Showing posts with label 2nd WI INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd WI INF. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, September 6, 1861

I introduce the following letter to a friend, as sufficiently explicit as to the occurrences since the last date:

CHAIN BRIDGE, VA., Sept. 6, 1861.


I commence this letter with the reiteration, Poor Virginia! That State, which for forty years has stood as the guiding star of our galaxy of States,—that State, which alone could, six months ago, have assumed the position of umpire to the belligerents, and which only would have been respected in the assumption—now stands at the very foot of the list. In the commencement of this contest she degraded herself by offering to become the cat's paw for South Carolina, and was still farther degraded by South Carolina rejecting the proposition to become her menial. By her officious subservience, however, she got her paw into the fire, and how dreadfully it is burned only those who are on her soil can form any idea. Everywhere is the destruction going on. Her soil is the battle-field, and, so far as the destruction of property is concerned, it matters but little which party is successful. Armies must have room to move and manœuvre, soldiers will have the fruits and vegetables which grow around their encampment, and camp life is a poor fertilizer of that moral growth which marks the line of "meum et tuum."

This letter is written on sheets taken from the former residence of Hon. W. W. Slade, once a member of Congress from Virginia. I rode around with a foraging party. We entered his fine old mansion, and I could not but weep over the sad changes which I could see had taken place within a few hours, Within no living soul was left. The soldiers entered; for a time I stood back, but when I did go in what a sight presented itself! Already the floors were covered knee-deep with books and papers, which it must have required a long life of toil and trouble to amass, fine swinging-mirrors shivered into thousands of pieces—a fit emblem of the condition to which efforts are being made to reduce this glorious government—each piece reflecting miniature images of what the whole had shown, but never again to reflect those pigmy images in one vast whole. In the large and spacious drawing-room stood the ruins of one of those old-fashioned sideboards, around which had grown so much of the reputation of Southern high life and hospitality; its doors, wrenched from their hinges, lay scattered on the floor; large mahogany sofas, with their covers torn off, marble-top tables, stationery, china, stoves and spittoons, were there in one promiscuous heap of ruins. I stepped into the library, hoping to bring away some relic that had been untouched by the soldiers, but I was too late—all here was ruin. In a corner I picked up a few yellow pamphlets, and read "Constitution and By-Laws of the National Democratic Association." Sadly enough I left the house, and seated myself, to rest and think, on the spacious verandah. For a moment I looked on the vast orchards, the beautiful flower garden, the long rows of laden grape vines, the broad acres of corn and clover, and thought, "What a place and what a condition to pass old age in comfort and quiet," and my heart began to lighten. How momentary the lightning, for just then company after company from the different regiments came up; gates were thrown open, fences thrown down, and horses, cattle and mules were destroying all these evidences of prosperity and comfort. And this is but one feature in the great haggard countenance of war which stares at us whenever we look at Virginia's "sacred soil." Alas, poor Virginia! This subject alone would give interest to a whole volume, but I must leave it.

On Tuesday night, at half-past ten o'clock, the "long roll" brought our brigade, of five regiments, to their feet, when we found ourselves under orders to march at once for the Virginia side of the river, where, it was said, a large body of rebels had been collecting just at night. We had had slight skirmishing in that neighborhood for several days, and now the crisis was expected, and our regiment was to have a chance. All was excitement, and in half an hour from the alarm we were ready to start. By the time we arrived here it had commenced raining—we found no enemy—bivouaced for the night, and slept in the rain to the music of the tramp, tramp of infantry, and the rattling, roaring tear of artillery wagons over the roughly macademized road which passed by our encampment. Yesterday it rained all day, as if every plug had been pulled out; still we kept on our arms and ready for action—our general and brigade officers dashing about all the time, and warning us to be ready for an attack. Day before yesterday a scouting party of our brigade went in pursuit of a party of cavalry who had been seen hovering about us. When they came in sight the cavalry took to their heels, leaving to us only three large contrabands, who "tink massa oughten to run away from poor nigga so, heah! heah! They just run and leab us to de mercy of de darn abolishuns, heah! heah!" They report that around Fairfax and Centreville there are sixty or seventy regiments, who are well provisioned, but that there is a great deal of sickness among them, measles being the prevailing disease. We had, when we left Kalarama, about twenty-five in the hospital, whom we left there under the charge of Dr. There are three or four here who have sickened in consequence of exposure to the two days and two night's rain, but they will be out in a day or two. We have not yet lost a man by disease or accident, though I hear that one man yesterday received a musket ball through his cap, but as it did not hit his head it is thought he will recover. The musket was carelessly fired by some soldier in our camp.

