Showing posts with label USS Wabash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USS Wabash. Show all posts

Saturday, March 2, 2024

General William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, February 1, 1876

St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 1, 1876.

Dear Brother: . . . Your letter endorsing Hayes is first-rate, and meets general approval. I agree with you that no one should be the President unless he was with us heart and soul in the Civil War; and Hayes fills the bill perfectly.

I should be delighted to have him nominated and elected.

The Democrats, in turning between the Democrats of the North and South, will probably commit a mistake that will reunite the Republicans.

I see the "Herald," in an elaborate and good article on saving money in the War Department estimates, criticizes the sending of officers abroad at public expense, instancing my case. Not one cent of my expenses was paid by the Government. I availed myself of the frigate Wabash to reach Gibraltar, whither she was bound in her course to the Mediterranean. I paid my mess-bill, which amounted to $130 (more than the price of passage over in a Cunarder).

If you happen to see one of those ------ reporters, you could say as much. I will not, because on searching they will find that not a cent was paid for my expenses abroad.

Yours affectionately,

SOURCE: Rachel Sherman Thorndike, Editor, The Sherman Letters: Correspondence Between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 to 1891, p. 347-8

Thursday, December 7, 2023

General William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, October 14, 1871

WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 14, 1871.

Dear Brother: The Ohio election is now over, and you have a clear working majority in the Legislature. So I infer you are safe for another six years in the Senate. I hope so, and was told by Mr. Delano, in the cars coming East, a few days since, that you were sure of reelection.

I understood from one of his revenue officers along, that Delano was not even a candidate for the Senate.

Some time ago Admiral Alden invited me to go out to the Mediterranean with him in the Wabash Frigate, to sail in November. I have pretty much made up my mind to go, and President and Secretary have promptly consented. . . .

I made the condition myself, that, though I shall arrange to be gone five months, I would hold myself prepared to come back within thirty days of notice by telegram.

Yours affectionately,

SOURCE: Rachel Sherman Thorndike, Editor, The Sherman Letters: Correspondence Between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 to 1891, p. 333

General William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, December 21, 1871

CADIZ, Dec. 21, 1871.
Dear Brother:

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

I have had a good chance to visit Madeira, Cadiz, Xeres, and Seville, and now we proceed to Gibraltar, where I shall leave the ship and go to Malaga, Granada, Cordova, Toledo, Madrid, Saragossa, and Barcelona. Thence we shall cross the Pyrenees into France at Pepignan, Marseilles, and Nice, to rejoin the ship. I can then learn if Admiral Alden can in the ordinary course of his duty go to Naples, Syracuse, Malta, and Alexandria, in which case I can see the Valley of the Po, the Mont Cenis tunnel, etc., to Rome and Naples in time to join the ship at, say, Naples. . . .

Truly, etc.,

SOURCE: Rachel Sherman Thorndike, Editor, The Sherman Letters: Correspondence Between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 to 1891, p. 334

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, June 1, 1862

Wabash 1. June. 62 
My Dear Friend 

I must have a slight growl. You ought not to take the 'Flag' from me. I nursed her, planned her repairs, she is important off Charleston to catch all these fellows coming. Keystone and Flambeau are the only steamers that have much of heels—she has both heels and long guns. Do send her. The Merrimac is dead and I don't believe her ghost will rise. 

S. F. D.P. 

Make Goldsboro take care of Wilmington, the four Steamers we caught were all going there if foiled at Charleston. 

Please forward the enclosed to Davis. We call him Flag offr. I suppose you will make him one.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 125-6

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, July 7, 1862

Wabash, Port Royal, S.C.     
7, July, 62 
My Dear Friend

I enclose a slip from Charleston Mercury of 25. ulto —that you may see how our correspondents give aid and comfort to the rebels. They were alarmed in so high a degree as not to be able to understand some extraordinary proceedings—they will now be reassured by what I am made to say.

I enclose also a Charleston Courier with a violent attack on Drayton, that he may be credited accordingly at the Department. The denunciation omitted one item in the Drayton family, that the Commander's father General Jackson's friend, was driven from South Carolina for his Union sentiments, lived in exile from his State, and died in the North. Do not however let the article in question be republished, but keep the paper.

