Showing posts with label 95th IL INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 95th IL INF. Show all posts

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 177. Report of Col. Leander Blanden, Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 177.

Report of Col. Leander Blanden, Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding Second Brigade,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

In the Field, December 21, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part the Second Brigade of the Third Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, consisting of the Eighty-first and Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers and the Forty-fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, took in the battle of December 15 and 16, at Nashville, Tenn.:

Awoke the men without reveille at 4 a.m., and moved out of camp at 6 a.m. Left the Forty-fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry on the Charlotte pike as a reserve and to support a battery. Arrived on the Hardin pike 8 a.m., and immediately formed in column by regiment in rear of the First Brigade, in which manner we moved forward. About one mile from this point the command deployed and moved forward about three-quarters of a mile. At 3 p.m. the command changed direction to the left, and in crossing the Hillsborough pike, and for about one-eighth of a mile afterward, the command was under a severe fire from a four-gun battery situated to the left, distant about half a mile, and enfilading the entire line. Here the command was formed on the left of the Third Division battery, where it remained until after dark, when the command was formed in column by regiments in rear of the First Brigade. During the night the Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers threw up breast-works in front of the battery. At 5 a.m. December 16 the command moved in rear of the battery to the right on the Hillsborough pike, and during the day was held in reserve to the Twenty-third Corps, and situated on its extreme left. At 4 p.m. the command moved forward into and occupied the works left by the Twenty-third Corps, when it moved forward, where the command remained during the night.

The list of casualties in the command was extremely light, viz: Killed, none. Wounded, Sergt. John Kennedy, Company A, Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers, knee carried away by a cannon-ball or unexploded shell; primary amputation of the thigh. Missing, none.

Too much praise cannot be awarded to the officers and men for their coolness, steadiness, and courage while under the severe artillery [fire] at the Hillsborough pike.

I have the honor to be, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant,

L. BLANDEN,          
Colonel Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers, Commanding Brigade.
 Col. J. B. MOORE,
Comdg. 3d Div., Detach. Army of the Tennessee.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 502

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 175. Report of Col. Jonathan B. Moore, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry, commanding Third Division, of operations December 15-16 and December 20-31, 1864.

No. 175.

Report of Col. Jonathan B. Moore, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry, commanding Third Division,
of operations December 15-16 and December 20-31, 1864.

In the Field, December 22, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Third Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, in the battle of December 15 and 16, at Nashville, Tenn.:

At 8 a.m. of the 15th, by order of the major-general commanding, I placed the Forty-fourth Missouri Infantry in the trenches on the Charlotte pike, with the first section of the Fourteenth Indiana Battery, the Fortieth Missouri Infantry, with the second section of the Fourteenth Indiana Battery, in the works on the Hardin pike. I then moved out on the Hardin pike with three regiments of the First Brigade, Fourteenth and Thirty-third Wisconsin and Seventy-second Illinois, Col. L. M. Ward commanding; two regiments of the Second Brigade, Ninety-fifth and Eighty-first Illinois, Col. L. Blanden commanding, and Company A, Second Missouri Light Artillery, of six guns, First Lieut. J. Zepp commanding. I formed these brigades in column by regiments, and moved forward as reserve and to support the First and Second Divisions, which were both advancing in line upon the enemy's works. At 1 p.m., by order of the major-general commanding, I ordered Col. L. M. Ward, with his brigade, to the right to support General McArthur, who, with his division, was then charging one of the enemy's forts. At about 4 p.m. Colonel Ward reported back to me, and I immediately moved my entire command forward in line, and filled up a large gap in McArthur's lines between Hubbard's and Hill's brigades, caused by Hill's brigade moving to the left. In my front I found the enemy strongly posted behind a stone fence on the Hillsborough pike, but unable or unwilling to stand for a moment against our advancing lines. In this charge my command captured between 200 and 300 prisoners and 3 pieces of artillery. Night found my entire command on the front line, driving the enemy, and about one mile beyond the Hillsborough pike, my battery, six guns, playing upon their retreating and broken ranks. Darkness put a stop to the battle. My command lay upon their arms upon their line, which I judged to be in the center, and between the First and Second Divisions, until 4 a.m. of the 16th, when, by order of the major-general commanding, I moved back to the Hillsborough pike, and to the right upon it about one mile and a half upon our extreme right to support General Cox's division, of the Twenty-third Corps. Here I remained during the day guarding the right flank.

