Monday, September 2, 2024

Diary of Private Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Tuesday, February 3, 1863

Started before day for Fort Donelson. Had to walk to keep from freezing. Got to the Fort about three hours by sun. Our Regiment sent on Fort H. road to prevent reinforcements from coming to D.

Reached our position and the fight commenced and continued till dark. We cut the telegraph at all points, fight resulted in capture of about 100 prisoners, 50 negroes and same number of horses, one twelve-pound brass rifled cannon. Gun Boats came up after dark and commenced shelling and we had to get. Came back to the Forge, two and a half miles, and camped.

SOURCE: Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Member of Company D Terry's Texas Rangers, p. 6-7

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