Please do not let that gang of Thugs the Associated Press have my reports or the reports of my officers to me—they always mutilate, never know the point involved of anything professional, and generally leave out what is best.

The Dept have been very kind in publishing the reports of my commanding officers, and it has had a very happy effect in the squadron. I wish you could have seen a letter received the other day from Stevens by Rodgers—it would have gratified you as it certainly did me and touched on this very point—that the officers here had always been brought forward. I mention all this because I think you made too light of our occupation of Georgetown waters, not for us but for the Depmt itself. I think you should have published Ammen's and my letter about Sproston's death. You published the one about Budd and Mather and it brought me more letters than you can imagine, and I think the relatives in Balto are all union people. Truxtun's letter too was deeply interesting.

Other letters from me to-day will tell you of my sending this ship home. You will see Rodgers—it is important you should.

Yours most faithfully 
Mr. Fox, Washington.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 129-30

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, July 7, 1862

Flag Ship 'Wabash'         
Port Royal Harbor S.C.     
July 7, 1862 
My Dear Sir, 

My official letter will explain my views as to sending this ship North. I have always had a great dislike at running willing horses to death and the devotion and absence of all grumbling on the part of this crew, after their long and continuous service never having landed but to fight and doing the work they do for the whole squadron, with no chance at prize money &c have brought me to this determination; though it deprives me of my base of operations as it were, and like McClellan I feel like changing front in the face of an enemy, to say nothing of great personal discomfort, but it gratifies and raises the morale of seven hundred men.

You will appreciate all this, and at the same time will understand the earnest requests I am about to make in connection therewith.

First. Will you please send an order to Pendergrast to permit the crew to go on shore under the direction of her Captain, as soon as she arrives? Will you also ask him to have a berth ready for her wherever he may deem best? If vessels are moved in time for this, we shall start by gaining 24 hours.

As I state in my official letter there must be no pulling to pieces. I would rather run the risk of losing my mainmast next winter, than have it taken out now and I did not therefore send her to New York, where I hear they are giving fifty ($50).dollars to seamen for a voyage to Liverpool.

I beg you further in the most earnest manner not to detach a living being from her, Officer or man—if any applications come, tell them to apply through their flag officer.

You have here and there taken a Lieutenant out of returning ships or retained such as go in prizes such as the Executive Officers of the Alabama, Huron &c. I have thought this very hard for the outside appointments are getting lower and lower.

I hardly know how I can spare Rodgers for a few brief weeks even: he will go to Washington and see you and tell you many things I would like to write about but I have not the time to write them nor you to read them if I did.

Rodgers did not wish to go North but I insisted upon carrying out my view of the case.

From a letter from Grimes I infer the Admiral bill is very doubtful—that the Senate should be behind the House in such a matter seems strange.

We are in deep anxiety lest we have not heard the worst about Richmond—dates to July 2.

These midshipmen here will be applying to get in gun boats &c—they are of more service here, to themselves also than any where else—belong to our boats and infantry companies and are thoroughly disciplined. I beg you not to let one go. In this matter if you do as I did on arriving out here, put yr foot down, you will have no trouble. I put my face against all leaves of absence and now every one is glad that I did not permit a man to leave, even those who applied are glad I refused them.

Faithfully Yrs 

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 131-2

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, July 9, 1862

Private and Confidential
Wabash, 9, July, 62.         
Port Royal 
My Dr Sir

I thought you had better see these letters of Drayton's —you will perceive how unassured they are. After reading please tear them up.

My regard for the Comdg. Gen' is so high personally—that I will not permit myself to pass any judgment upon his acts. I believe the troops were not sorry to leave.

Yrs most truly 
Hon. G. V. Fox,

[Enclosing copies of letters of June 30, July 2 and July 4 from P. Drayton to Admiral DuPont.]

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 133

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, July 10, 1862

Wabash, Off Charleston 
10 July, 62 
My Dear Sir

We hear from the Capt & Crew of the Emilie, late Seabrook, that the Nashville threw over all her cargo in the Chase—worth a million-burned all her bulkheads, sawed all their beams and got up the Pork to keep up the fires. 

If LeRoy had not lost sight of her in the squalls, he would have taken her, but I thought you would like to hear this anyhow. We boarded the Mississippi transport this morning—dates to 4" inclusive things do not seem worse than reported by papers of the 2d. 