The First Brigade had wounded: Private Lyman Fairclo, Company C, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry, gunshot wound in leg, slight; Private John R. Edwards, Company F, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry, gunshot wound in head, slight; Private George Welch, Company F, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry, gunshot wound in foot, slight. The Second Brigade had wounded: Sergeant Kennedy, Company A, Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers, cannon shot, compelling amputation of the thigh. Company A, Second Missouri Light Artillery, lost, killed by a shell, Private Simon Okley. None missing from my command. I can only account for the small loss in my command as one of the rebel prisoners did. Said he: “How could we fight? You got on our end” (i.e., flank). Company A, of the Thirty-third Wisconsin, broke through their line and charged them down their flank, perfectly enfilading their line at the stone fence.

All the regiments of my command behaved splendidly. In the charge on the Hillsborough pike all moved in line as on parade.

Col. L. M. Ward, of the Fourteenth Wisconsin, commanding First Brigade, and Col. L. Blanden, of the Ninety-fifth Illinois, commanding Second Brigade, both deserve especial notice; each handled his brigade with skill and judgment. I desire also to mention favorably the following members of my staff: Capt. J. H. Wetmore, Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry, acting assistant adjutant-general; Capt. H. M. Bush, Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry, aide-de-camp and picket officer; Capt. W. L. Scott, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry, acting assistant inspector-general; First Lieut. William McNeil, Eighty-first Illinois, ordnance officer; and Maj. L. Dyer, Eighty-first Illinois Infantry, surgeon-in-chief. Each of these officers were at all times during the two days' battle at their proper places, doing their duty bravely, gallantly.

For further particulars I refer you to the reports of my brigade commanders, which are herewith respectfully forwarded.

J. B. MOORE,                       
Colonel Thirty-third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry,
Comdg. Third Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee.
 Maj. J. HOUGH,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Detach. Army of the Tennessee.


Movements and operations of Third Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, from the 20th to the 31st of December, 1864.

December 21, in camp near Spring Hill, Tenn., were ordered to move at dark; moved out of camp, but received orders to countermarch and return to camp. December 22, marched to Duck River, and camped near river-bank. December 23, in camp near Duck River; at night, in pursuance to orders from major-general commanding corps, the Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers and the Seventy-second Illinois were ordered to proceed, under command of Lieut. Col. F. S. Lovell, to Columbia and take possession of the town and do provost duty and prevent marauding and pillaging. In compliance with said order Colonel Lovell moved to Columbia, took possession of the town and established an efficient provost guard, effectually preventing all irregularities. December 24, marched the infantry of the command across Duck River at 1.30 p.m.; the artillery and train were unable to cross on account of the Fourth Corps train occupying the bridge. The infantry marched four miles and a half from Columbia on the Pulaski pike, and went into camp. The regiments on duty at Columbia were relieved at 4 p.m. by a brigade of the Twenty-third Corps and immediately moved to rejoin the division. December 25, in camp all day awaiting the arrival of batteries and supply train. December 26, moved at 9 a.m.; after marching five miles, the Seventy-second Illinois Infantry, in compliance to orders received from the major-general commanding corps, were sent back to report to Captain Drew, assistant quartermaster, at Columbia. December 27, moved at 9 a.m., and camped at night near Pulaski. December 28, Seventy-second Illinois rejoined division to-day; battery and train came up; division did not move to-day. December 29, moved at 9 a.m.; marched about eight miles; camped six miles west of Pulaski. December 30, moved at 7 a.m.; passed through Lawrenceburg at 1.30 p.m.; camped at sundown five miles west of Lawrenceburg. December 31, marched at 8 a.m.; marched ten miles, and camped at 1.30 p.m.

The march for the whole ten days was very disagreeable and arduous, the weather being very inclement, and despite much suffering caused by shoes being worn out and the necessary exposure of a campaign at this season of the year, the sanitary condition of the division is very good.

