Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gen. Crittenden In Trouble

The Memphis Avalanche has a detailed account of treachery on the part of General Crittenden, of the Southern army, in endeavoring to transmit to the Northern army papers revealing the character of the rebel fortifications at Mill Spring, the number, and the troops, the amount of provisions on hand, &c. The papers, it says, were entrusted to a negro to deliver; the negro was pursued and shot, and the papers recovered. It says also that Crittenden was arrested and is now a prisoner. The Nashville Gazette attributes the defeat of the Confederates and the death of Zollicoffer to the drunkenness of Crittenden, and alluding to an investigation, says “We shall feel some little astonishment if this investigation does not also connect with Crittenden’s crime of drunkenness the greater sins of treason, treachery and cowardice.”

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, February 10, 1862, p. 2

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