Showing posts with label 3rd IA INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd IA INF. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to the House of Representatives of the State of Iowa, May 23, 1861

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: — In reply to your resolutions of inquiry in regard to clothing furnished the First Iowa Regiment, I have the honor to say:

When the telegraphic dispatch from the Secretary of War informing me of the requisition for the First Regiment reached me, I did not anticipate the uniforming the men at the expense of the State, as such course had not, so far as I knew or could learn, been pursued in the Mexican War. Fearing, however, that the suddenness of the danger might render it desirable to furnish uniforms, I immediately wrote to the Secretary of War asking information on that point; but the interruption of communication at Baltimore prevented me from receiving any answer. Judging from the fact that other States were preparing for uniforming their volunteers, that it would be desirable to have the same done here, I sent an agent to Chicago to purchase materials for uniforms; but the sudden and great demand for that kind of goods had exhausted the supplies in that city. On learning this by telegraph, and fearing there would not be time to await a supply from New York, I immediately instructed the persons acting as Commissaries to purchase materials and make uniforms at the points where the several companies had been raised. The persons who had the matter in charge at the several points were, at Dubuque, D. N. Cooley Esq. and Capt. F. J. Herron. Capt. Herron was sent specially from Davenport to Dubuque to select the materials and direct the uniforms in such manner as the companies preferred. At Cedar Rapids, Dr. Carpenter; at Davenport, Hiram Price Esq.; at Muscatine, Hon. Jos. A. Greene, and at Burlington, Major J. G. Laumau. At Muscatine and Iowa City the material was purchased and the making of the clothes superintended by committees of citizens. Under these circumstances it was impossible to procure the same uniform for the whole regiment. All that could be done was to have the men of each company clothed alike, but differing from those of other companies. It was also impossible to procure as good material as would have been desirable, had more time been allowed. Much of the clothing was made by the ladies, which to that extent lessened the cost. The amount of clothing furnished, so far as the means now in my possession enable me to state, is as fallows:

Capt. Herron's company, Dubuque; each man, hat, frock coat, pants, two flannel shirts, two pairs of socks and pair of shoes.

Capt. Gottschalk's company, Dubuque; blouse instead of coat, and other articles same as Capt. Herron's.

Capt. Cook's company, Cedar Rapids; hat, two flannel shirts, pants, socks and shoes, no jacket or coat.

Capt. Mahanna's company, Iowa City; hat, jacket, pants, two flannel shirts, socks and shoes.

Capt. Wentz's company, Davenport; hats, blouse, pants, two flannel shirts, socks and shoes.

Capt. Cumming's company, Muscatine; cap, jacket, pants, two flannel shirts, socks and shoes.

Capt. Mason's company, Muscatine; same as Capt. Cumming's.

Capt. Matthies' company, Burlington; hat, blouse, pants, two flannel shirts, socks and shoes.

Capt. Streaper's company, Burlington; same as Capt. Matthies’.

Capt. Wise's company, Mt. Pleasant; same as Capt. Matthies’.

I am not certain that all the companies were furnished with socks, shoes and shirts. Some of the shoes, I have reason to believe, were not of good quality costing only from $1.25 to $1.50 per pair, others I know were good, costing from $2.00 to $2.50 per pair. One thousand extra shirts were sent to Keokuk to supply any deficiency that may have existed in that particular. Most of the material for pants was satinett, and not of good quality, costing, as far as the same came under my observation, from forty to sixty cents per yard by the quantity. The entire amount expended for clothing, so far as I can give it from the data in my possession, is about $12,000 or $13,000. If it be desirable in your judgment to have the companies of this regiment uniformed alike, it will be necessary to furnish all with coats and pants of the same make, and to furnish an additional number of hats or caps. Hats were procured for all, but some preferred the cap and procured it, and the cost has been provided for. I cannot think that all the companies need new shoes, as some of the shoes furnished were of excellent quality and have not yet been worn more than two or three weeks.

I am satisfied that it is for the comfort of these troops that many of them be furnished with pants and shoes, and some with socks. As the Second and Third regiments will be clothed throughout alike, it would no doubt be very gratifying to the First regiment to be placed in the same position, and it will afford me much pleasure to carry out whatever may be your wishes in regard to it.

May 23, 1861.

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor, p. 131-2

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mortality of Iowa Soldiers

The following list comprises the names of Iowa volunteers who have died in the vicinity of St. Louis at the dates named. – For further information, apply to John A. Smithers, 113 Chesnut street, St. Louis.

May 10 – Ch. Krummel, Co. B, 12th regt.
May 10 – John Mack, Co. C, 3d regt.
May 11 – Th. M. Pasely, Co. H, 17th regt.
May 12 – Isaac Hanowell, Co. C, 7th regt.
May 12 – Isaiah Wilson, Co. B, 2d Cav.
May 12 – Jas. H. Wills, Co. E, [6th] regt.
May 14 – Jno. F. Reynolds, Co. D, [6th] regt.
May 15 – H. Boung, Co. F, 17th regt.
May 15 – N. H. Haldeman, Co. C, 2d regt.
May 15 – H. M. Howe, Co. A, 6th regt.
May 16 – Aborn Crippin, Co. F, 12th regt.
May 16 – John S. Bush, 2nd Cavalry
May 16 – W. C. Cunningham, Co. D, 6th Regiment.
May 17 – H. D. Reasoner, Co. C, 4th regt.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 21, 1862, p. 1

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sick Iowa Soldiers

The steamer D. A. January arrived at St. Louis, from the Upper Tennessee, last Wednesday.  She brought a large number of sick and wounded soldiers to Jefferson Barracks Hospital.  The flowing Iowa names appear among them:

James Taylor, Co. C, 2d Cavalry; Wm. H. Reckord, and James Flanagan, Co. I, 8th Infantry.  These are from Scott county.

John L. Brush and Wm. F. Bullock, Co. B, 2d cavalry; James Slaughter, Co. D, do; L. J. Parks, Wm. H. Bulla, Samuel Craig, C. E. Biggs and James Faught, Co. F, do; J. T. Haight, Anderson Hersley and E. H. Evans, Co G., do.; Derwin Downer, Co. K, do.

Charles W. Adell, Co. D. 3d infantry; Luther B. Converse, C. M. Townsend; George Eberhart and C. H. Talmage, Co. I, do.

Daniel E. Follitt, Co. H, 8th Infantry; Moses Conklin, Wm. Lewis, and Henry Applegate Co., I, do.

Martin Poling, James F. Little, M. P. Myers, and Wm. H. Cooper, Co. B, 13th Infantry; Sam. F. Hill, Co. E, do.