Very respectfully submitted.
WM. L. SCOTT,        
Captain and Acting Assistant Inspector-General,
Third Division, Detachment Army of the Tenn.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 499-501

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Diary of Private Alexander G. Downing: Tuesday, March 8, 1864

I was detailed with six men from the Eleventh under me, as special guard at the roundhouse. We were detailed about midnight to relieve the Ninety-fifth Illinois, which will accompany a part of the Sixteenth Army Corps down the river, and then on an expedition up the Red river. The Seventeenth Army Corps is going home on veterans' furlough.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 173

Monday, November 18, 2013

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Monday, January 19, 1863

We worked all day loading our supplies on the transports. The Ninety-fifth Illinois finished their loading today and are now lying in waiting. The river is quite wide here, one and one-half miles, and is fast rising. There are four mortar boats and one gunboat here, besides a large fleet of transports, some of which are loaded with troops to go down the river, while others are coming from the North with fresh troops. The rebel gunboat, "General Bragg," has just been captured here.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 95

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Sunday, January 18, 1863

Bright sunshine, with cold northwest wind blowing. We struck our tents early this morning, loaded the wagons, and started for the river. Upon reaching the city commons, on a high bluff overlooking the landing, we stacked arms and remained there in the mud all day. About dark we were ordered to go aboard the transports. Our regiment with two others, the Eighteenth Wisconsin and the Ninety-fifth Illinois, together with a part of the Second Iowa Battery, embarked on the Marie Deming, where we bunk tonight.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 95

Sunday, January 11, 2009



Hugh Thompson Reid was born in Union county, Indiana, the 8th day of October, 1811. His father, who was a native of South Carolina, had left that State only a year before his son Hugh's birth. General Reid worked on his father's farm, in Indiana, till the year 1830, when he entered the Miami University, then under the tutorship of Professor Bishop. He graduated at the Indiana College, in 1837. Choosing the law for a profession, he studied for two years in the office of Judge Perry of Liberty, Indiana, and was then admitted to the bar. He came to Keokuk, Iowa, in 1843, and began the practice of his profession. Keokuk has since remained his home.

General Reid first became widely known in Southern Iowa, from his connection with the Keokuk and Des Moines River Railroad: indeed, to his energy and perseverance, more than to the efforts of any other man, this road is indebted for its existence. At one time its abandonment was talked of; but he would not consent, and the work was pushed forward. Its present flourishing condition evidences the soundness of his judgment.

Late in the summer of 1861, General Reid began recruiting a regiment for the service. Then, recruiting dragged heavily. On every hand he met with discouragements; but he finally succeeded, for he never turned his back on an enterprise once undertaken. The 15th Iowa Infantry was mustered into the United States service on the 22d day of February, 1862.

The 15th Iowa left its rendezvous in Keokuk on the 17th of March, 1862, and, after a stay of only ten days in St. Louis, proceeded to the front. At St. Louis the regiment received its arms and camp equipage. It arrived at Pittsburg Landing at six o'clock on Sunday morning, the first day of the battle. Its opening chapter was an eventful one. It fired its first gun at Shiloh.

General Grant's head-quarters were then at Savannah, eight miles below, on the river; and at that point Colonel Reid had, the night before, been assigned to the division of General Prentiss. On arriving at the Landing, on the morning of the sixth, his first business was to report to that general, and, mounting his horse, he rode out toward the front for that purpose; but for some reason, he did not reach the front till the battle had opened with great fierceness, and he was unable to effect his object. He therefore returned to the river, and, disembarking his regiment, drew it up in line on the high bluffs, and waited for orders. It was now hardly nine o'clock, and yet the frightful stampede had already begun. Long lines of fugitives, many of them hatless and coatless, and all of them frightened to desperation, came streaming to the river-bank, and nothing could stop them.

Colonel Reid first received orders to arrest these fugitives, and effect their re-organization; but it was utterly impossible, and he was therefore, after considerable delay, ordered to proceed hastily to the front.

I have already stated that the 15th Iowa received their arms at St. Louis, just before embarking for the front: it is therefore unnecessary to add that the regiment had never been instructed in the manual of arms. In the process of loading and firing, they were all novices; but it was fortunate that they were nearly all of them accustomed to a gun, and could handle it with efficiency.

