Still cool
Regimental muster for Pay. The forces now stationed here are all mustered to
day—on the Brigade parade ground—An Order placing Capt. Hart under arrest by
Col. Buford1—was read this evening on Dress Parade.
1 Napoleon B. Buford was a graduate of
West Point, law student, assistant professor at West Point, 1833 to 1835, civil
engineer, Illinois merchant, banker and railroad builder. At the
outbreak of the Civil War, his banking business was ruined due to large
investments in Southern State bonds. He gave up all his property to
satisfy his obligations and was commissioned Colonel of the 27th Illinois Volunteers
by Governor Yates. For his gallant conduct at the battles of Belmont, Island
No. 10, and Union City he was commissioned Brigadier-General by the President.
When he left the service, he held the commission of Major-General. Eddy, Patriotism of Illinois, II., pp.
SOURCE: Transactions
of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 230