Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Sunday, October 20, 1861

Inspection as usual. Services at 11 O'clock by our Chaplain, weather very pleasant has the appearance of Indian summer No news of importance today Dress Parade as usual this evening.

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 229

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Sunday, October 27, 1861

Regimental inspection this morning.—Religious services by our Chaplain. Grand Review commenced this evening at 2½ O'clock continued till 5, before Gen. McClernand and Staff. The forces which passed Camp Cairo, Illinois. Under review were Five Regts. of Infantry One of cavalry and one Battery of flying Artillery. The review has been pronounced a splendid affair Every thing passed off in fine style

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 230

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 19, 1862

10 Oc I & Emma Amandus & our Cozens Maria & Mary Kelley attended Catholic Church after which we went to the Hospital Boat & from that we went to the hospitals & amongst the sick & wounded 5 Oc I was on dress perade evening I preached in the tent 30th Reg text Gal 6th 1st & 2nd v

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 92

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 20, 1862

Forenoon I was on Camp drill afternoon on Battallion drill & dress perade, evening Brother Burgess Chaplain of the 30th Reg Iowa vol preached in our tent text Psalms. Praise God, an excelent discourse One of the men of Company D died1

1 William P. Shipley, age 25, residence Eddyville, nativity Tennessee. Enlisted August 13, 1862, Company D. Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry. Died of disease October 20, 1862, at Keokuk,—"Roster Iowa Soldiers," Vol. V, p. 716.

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 92-3

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 22, 1862

Forenoon we ware on Co drill afternoon on Brigade & battallion drill & Dress perade. Our Capt is poorly in his bed most of the day the 26th Reg passed down on a Packet landed a short time they are a fine looking set of men. evening Emma & I attended the African Church & seen some contrabands just from South Carolina

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 93

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 23, 1862

I went with our Capt to the Hospital & gave him his medison & staid with him most of the day afternoon a short time on drill & Dress perade evening Emma & I attended prayer meeting at exchange St Church after that we went into see some of our sick Soldiers in the Hospital

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 93

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 24, 1862

It was so cold we did not drill any this day Emma & I visited the hospitals & tryed to Comfort the suffering evening Emma Amandus & I attended the prayer meeting at the African church

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 93

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 26, 1862

Our Reg got our coats pants shirts & socks & caps & they needed them verry much 9 Oc I was at love feast in the African church then visited our boys in the hospital. then helped to receive & distribute the uniform 4 Oc we were on dress perade evening Emma & Mrs & Miss Kelly visited the hospitals & attended preaching at exchange church

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 93

Friday, December 6, 2024

Diary of Corporal John Worrell Northrop: Saturday, June 12, 1864

Four days I have been ill. Among new men bloody flux and dysentery prevail; this is my trouble. I am better today; a fine breeze lifts me. From last date it has rained every day. We have news from my regiment. Adjutant Carpenter was killed in a charge, both Col. Grover and Lieut. Col. Cook are disabled; Capt. J. L. Goddard, of my company, in command. The movement of trains toward Americus is on account of wounded Confederates being taken to Americus from battlefields about Atlanta. All doctors absent; no sick call for a week. The dead are daily drawn out by wagon loads.

On the 8th a Catholic priest said to us he supposed we were badly treated, but there are as kind hearted people about here as anywhere; that officers have it their own way; thought our government unwilling to exchange, but if better provisions could not be made for us, something ought to be done. Priests, though frequently in, have little to say. They are said to be using their doctrinal influence to get men to swear allegiance to the Confederacy. I do not accept this as true, though one of Erin's sons frequently visited, who said to me that he refused to renounce Uncle Sam, yesterday went out with the priest and has not returned.

I am out of conceit with many reports which originate in camp. I have no faith in innocent liars who tell so much news. For instance: Lincoln is going to give two for one to get us out; "is going to throw the nigger overboard to please Rebels"; that Secretary Stanton has said that "none but dead beats and coffee boilers are taken prisoners, and the army is better off without them." Likely some Rebel started this story, but it had weight among some. Indignant crowds gather and vent their curses on Stanton. Grant is cursed by some, so is the President and the Cabinet; for these gossipers have but little depth of thought and are easily moved by groundless rumors. It is cheering to know many on whose eyes are no scales, logically rebutting these stories and laying the blame of our abuse on the Rebel authorities, where it belongs. A small ration of rice today.

SOURCE: John Worrell Northrop, Chronicles from the Diary of a War Prisoner in Andersonville and Other Military Prisons of the South in 1864, p. 73-4

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Diary of George Templeton Strong: Sunday, January 1, 1860

New Year’s Day. God prosper the New Year to those I love. Church with Ellie and Johnny; an effective sermon by Higby. Thereafter we took a cold “constitutional” up the Fifth Avenue to Forty-second Street, a rather vigorous winter day, still and sharp. Tonight is overcast, with promise of snow tomorrow.

