Showing posts with label Pay Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pay Day. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Thursday Morning, October 31, 1861

Still cool Regimental muster for Pay. The forces now stationed here are all mustered to day—on the Brigade parade ground—An Order placing Capt. Hart under arrest by Col. Buford1—was read this evening on Dress Parade.

1 Napoleon B. Buford was a graduate of West Point, law student, assistant professor at West Point, 1833 to 1835, civil engineer, Illinois merchant, banker and railroad builder. At the outbreak of the Civil War, his banking business was ruined due to large investments in Southern State bonds. He gave up all his property to satisfy his obligations and was commissioned Colonel of the 27th Illinois Volunteers by Governor Yates. For his gallant conduct at the battles of Belmont, Island No. 10, and Union City he was commissioned Brigadier-General by the President. When he left the service, he held the commission of Major-General. Eddy, Patriotism of Illinois, II., pp. 56-57.

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 230

Diary of Corporal John W. Dennett, February 28, 1863

Battery mustered for four months' pay. Sergt. Brown returned from furlough. Capt. Martin went to Washington.

SOURCE: John Lord Parker, Henry Wilson's Regiment: History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry, the Second Company Sharpshooters and the Third Light Battery, in the War of the Rebellion, p. 272

Friday, January 10, 2025

Diary of Private John J. Wyeth, January 1, 1863

To-day we were mustered for two months' pay, and of course we were happy till our ardor was cooled by our captain, who told us it might be three months before we received our money. All the consolation to us is, our names are on the list. Our barracks are up in arms, as we are getting ready for the entertainment this evening. Those who are not practising or ordering round are working like beavers putting things to rights.

SOURCE: John Jasper Wyeth, Leaves from a Diary Written While Serving in Co. E, 44 Mass. Dep’t of North Carolina from September 1862 to June 1863, p. 31

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, July 19, 1863

Drew flour this morning for the first time in eight months. We are to stay here to-day and draw ten months' pay. Our pay-rolls are in the hands of Sergeant English, who is, probably, a prisoner, and, consequently, we will make no draw.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 280-1

Monday, October 14, 2024

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Monday, October 14, 1861

morning clear air and bracing. Drilling from 6 to 7 O'clock. to day is Pay Day Comps. A. & E. are paid first—as they are going off on a scouting expidition—To-morrow we get paid, the boys are over joyed at getting their pay, have been disappointed so often that they had no confidence any more as to the promised pay day. Have no Battalion Drill to day. A stern wheel Boat came up the River this afternoon with a flag of Truce flying The purport of her visit is no known This Brigade was ordered down town on Double Quick this evening and paraded about an hour on the levy

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 228

Diary of Corporal John W. Dennett, January 24, 1863

Started at six A.M., and arrived in camp at Potomac Creek at eleven o'clock. Time occupied in once more fixing up our old quarters, that being the second time we had returned to them. We were paid off for four months.

SOURCE: John Lord Parker, Henry Wilson's Regiment: History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry, the Second Company Sharpshooters and the Third Light Battery, in the War of the Rebellion, p. 272

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Diary of Private John J. Wyeth, December 30, 1862

The paymaster looked in on us. He is the first we have had any dealings with, and we are glad he came, for most of "E" have been "hard up." We received pay from August 29th to November 1st,—$27.30 each. We expected to get the whole, and were disappointed; for when many of us squared up, it took about all that we received to settle our debts. We are drilled now as a brigade nearly every day, firing blank cartridges; consequently our guns need extra cleaning, and we get more marching. Evidently they mean our brigade to be number one.

SOURCE: John Jasper Wyeth, Leaves from a Diary Written While Serving in Co. E, 44 Mass. Dep’t of North Carolina from September 1862 to June 1863, p. 31

Monday, August 12, 2024

Diary of Private John J. Wyeth, November 28, 1862

We went to bed late last night, but had to get up at the regular time this morning. It was hard work after having had a holiday to strike into the old routine at once. There is nothing ahead now but Christmas, pay-day, Washington's Birthday, or another march to enliven us. We have had a few boxes from home, but hope for more, as yesterday a vessel arrived. Our letters say they are coming. We hope to get them about Christmas time, but will use them if they arrive sooner.

At dress-parade to-night Col. Lee complimented us on our behavior yesterday, and upon the way we celebrated.

SOURCE: John Jasper Wyeth, Leaves from a Diary Written While Serving in Co. E, 44 Mass. Dep’t of North Carolina from September 1862 to June 1863, p. 22-3

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Diary of Private Richard R. Hancock: Tuesday, March 18, 1862

McNairy's Battalion drew five months' pay, from the 1st of August to December 31st, 1861. Each private drew twenty-four dollars per month. There were quite a number of troops camped near Decatur, but they were being rapidly conveyed by rail to Corinth, Mississippi.

