Friday, October 4, 2019

Major-General Charles F. Smith, March 17, 1862

PITTSBURG, TENN., March 17, 1862

The Public are all astray about Gen. Grant.  His habits (drink) are unexceptionable.  His absence during the engagement to see Flag Officer Foote was explained to the satisfaction of Gen. Halleck, and his going to Nashville was perfectly proper if he thought fit to go.  The reason why both McClellan and Halleck were down upon him was they had no information from him for two weeks, although he always wrote once and sometimes twice or thrice a day, and sent daily reports of the strength of his force.  Why these reports were not received is not known, but the moment Halleck had Grant’s explanation he was restored to command.  Grant is a very modest person.  From old awe of me—he was one of my pupils from 1838 to 1842 (I think)—he dislikes to give me an order, and says I ought to be in his place.  Fancy his surprise when he received no communication from the General for two weeks after the fall of Donelson, and that a telegram of bitterest rebuke!  He showed it to me in utter amazement, wondering at the cause, as well he might.

SOURCE: “Grant and Halleck,” St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri, Tuesday, August 11, 1885, p. 4

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