SOURCE: Allan Nevins and Milton Halset Thomas, Editors, Diary of George Templeton Strong, Vol. 3, p. 2

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Diary of Private Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Tuesday, February 17, 1863

Received twenty-four boxes, saddles, bridles, halters, etc. Sent to Camp. Got a detail and put them all in a house and locked them up. We took charge of the Clerk's Office to sleep in, tied our horses in Court Yard and got our forage from the farmers around. Secured boarding at Maj. Holden's, a clever gentleman and nice family; has one grown daughter, Miss Emma, a nice young lady. Remained here Wednesday, 18th-Monday, 23rd. During this time had nothing to do but write letters, visit MY GIRL THAT PAWS IVORY, and make acquaintances. Among them Miss Lou Hill I prize highest. We had prayer meeting and church. I purchased four books and left them with Miss Emma: Mormon's at Home, Pilgrim's Progress, Bayard Taylor's Travels and Bible Union Dictionary.

SOURCE: Ephraim Shelby Dodd, Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd: Member of Company D Terry's Texas Rangers, p. 8

Governor Rutherford B. Hayes to Benjamin F. Potts, November 8, 1869

COLUMBUS, OHIO, November 8, 1869.

DEAR GENERAL:—I congratulate you back again [—on your election to the state Senate]. Some enemy of yours reported that you would be badly beaten in any event. But I didn't believe it. I agree with you. Our lines didn't fall in the right years. The "off years," as Greeley calls them, are bad years to run for office.

The missionary story is out of whole cloth. I went to church like a good Christian on the Sunday I was reported to be ploughing with the Hamilton County Reform Members and didn't see one of them. Bishop Thompson preached a capital discourse on the text, "Be ye faithful to the end and I will give you a crown of life," or words to that effect. If you had heard it you wouldn't have thought of that infamous suspicion that I was imitating Sam Cary because I quoted scripture in my Thanksgiving proclamation. Hassaurek says the Reformers will be with us on the Fifteenth Amendment. I think so too. Lew Campbell, it is said, boasts that he will prevent the ratification in the Senate, but as both of the Reformers are perfectly sound I suppose it is safe.

Kind regards to Mrs. Potts.

        Carrollton, Ohio.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 3, p. 69-70

Governor Rutherford B. Hayes to Unidentified, November 13, 1869

COLUMBUS, OHIO, November 13, 1869.

DEAR SAGE: I am in receipt of yours of yesterday. I will send you reports of [the] Ohio Penitentiary and Reform Farm. No report of Girls' Reformatory yet made. But the rules adopted may answer your purpose and I will try to get them for you. They were approved by me as the law required and were in the handwriting of Judge M—— [Matthews (?)].

I have the Thanksgiving proclamations of twenty-seven States all recognizing religion, nearly all the religion of the Bible, and several the Divinity of Christ. More are coming, doubtless. Our Legislature for many years has passed a joint resolution annually authorizing a thanksgiving and frequently in terms which recognized the religion of the Bible. The last Legislature omitted to do so by a mere accident this year, but in [the] Sixty-fifth volume Ohio Laws, page 306, passed one last year. If you wish to borrow my bundle of Thanksgiving proclamations I will send them to you. All state institutions have religious exercises, some of them chaplains paid under state laws. The meetings of the two houses of the General Assembly are always opened with prayer in accordance, sometimes, with resolutions (passed unanimously usually), and sometimes by common consent. The inaugurations of governors are prefaced by religious exercises.

The general proposition on which you stand is undoubtedly sound. Whether your particular relief can be granted by a court is perhaps doubtful; and if you are beaten I am not sure but the question will go before the committee in a better form for a final and correct decision by the people without the intervention of the courts in opposition to the late action of the School Board than it will with such intervention. But if I can aid you, call on me.


SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 3, p. 72

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Diary of 1st Sergeant John S. Morgan, Sunday, January 1, 1865

A nice enough day, did not go to church. worked part of the day on Pay rolls. Evening spent at the house of Mr Goins in co with Mr Miller, in camp at 9, P. M. and drink Egg nog. 

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 570

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Diary of Private John C. West, Wednesday, April 15, 1863

I went to the supper table last night too sick to eat anything; left the table and laid down on a lounge until the hotel keeper could show me a room; I retired early and slept well; got up this morning all right, but did not go to the breakfast table; took a lunch from my own haversack; walked out in town; went to the ten-pin alley and spent an hour rolling; had not played a game before for eight years, and enjoyed it very much; smoked a cigar, a notable scarcity in these times, and returned to the hotel, where I wrote a letter to Judge Devine, and one to my dear wife; may heaven's choicest blessings rest upon her and my sweet children; went to the dinner table and found the landlady apologizing for some defect and two young females discussing the merits of the Episcopal and Baptist faith; got through dinner somehow and walked down to the quartermaster's office; got the Vicksburg Whig; stretched myself out on the counter; read and took a nap; got up; went to the armory and would have enjoyed looking over the work very much but felt sick; it produces four Mississippi rifles per day at $30.00 a piece on contract with the state; I am now sitting at the foot of the hill below the armory.