The Capt. says he brings orders for Hunter and all his army—if so we lose this Coast, (so beautifully held now) except where the gunboats can still cover. It was only night before last there was a panic at Beaufort and I had to send Paul Jones and Unadilla to take care of four thousand men. Then Rodgers will tell you the steamers are breaking down like a pile of bricks. Adger reported broken today, and in danger. 

Ever yrs most truly 
Mr. Fox.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 138

Friday, November 27, 2020

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, April 14, 1862

Wabash 14th Ap. 62 
Port Royal. 
My Dear Sir 

Please publish my report about Pulaski and Rodgers' to me—in order to gratify as I think it will, Gen1. Hunter and the army people. 

In haste Yrs faithfully 

Ain't Foote a hero! he is leaving us all out of sight
S. F. DP. 

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 119

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, May 25, 1862

Wabash, 25. May, 62 
Port Royal S.C. 
My Dear Mr Fox,

I arrived last evening from a weeks inspection on the Coast from Georgetown to Fernandina, taking two good looks at Charleston in Keystone State. I pushed the Gunboats into Stono! Two batteries were abandoned and I have told Marchand he must knock down the third. After much trouble about the bar we found 13 ft. This brings the military base within ten miles of C——n.

I have yr private letter and the Departments confidential one. All will be done that it is in the power of man and men to do—but do not underrate the work; all the defences for one year now have been seaward. Since Pulaski fell, which has made them shake about Sumpter, a low fort is going up on Cummings point. The middle ground is also fortified. Moultrie and Castle Pinckney strengthened, the defences on Sullivan's island are not much I think, but Ft. Johnson is the key of the position. Then you know we go into a bag, no running past, for after we get up they can all play upon us.

The landward defences are nothing—but these Soldiers are queer people to us. I had to write to Hunter to-day, that on his coming here I had, to avoid delay and circumlocution put myself in official communication with the Brigadier commanding this Division of his department—but that could no longer be and in virtue of my assimilated rank as Major Gen', he (H) must address me on all his wants &c.

I wrote to-night a private letter to Mr. Welles to give Rodgers the Naval Academy when he can be spared here. No man living is more capable or more deserving

Faithfully Yours in haste
S. F. DP. 

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 120-1

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, May 31, 1862

Wabash, 31. May. 62. 
My Dear Sir 

I found the accumulation of men from Prizes so great and the Bienville's Engines so precarious from being out of line, that I determined to send her home.

You will see that we have smashing work with the “Joint Stock company” for running the blockade and I hope we shall catch more of them, but I think you will have to look out for Wilmington, for they will go from Charleston there. Prentiss has fixed Georgetown by going inside as I wrote you. You had better write to McKean about Indian River, there is a possible tran-shipment there, for there is a road from that inlet clear up to Volusia. Except this place Indian River inlet one hd miles below Cape Carnavaral and Wilmington I think all else is as tight as it can be, though I have greatly regretted that the Stono operations have taken so many gunboats from Charleston at this momentbut they are likely to be important for I believe the rebels have discovered the egregious blunder they made in letting go the Forts on Coles island and the old Fort higher up and want to reoccupy the latter fortunately I got Drayton up in time with the Pawnee to go in there, adding Huron to his force—but I am waiting to hear the exact state of things with some earnestness.

The army people have no orders on the matter alluded to in the Confidential dispatch to me, but are studying out things and looking to occupying the Stono.

I see with regret the want of success in the James River with the iron boat, showing more invulnerability on the part of the Monitor than power of aggression.

Think coolly and dispassionately on the main object -remember there is no running the gauntlet, night or day—no bombardment of a week to fatigue and demoralize the defences of the Mississippi the merest shams in comparison—for thirteen long months it has been the remark of our blockading officers that the industry of these rebels in their harbour defences is beyond all praise, it has been ceaseless day and night Sumpter has been strengthened by a water battery attached to it—Cummings Point is covered by heavy works—the Middle ground likewise is piled and fortified-Fort Johnston that reduced Sumpter still improved. Castle Pinckney and Moultrie then come, and all this mind ye in a ‘cul de sac’ or bog. I merely allude to all this, that your own intelligent and brave mind may not be carried away by a superficial view of recent events, where the results have been thank God for his mercies, so great that the difficulties have been naturally overrated. I only have to add on this subject, that if the enemy do their duty as we expect to do ours, then it must be a 'do or die work—but this we are ready for and no mistake.