A little occurrence to-day has caused quite a stir in our camps, and I deem it worthy to be noted here for my remembrance. Capt. Strong, of the Second Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, was with a small party on picket guard. He strolled away from his company, and suddenly found himself surrounded by six of the rebel pickets. Being out of reach of help from his men, he surrendered himself a prisoner. After a short consultation as to whether they should kill the "d----d Yankee" on the spot, they concluded that they would first take him into camp. They demanded his pistols, which he took from his belt and presented. But at the moment when the rebels were receiving them, they both went off, killing two of his captors on the spot. But there were four left, two on foot, two on horseback. He dashed into a pine thicket, they discharging their pieces after him and immediately giving chase. He struck into a deep hollow or ravine leading down to the Potomac. It was so precipitous that the horsemen could not follow. But when he emerged from it near the river; he found himself confronted by the two horsemen who had ridden around and reached the spot in time to head him off. He had received a shot through his canteen. Immediately on seeing his pursuers he fired again, killing one more of them, and simultaneously he received another shot through his cheek. He continued firing with his revolvers till he had made in all eleven shots. By this time the fourth man had been unhorsed. The footmen did not pursue, and he made his way into camp. This is the story, though some are so uncharitable as to discredit it, notwithstanding one hole through his canteen and another through his cheek.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 21-5

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Burnside Expedition Officially Heard From

Four of the Vessels Lost, Three Run Ashore, and a Number of Lives Lost, and the Fleet Lands in Pamlico Sound.


By the arrival of the steamer Eastern State, we have the first direct and official intelligence of the Burnside Expedition.  The Eastern State left Hatteras Inlet last night, and arrived here this morning.

The recent storms were unusually severe at Hatteras, and considerably delayed and crippled the expedition, but when the Eastern State left, everything looked favorable.

The Burnside Expedition sailed from Hampton Roads on the 11th and 12th of January, and consisted of over 125 vessels, of all classes. – They arrived at Hatteras between the 12th and 17th inst., having been greatly retarded by severe storms and adverse winds, which prevailed during that time.

After their arrival at Hatteras they experienced a series of unparalleled storms, so that at times it was impossible to hold communication between any two vessels of the fleet.

After the storm it was discovered that no vessel drawing over 7 feet 8 inches could pass into Pamlico Sound.  No vessel either could pass outside the bar, drawing over 13 feet, unless very skillfully piloted.  In consequence of this the City of New York struck on the outside of the bar.  She had cargo valued at $200,000, of powder, rifles and bombs, and proved a total loss.  Her crew was saved.

The steamer Pocahontas went ashore near the light house and became a total loss.  Ninety valuable horses belonging to the Rhode Island Battery were on board of her, and were all drowned, including several valued at $500 each.

The Grape Shot parted her hawser and went down at sea.  Her crew were saved.

An unknown schooner, loaded with oats, and another schooner, name unknown, with six of her crew, were lost on the beach.

The steamer Louisiana struck on the bar, where she still remains.  The report of her burning is incorrect.  She may get off.  The Eastern Queen and the Voltigeur are also ashore.  The latter will probably get off.

The Water vessels attached to the Expedition had not reached their destination when the Eastern State left, and had it not been for the condensers on board some of the vessels, and a vessel on shore, the most terrible suffering must have occurred among the troops.  As it was, the water casks were composed of old whiskey camphene, and kerosene oil casks.

It is thought the pilots of Hatteras are traitors, having intentionally run the vessels ashore.

The waves dashed with a clean sweep across the Hatteras shore, completely cutting off the fort from outside communication.

Colonel Allen of the 9th New Jersey Regiment, and his Surgeon, Weller, with a boat’s crew, and the 2d Mate of the Anne Thompson, when they found that the troops needed water, manned a life boat in order to reach the General and obtain it.  The boat swamped and the Colonel, Surgeon and Mate were drowned.  The crew were saved.

Gen. Burnside has succeeded in getting over the bar one half of his vessels, including the gunboats and 7,000 troops.  Everything appeared to be in satisfactory condition when the Eastern Star left.  The large transports with troops remained outside until the arrival of the Spaulding, from Port Royal on the 3d, when Capt. Hawes volunteered to bring them all inside.  This was accomplished yesterday afternoon, the Eastern State passing the last of them as she left.

A portion of the tug boats chartered by Gen. Burnside for the expedition refused to proceed any further than Fortress Monroe.

Fair weather has set in, and the schooners of the expedition are making their appearance with water, coal, and provisions, and everything looks more promising.  Gen. Burnside has been indefatigable, he is confident of the ultimate success of the expedition and has the respect of every man under his command.

The only troops that have been landed are the 24th Massachusetts Regiment and the Rhode Island Battery.  Col. Hawkins’ regiment goes with the Burnside Expedition.

There has been no loss of life except what is above mentioned.  Different reports are received at Hatteras from the surrounding population in relations to the disposition and intentions of the enemy.  Some who came in say that the rebels are completely frightened and will not make a stand.  Another report is to the effect that large masses of troops will be concentrated in the vicinity, and still another store, confirmed by many, that their exertions will be directed chiefly to placing obstacles in the way of our progress to Norfolk.

The rebels keep a good look out on our movements with their gunboats.  Two of them made their appearance after the storm, but disappeared when chased.

The mails by the Eastern State will be forwarded to-morrow.

The Pensacola left here (Ft. Monroe) this afternoon for Key West, Pensacola and Ship Island.  She will report to the Commodore of the fleet in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Baltimore boat brought down this morning the 2d and 4th batteries from Wisconsin. – They will remain at Fortress Monroe for the present.