SOURCE: John Camden West, A Texan in Search of a Fight: Being the Diary and Letters of a Private Soldier in Hood’s Texas Brigade, p. 16-7

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Diary of Private John J. Wyeth, December 21, 1862


Sunday. A splendid day; but what a miserable-looking set of boys we are!—stiff, lame, and dirty, and hungry for more beans. We received the welcome order, "No work for three days." We went to church this morning, so there are really only two days and a half, and they will soon be gone. But we have letters to answer, trips down-town to make, for those who can get passes; and the first thing we know it will be Wednesday.

SOURCE: John Jasper Wyeth, Leaves from a Diary Written While Serving in Co. E, 44 Mass. Dep’t of North Carolina from September 1862 to June 1863, p. 30

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Daniel Webster to Millard Fillmore, April 15, 1851

Marshfield, April 15, 1851.

MY DEAR SIR,—I was very glad to receive your letter last evening, and to learn that there was nothing occurring of particular urgency at Washington. Although the weather has been cold and wet, nearly all the time I have been here, yet, I leave with regret, and should be tempted to prolong my stay, if there were not to be an occasion likely to call me from Washington again, soon. About the 10th or 15th of May the important suit between the Methodist Church and the Methodist Church South, is to come on for argument in the circuit court of the United States in the city of New York. I have been long engaged in the cause, and drew the original bill in favor of the Church South. I have been in hopes that the parties would be satisfied that Mr. Lord should take my place, with Mr. Reverdy Johnson, but they are not so inclined. Recent occurrences, perhaps, have contributed to lead to an undue estimation of the probable value of my services on the occasion. The division between North and South, you know, took place on the slavery question.

A suit, equally old, and of a similar nature, is on my hands in Massachusetts, to be tried the middle of June. It is between the Old School Quakers, and the Hicksites, so called, and the question is, which party is entitled to the funds and property.

I hope nothing may occur rendering my attention to these two things inconsistent with my public duties.

In the present state of our military means, it is to be feared we shall have trouble with Indians in the southwest. And though it is our duty to do all we can, with the means in our hands, yet it is necessary to remember also that the government will be pressed to raise volunteers, mounted men, &c., by those who would like the employment and the pay. I take it that a mounted man on the frontiers is a person exceedingly well paid for doing very little.

I go to Boston to-morrow, and expect to meet the people in Faneuil Hall on Thursday.

I am not surprised at what you say about the course of Mr. ——— and his friends. They will probably attempt a denunciation of the compromise measures, in some way, but I think they will find themselves less strong than they imagine themselves to be. The case is a curious one. These gentlemen are willing and ready to express a hearty and conscientious approbation of, or at least acquiescence in, the compromise measures, provided only that certain office-holders be not disturbed. And, on the other hand, they are equally ready and willing to denounce these measures, heartily and conscientiously, if these office-holders should be disturbed.

I lament most deeply this schism among the New York Whigs, but I do not see how it could be avoided. At the same time, I think we have friends who are not only not discreet, but who attempt to use all their influence, whatever it is, to magnify themselves and to gain a triumph over their enemies. They wish to be the administration, at least, so far as New York is concerned. They require, in my opinion, sharp looking after.

I am, dear Sir, with true regard, always yours,

SOURCE: Fletcher Webster, Editor, The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster, Vol. 2, p. 428-9

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, Sunday, October 5, 1862

We had a shower while on dress perade I have put in the day making out pay rools for our company & it has not been a source of much comfort to me but knowing the wants of the boys & all the other company being at it I reconcile it as a military necessity. I got K P Morrison to preach in our tent & I exorted & closed after him text ye will not come to me that ye may have life

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 91

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 9, 1862

Rainey nearly all day & we had a wet time of it on dress perade I visited the hospitals evening by request I preached in Capt Vermilions tent we got the Blankets for our boys today

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 91

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, Sunday, October 12, 1862

11 Oc I attended church on Exchange Street the paster preached text 126th Psalm 6th v 3 Oc I & the Miss Kelleys attended at the Chatham Square Church a discourse by Dr Sturtevant President of Ilinoise Colledge Isaiah 58th & 6th ve 5 Oc we was at dress perade the ladies took supper with us at the camps I then went home with them & attended preaching at the African church

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 92