Calvin Loid, Co. B, 15th; Wm. Phrekla, Co. C, do.

James Casley, Co. B. 17th; Benj. Stephenson, Co. I, do.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, May 19, 1862, p. 1

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dead Soldiers

Among the deaths of soldiers at the Cincinnati hospital, on the 12th and 13th insts., were, M. Mitchell, Co. A, 6th Iowa, and Hugh Torey [sic], Co., A, 3d Iowa Infantry.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, May 17, 1862, p. 1

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pittsburg Landing, May 7 [1862].

MR. E. RUSSELL, Cor. Secretary Scott Co. Relief Association –

ESTEEMED SIR:  I have arrived from Hamburg general hospital.  I consented to be assigned, for the present, to the 8th ward of that institution, after having assisted Dr. Varian, post surgeon, to establish it.  I have 160 of the sick of the 2d cavalry, 5th, 10th, 3d and 17th infantry of Iowa volunteers under my care.  They are doing quite as well as we could hope for under the circumstances – have lost none, have nurses plenty, but need good cooks.  This is the mistake.  Good cooks are what is most needed in our hospitals.  Fruits, potatoes, onions, barley, whisky and lots of peppers are needed too.  Mrs. Harlan and Mrs. Burnell are here somewhere.  I believe Dr. G. is still in the 3d Iowa.  The army is advancing to-day three miles – they must fight or run, I think, this week; are skirmishing now.  The cannon are booming – it’s exciting music, but brings no terror.  The army is in excellent spirits, although much sickness is in it.  See that the good people of Davenport do not turn out promiscuously as a crowd to help here in case of a battle, but send a few working men.  I shall do all I can to keep posted as to the wants of our troops, and relieve them as far as that can be done with my means.


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 14, 1862, p. 1

Monday, August 26, 2013

Surgeons's Report

MR. EDITOR:  In order that the following report be rightly understood by your readers, it may be necessary to say that, though the whole is signed by Drs. Maxwell and Gamble, it is a joint report only up to the 29th ult., from which date it is continued by Dr. Maxwell alone, Dr. G. having entered the U. S. service as surgeon of the Iowa 3rd Infantry.  It is also proper to state that Dr. Maxwell is now in the employ of the State, and is therefore no longer under the direction of the Scott Co. Soldier’s relief Association, but is now acting under Dr. Hughes, Surgeon General of Iowa.  Respectfully,


To H. Price, President Scott County Soldiers Relief Society; Rev. A. J. Kynett, Corresponding Secretary Iowa Sanitary Commission:

The undersigned surgeons, deputed by your respective societies to visit the scene of the late sanguinary conflict at Pittsburg Height, Tenn., beg leave to report:

We, together with Messrs. Burwell and Brown, as nurses, left Davenport on Thursday morning, April 11th, by railroad, and arrived at Cairo on the morning of the 12th, at 6 o’clock’ where we immediately reported to Dr. Taggart, medical surveyor, and Gen. Strong, commander of the post; also to Dr. Douglas, agent for sanitary commission.  The medical surveyor tendered us the position of surgeons in charge of rebel prisoners on their way to Columbus, Ohio.  This position, as well as several others of a similar character which would have interfered with our special mission, we respectfully declined.

To facilitate the purpose for which we were sent, at 8 o’clock on the morning of Friday we held a consultation with Gov. Yates and the Surgeon General of Illinois, at the St. Charles Hotel, Cairo, which resulted in many fair promises on their part, but which promises were afterwards studiously evaded by his Excellency and suit.

At 9 o’clock a. m., by order of Gen. Strong, we proceeded to Mound City Hospital, to care for about seven hundred wounded soldiers, just arrived from Pittsburg on board the steamer “City of Memphis.”  Here we were tendered the position of ward surgeons, by contract, but deeming the position incompatible with your instructions to us, we declined the same.  Among the wounded on board the Memphis, your committee labored several hours in dressing wounds and supplying the immediate wants of such Iowa troops as we could find on board – of which there were about seventy.  A full list of their respective names, regiments and the character of their wounds was also obtained.  Here Dr. Maxwell, by detail, remained until the next day, to assist in several surgical operations; and when he left the troops were all in comfortable quarters in the hospital.  And by special request, Dr. Cottle, of Albany, Ill., promised to see such as needed particular attention.

Dr. Gamble and Messrs. Burwell and Brown returned to Cairo and took passage on the steamer Empress for Pittsburg. – They arrived at Savannah on Sunday morning, and learning that there were many wounded soldiers there, and in need of surgical aid, Dr. Gamble remained whilst Messrs. Burwell and Brown proceeded up to Pittsburg.  At Savannah were found about three thousand wounded and sick solders, among whom were about four hundred Iowa troops.  Among these Dr. Gamble labored assiduously until Tuesday, rendering such professional and pecuniary assistance as could be conferred under the circumstances.  Here were found several regimental surgeons, with whom we most cheerfully co-operated.  It is but right that we should here state, that the regular as well as the volunteer surgeons were seriously embarrassed in their efforts to relieve the wounded, by the want of material to dress wounds, and also the want of medicines and proper food for the sick. – The preparation for the sick and wounded was very imperfect.  They were crowded into any and every place without regard to location or comfort, and often left for days together without medical aid, or even the common attentions of camp life.

On Tuesday your committee met at Pittsburg and reported to Dr. Simons, Medical Director, and solicited and obtained transports to remove our wounded and sick soldiers to a more northern clime.  We also spent a portion of our time in visiting the several Iowa regiments then in camp – Ascertaining the names of the wounded, their condition and the character of the wounds, and also the location of such as had been removed previous to our arrival.  In our efforts to obtain transportation for the wounded, we were ably assisted by Mrs. Wittermyer [sic] of Keokuk, and by Mrs. Senator Harlan, of Iowa; also, by our fellow citizen, Hiram Price of Davenport, and Mr. E. Clonky, of Iowa City.  By the steamer D. A. January we removed nearly all our wounded remaining at Pittsburg, and all at Savannah except about one hundred.

On Thursday we returned to Savannah, and have since been diligently laboring in the various hospitals, which number about thirty, among the wounded and sick, rendering such aid as we could.  We have also labored most assiduously, day and night in getting our wounded men on board transports on their way north.  Those remaining here will be removed as soon an opportunity offers.

On our way up from Cairo, care was taken to visit all hospital boats, and make inquiries as to the condition and destination of the troops on board; and when opportunity offered, accurate lists of the names, regiments, and casualties, were made.  At Cairo a meeting of the surgeons, nurses, and citizens of Iowa there present, was held, and Dr. Emeis, of Iowa, at his on request, was delegated to remain and visit all the hospital boats arriving at that point, and obtain the names, destination, and character of the wounds of such troops as were on board. – This was done that none should be overlooked.