Since writing the above I have a letter from Drayton who has swept the Stono River up to the fort land. We had unpleasant reports yesterday through the Soldiers that the Gun boats had been driven back, though I told the Gen' there was not a word of truth in it.

I avail myself of Drayton Report to write a full account of our occupation there, having only been informed unofficially of the fact-it is a handsome thing and very important. They have no transportation, five transports have been taken from them lately. They have to throw themselves on me, but—they give me no notice until they are in a state of despondency or despair fortunately I have the Alabama and Bienville in, they will give them important aid; but I have to send my tugs to Beaufort 14 miles to get their troops, they have no Pilots, they have nothing. Still as I have cleared James' Island for them they are anxious to possess it.

They are credited with 18,000 men; if they land 9 thousand they will do well. Wright is in Edisto where our people, Rhind's command are doing everything for them-he is to march over to the Stono, also. They are very helpless. They sent a party to cut the R. R. from Port Royal Ferry, but it was not left to Stevens, and the party came back minus a captain and a private, having done nothing. All this only for your own ear.

I send a boy by Bienville with some arms (trophies) for you to dispose of—the sword is for yrself from Pulaski—a note inside to you explains.

[ocr errors]Please order that the Bienville must leave in two weeks, without fail. Oh that Flag! She left the 9th of March!

Ever yrs faithfully 
S. F. DP

Old Sedgwick is good deal of an elephant with his beef, but it is a good thing and we have got along!

Don't fail to read Drayton's report.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 121-4

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, May 31, 1862

Private & Confidential 
'Wabash’ Port Royal 
June 1” 1862 
My Dear Sir

An order from Col. Harris came last night detaching Major Doughty from this ship. It had the approval of the Secretary and of course was put in immediate execution and the Major leaves in the morning.

But I have never seen this process before, and it belongs to that system of assumption of authority by the Heads of different departments to withdraw their members from the immediate control and direction of the Secretary of the Navy, a feature which has always given our Department an advantage over that of the Dept. of War. This control of the Secretary and the prestige pertaining to it, is in a measure transmitted to those who represent him on service, whether Flag Officers or Commanding Officers—and that is just where these innovations strike with a bad effect.

The approval of the Secretary, so natural for him to give, is immediately converted into an approval of the system itself, and I suppose the Chiefs of the bureaus will soon order and detach paymasters, Surgeons, Engineers, &c. It is a system of “disintegration,” building up kingdoms within a kingdom, and if not arrested will cause all to crumble some day like a brick wall, from which the mortar has been insidiously abstracted.

If this has been the usage heretofore—then please consider that I have said nothing as the French term it; but I never heard of it and it struck me unpleasantly.

I forgot to mention yesterday that the rough Cutlass in the box I spoke of was also from the Planter.

I have had her appraised by competent officers, who have fixed her value at $9000. I think the guns I sent to New York ought to be added—will you ask the Commandant of the Yard to have them appraised by the Ord. Officers?

Last night heard of Banks' affair—it will do good like Bull Run—two ships detained here with troops on board that I want elsewhere after pretending to hurry us. In case any change should be made of Gen Hunter, which I hope not, I implore that — be not left here in chf command. I say this for no personal feeling, but from the utter incompatibility of the man to fill such a place—this entre nous, tear this up.

Yrs faithfully 
S. F. DP.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 124-5

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, February 28, 1862

Wabash Outside
Port Royal Bar
28 Feby. 62
My Dear Sir

My ammunition arrived just on time as I was detained by bad weather. Our operations of the last month have caused the enemy to concentrate everything round Savannah, and according to two deserters he has abandoned Brunswick! and withdrawn the guns from the forts at St. Simons. All this I will see to—but my object in writing is to say that all approaches on Savannah will have to be probably by Ossabaw Sound and that the Ericsson would be of immense service in knocking over the fort on Greene island. She could then proceed on to the Gulf. This fort is so situated as to make it very formidable on low marshy ground. I think the soldiers will want it taken.

