To-day the regiment is ordered to prepare to move from Corinth with camp and garrison equipage. In the afternoon Companies E, B and C, proceed by rail to Henderson, Tennessee, a station on the Mobile and Ohio railroad. In the evening the remaining companies load their camp and garrison equipage on the cars, ready to start in the morning for Bethel, Tennesssee, on the same road, four miles above Henderson towards Corinth. The news comes to-night that Hooker has re-crossed the Rappahannock; that Stoneman has been driven back, and that yet the rebel government holds sway in Richmond. So much for rumor. Hooker is dropped now and the acclamations of the Seventh are confined to “Burnside and No. 38," and for the arrest of Vallandigham.
SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment
Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 169-70