Thursday, September 26, 2024

Daniel Webster to Peter Harvey, April 7, 1851

New York, April 7, 1851.

MY DEAR SIR,—I hope to arrive to-morrow evening at Boston, with Mrs. Webster, and to go to Marshfield on the afternoon of Wednesday. I hope nobody will turn out at Boston to give me any reception. If the people wish to see me, I will meet them on my return from Marshfield, where my stay will be short. It is too early to look for pleasant weather on the coast, and I shall get back to Washington as soon as I conveniently can. When the weather gets warmer, I hope to have a little time at home. I shall see you, I trust, to-morrow evening.

Yours, truly,

SOURCE: Fletcher Webster, Editor, The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster, Vol. 2, p. 427

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