SOURCE: Richard R. Hancock, Hancock's Diary: Or, A History of the Second Tennessee Confederate Cavalry, p. 137

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Diary of Corporal John W. Dennett, Saturday, November 1, 1862

In camp in Pleasant Valley all day. Mustered for two months' pay.

SOURCE: John Lord Parker, Henry Wilson's Regiment: History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry, the Second Company Sharpshooters and the Third Light Battery, in the War of the Rebellion, p. 268

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Diary of Dr. Alfred L. Castleman, September 10, 1861

Our regiment has received two months pay to-day, and to-night all are boisterously happy. We had been notified to have our muster-rolls ready, and we should be paid off on the first day of this month. The rolls were ready but the pay was not. We had received no pay since we entered Uncle Sam's service. We had had to use all our little private means to buy uniforms and outfit for the war, and there was not money enough in the whole regiment to pay for washing one shirt. We were all in debt, and momentarily expecting orders to march into the deserted parts of Virginia. What were we to do? We could not think of leaving so. Day before yesterday we had intimations from our commanding officers that we should remain a day or two longer where we are, and our troops who heretofore had been constantly impatient to advance, were now overjoyed at the delay, not doubting but that it was to receive our pay, and oh how many dreams of little presents to be sent home before we should be plunged into the wilderness. Perhaps some thought of photographs for sweethearts and wives. But scarcely had the joyous echoes from the rocky hills around us died away, when we were officially informed that there was no money in the treasury. It was a damper. I at once made business to the city; saw the paymaster; through him and my friends, got audience of the Secretary of the Treasury; told a story of our penury (and such a story). I got the money which the paymaster had failed to procure. To-day we have been paid off, and to-night I ride a high horse in the affections of the regiment. If they do not dismount me before their money is all expended, their constancy will be greater than my knowledge of human nature generally warrants me in expecting. We are all joyous to-night.

SOURCE: Alfred L. Castleman, The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History; From the Organization of the Army, by General George B. McClellan, to the close of the Campaign in Virginia about the First Day January, 1863, p. 26-7

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 27, 1863

April 27.

Two or three months ago I wrote you of a fearful monomania among our line officers, called "Muster and Pay Rolls." The fighting in Florida cured them of the disease, but recently the old enemy has shown himself in another form. One can scarcely stir without seeing anxious faces and hearing the anxious inquiry in stifled notes; "Has he come? When will he come?" "Oh he will come and he will be loaded with greenbacks, we shall again be fed and clothed." I regret to say that this form of the disease extends to the field and staff, and while I fancy myself beyond the reach of the epidemic, I do sometimes see floating ghosts of greenbacks which promise much in the future. This evening it had been thundering a long time, before I discovered it was not cannonading, so completely have the elements become demoralized by the war.

Dr. Minor found an enormous alligator in a cypress swamp, this morning, and I joined him for a skirmish through the woods to find the old fellow. We penetrated to the centre of a low cypress growth and then found ourselves in the most impressive sanctuary I ever saw. A circular, open space of about 300 feet in diameter, in the centre of which were two stagnant pools of about twenty feet in diameter. There was not a stump nor a knee in this open space, but all around were the tall, solemn cypresses, completely draped in the long, gray moss. The ground was made dry and soft, like wool, by a kind of moss. The great reptile had gone into one of the pools and roiled the water so we could not see him, but with a pole, I succeeded in making him strike with his tail. We had no opportunity to use our Ballards [rifles], and galloped home through the woods with resolves to try again another day. Within a couple of months that swamp will hold enough malarious poison in it to protect the occupants from human intrusion.

After Mr. Bennett and his assistants had finished paying the men today we took a ride over to Barnwell's. The "Barnwell oak" measures 126 feet in the broadest diameter in the spread of its branches, at least such was my pacing. This is not only the largest live oak but the broadest spread of branches I have ever seen. They start from the body very near the ground.

SOURCE: Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Volume 43, October, 1909—June, 1910: February 1910. p. 390-1

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Wednesday, October 28, 1863

Rumor has it that the regiment will be paid off to-day, and for once rumor proves correct. Captain Johnson receives orders to report with his detachment to regimental headquarters.

In the afternoon the regiment is paid.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 201

Friday, February 19, 2021

Diary of 5th Sergeant Osborn H. Oldroyd: July 3, 1863

Uncle Sam's cashier has arrived at last, and we have been paid for two months' service. The married men are quite anxious to send their money home to their wives and little ones. It is risky sending money North from here, yet, to some, more dangerous to keep it. I saw two boys sitting on a log, today, playing poker at five cents a game. Five cent currency is paid in a sheet, and, as either lost the game, a five cent piece was torn off.