Under the guidance of a staff officer of General McClernand, and followed by the 16th Iowa, Colonel Chambers, Colonel Reid started with his regiment for the front; and, after a long, circuitous march occasioned by the ignorance or confusion of the guide, — first to the right, in almost the opposite direction from where the firing was the heaviest, and then to the left in a south-westerly direction — finally entered a large, open field, the west side of which was bordered by timber and held by the enemy. On his right, too, the field was bordered with timber and held by the enemy; and here they had artillery in position, with which, as soon as he came into view, they opened on him with great vigor. They used shell, grape and canister, and fired with precision; but Colonel Reid, heedless of danger, advanced to engage the enemy in his front. He was so confident, or so forgetful, that he did not even take the precaution to deploy his regiment in line of battle; but marched it by the right flank, into the very face of the enemy. Some of his regiment said after the engagement that, if the enemy had opened their lines, he would have marched straight through and been captured; but it is needless to say that these were the colonel's enemies.

When he had reached a point where he was met both in front and on the right by a most galling fire, he drew his regiment out into line of battle; and the manner in which he did it, showed his great courage. He first filed it to the left, in a line parallel to that of the enemy, and then counter-marched it into a position to return the enemy's fire. All this time he was suffering loss. Such coolness must have been a strange spectacle to the enemy; and such troops they must have encountered with hesitancy.

As soon as the regiment was brought to a front, it engaged the enemy, first by a rapid fire, and then with the bayonet; and thus the struggle continued for nearly two hours, when, flanked on both the right and left, the order to fall back was given. The regiment fell back, as did nearly all the troops on that field, in confusion. But that is not strange: what is strange, is how, undisciplined as it was, the regiment maintained itself so long, and with such courage.

About this time, Colonel Reid was severely wounded. A shot struck him in the neck, and paralyzed him. Seeing him fall from his horse, Major Belknap ran to him, and raised him up, when he said: "Tell my wife that I died gloriously, fighting for my country." Brave man! He thought he was hit mortally—dulce pro patrla mori; but it fortunately proved otherwise. He revived in a half-hour, and resumed command of his shattered regiment.

There are various accounts of the particular part taken by the 15th Iowa at Shiloh: indeed, hardly two men of the regiment saw the thing alike. One says the regiment did not file left in coming into line, but that it formed "forward on first company." Another says that, a portion of the regiment filed left, and the other right, and thus got separated, (which is true); and still another that, it engaged the enemy across a large ravine, to the right and front, while standing by the right flank and before it was formed in line of battle. To show how great was the confusion, I may further add that, one of the regiment's field officers, the day after the battle had closed, was not able to find the field in which the fighting was done.

The following is Colonel Reid's statement of casualties, and his roll of honor:

"Fifteen of the thirty-two commissioned officers, who went on the field, had been killed, wounded, or taken prisoners: twenty-two officers and men had been killed, and one hundred and fifty-six wounded.

"Adjutant Pomutz distinguished himself during the action, for his coolness and courage. He, too, was wounded. Captains Kittle, of Company A; Smith, of Company B; Seevers, of Company C; Madison, of Company D; Hutchcraft, of Company E ; Cunningham, of Company G; Day, of Company I; and Hedrick, of Company K, who was captured in a charge upon the enemy, all distinguished themselves for their gallantry and courage, in leading forward and encouraging their men. Captain Blackmar, of Company F, was wounded in the action, and disabled; 1st Lieutenant Goode of the same company was also wounded. Captain Clark, of Company H, was not in the engagement, having been left sick in the hospital at St. Louis. Captains Hutchcraft and Day were both severely wounded. Second Lieutenant Penniman of Company A, and Hamilton of .Company I, were killed whilst bravely performing their duty. First Lieutenant King, and 2d Lieutenant Danielson of Company H, were both severely wounded, while acting well their part, thus leaving the company without a commissioned officer. First Lieutenants Studer, of Company B; Porter, of Company D ; Craig, of Company E ; Hanks, of Company G; J. Monroe Reid, of Company I, who, though wounded himself, continued in command of the company after the captain was disabled and the 2d Lieutenant killed; and Eldridge, of Company K; all deserve special praise for the manner in which they conducted themselves on the field. Second Lieutenants Lanstrum, of Company B; Brown, of Company E; Herbert, of Company C; and Sergeant-Major Brown, who was severely wounded, conducted themselves well on the field. The non-commissioned officers generally, were at their posts, and performed their duty. The color-Sergeant, Newton J. Rogers, who fought in the 1st Iowa at Springfield, gallantly bore our standard forward, and planted it. among the enemy, where it was bravely maintained and defended by portions of Companies C, E, I, and K. * * The Reverend W. W. Eastbrook, too, for a time laid aside his sacred office, and resumed the use of the surgeon's scalpel with great success."