Our feints here have been most successful—but there is seen for some reason a determination to defend Savannah—the river is obstructed, torpedoes and infernal machines in great numbers and masked batteries above Jackson. According to deserters they have sixty thousand men in and outside—this seems absurd, but not more absurd than the last report there are 70,000 in and round Charleston.

The Fingal is purchased and Tattnall fitting her for his flagship, with 9 guns.

In haste Yrs
Most truly
G. V. Fox
Ass. Sec Navy.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 108-9

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, January 11, 1862

Flag Ship 'Wabash'                             
Port Royal Harbor S.C.                      
January 11 l862
Dear Sir,

I have only a short time to write by the Rhode Island now here for a few hours on her way north: but I cannot let her go without answering one part of your letter of the 4th of January. You regret that the second expedition did not proceed and say that “the original plan ought to have been carried out because,” (in a former part of your letter in the same connection,) “the political condition of things renders it imperative that we should possess all the Southern ports possible.”

Will you permit me to remind you, that the original plan of the expedition contemplated the seizure and occupation of two ports, as harbors of refuge; and that I have taken seven ports, and now actually hold five ports, of which three are in South Carolina, and two in Georgia; and of which five ports, three are held by me in connection with the army.

I received by this mail of to-day an important letter of December 10th. This reminds me to renew my earnest desire [previously expressed] to be in more rapid and regular communication with the Department than by the Supply Ships; and I would suggest that an understanding should be had between the Commandant of the Navy Yard, the Army Quartermaster, and the Post Office, at New York.

But do not suppose from anything above, that I have lost any portion of my interest in the Florida business. It is only a question of ships; and it will be prosecuted as soon as it can be done without abandoning other points. I am perfectly posted up in reference to it; but I ought to have one or two efficient vessels of moderate draught, like the Richmond or Hartford, because the large men of war of the squadron are excluded. I should like also to have four additional regular gun boats, which would be allotting me eight only out of the twenty three.

The withdrawal of the R. B. Forbes, a most useful vessel, reduces my squadron. The Wyandotte is almost useless. The withholding of the mortar fleet makes me still farther unhappy.

But as I said to you in one of my previous letters, it is for the Department to judge what it can spare and what it cannot; and to this I cheerfully submit. It is watch my movements, have all been flying about like moths around a lamp.

5th. Seven Gunboats, including the four regulars, are trying to get into Savannah River under John Rodgers, guarding the Soldiers who are putting up a battery on Jones Island, a work I think well of, except for the delay and the absorption of my force in guarding troops. Worst of all, I must have my regular gunboats and regular officers, and yet to leave only volunteer people with “Western Worlds” and “Merry Andrews,” makes me quake, but I shall be absent a precious short time. The weather is bad and unsettled yet.

6th. The return of “Savannah” and “St. Lawrence” I think may give you aid: the crew of the latter would do to send to Foote. You will find in history, not many Generals or Admirals who have volunteered to part with a portion of their force; but I really thought these ships were wasted here, and I brought myself up to the scratch by remembering that I had captured Port Royal with 134 guns, while I had outside some 163 belonging to my command.

In this connection let me remind you — not to complain, but to keep myself right — that of the 5 screw frigates I have one — that of the six first class Sloops I have not one — that of the 4 side wheels I have one —  that of the 8 Second Class Sloops (Screws) I have four but two of these are the smallest and most worthless of the set — the Pocahontas and the Seminole, — Balch makes up a great deal it is true for the lameness of the former — he is a fine brave officer — and four regular gunboats. So you will perceive I have ten built men of war in my squadron, nine only in fact, for the Pocahontas cannot be called one. Where I am going I cannot but feel the want of more of the Mohican class, and one ship of the Brooklyn class at least.

7th. Resignations of young Engineers and Acting Masters come in occasionally. I dissuade and do the best I can. The Department's orders are excellent on that head and I listen to no applications for leave of absence.

8th. Despatched “Bienville,” yesterday off St. Augustine in addition to “Key Stone” to watch “Miramon” with powder, gone to Nassau to renew Register, letter about her yesterday from Shufeldt.

9". Take care about changing officers, or withdrawing them. We are very low, it is like changing front before an enemy. These men should be relieved and not called home.

