Showing posts with label Camp Shawnee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camp Shawnee. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Diary of Charles H. Lynch: May 25, 1863

Again on the march after an early breakfast. Marched in good order through the town, by music of the drum corps. The town is an old Virginia one. Many old buildings, some showing the effects of the war. Reaching the center of town, filed to the right, going west, on the Winchester Pike. On the march we were obliged to ford three small rivers, or creeks, as the natives called them. Passed a number of large mansions. Many small outhouses, the homes of slaves in prosperous times. We surely are now in the enemy's country. In conversation with the natives we would try and keep them talking, on account of their peculiar dialect. We never could find out how far it was to the next town, in miles. The answer would be “Right smart aways, I reckon.” After a tiresome march we reached the town of Winchester late in the afternoon. After a halt in the town for a while, until the Colonel could report to the Commander, General Milroy, we again were on the march, out the south side of the town, to locate camp about two miles from town.

On the Front Royal Pike at the Shawnee Springs. A fine supply of good cold water. The location was fine and the camp was known as Camp Shawnee. Severe duty began right away. Picket, scouting through the country, working on the fort and rifle pits, with axe, pick, and shovel. The large fort was known as the Star Fort. Many of the boys had never used or handled that kind of tools. It was hard work. After a hard day's work came the march back to camp, a distance of about four miles. Then clean up and get something to eat. Various duty came to us each day. Made out to get some pleasure out of the life of a soldier as the days passed by.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 17-8