Thursday, July 18, 2024

Governor Albert G. Brown to Colonel Jefferson Davis, May 17, 1847

(From the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Letter Book of Governor Brown.)

Executive Chamber Jackson Mi 17 May 1847
Col Jeff Davis
        Com 1st Miss Rifles,


I have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter written by me to the Secretary of War requesting that officers & men in your Regiment be allowed to retain their arms on retiring from the service or that said arms be issued to Mississippi as a part of her quota from the Genl Government. The Secr. has not yet replied to the letter, but it is not doubted by me that he will at least yield to the last request. Expecting to be absent from home for some weeks I have instructed the Sec of State to forward Gov Marcy's answer to you when it is received. Should either of my requests be complied with, you will allow the men under your command to retain their arms when you disband them. If they are issued to the State, I cannot render a more acceptable service to the people for whom your ever glorious Reg't has won such imperishable honor than to say in their name "there shall be no divorce between the gallant soldier & his Gun."

Very Respy
Your obt. serv't
A. G. Brown

SOURCE: Dunbar Rowland, Editor, Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist: His Letters, Papers and Speeches, Volume 1, p. 72

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