Boston, April 17, 1855.
My Dear Sir, —
As the subject of the recent election in Kansas Territory will probably be
brought to your notice officially, and as various accounts of it will be
written by interested parties, it may not be amiss for me to state very briefly
what I know to be true.
Having been in a situation to see many private letters from
persons in various parts of the Territory, most of them indicating intelligence
and fairness, and having conversed with an intelligent man just from there, I
consider it proved conclusively that the proceedings of the Missourians who crossed
over with arms were a series of outrages, grossly insulting to the actual
settlers, to the government, and to the public sentiment of the whole country.
It is difficult to imagine that so much injury could have been inflicted
unaccompanied by serious casualties, and it can only be accounted for from the
fact that the invading force was overwhelmingly large.
Since Governor Reeder has declined to be used as the agent
of this illegal combination, he has been pursued by the foulest slander, and
now by threats. He will require all the countenance and support of the
government to sustain him in the position in which he is placed in the
performance of his duty.
Respectfully and
truly yours,
A. A. L.
SOURCE: William Lawrence, Life of Amos A. Lawrence:
With Extracts from His Diary and Correspondence, p. 92-3