Saturday, May 11, 2024

Diary of Malvina S. Waring, March 10, 1865

The drawing room was again crowded last night, and we got up an important dance on the spur of the moment. General Kershaw, General Gary, and General Ruggles were present; also our friends, the congressman, the captain, the major, and the M. P. Oh! yes. We know Mr. Connelly, an Irish M. P. and Southern sympathizer. He seems to have plenty of money, and lives here in great style for war times; owns a steam yacht, and we are to have an outing on it before long. There are so many interesting things I could and ought to write about, but just can't, because I am so hungry! And having nothing to eat, I am going to bed to fill up on sleep.

SOURCE: South Carolina State Committee United Daughters of the Confederacy, South Carolina Women in the Confederacy, Vol. 1, “A Confederate Girl's Diary,” p. 280-1

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