10". Take care of the Academy — dont call away another class or you will leave it an A.B.C. School.

11th. Please let me know how Acting Masters should rank, when they come in contact with Midshipmen Acting Masters. I had to decide a case on board Flag yesterday. The Midshipman Acting Master (Weidman) is a superior gunner and drill officer. The Acting Master (Warren) superior as a seaman and in date. I decided on the merits of the case and the necessity of the moment, and gave it to the latter, but I go for putting all the regular officers now in service in advance of the outside appointments, for gunnery is more than seamanship in a Steam Navy.

12th. My friend, I do not like the looks of things abroad in spite of the settlement. So soon as your Gunboats and present Steamers are done, we shall have enough for this rebellion; the Nation should arouse itself and prepare against Foreign interference ironclad ships &c. Every man should live on one half of his means for five years, all, except the man who labors for his daily food, until the country is in a state of defence, and I would show John Bull and Johnny Crapaud whether I would do what I pleased with our own harbors, by closing one entrance to New York and rendering the other impregnable, and so on, along the Coast. Our independence and nationality are in danger — for God's sake, drop the negro question, it is dying of inanition, without any necessity to place ourselves legally and constitutionally wrong, thereby offending our weaker brethren, let us save the Country first from enemies within and without .

I am much interested in the contraband within our lines — they tell me there are from eight to ten thousand — they are daily increasing at Edisto and I have induced the General to send a Regiment to Edisto. I look for great work there when we get through No. 2.

But the contraband question is a very intricate one — how to employ them — who is to control — what protection are they to have — what authority to be given to those who work them. The various so called agents who come down here, more or less accredited, the collectors of cotton, collectors of negro statistics, the people of God, the best of the party who want to establish schools, do not all agree. Then we have the philanthropic newspaper correspondents, whose special happiness seems to be to abuse a General, who surrounded with extreme difficulties, is doing his best to overcome them. One thing is certain, that while the most rabid Abolitionist has not exaggerated their degraded condition, the transition state has not improved it. In England (I hate to quote her now for anything) a commission would be appointed by Parliament of wise unprejudiced disinterested and practical individuals to examine and report. Gov. Fish and good Bishop Ames had better be sent here than on a very doubtful mission to Richmond.

Do not mistake from my using the word Contraband the relatively few who happen to be employed by the Government and the negro population on the plantations who are without work.
The Hartford called and has passed on!! But Davis will post you up about her — dont fail to ask him.

My warm regards to Mr. Welles.
Yours faithfully
G. V. Fox Esq,
Asst. Secy. of Navy.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 100-5

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, January 8, 1862

Wabash 8" J any 62
Port Royal      
My Dear Sir

One word on a subject which has considerable effect on the morale of officers — viz — the publication or non publication of official reports.

I always intended to have suggested to Mr Welles the publication of my reports or such portions of them as could see the light by way of keeping up consecutive and correct information of our doings here, and thus carry along the antidote to the mistakes made and ignorance of letter writers. Some people are writing yet to know what has become of our people driven away from Tybee. The country believe at this moment that we are shut up in Port Royal and have not advanced a foot—while I am holding seven harbours of refuge in lieu of the two you required me to take. I say seven because South Edisto, and Ossabaw are nullified by North Edisto and St. Helena it being between the two, and Wassaw inlet covering Ossibaw.

Now comes the point. You have lately published some such reports and reconnaissances and not others — so that some officers are chronicled while others in equal operations are not. Drayton's report on N. Edisto I see reported—it is very interesting but his two previous ones on St. Helena much more so, and on the negro condition especially coming from him would have caused a good deal of effect.

So with R. Rodger's reports. You gave his capital one on Wassaw but not the one on Ossibaw. And then of all others, you have not published Davis's on yr favorite stone fleet. Now, different officers go on these Exp. and it is on their acct that I write.

I see more than I want of my own name, and wish to live through my officers.

I am going to lose two Lts. Please let me have Lt. Mackenzie. Excuse great haste.

Yrs most faithfully

What are your views about the commanding officers for Dale and Wyandotte?