While at Savannah, we co-operated with the Wisconsin delegation, at the head of which was Gov. L. P. Harvey, whose suite consisted of some of the most eminent men of that State; among them were general Broadhead, Quartermaster General; Gen. Wadsworth, Com. General; and Dr. Wolcott, Surgeon General of the State.  In them we found accomplished gentlemen, and active and efficient co-laborers.  Our intercourse served but to create an unusual respect for them, which will long be remembered with pleasure.  This intercourse was suddenly terminated, on the evening of the 19th, by the accidental drowning of Gov. Harvey.  While we were sitting in the cabin of the steamer Dunleith, counseling as to the best plans for accomplishing our humane mission, the steamer Hiawatha came alongside, and the Governor stepped out to obtain passage for a portion of his suite.  A moment after, we were startled by the cry of “A man overboard!”  Immediate investigation proved it to be the Governor. – Prompt and heroic efforts were made to render him assistance, but in the extreme darkness of the night, the rapid current, and amidst steamboats and barges, all proved useless. . .  Gov. Harvey, the accomplished gentleman, the friend of suffering humanity, and the devoted practical Christian, was thus in a moment taken from his field of usefulness to his reward.

Mr. Brown, being sick, was put on board the Hiawatha for home; Mr. Burwell had previously left on the D. A. January, with our wounded for St. Louis.

What of the future?  In view of coming events, your committee would earnestly recommend that efficient agents be appointed, by authority of the State, and be assigned to positions with the army, and at the nearest post hospitals, whose duty it should be to take charge of the sanitary goods, and be on hand and ready at all times to render immediate and efficient aid to our forces in the field, and to the sick and wounded of the battle.  They should also be required to communicate with our State officers and communities, from time to time, and advise them of the particular wants of the sick and wounded.  After the battle, and until the wounded soldier is removed to the hospital, is when assistance is most needed – immediate and efficient aid then would save hundreds of lives.  Here let us most earnestly protest against States, or cities sending large delegations, calculated to interfere with the operations of the army near the scene of conflict.  This is worse than useless.  A few efficient agents can do great good, but a multitude does great harm.

When it is practicable, the State should have a large, well-ventilated steamer. Properly furnished for hospital purposes, and provided with able surgeons and practical nurses, to visit the nearest navigable point to the scene of the battle.  This course, your committee think, would prove more beneficial to the soldiers and meet more directly the intentions of the people than any other; and in a pecuniary point would not be objectionable.  The States that have adopted this plan have done much more for their men than those who have relied entirely upon government transportation.

Your committee having thus given you a brief memoranda of their labors, deem it but just to themselves to state some of the difficulties with which they have had to contend.  From the time of leaving Iowa they have fared as the common soldier.  They have been obstructed at almost every step by official arrogance and egotism – more especially was this the case by the Regular Army Medical Staff.  While traveling on boats they have had to furnish their own provisions and bedding, and when on land, they have traveled through drenching rains and deep mud – the latter such as only Tennessee can produce.  At night they have frequently slept on the ground with only a thin blanket for a covering.  When they did rely on the public for accommodations, the charges were enormous, and the fare most miserable.  Your committee, however, do not regret their hard fare, as amidst it all, many were cheering evidences of kind appreciations received from the suffering soldiers, and many the kind and gentlemanly courtesies tendered them by the surgeons of the volunteer regiments, among whom we take pleasure in mentioning Drs. Gibbon, of the 15th; Nassau, of the 2d; Staples of the 12th, and Watson and Loyd of the 11th Iowa regiments.  Also Dr. Leggitt, of the Ohio 15th.  To Dr. Taggart, Medical Purveyor, and Dr. Douglas, Sanitary Agent, of Cairo, we are also under obligation for many gentlemanly courtesies.

On the 24th we proceeded to Pittsburg Landing, to visit all Iowa regiments, to learn their condition, and found men and officers of the 7th, 11th and 13th in good spirits.  The 8th, 12th and 14th were somewhat dissatisfied, having been, contrary to their wishes, forced into a “Union Brigade” with the 28th Ill. regiment, and commanded by a Captain of that regiment, being rank officer.  I think it, however under the circumstances, the best that could be done.

On the 25th, by the kindness of Capt. G. Dodge, of Port Byron, of the 4th Ill. Cavalry, we were provided with horses and equipments to visit regiments.  We were able to find all but the 15th and 16th – they being on the front lines, we did not reach them.  There are not less than 500 sick in our regiments – 200 in hospitals here – principally camp fever.

On the 26th, Dr. Gamble, with a view of being assigned to the 3d Iowa regiment, which was without a surgeon, entered the U. S. service by contract; since which, I have operated single-handed in both the field and hospitals.  On my return to Savannah, I found the steamer Tycoon taking on the wounded.  I succeeded, by the politeness of Dr. Woods, of Cincinnati, in getting on, in comfortable quarters, all of the Iowa’s sick and wounded here that would come under the general order, in all 30 – destination Cincinnati.  During our absence on the 25th, a number of sick and wounded were taken by the City of Memphis to St. Louis.

29th. – Visited all hospitals here and had our remaining sick and wounded put into the best hospitals, being about thirty still here.  I. H. Work hand his leg amputated, on the 24th, and died 28th.

May 1st. – I visited, by order of Dr. McDougal, of Gen. Halleck’s staff, Hamburg, six miles above Pittsburg Landing, and aided in establishing hospitals for the convalescing soldiers.

2d. – Returned, after putting into quarters 3,700 sick; and having everything in running order under surgeon Vairous of N. Y.  But few Iowa sick are there, but those that are there are in good condition and fair quarters.

3d. – This morning I have the promises from surgeon in charge of Black Hawk to take on a few of our worst cases here and leave them at Quincy, Ill.  I have to report to Dr. McDougal this morning.

On the 2st inst. I received Adj. Baker’s orders, and Mr. E. Russell’s of the 12th ult. – the only communication, save the telegraph dispatch to remain here until otherwise ordered.  I am doing all I can to relieve our sick and wounded.  You will see by my financial report I have expended but little money safe for board and traveling expenses.  This owning to the fact that I used in all cases, when I could get them, sanitary supplies for soldiers.  I have reported by letter to Prof. Hughes for instructions, &c.  Below I give you the character and number of Iowa wounded:  Head 27, face 39, neck 21, chest 107, abdomen 13, back and spine 31, upper extremities 422, lower extremities 381, large joints, 52.