SOURCE: Osborn Hamiline Oldroyd, A Soldier's Story of the Siege of Vicksburg, p. 74

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Diary of Private Louis Leon: September 9, 1862

Up to to-day nothing new. Our regiment was paid off to-day, we receiving one month's wages-eleven dollars for a private, which I have the honor to be.

SOURCE: Louis Leon, Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, p. 11

Friday, April 17, 2020

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: November 16, 1861

Paymaster Major Sherman arrives to-day, and in the afternoon commences to pay the regiment; pays the field officers and staff, and non-commissioned staff, and companies A, D, F and H, and adjourns for the night.

SOURCES: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 20

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: November 18, 1861

To-day the Paymaster finishes paying the regiment. The men are now flush with the “collaterals” and in consequence the sutlers and swindlers are trying to play their hands.

SOURCES: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 20

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Diary of Captain Luman Harris Tenney: July 12, 1865

Immediately after breakfast packed up and went around to bid my friends goodbye. Felt sad as well as happy. God bless the friends at Benton Barracks. Got paid. Saw Will B. Off at 4 P. M. Made several acquaintances. Can hardly realize that I am going back home to stay.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 169

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Lemuel A. Abbott: Monday, July 25, 1864

Got supper in town last night. It began to rain about 10 o'clock p. m. and continued to hard all night. I stayed at the National Hotel; went to camp early this morning; regiment paid last night; went to town again and bought clothes; went to the Canterbury Theatre in the evening; stayed at the National Hotel again. There's no sign of a move to-night.

SOURCE: Lemuel Abijah Abbott, Personal Recollections and Civil War Diary, 1864, p. 126-7

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Captain William Thompson Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, December 20, 1861

Headquarters 2d Brigade, S. C.
Beaufort, S. C. Dec. 20th, 1861.
My dear Mother:

Here it is almost Christmas, but there is no hope of dining with you all at home on that joyful day. Still I will try to make myself cheerful here, as that alone is a comfortable philosophy. Duties are a bit lighter to-day — the result, I suppose, of great exertion for a few days back. I received last night three letters from you and one from Horace. Let me thank you, dear mother, very much for the photograph you sent me. It gives me much gratification, and now occupies a conspicuous place in my room. I shall look impatiently for the photographs likewise of my sisters and the little boys. It would do me much good to see Hunt's good-looking face, if he does feel too logy to favor my whims. You write me for my photograph, as though I was living at the seat of civilization, and the abode of elegance. Well, to be sure, I am; but then everything is in Southern style, which does not admit of such vulgar things as tradesmen, much less of itinerant shadow catchers. I have grown immensely aristocratic since in South Carolina. There is something in the air that's infectious. A few more weeks here, and I'll be able to stomach even a Bostonian, which — Oh! I had almost forgotten how soon Hall's wedding comes off; the 25th of December, Walter writes me. Do for Heaven's sake give the bride something from me. I enclose $10.00 to make the purchase. There is nothing one can possibly buy down here. Pay-day is not far off again, and I hope to be able to remit something handsome to Uncle Phelps, which may make him cry, “Oh, provident youth!” Until then Walter's baby must go without the coral and bells destined him by his affectionate Uncle William. Tell Horace I took into consideration the request he made with regard to writing a few lines to Saml. Lord, assuring him of the welfare of Miss Mintzing, concluded to do it, have done it, and think the communication will reach him.

We are quite active here at Beaufort, giving the good people on the mainland all sorts of starts. The other night a young Lieutenant crossed to the mainland with a small party, caught six of their pickets, and brought them safely back as prisoners. A captain takes a boat, glides along the shore, gets fired upon, returns the fire, and, it being his first fight, he has the agreeable sensation of seeing the enemy run. The fact is, though the people of respectability are many of them rampant, the poor whites think the war a hard thing, which they do not like to bear. So much we gathered from the prisoners taken the other night. They say that all who do not volunteer are drafted into the army, and the difference made is, that volunteers receive $25.00 for clothes, and are treated with respect, whereas drafted men get nothing but abuse. Therefore it is not difficult to see how popular volunteering must be in the South.

You will be pleased to hear that my friend William Elliott has gained perhaps the most brilliant reputation for cool courage and daring, of any man in the Army down here. He is a rare hero, and is bound to make his mark.

Give my best love to all, dear mother.


SOURCE: William Chittenden Lusk, Editor, War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, p. 109-11