Upshur has applied for one or the other, on principle he being Senior — the last has filled an immediate emergency. Luce too has to go to the Academy and will go North on R. Island. The young Masters must work up in their places but Luce and Upshur are tiptop men and Rodgers was so sorry to lose them and then Corbin I presume will go soon.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 99-100

Friday, March 15, 2019

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, December 21, 1861

Dec. 21. Port Royal Str Wabash.
My Dear Sir

I have applied for an ordnance Lieut. Will you do me the favor to order Lt. A. S. Mackenzie late of the Hartford — You saw his mother in New York.

He had better call on the Bureau and get posted up and then on Dahlgren. I am worried a little about the Dept. for I want it right not only in itself — but in our records and archives.

Squally news yesterday from England. Let 'em come.

W haste
S. F. Dupont.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 82

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, December 6, 1861

‘Wabash’ Dec. 6, 61.
Port Royal, SC
My Dear Sir

Raymond Rodgers returned this morning from a splendid reconnaissance of the Wassaw Inlet strangely overlooked heretofore by the Coast Survey. He had Stevens, Ammen and Bankhead's vessels, found 21 f. on the bar, went up ten miles from it and saw the steeples of Savannah.

Boldly advancing on the fort, to his astonishment he found it abandoned like those in St. Helena Sound. Eight heavy guns had been removed — the magazine blown up, the beds and circles broken. The Fort now building is on Wilmington Creek near a Coast Survey triangulation station and ten miles from Savannah.

Now my Dear friend I want to make a point as the Japanese express it. We are you will see going more and more into the flanks of the rebels, driving them from these coast defences and keeping up our prestige I think, — but alas my vessels are so spread and absorbed, that we have to come out of these places again. Drayton is holding all the St. Helena waters and the Dale is to be the depot ship — at Otter island and keeping up this demonstration off Savannah by the ships in Tybee roads is right also, — and now comes Wassaw, and I believe (I don't know) that Ossabaw and the rest of the Coast of Georgia will be ready to fall into our hands. This you will remember was the regular plan of the Department, but I never thought I could carry it out so fast — then again we were to begin at the lower end and work up, but having made this great breach in the centre, by the occupation of Port Royal, we are working towards both ends at the same time.

Mr. Welles and Yrself have been so kind that I dislike to be troubling you for more vessels — but besides the above disposition of them, the constant and necessary repairs to every steam vessel are more frequent and consume more time than you have any idea of. I don't want to say anything of a most remarkable ignorance which seems to prevail among some of my fine fellows here in handling vessels in a tide way, so that our collisions are more frequent than they should be, hence more tinkering.

Your stone fleet has arrived, and so far as Savannah is concerned anticipated — besides Tattnall is doing the work for us and I sent to Missroon to get him word if he could, that we would supply him with a half dozen vessels to help his obstructions off Pulaski. I have written to Lardner about the Charleston bar and have ordered the fleet in here in the meantime. They doubt less caused an awful fright in Savannah yesterday and certainly captured Wassaw. It is wonderful how safely they came. One encountered a water spout, which took his sails out of him. One or two got into Tybee just in time to go down. One in a sinking condition was towed to the beach for a breakwater and wharf.

I thought the inside of the Light House had been burnt, by an incendiary, but it was more likely the result of spontaneous combustion. The new frame barracks most comfortable structures were spared. These barracks seem to be holding out imploring looks, to be occupied by our troops! What I write is about our business, but I yearn to see Savannah and Charleston taken — then the neck of the foul thing will be broken.

Davis and Rodgers send their warm regards to you. We are all three excessively busy but very happy.

Yours most truly
G. V. Fox Esq.


Could you not take a holiday and run down and see us here? You always bring us good luck.

S. F. DP.

I have been told a brigade goes to Beaufort! Glad to hear of any movement, but Beaufort is not Savannah, nor the way to get to it.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 76-8

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, December 1, 1861

Wabash, Port Royal
Dec. 1, 6l.       
My Dear Friend

If I were ten times as occupied, that kind, noble hearty private letter of yours would command my attention and receive my grateful thanks. Only a sailor man with many other attributes could have written it — Davis & Rodgers enjoyed it with me & we were all gratified.

Davis & myself may truly say that when the deed of the 7th Nov. had been accomplished, after our wives we first thought of you & Mr. Welles — that your laborious work, yr long suffering patience & forbearance in that Department would find some reward in that days proceedings.