Respectfully submitted.


– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, May 9, 1862, p. 2

Thursday, August 15, 2013

More Wounded From Pittsburg

The steamer Tycoon arrived at Cincinnati last week from Savannah, Tenn., which place she left with 140 wounded and 60 sic, of which number four died on the passage.  We find the following Iowa names among her list of passengers:

Dan. A. McCleary, Co. A, 3d infantry; wounded in right arm.
Jas. R. Smith, Co. B., 6th, right leg.
Henry Z. Howler, Co. E, 8th, left arm.
M. Schellaberger, Co., A, 11th, shot in right arm.
John Ramsey, Co. B, 11th, right arm.
H. B. Moon, Co. A, 12th, diarrhea and typhoid fever.
John Dolloson, 12th, typhoid fever.
____ Heallison, Co K, 12th, bilious fever.
J. Darth, Co. G, 13th, shot in left arm.
Wm. J. Jackson, Co. G, 13th, left arm broken.
Thos. B. Pearce, Co. A, 16th, lung fever.
Thos. G. Stockdale, Co. B, 16th, rheumatism.
Aug. Shultz, Co. B, 16th, gathering in the head.
Peter Esmoil, Co. C, 16th, left hip.
Joshua Carbin, Co. D, 16th, typhoid fever.
Daniel Holcomb, Co. D, 16th, left elbow.
Gabriel Miller, Co. D, 16th, kidneys affected.
Henry Biscall, Co. I, 16th, wounded in left arm and side.
Ira Rhodes, 16th, chronic diarrhea.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 8, 1862, p. 2

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Iowa Officers in Memphis

The Memphis Daily Appeal gave a list of the Federal officers captured at Shiloh, furnished by Gen. Prentiss.  This list was not complete.  The following Iowa officers were named:

Col. Geddes, and Lieut. Col. Ferguson of the 8th, Major Stone of the 3d, and the following captains in the 8th: W. B. Bell, Calvin Kelsey, John McCormick, F. S. Cleveland, Wm. Stubbs; also Capt. Galland of the 6th, and Capt. Hedrick of the 15th.

Also the following Lieutenants:

H. Fink, 15th; Dewey Welch, 8th; H. B. Cooper, 8th; D. J. O’Neil, 3d; John Wayne, do.; J. P. Knight, do.; J. M. Thrift, 16th.

Also the following officers of the 12th:

Adj. N. E. Duncan; Quartermaster J. B. Door; Sergt. Maj. G. H. Morrissy, Capts. S. R. Edington, W. C. Earle, W. W. Warner, J. H. Stibbs, W. H. Haddock, L. D. Townsley, E. M. Van Duzee; Lieuts. L. H. Merrill, J. H. Borger, H. Hale, J. Elwell, Robert Williams, J. W. Gift, W. A Morse, J. F. Nickerson, L. W. Jackson, John J. Marks, J. J. Brown.

Also Adj. C. C. Tobin, 21st Missouri; Lieutenant Thomas Richardson, 21st Mo.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 8, 1862, p. 2

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The following are all the . . .

. . . Iowa boys now in Hospital, May 3d, at the City Hotel, Evansville, Ind.:

3d Iowa – Corporal G. W. Gurney, Co. D; Private Isaac Boonhoner, co. I; M. J. Collins, co. F; Wm. Dennison, co. C; John Palt, co. K.

6th Iowa – Private B. F. Hutchinson, co. K.

10th Iowa – Private John Watts, co. B.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 8, 1862, p. 2

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Iowa Boys At Pittsburg

April 26th, 1862.

EDITOR GAZETTE: – If your correspondent of the 11th has neglected to keep you posted up as to our doings, &c., pray excuse me, for I have and a more pressing engagement, which I could not decline. – We, i. e., our mess and Chaplain, had just finished our breakfast on the morning of Sunday, April 6th, in the open air, and were discussing, quietly enough, the meaning of the occasional volleys of musketry from the southwest, which, as heretofore, might be from returning pickets; the men were preparing guns for Sunday inspection, and the Chaplain was just turning into our sleeping tent for a Bible, to pick a text for the day’s sermon, when lo! a squad of fugitives in uniform came running through our camp with the cry of “the enemy are cutting us to pieces!” followed hard by a mounted orderly dashing past to the tent of Col. Hare, who commanded, to-day, our brigade.  The long roll beats, and in fifteen minutes the Iowa 11th is in line of battle, under Lt. Col. Hall.  The other regiments of our brigade, the 13th Iowa, and the 8th and 18th Ill., are moved off half a mile to our left, while the 2d brigade of McClernand’s division (the 11th, 45th, 20th, and 48th Ill.) are between them and us, placing our regiment on the extreme right of McClernand’s division, and of the whole line of battle, from 8 A. M. until 2 P. M.

I am thus particular as to our position, in order to show where credit is due for some hard work claimed by the Ill. 11th and 45th, who were next to us.  We were hardly in line before the scattered fugitives had grown to a huge crowd, and soldiers were seen flying from the foe by thousands, and not a stray shot or shell from a cannon came whistling past – our Chaplain brought us a specimen picked up in lieu of his text – and in long and serried lines the compact masses of the foe moved in sight.  75,000 to 90,000 of the bravest and best drilled soldiers of the South, under Polk, Bragg and Hardee, guided by Beauregard and Johnston, and surprised our camp of five divisions, of less than 40,000 fighting men, and before 8 o’clock A. M. had utterly routed two of these divisions – Sherman’s and Prentiss’.

Look at the map of our battle field given in the Chicago Tribune of the 16th inst., and you will see that the victorious enemy rushing on from Sherman’s towards the river would fall upon McClernand’s and Hurlbut’s divisions next, and they came upon us expecting an easy victory. Our regiment had been detached to act as a reserve for the reinforcement of any part of our division needing aid; but so overwhelming was the force of the enemy, now over three to one, that within twenty minutes of our getting into line we were in the hottest of the fight.  Repeated efforts were made to turn our right flank, and as one brigade of the enemy became exhausted and discouraged, it was withdrawn and fresh forces brought up.

For five hours we maintained the unequal contest and every man fought as though he felt that the salvation of our army depended that day on our holding our position until reinforcements should arrive.  Twice after getting our first position were we compelled to fall back to prevent the enemy from outflanking us, and for the third time we charged upon the foe- although our ranks were reduced one third by dead, wounded and those helping off the wounded – rolling back the storm of war to our first position, and holding the enemy there until our ammunition was expended and we were ordered back by Gen. McC. for more, at one P. M.  We fought in the camp ground of the Ill. 11th and 45th, and those of your Iowa readers who noticed the gallant fighting done there ascribed to these regiments by Chicago reporters will justly be proud to know that Iowa was there.

