Showing posts with label Assaults On Petersburg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assaults On Petersburg. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: June 16, 1864

Clear and pleasant weather, but dusty.

The Departmental Battalion marched away, last night, from the Chickahominy (guarding a ford when no enemy was on the other side!) for Chaffin's Farm, on the James River. They were halted after marching an hour or so, and permitted to rest (sleep) while the rest of the brigade passed on.

When Custis awoke he was alone, the battalion having left him; and he was ill, and knew not the road. So he set out for the city, with the intention of going down the river road this morning. But he grew worse after reaching home. Still, he resolved to go; and at 8 A.M., having marched all night nearly, he set out again, and met his sergeant—who had likewise diverged as far as the city—who said if he was really too ill to march, he would deliver the captain a surgeon's certificate to that effect, which would be a sufficient explanation of his absence. So, Surgeon C. Bell Gibson, upon an examination, pronounced him sick, and certified to the captain that he could not be fit for service for a week or ten days. At 3 P.M. he is in bed with a raging fever.

There was a fight at Malvern Hill yesterday, the enemy being repulsed.

There was also another assault on Petersburg, repulsed three times; but the fourth time our forces, two regiments, were forced back by overwhelming numbers from the outer line of defenses..

To-day it is reported that they are fighting again at Petersburg, and great masses of troops are in motion. The war will be determined, perhaps, by the operations of a day or two; and much anxiety is felt by all.

A letter from Hon. G. A. Henry, on the Danville Railroad, saying only 1000 men were there to defend it, with but two cannon without appropiate ammunition!

Soon after a dispatch came from Col. Withers, at Danville, stating it was reported 10,000 of the enemy were approaching the road, and only thirty-two miles distant. He called for reinforcements, but stated his belief that the number of the enemy was exaggerated.

I delivered these to the Secretary myself, finding him engaged writing a long letter to Gen. Kirby Smith, beyond the Mississippi!

In this moment of doubt and apprehension, I saw Mr. Randolph, formerly Secretary of War, and Mr. G. A. Myers, his law colleague, at the telegraph office eagerly in quest of news.

To-day the President decided that Marylanders here are “residents," or "alien enemies;" if the former, they must fight-if the latter, be expelled. A righteous judgment.

Last night, as Custis staggered (with debility) upon the pickets at the fortifications of the city, not having a passport, he was refused permission to proceed. He then lay down to rest, when one of the pickets remarked to him that he was not "smart, or he would flank them.” Custis sprang up and thanked him for the hint, and proceeded to put it in practice.

The Examiner to-day says that Col. Dahlgren, a month before his death, was in Richmond, under an assumed name, with a passport signed by Gen. Winder, to go whithersoever he would. think this probable.

At 3 P. M. the wires cease to work between here and Petersburg, and there are many rumors.

But from the direction of the wind, we cannot hear any firing.

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 2p. 232-3

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: June 17, 1864

Clear and pleasant.

A dispatch from Beauregard states that two assaults of the enemy yesterday, at Petersburg, were repulsed with loss; and it is reported that he recovered all lost ground to-day. Yet Beauregard has an enemy in his rear as well as in his front.

When the battles were fought on the south side of the river in May, it appears that one of Gen. B.'s brigadiers (Colston) stopped some battalions on the way to Richmond, in an emergency, and this has certainly given umbrage to the President, as the following indorsement, which I found on a paper to-day, will show:

“No officer has a right to stop troops moving under the orders of superior authority. If he assumes such power, he does it at his hazard, and must be justified by subsequent events rather than by good intentions.

Gen. Beauregard has, in this case, by approving and continuing the order (Gen. Colston's) assumed the responsibility of the act. – J. D. June 16th, 1864."

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 2p. 233-4

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: June 18, 1864

Clear and cool.

To-day, heavy firing is heard on the south side of the river. It is believed a general engagement is in progress.

It is the anniversary of the battle of WATERLOO. If we gain the day, it will end the war.

It is now said Gen. Early (with Ewell's corps) has reached Lynchburg, where a battle must occur.

Gen. Ewell has been assigned to the command of this department, Gen. Ransom going West.

We have advices (4 P.M.) of a terrific battle at Petersburg last evening, which raged until 11 o'clock at night. The slaughter of the enemy is reported as unprecedented. Our troops repulsed the assailants at all points but one, and that, which was carried by the enemy, was soon recovered.

At 11 P.M. Lee's reinforcements came up, and it is supposed, from the sounds of cannon, that the battle was recommenced at dawn to-day, and continued all day. The result has not transpired. This tremendous conflict must be followed by decisive results. If Lee and Beauregard gain the day, peace must follow speedily, I think. If they are beaten, Richmond's fall can hardly be averted. Our shattered army could hardly get back across the Appomattox, with Butler's army interposed between—if he still has his army at Bermuda Hundred.

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 2p. 234

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: Sunday, June 19, 1864

 Hazy and cool.

We have no details this morning of the fighting yesterday, and some doubt if a battle was fought. I presume assaults were made on our intrenchments in diverse places, and repulsed.

Beauregard's battle, Friday night, is still in smoke, but it is rumored the enemy lost 9000 killed and wounded.

Firing is heard to-day. There may be good policy in keeping back accounts from the field, until it is all over and something decisive accomplished. We have not met with serious disaster at all events, else there would be consternation in the city, for bad news flies fast, and cannot be kept back.

There was fighting yesterday at Lynchburg, no result known yet.

Every Sunday I see how shabby my clothes have become, as every one else, almost, has a good suit in reserve. During the week all are shabby, and hence it is not noticeable. The wonder is that we are not naked, after wearing the same garments three or four years. But we have been in houses, engaged in light employments. The rascals who make money by the war fare sumptuously, and “have their good things in this world.”

The weather is dry and dusty; the hazy atmosphere produced perhaps by the smoke of battle and the movements of mighty armies.

Eight P.M. The city is still in utter ignorance of the details and result of the battle yesterday—if there was one. If the government is in possession of information, it is, for some purpose, studiously kept from the public, and why, I cannot imagine, unless there has been a disaster, or Beauregard has done something not approved.

I do not think the people here appreciate the importance of the contest on the south side of the river. If Lee's army were broken, I doubt whether it would even attempt to regain the fortifications of Richmond, for then it might share the fate of Pemberton's army at Vicksburg. And the fall of Richmond would involve the fall of the State, and Virginia would immediately become a free State.

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 2p. 234-5