The Vanderbilt has stolen a march on us & goes a day sooner than I was told — so some things have to lay over,

yr friend
G. V. Fox
Ass Sec Navy.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 75-6

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, November 25, 1861

Wabash Port Royal Str
Nov. 25th 61. 
My Dear Mr. Fox

I don't think there is much use in writing private above, after your sending my hurried note to those murderers the press, who seemed to have taken pains to make nonsense of most of it, if not mischief for the paragraph about the big frigates was sadly mutilated, and might give offence, for I am made to express the opinion that the Sabine has gotten clear up to the St. Lawrence, which people will of course understand as the river.

The dispatches by this opportunity (by Illinois) are pretty full and cover various subjects which I thought Mr. Welles would like me to touch upon.

We are yet without a line from the Dept. since our occupation here, and the detention of the Bienville with our ammunition and the suggestions which doubtless she brings from the Secrety and yrself, to say nothing of not hearing from our friends, cause her delay to be annoying to us.

The dispatch about Savannah I am sure will gratify you. The blow here is still shaking fruit in all directions. If you have forwd the stone vessels, we may use them for wharves or caissons or coffer dams.

Will you please give a thought to the following suggestions—

1. A Depot Ship like Brandywine for hospital and other purposes, with medical officer and Paymaster.

2. We do not know what there is at Fernandina — this ship cannot go in — the Brooklyn or Hartford and a couple of Gunboats more I feel we ought to have — I am much spread now.

3. Don't forget the Pilot books and aids to Navigation. Our tugs are working all the time for army as well as for our ships.

4. Davis says if you want him to pray for you to send some of those new Side wheel steamers, for the Sound cruising — for I don't mean to have rebel steamers running in them much longer. He sends his best regards to Mr. You and Mr. Welles, to which add mine to the latter if you please.

Do me the favor to send me some first quality dispatch paper — a ream if you please — the stationery furnished is very inferior.

In haste
Yrs most truly
S. F. Dupont
Cap. Fox,
Ass Sec.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 73-4

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, November 15, 1861

Wabash, 15, Nov. 61
Port Royal.     
Dear Mr. Fox,

The Atlantic goes to-morrow to return. She takes my detailed official report and correct map of the battle. Instead of our work wearing away with time, the achievement seems more appreciated by visitors to the forts than ever.

We were rejoiced by O. M. Pettit and Ellen coming in yesterday, they are worth their weight in Gold.

I send you a facsimile of the S. C. Ordinance of Secession with the Cartes de visite of the conspirators, for Mr. Welles, taken from Gen. Drayton's headquarters. We have his military map too, with the forts marked on the rivers &c.

Sherman sent a flag of truce yesterday to a place called the ferry, 7 or 8 miles from Beaufort where I sent his messengers by gun boat. They were cooly recd and it was not wise to send the message. It was elicited by some one a Br [sic] subject asking for protection.

Ought Sherman to have issued a proclamation without my knowledge? I like him but I think Stevens a tortuous man and very smart.

If we were to withdraw our naval and physical protection this army would be prisoners of war in 4 weeks. I don't believe a white man who robs a negro of his subsistence will fight.

Missroon came in to-day, (not his ship) and he has gone off again. I was glad to see him and sent for John Rodgers. The Tybee Isl is fortified and requires a 9-ft draft to approach it and they deem it impossible to put the stone there except under very strong covering with many gunboats, no covering with the frigates. We can put the vessels on the outer bar and you can send them here. I will see further tomorrow.

Curlew must go home. It would be throwing away 45000$ to give that for her. Watmough is grieved at losing his command but in character with himself pronounces her unfit. Will you say to Mr. Welles and to yrself that I would esteem it a particular favor if you will give Lt. Watmough a Gunboat and send him out immediately to me?

I look upon him as the first man afloat of his age — he will be very important.

Connecticut in to day—R Island yesterday. I will write an official letter about Beaufort. Waiting for soldiers to go to Fernandina. I doubt if they dare leave. I think I can hold it with the Marines. Very tired. Excuse this hurried letter.

Ever yrs faithfully
S. F. DP.

I asked Sherman to call Fort Walker, Fort Welles. I think he will do it. Davis saw this fort for the first time yesterday and says they ought to have whipped us.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 71-3