The account given by the special correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, and copied into the St. Louis and Chicago papers and by far the most accurate I have seen, speaks thus:  “Once more its right swept around and drove the enemy a considerable distance,” &c.  Iowa was there, notwithstanding that no reporter, so far as I have seen has noticed our gallant State except in disparaging terms, as unjust as disparaging.  I venture to say that no troops ever did better fighting than did the Iowa 11th and 13th in McClernand’s division, on the 6th; nor were the 8th, 12th, and 14th behind in valor, though more unfortunate.  They were taken because of fighting too long and to obstinately.  The 6th Iowa was one of our advanced regiments, surprised in the morning.  She literally fought her way back to her friends, and first of all the outposts, was in line for another fight.  The Iowa 2d and 7th, as ever, did their duty, and maintained their reputation, though, not placed in so prominent a part of the field as some other regiments on the first day.  And here I desire to correct an error of the correspondent above alluded to.

The Iowa 15th and 16th were brought up just before noon, to support McClernand’s right, where we were fighting and forming on our own old parade ground, and were under fire nearly two hours before getting a chance to pitch in, and when led up to take their place their place marched boldly and gallantly up into the very jaws of death.  Our old soldiers say, that such a fire of musketry as we were opposed to was never experienced before them in battle; and the two raw regiments, unused to guns, having never practiced loading and firing, many having never seen a cartridge until they received them that morning, were thrown into confusion, and driven from the field; not, however, until a loss of 35 to 40 killed, and 250 wounded in the two regiments attested their courage and devotion.  Courage and devotion are of little use without discipline in such a fight.

Our regiment, as it fell back, obtained new supplies of ammunition and returned to the fight – eight companies to the left of our line, and two companies of rifles, B. and C, under Capt. Foster, were stationed with Birge’s sharpshooters again on the right, now a mile nearer the river, and across a small creek, to guard against the storming of a hill and log house which was admirably adapted to the work of sharpshooters.  We were here subjected to a heavy cross-fire from two batteries; but as often as a force of secesh showed themselves, they dropped back very suddenly again.  Our regiment did good work on the left, and lent gallant aid in beating back the foe in his last efforts to storm our lines.  On the next day our troops acted mostly as reserves, or as support to batteries, and were but little exposed, compared to the risks of the first day.

Iowa went into the fight with ten regiments and one part of a regiment (seven companies 14th,) in all some 5,500 effective fighting men.  250 of these sleep on the battle field; 1,200 are wounded, and some 1,400 are prisoners – prisoners because they fought on while regiments from other States gave way and suffered them, contesting every inch, to be surrounded by immense odds.  These are facts, and yet because we send soldiers and not reporters, must we get no credit; while no other State (although all did well) can show such a record – one half her soldiers given in a single fight.  Reporters on Grant’s staff make him the hero of the fight and he praises his staff.  Now this tickle-me-and-I’ll-tickle-you sort of talk will not do; it can’t make history.  They may all be good soldiers – in a horn – and write on some safe nook, descriptions of charges which were never made.  Why was this gallant army surprised?  The people who have given sons, citizens, husbands, to the country, ask why this needless slaughter, and these “errors of omission” are not atoned for by “errors of commission,” for we fought all day on Sunday without Generals.  Nothing but undaunted bravery of troops and the good conduct of company and regimental officers saved our army on that terrible day.  For while we had less than 25,000 men engaged on Sunday, more than half our total loss occurred on this day.

The 11th buried on Tuesday and since, as a result of this battle, 32 soldiers, and 160 wounded; the 13th nearly as many more.  No officers distinguished themselves more for cool courage than Lt. Col. Hall, commanding the 11th, and Col. Crocker, commanding the 13th, while Col. Hare well maintained his ability to command a brigade, until wounded and compelled to retire.  Maj. Abercrombie, of the 11th was wounded severely while ably seconding Col. Hall.

I have already spun out this too long, but I would fain add one or two incidents of a personal character.  As we were charging the third time on the enemy, Corporal Kersey, Co. B, hand a finger on the left hand shot away, and immediately took out a pocket knife and cut away the fragments of the wound, bound up the finger and was in the fight all day and next saying as he did it, “they can’t drive me out for one finger.”

As we rose over a short hill we could see the enemy advancing down another, just across a small branch, and some fifteen rods distant.  A well directed volley sent the most of them to the “about face.”  The standard-bearer, however, fell and Private Haworth, of Co. B, captured the flag, the first trophy of the day, while the Captain (Foster) picked up the rifle of a fallen rebel, just loaded, and blazed away at the retreating foe.  Capt. McFarland, of Co. G, did the same thing, and both have their Enfield rifles as trophies of a first shot each at the foe.

One spunky little Frenchman, Jo. Laplant, assistant wagoner to Co. B, would not stay with the team, and so mixed in the fight in the afternoon of Sunday, ventured too far, and was taken prisoner.  Deprived of his gun and placed under a guard of three men, to be taken back, he went very submissively along until two guards went back to help off a wounded officer.  Watching his chance, he knocked down the guard, and with the rebel’s gun hastened down to the river side, near the gunboats, where he lay all night and came in next morning.

I notice it very extensively discussed whether we were whipped on Sunday.  Never! And wouldn’t have been, even if Buell had not reached us.  The truth is the rebels surprised our camps and gained great advantages of us, until checked by McClernand and Hurlbut’s Divisions in the morning.  From that on until 4 P. M., our forces slowly retired; but at 4 the gunboats threw their weight into the doubtful scales, and the enemy, exhausted and spent, were entirely checked.  Lew Wallace, of our army, came in with his division that night, and the balance was then in our favor.  We should have gained the next day any way.  Of course the arrival of two divisions of Buell’s army, and especially of Buell himself, was most opportune; for our disjointed, confused and fragmentary army was organized, and massed and directed.  Our numbers on Monday were about 50,000.  Everything then was like clockwork, and the rebels who had the night before saved our camps and baggage so as to use them, were on Monday night busted out too hastily to destroy what they could not keep.  We beat them back on Monday over the ground they had gained the day before. – “Line upon line” Buell hurled his brave troops at them, and they retreated, fighting every step, until they reached the old battle ground of 8 o’clock Sunday morning, when they broke and fled.  The roar of cannon, the terrific whiz of musketry suddenly cease, (except the occasional shots of pursuers,) and naught remained by the peaceful quiet dead and groaning wounded.