In no respect is Colonel Reid too lavish of his praise. The 15th Iowa did nobly. During the war, no cruder troops have met the enemy; and but few have borne themselves with greater credit.

In the retreat from the front to the Landing, Captain Kittle, of the 15th Iowa, a handsome and brave young officer, was reported the hero of an incident which I would like to tell, but it is not well vouched for. The following is true. Soon after arriving at the Landing, a lieutenant-colonel — a staff officer — rode up to the frightened crowd on the river bank, and shouted: "Is there no officer here?" Captain Kittle stepping forward said: "Yes, Sir, I am an infantry officer: what shall I do?" "For God's sake, organize these men, and bring them out to the new line." Going at the work, he gathered in line, by threats and entreaties, a respectable battalion, and started with them to the front; but the greater part of them were so filled with terror, that they soon broke and fled back to the Landing. With the balance, he went on and took part in repelling the last assaults of the enemy, that were made that afternoon. There were many other instances of special gallantry among the line officers of the l5th Iowa; and the names of Captains Hedrick, Madison and Blackmar ; and Lieutenant J. S. Porter, may be mentioned specially, for their conduct was admirable.

Colonel Reid continued with his regiment till the 23d of April, 1863, when he received his commission as brigadier- general. A portion of this time he had been in command of a brigade. Subsequently to the battle of Shiloh, and up to the time he received his promotion, the history of his regiment is the same as that of the other regiments of the Iowa Brigade. General Reid was promoted to the rank of brigadier on the special recommendation of General Grant; and the general may well be proud of this compliment; for General Grant, knowingly, never compliments the undeserving.

During the spring of 1863, and till the 6th of the following August, General Reid commanded the District of Lake Providence, with the following named troops comprising his command: the 16th Wisconsin, the 122d Illinois, portions of the 17th and 95th Illinois, and the 1st Kansas Mounted Infantry. At the last named date, orders were given for the evacuation of the place. They were issued on account of the sickliness of the locality. After visiting his family on leave of absence, the general was placed in command at Cairo, Illinois. He was holding this command at the time of tendering his resignation, which was in the spring of 1864.

Colonel Reid does not look like the man he is. From what he has accomplished, I judge him to be a man .of more than ordinary ability. He is tall, and slightly stooping in person, & has coarse features, and a large, sandy, bushy head. He has large perceptive organs, and small, gray eyes, sunk deeply in his head. He is perhaps a little more comely than Colonel Shaw of the 14th, but not much.

In character, he is. brave and determined. A neighbor of his, of long acquaintance, speaks thus of him:

"In the early history of the Half-Breed Tract in Lee county, which included the city of Keokuk, there was much trouble about titles to real estate, and at times, a state of things bordering upon civil war. In these contests, General Reid was conspicuous, and had to undergo many dangers. On several occasions, his life was threatened by an infuriated mob; but he maintained his rights with so much courage, as to secure a local fame for prowess, which, more recently, has become national, by his military achievements."

In the essentials, General Reid was a fine soldier. He was brave, and had good judgment; but he could never master tactics. "He could not," say many of his regiment, "drill a company, to say nothing about a regiment;" and many instances are given, showing how he used to handle his regiment. In passing an obstacle, he once gave the following command: "File left, boys; and follow my horse round this stump!" But his regiment noticed this deficiency more, on account of the great contrast, in this respect, between himself and his successors, Generals Belknap and Hedrick. Both those officers are fine tacticians.

The following incident occurred while General Reid was colonel of the l5th Iowa: He was stationed with his regiment at Lake Providence, Louisiana, in February, 1863, when Adjutant-General Thomas visited Grant's army, to institute negro recruiting; for the Government had at last come to the conclusion that, for a black man to shoot a rebel, was no murder. McArthur's Division, of McPherson's Corps, was drawn up in hollow square, and addressed by Generals Thomas, McPherson and McArthur. Finally, Colonel Reid was called to the stand. Some officers of his regiment felt anxious for him; but he. soon relieved their minds, for he made the best speech of them all.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 281-8