, 1863

To-day the firing was very heavy. We hit the Yankee gunboat again to-day, and made the dust fly out of their breastworks.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 22

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Wednesday, May 28, 1862

The weather is still very warm. To-day we hear heavy cannonading in the direction of Sherman's line. This evening we advance towards the rebel works; our batteries gaining a position, they throw some shells into their midst. We hold our position, and soon commence throwing up breastworks; the army keeps working on them nearly all night; the Seventh finish their space by two o'clock in the morning. We now have another strong line of defense. If Beauregard stands, we anticipate a general engagement soon. All day we hear heavy cannonading along Pope's line. Would that that restless spirit whose dogs of war are continually barking could be let loose at this very hour; we know he would go sweeping like an avalanche against the fortified walls of Corinth. But it is not deemed best, and for what reasons history will show; and if it be a mistake, the world will see it, and he who is responsible will receive the censure. To-night the Seventh is restless; the men are anxious to leap those works and carry the old flag on. Their hearts long to see it flying over yonder, but they are held in check. Somebody is cautious; perhaps somebody is fearful that his name, like the name of another, will be handled harshly in the northern hotels; perhaps fearful that somebody would say he was drunk.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 74-5

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Saturday, May 10, 1862

It is raining this morning. It is rumored that the rebels will come out from Corinth to-day. The echoes from Pope's guns are again heard coming from the left. Before noon we commence throwing up breastworks, and before night we have a strong, defensive line. It is remarkable how men will work to shield themselves from minies and shells. The most indolent all at once become active and go to work with a rush.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 70