Showing posts with label Ft Ethan Allen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ft Ethan Allen. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, October 12, 1861

I find vast trouble in doing justice to the sick, in consequence of the unwarrantable interference of military officers in matters of which they are about as well qualified to judge as would be so many of their mules. The two forts which we built near Chain Bridge, and have left some three miles in our rear, have been officially named Fort Marcy and Fort Ethan Allen. The former encloses about one, the latter about five acres of land, and are both very strong.

Our division now holds the post of honor, the advanced center in the Army of the Potomac. Nobody ahead of us, but in the rear, and the right and left, for miles it is but a city of tents. By night the views over these camps are beautiful; by day the stench and noise is abominable.

Surgeon Owen, of Chester, Penn., to-day enters on the duties of Surgeon of our brigade, and I entertain strong hopes that he will be able to stop the pernicious interference of military officers with matters purely medical.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 43-4

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, September 7, 1861

On the high land overlooking the Potomac, about six or seven miles above the Navy Yard at Washington, we have, since our arrival here, thrown up a small fort, formed extensive abattis, and made redoubts and fortifications to command the turnpike leading down the river, and the bridge over which any enemy must pass from any direction above here to reach Washington. This looks like business. The earthwork fort is small, but very strong, and its large siege guns, from twelve to eighteen feet long, with their sullen faces watching up and down the road in every direction, give it a most formidable appearance. A brigade (I have not learned what one) has just advanced beyond us to commence another fort, about two miles to the southwest of us. Neither fort has yet been officially named, but the one just finished is called by the soldiers Fort Mott; the one about to be built they will for the present distinguish by the name of Fort Ethan Allen. In this manner we are closing on the enemy by slow approaches, or parallels. Let Dupont and Butler, from North Carolina, advance to meet us, whilst Fremont takes care of the Mississippi, and we shall have an early closing up of the war. Every day's observation more and more satisfies me that the enemy will not fight us here.

9 P. M.—Our fort is completed, and we have just received orders to cook three days rations, and be ready to move at a moment's notice.

I will here note, once for all, the manner of the soldiers taking care of themselves in a storm, when they have no tents. They all have "rubber blankets." Two forks are set, and a pole laid from one to the other, some four or five feet from the ground. A kind of lean-to roof is made by placing brush or poles against this, one end resting on the ground, the other end resting on the pole. To make this roof water-proof, the rubber blankets are stretched, like tiles on a roof, and no water gets through. In moderate weather the men cuddle together under this, and are reasonably comfortable. In cold weather they make large log fires in front of these "bivouacs," and pass the nights without freezing.

An order was received to-day from the War Department, that in future no labor shall be required of soldiers on the Sabbath, except what is absolutely necessary for our defence.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 25-6

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Official Reports of the Capture of Union Wagon Train near Annandale, Va. – August 11, 1863: No. 1. Report of Col. Charles R. Lowell, Jr., Second Massachusetts Cavalry.

No. 1.

Report of Col. Charles R. Lowell, jr., Second Massachusetts Cavalry.

August 12, 1863.

COLONEL: I have the honor to report information on Mosby's last raid as far as collected.

Mosby's and White's men – together about 140 strong – came down Little River turnpike the day before yesterday, and passed that night near Gum Springs. Moved down yesterday forenoon through Ox road junction toward Flint Hill. Hearing that our pickets were there, turned to the north again, and, passing through Vienna by Mills Cross-Roads, to Little River pike, near Gooding's Tavern, captured one sutler's train there between 3 and 4 p.m. and another about a mile farther east. An hour later half plundered some of the wagons, took all the horses and mules, and started back in a hurry through Vienna, toward Hunter's Mill.

About 1 mile south of the mill they divided, one-half going toward Dranesville, the other by Hunter's Mill, nearly down to Chantilly, then turned to the right, and, I presume, passed through Gum Springs early this a.m.

On receiving your dispatch about camp of 40 men 5 miles from Falls Church, on Monday, I placed pickets on Ox road, at Fairfax Court-House, at Flint Hill and at all cross-roads between there and Vienna. These pickets had orders to return to Fairfax Court-House at 12 a.m. on Tuesday. Put 30 men at Vienna and 75 men at Freedom Hill and in that neighborhood. These last with orders to move toward Falls Church by all the roads from the west early Tuesday morning, carefully examining all cross-roads. These instructions were obeyed, and nothing suspicious found.

From Falls Church I sent 70 men to relieve Captain Reed at Fort Ethan Allen, and started with the remaining 30 to beat up the country round Chichester Mills. This I did thoroughly, and reached Fairfax Court-House, by back roads, about 11 a.m., and passed on to Germantown and Centreville.

The pickets at Flint Hill, &c., came in at the time ordered, and Captain McKendry, the officer in charge, was examining into the liquor traffic, said to be carried on at Fairfax Court-House, when news was brought of the capture of the sutler's train. He started down at once with 40 men, and arrived about dark, Mosby having already left.

As soon as I heard of it I telegraphed to Captain Reed at Fort Ethan Allen to take his 80 men toward Dranesville, and directed Captain McKendry to follow as soon as he could see the trail.

Major Hall, Sixth New York Cavalry, with 70 men – part his own, part furnished from this command – having already started on a scout toward Gum Springs and Aldie, he could not be communicated with, but I relied on him to stop the main roads to the west. From Major Hall I learn force, and fact that Mosby and White had joined, and left Aldie on Monday.

From Captain McKendry I learned the force, and the route taken by Mosby on Tuesday. From Captain Reed I have not heard, but hope that he may yet give some account of the party that went toward Dranesville. He had 80 men with him and an excellent guide.

From other facts collected by Major Hall, I think it is Mosby's intention to leave the country round Gum Springs to White's men, and himself to move his headquarters to near Dranesville.

With your approbation, I propose to establish a regular escort of 30 to 50 men over the pike from Centreville to some point near Alexandria, once each way at irregular hours, all sutlers and stray wagons to be halted and compelled to come with this escort. This will be less fatiguing to my horses, and will, I think, with the detachments going to the front, afford all necessary protection to the sutlers.

I would call your attention to the necessity of having good officers in command of all detachments going to the front of cattle guards. With so many sutlers on the road anxious for escort, whisky is very easily obtained, and it is not uncommon to see both officers and men drunk.

I think most of the wagons broken down or left by Mosby have been plundered by our stray cavalrymen. I would also suggest that some more systematic method be adopted for encouraging citizens to bring in information. When citizens bring in valuable and reliable information, is there any fund from which I can rely upon their getting some reward?

I sent in 61 horses on Monday, and 55 more to-day, most of them United States horses, some captured, some collected to the northwest of here, and some near Maple Valley.

The party sent Sunday to Maple Valley remained two days scouring there, and has just returned from there.  Kinchiloe left a week ago, according to last information. His men are again returning by twos and threes.

I am, colonel, respectfully, your obedient servant,
 Colonel Second Massachusetts Cavalry, Commanding.
Lieut. Col. J. H. TAYLOR,
Chief of Staff.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 29, Part 1 (Serial No. 48), p. 68-9