Thursday, November 28, 2024

Jefferson Davis to the Committee of Invitation, June 11, 1847

New Orleans, June 11th, 1847.

Gentlemen,—From the hands of R. M. Gaines, Esq., I had the honor to receive your invitation to the 1st Mississippi Rifles, to partake of the hospitalities of the City of Natchez and County of Adams.

On the part of the Regiment, allow me through you, gentlemen, to offer the sincerest thanks to our fellow citizens, whom you represent, for this manifestation of their regard and kind appreciation. In the resolutions passed at your public meeting, we found, not the measure of our merit, but the extent of Mississippians' fraternal affection and received most gratefully this over-approbation of those whose censure we could not have borne.

On Monday, the 14th inst., we hope to have the pleasure of meeting you at Natchez.

To you, gentlemen of the committee, for the very pleasing manner in which you have conveyed to us the flattering intentions of our fellow citizens, I offer our most thankful acknowledgments.

With the highest personal regard, please accept the best wishes of your friend and fellow citizen.

Jeff'n Davis,        
Colonel Miss. Rifles.

To Messrs. A. L. Bingaman, J. S. B. Thacher, J. T. McMurran, C. L. Dubuisson, Wm. P. Mellen, R. M. Gaines, and Wm. Stanton

SOURCE: Dunbar Rowland, Editor, Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist: His Letters, Papers and Speeches, Volume 1, p. 85

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