In looking over the list of Iowa regiments I desire to pay a tribute of deserved praise to the 3d Iowa Infantry.  After the most heroic fighting on Sunday, in which they lost every field officer and all their captains, they were led the second day by Lieut. Crossly; and again won imperishable laurels by their heroic conduct.

Yours, &c.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 7, 1862, p. 2

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The following list of Iowa soldiers have died in the hospitals in St. Louis and vicinity:

Geo. W. Thompkins, co. C, 10th.
G. W. Wooley, co. I, 17th.
Lieut. Joseph Farber, co. D, 3d.
S. Griffin, co. K, 12th.
H. Clayton, co. F, 12th.
Calvin Lloyd, co. B, 15th.
Enock Kent, co. I, 15th.
James G. Davis, co. G, 6th.
S. Utterback, F, 15th.
James Smith, co. C, 10th.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 2

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Iowa Legislature

(Special to Burlington Hawk-Eye)

DES MOINES, Man, 29, 1862

SENATE. – Mr. McCRARY, of Van Buren, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of reducing the salary of the Governor’s Aids.

The Committee on Ways and means reported a substitute for the House bill assuming the Federal tax.

The Military Committee reported a Joint resolution instructing the Governor to procure the balance of the State quota of arms for 1861-2 in long range rifles, instead of ordering muskets.

Mr. WOOLSON reported back from the committee of Ways and Means an act authorizing warrants issued by the Auditor on the War and Defence Fund to be receivable in payment of State taxes.  Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.  Also, a bill providing for the taxation of railroads.

The Senate bill making Iowa money and U. S. Treasury notes receivable for taxes was made the special order for to-morrow.  They spent the balance of the day in Committee of the Whole on Court of quarter sessions bill.

HOUSE. – Mr. FARRELL, of Johnson, introduced a bill exempting young orchards from taxation 10 years.

Mr. LANE, of Scott, introduced a bill authorizing an increase in the number of meetings of boards of supervisors in counties over 20,000 inhabitants.

Mr. ROTHROCK, of Cedar, offered a resolution giving all the foreigners now in our army full naturalization papers on their receiving an honorable discharge from such service.  Referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. McPHERSON, of the Senate, and EATON, of the House, were appointed a committee of Conference to-day on the division of the State into Congressional Districts.


HOUSE. – The military committee reported a joint resolution asking the attention of the War Department to the fact that the Eighth Iowa Regiment are without proper tents, have insufficient arms, and no ambulances or hospital stores, and urges that something should be done for their relief.  Also, a joint resolution asking the General Government to pay Col. Edward’s troops for service in Missouri last fall.

Mr. FLINT of Wapello, introduced an infamous bill providing that no negro or mulatto shall come into, or reside in the State without filing his free papers and giving bond in five hundred dollars, for good behavior, and a violation renders him liable to be taken up and hired out to the highest bidder, to the board of supervisors.  Also, granting the right of transit to masters with slaves, through this state.  The vote to indefinitely postpone was 74 to 15.

The House adopted the Senate bill assuming the direct tax of $452,000 annually, and authorizing the Government to notify the Secretary of the Treasury immediately.

SENATE. – The Senate adopted the bill giving jurors $1.50 per day and ten cents mileage, also passed the bill from the Committee of Ways and Means authorizing county Treasurers to receive U. S. Treasury notes and the issues of the State Bank of Iowa in payment of interest and principal of school fund.

PROMOTIONS. – Second Sergeant G. W. Harlan to First Lieut., Co. C, 4th Infantry; Sergeant Major F. Earle [sic], to First Lieut., Co. I, 8th Infantry; First Lieut. E. J. Weiser to Captaincy, Co. D, 3d Infantry; Capt. Stiver[s], 14th Infantry resigned.

Col. Noyes of the Governor’s staff, goes to Davenport to-morrow to superintend the shipment of clothing and hospital stores to Iowa troops in accordance with the resolution of the General Assembly, also if possible to consolidate the German regiment with the Sixteenth Regiment.

T. H. S.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Iowa Troops in the Pittsburg Landing Battle

From the Dubuque Times.

A dispatch from Chicago to Col. H. A. Wiltse of this city, states that the following Regiments of Iowa troops were in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, viz.

The Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Infantry, and the First Iowa Cavalry, making eleven regiments in all.

We are all very anxious to hear farther from the scene of conflict.

– Published in The Waterloo Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Wednesday, April 16, 1862, p. 2

From the 16th Iowa Regiment

PADUCAH, Ky., April 2d, 1862.

ED. COURIER: – Dear Sir:  The 16th Iowa Regiment, accompanied by the Iowa 15th, Missouri 23d, Michigan 15th and a Wisconsin Regiment, and also three Batteries, arrived here from St. Louis this A. M., bound for Pittsburg, on the Tennessee River.  We will join the 3d and 12th Iowa at or near that place.  In fact all Iowa troops, excepting four regiments, are stationed in that vicinity.

I would state that all Waterloo “boys” connected with the 16th are well and “spilling” for a fight.  The 16th is fully armed and equipped in best style, and is determined to make her mark.

The “boys” in our company are hard up.  Not any of us have money to buy stamps. – All letters for the North, written South of here, are holden [sic] at this point for fear that plans may be exposed.  They are making great preparations for a fight.  Not less than 160,000 troops are concentrated at the point above mentioned.  It is to be the fight of the season.

Those in Blackhawk County having friends in the 16th should address letters “In care of Company I, 16th Regiment, Iowa Infantry, St. Louis, Mo.”  They will be forwarded to the Regiment.  More anon.


– Published in The Waterloo Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Wednesday, April 16, 1862, p. 2

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Official Reports of the Battle of Shiloh: No. 49 – Report of Capt. Matthew M. Trumbull, 3rd Iowa Infantry

No. 49.

Report of Capt. Matthew M. Trumbull, Third Iowa Infantry.

April 17, 1862.

SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Third Iowa Infantry in the action of the 6th and 7th instant.

The Third Iowa occupied the extreme right of the Fourth Division, being the first regiment of Col. and Actg. Brig. Gen. N. G. Williams’ brigade, and was posted during a greater portion of Sunday at the fence near the cotton field. The enemy repeatedly threw large bodies of infantry against us, but never with success. He was repulsed every time, and with great slaughter. The regiment was also subjected to a storm of grape, canister, and shell, which lasted several hours. The Third Iowa maintained its ground until evening and did not then give way until the troops on their right and left had been broken and we were entirely outflanked and almost surrounded. The regiment was then compelled in a great measure to cut its way out.