A flag of truce was sent out this P. M. to meet the rebel steamer Selden, and brought back among the release prisoners, Lieut. Parks, 4th Michigan, Dr. Wm. B. Fletcher, 6th Indiana, Lieut. Wm. Booth, 2d Wisconsin, and Lieut. Hooper, 1st California.

We find the following in Southern papers.

To-day’s Richmond Dispatch has reliable authority for making the statement that “General Beauregard takes command of the army at Columbus, Ky., and Gen. Gustavus W. Smith succeeds him in the position he has so long and so successfully occupied.  At Columbus, we understand, that Gen. Beauregard is subordinate to no one except Gen. A. Sydney Johnson [sic].  This change goes into effect without delay.”

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

William H. Adkins

WILLIAM H. ADKINS was born in Pulaski County, Kentucky, November 21, 1835. He is the eldest of a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters, two of the sons being the offspring of a second marriage. His father, Wyatt Adkins, and mother, Mary Adkins, removed to Monroe County, Indiana, in October, 1840, where, on September 18, 1851, his mother died.

In those days, during the early settlement of the State, the facilities for even an ordinary education were poor, there being no public-school system in existence at that time. Consequently, our subject spent most of his school days under the instruction of private teachers, or, as it was termed then, “subscription schools,” the terms of tuition being from $1.50 to $2 per pupil for a quarter of thirteen weeks. The larger proportion of the teachers at that time were poorly educated, and the schools were often taught in churches or private residences, there being but few school-houses erected previous to the year 1850, at which time the public-school system was introduced in that State. The school-houses were usually constructed of round or hewn logs, with little or no accommodation in the way of light, seats or heating.  Such a thing as school-house furniture, apparatus and fixtures known to modern schools was even undreamed of then. But in those days they had singing schools, spelling schools and debating societies, all of which were attended, and their advantages largely realized by our then youthful subject. In addition to this, and socially, the young people had their “chopping,” “corn husking,” “quilting” and “comfortable-tacking” bees, which all attended and enjoyed to the fullest extent.

On the 21st day of April, 1856, the family started for Iowa, and May 19, arrived in Clarke County and settled near Hopeville. Here in August following, of the same year, Mr. Adkins, then twenty years of age, began his career as teacher in the public schools, and also, shortly after, began to teach classes in vocal music, to both of which callings he has devoted a considerable portion of his life. In the spring of 1859 he entered the Osceola High School, under the principalship of Professor J. H. L. Scott, where he attended five months.

In September, 1859, he returned to Indiana, where he taught during the winter, attending the State University at Bloomington during the intervals elapsing between, until the spring of 1861, when he enlisted in the service of his country, and was mustered into Company I, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Their regiment was commanded by Colonel Sol. Merideth when it entered the service, and was brigaded with the Second, Sixth and Seventh Wisconsin regiments during its first year-and-a-half’s service, at the end of which time the Twenty-fourth Michigan was added to it. It was then called, and is known in the history of the Rebellion as the “Iron Brigade.” Shortly after Mr. Adkins entered the service he was promoted to a Corporal; then appointed company clerk, and in the spring of 1862 was promoted to Third Sergeant, which rank he held when mustered out, April 23, 1863, by reason of a gunshot wound received August 28, 1862, in the battle of Gainsville, Virginia.

In July, 1863, he returned to Iowa in very poor health; but in October following, his health somewhat improving, he took charge of a general retail store in Hopeville, owned by F. W. Johnson, which he continued to superintend until the fall of 1867, at which time he turned his attention to farming, to which he devoted himself mainly until 1875. During the time he was farming he taught classes in vocal music pretty much every fall and winter, and occasionally taught in the public schools, both in Hopeville and in the country districts. From 1875 to April 1, 1878, he continued to teach, at which time he received the appointment of postmaster in Hopeville, which office he held (except for a year, when he resigned in favor of David Newton) until September 13, 1886, when he was relieved on account of not being in accord politically with the party in power. In July, 1879, Mr. Adkins entered again the general mercantile business, which he has continued to follow ever since; and while he has not been eminently successful in this pursuit, he says he has “made a fair living.”

Mr. Adkins was married February 11, 1866, to Miss Elizabeth A. Williamson, second daughter of Edward E. and Mary Williamson, pioneer settlers in Clarke County. Since that time they have had ten children born to them – five sons and five daughters. Two sons – the eldest two – died at the age of two and a half years. The names of the present living children are Effie M., Mary Alice, Bertha S., Emma F. and Jesse H. (twins), Albert, Nina L. and a little boy about a year old, unnamed, which the family call “Bub”, the vocabulary of names being so nearly exhausted so Mr. Adkins says, that they can not agree upon a name.

In politics Mr. Adkins is a Republican, casting his first vote for Abraham Lincoln, in 1860. He has been honored by his township with offices time and again, having been elected to the assessor’s office six times. In point of business capacity his qualifications are good. Religiously he is a member of the disciples, or Christian church, and is an active worker both in church and Sunday-school. Mr. Adkins is also a member of Wilson Post, G.A.R.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 440-1