Of the firmness, coolness, and courage of the men under a heavy fire it will be unnecessary for me to speak, as they were almost constantly during the battle under the immediate eye of the general commanding the division.

The regiment went into battle on the second day under the command of First Lieut. G. W. Crosley, of Company E, and, as I am well assured, nobly maintained the honor of the flag.

Should I designate meritorious officers I should have to name nearly every officer in the regiment. I think, however, none will feel envious if I specially mention Lieutenant Crosley.

I desire to call the attention of the general commanding the division to the gallantry and good conduct of Sergt. James Lakin, of Company F, who carried the colors on the first day, and of Corp. Anderson Edwards, of Company I, who carried the colors on the second day, of the battle.

Our loss is heavy. I herewith inclose a list of our killed, wounded, and missing.­*

I have the honor to remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

 Captain, Third Iowa Infantry, Commanding Regiment.

 Brig. Gen. STEPHEN A. HURLBUT, U.S. A.,
Commanding Fourth Division, Army of the Tennessee.

* Embodied in the revised statement, p. 103

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume X (Serial No. 10), Part I, pages 219

Monday, October 8, 2012

William O. Parrish

WILLIAM O. PARRISH, M.D., one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Hopeville, is a native of Jackson County, Michigan, born March 8, 1839, a son of Orrin H. Parrish, who was born in Ohio, and is now deceased. His father being a farmer, our subject was reared to agricultural pursuits, passing his youth on his father’s farm. He received good educational advantages, and for a time attended Central University at Pella, Marion County, Iowa, his parents having settled in that county in 1857.  He was a soldier in the late war, enlisting in Company B., Third Iowa Infantry, and serving over four years. He took part in the engagements at Blue Mills, Pittsburg Landing, Shiloh, Hatchie River, sieges of Vicksburg and Atlanta, with Sherman to the sea; thence to Richmond, and from there went to Washington where he participated in the grand review.  Our subject attended lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keokuk, Iowa, from which institution he graduated February 25, 1868, and the same year located in Galesburg, Iowa, where he began his life’s work.  November 22, 1871, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Emma A. Butin, a daughter of Madison Moore. Five children have been born to them, of whom four still survive – Earl O., Guy D., Jennie M. and William L. The doctor followed his profession in Galesburg till 1877, when he came to Hopeville, where he has since resided, and since coming here has become well and favorably known as a skillful practitioner, and has succeeded in establishing a large and lucrative practice. Doctor Parrish is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows orders, and also belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic. He is a member of the Christian church.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 239-40

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dedication of the Iowa Monuments at Shiloh National Military Park

Dedication Exercises at the Regimental Monuments
November 22, 1906

9:00 A. M.

9:25 A. M.

9:45 A. M.

10:00 A. M.

10:15 A. M.

10:30 A. M.

10:50 A. M.

11:10 A. M.

11:25 A. M.

11:35 A. M.

11:50 A. M.

Dedication Exercises at the of Iowa State Monument

November 23, 1906

1:30 P. M.

Call To Order:
Colonel W. G. Crosley, Vice Chairman of the Commission

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band

Rev. Dr. A. L. Frisbie

“Unto thee, O Lord, belong power and dominion and majesty. Unto thee would we render that which is thine, with humble and grateful and trusting hearts. Teach us, first of all, to acknowledge our obligation to thee; to remember that thou art indeed, over all, and that thou art also blessed forever. We know not all thy ways. We understand not all the mysteries of thy being, but thou dost permit us to know very much of thy Fatherhood, of thy gracious disposition, thy fatherly spirit, thy love for us. And because thou hast had these thoughts toward us, thou hast mercifully led us throughout many years of trial — years of bright and years of sad experience; and thou hast taught us that our dependence is upon thee. Therefore, we humbly pray that thou wilt stay near by during all the history we are to make; during all the development for which we hope. We pray that thou wilt be our Leader, bringing us through a prosperous voyage to a blessed port.

“We have been making a pilgrimage of blessing, of memory, of gratitude, and of peace, and as we come to the conclusion of our special duty, and see now the completion of that which we began, we pray that we may go hence with hearts prepared to appreciate the multitude of favors we have received. We have had occasion to commune with the dead.  We have stood where they were buried, who died loyally and faithfully, giving themselves wholly that they might secure the permanence of this nation. We thank thee that this Union of states was so precious to them that they held nothing back, but gave themselves utterly to maintain its permanence. We thank thee, O Lord, that through all the suffering and martyrdom and battle shock and pain, these men held steadfast to that which they had begun. And Lord, for these brave of the brave, the twice five thousand men that stood here meeting the battle's shock, and the many times five thousand men who on other fields withstood the shock of battle — for these we give thee our thanks, for we recognize in them the preservers of the Union. We pray that the people may all cherish their memories with gratitude; that we may all remember that we have not come upon these blessings by any manner of accident or of experiment. May we remember that they have been won by those who devoted themselves with their best intelligence and highest consecration to secure them; by those who gave themselves with unfaltering devotion that they might maintain them. May we go hence with renewed determination that this government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. May we see, and may others see, more and more, that these mercies have been ours because of infinite sacrifice. Lord, we pray that thy blessing may be upon our whole land — not divided, not dismembered, but one land, with one flag, with not a star erased.

“Grant thy favor to this portion of the Union, where all this was carried on, and where so much of suffering and loss was endured. And so upon north and south, upon one land, may thine own good light shine through all the days.

“Accept our thanks, we beseech thee; guide us safely to our homes. Bless the people of our state who sent us forth upon this mission, and be so with them and with us that the grace of the Lord Christ may be revealed, and justice and truth may be everywhere established. Accept our thanks, bear with us in our weaknesses and guide us in wisdom and love, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.”

Colonel William B. Bell

Albert B. Cummins, Governor of Iowa

 Colonel Cornelius Cadle

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“Rock of Ages”

of the Shiloh National Military Park Commission

Representing Governor Cox of Tennessee

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“Onward, Christian Soldiers”

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band
“Star Spangled Banner”

Music: Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band

Rev. Dr. A. L. Frisbie

“Now be the peace of God upon all the resting places of our myriad dead, and upon the homes of the living, north and south, the peace of God, forevermore.  Amen.”


After the close of the dedication exercises, a brief sacred concert was rendered by the Fifty-fifth Iowa regimental band at the National cemetery, a short distance from the monument.

SOURCE: Abstracted from Alonzo Abernathy, Editor, Dedication of Monuments Erected By The State Of Iowa, p. 201-301

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dedication Exercises at the Third Iowa Regimental Monument: Shiloh National Military Park

November 22, 1906

11:50 A. M.

Music Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band:
“Onward, Christian Soldiers” “Rock of Ages”

Introduction of speaker:
Colonel G. W. Crosley

Mr. Chairman, Governor Cummins, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Representing the Third Iowa Infantry upon the Iowa commission for the erection of monuments upon this historic battlefield, it becomes my sacred duty to my comrades of the old regiment — both the dead and the living — to give personal testimony as to the courage and devotion they displayed upon this field on the sixth and seventh of April, 1862. This monument is erected upon the line of battle where the Third Iowa fought the longest and suffered its greatest loss. Extending to the left you see the monuments of the Twenty-eighth, Thirty-second and Forty-first Illinois regiments which — with the Third Iowa — constituted the First Brigade of the Fourth Division of the Army of the Tennessee. For long hours the fighting on this line was hard, determined, and persistent. The brigade was at last compelled to fall back by the enemy forcing the troops immediately on our left to retire, thus rendering this position untenable. The inscription upon the bronze tablet attached to this monument tells how the regiment fought, and shows its loss to have been one-third of the number engaged. That inscription is its best eulogy.

It gives me great pleasure to present to you one who fought in the ranks of the Third Iowa here, as a private soldier, and who afterwards suffered as a prisoner of war at Andersonville — a typical Iowa soldier and citizen — who will add his tribute to the memory of his comrades who fought and fell upon this field: The Honorable Joseph A. Fitchpatrick.

Private J. A. Fitchpatrick, Third Iowa Regiment

Mr. Chairman, Governor Cummins, Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Third Iowa Infantry landed here about March 20, 1862, and went into camp about one-half mile north of this monument. It was a part of the First Brigade, Fourth (Hurlbut’s) Division, and went into action Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, on the south side of this field, but in order to get in alignment with other troops, soon fell back to this line, leaving the open field in our front. We maintained this position for about five hours, repelling frequent assaults resulting in terrific slaughter of the enemy and considerable loss to ourselves.

According to the official reports of the eight regiments of Confederates suffering the greatest loss in the battle of Shiloh, the losses of seven of them occurred in this immediate front, and the loss in killed and wounded in our brigade here posted was the greatest of any brigade on the Federal side in the entire army engaged on the field of Shiloh.

About two o'clock in the afternoon, by reason of the turning of the left flank of our division, we fell back two hundred yards and there maintained our position for one hour more, and then for like reason we retired to Wicker field, two hundred yards farther and remained until four o'clock when both flanks having given away, the regiment retired, fighting all the way to its camp, and there finding itself nearly surrounded broke through the ranks of the enemy and all, except thirty, who were there captured, succeeded in joining the command of Colonel Crocker about one-half mile from the Landing and there remained in line during the night.

On Monday the survivors were in action under Lieutenant Crosley, he being the senior officer present for duty, and charged and captured a battery near Jones’ field. No losses occurred on the second day.

On Sunday the loss was 23 killed in action, 17 mortally wounded, who shortly afterwards died; 117 others wounded, most of them seriously, and 30, including Major Stone, captured. Total number engaged in line was about 500 on the first day and 250 on the second day.

The total loss of the regiment during the war was 127 killed and died of wounds; 122 died of disease, 321 wounded and 227 discharged for disabilities contracted in the service, making a total of 798 casualties of a total enrollment of 1,099.

On the whole we claim for the Third Iowa a record made upon the field of Shiloh as honorable and effective as that of any other organization here engaged.

Albert B. Cummins, Governor of Iowa

Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen of the Shiloh Commission:

There has been gradually growing in my throat since we began this journey a lump that effectually precludes speech. Possibly, however, I can find words to thank the members of the commission for the beauty of their regimental monuments. It seems easy to design a memorial to commemorate the soldiers of the whole state, and into which a great part of an appropriation may go, but I desire to thank the members of this commission for having presented regimental monuments which I believe have no superiors upon any of the battlefields that we have visited.

We seem to be getting a little closer to the army — a little closer to our “boys” as we hold these memorial exercises upon the very spots where the regiments fought and lost their men. I believe a little more sacred emotion is expressed here than can possibly be expressed over there where tomorrow we will dedicate all these monuments to the honor of the Iowa boys.

Some one said this morning that the men from Iowa were inexperienced; just from their homes. It is so, but remember that bravery is not a matter of experience; bravery is not taught to men. Courage is born in men, or it is never attained. And so it is not wonderful that these boys from Iowa were courageous upon this field, even though they had never before heard the sound of battle and knew nothing of the horrors — the awful horrors — of war. They were brave because they were born of brave, righteous mothers. They were brave because they had breathed the spirit of fidelity to duty, and they came to suffer and to die for their country, and they did suffer for it and die for it as bravely, as courageously, at the beginning of the war as they did at the end of the war. I am sure that we feel now the very climax of the pride that has so often run like a thrill through our veins in the last ten days. I am sure that we feel it renewed as we pass from point to point upon this great battlefield, and find that here, as we have found before, whenever and wherever the fight was hottest, there we find monuments to the Iowa soldiers. We of our state, I am sure, grow in gratitude as we observe that the boys of 1861 knew that the post of honor was the post of danger.

And so we love these lasting monuments, and dedicate these, with all the others, to the dear memory of the men who died here, — not only to the men who died here, but the men who suffered here, because these monuments are not reared alone for those who have paid the last debt of patriotism, but they are reared to the honor of every Iowa soldier who, upon this battlefield, offered his life, whether the relentless god of war took it or not. And so we part upon this morning's journey, another step in the sad, beautiful mission upon which we are engaged; and I know that there is not a heart here that has not been inspired to higher, better things because we have stood around these regimental monuments, and have rendered our final tribute to the memories of these men, at the altars upon which some laid down their lives, and before which all of them earned their title to eternal fame.

Rev. S. H. Hedrix of Allerton. Iowa

To me the Third Iowa is dear. When they fell back to the Second Iowa, my regiment, the Twenty-third Missouri, touched shoulders with them; and listening to the eloquent words of Governor Cummins and others around here it seems to me that God's inspired servant uttered a great truth. We are all poor mortals and walk only as we are directed. Oh, how we need God's help:

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

“And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

“The ungodly are not so; but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

“Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

“For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous; but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”

“And now, may God recognize and approve the great good work of our state, of our governor, and of our great nation and guide us under the shadow of the wings of' his great love, to an eternal home, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.”

Bugler, Fifty-fifth Iowa Regimental Band

SOURCE:  Alonzo Abernathy, Editor, Dedication of Monuments Erected By The State Of Iowa, 238-41

See Also: