Showing posts with label Henry W Benham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry W Benham. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lieutenant-Colonel Theodore Lyman to Elizabeth Russell Lyman, September 29, 1863

Headquarters, Army Of The Potomac
September 29, 1863

I see such flocks of generals now, that I do not always take the pains to describe them. On Sunday there arrived General Benham, one of the dirtiest and most ramshackle parties I ever saw. Behind him walked his Adjutant-General, a great contrast, in all respects, being a trig, broad-shouldered officer, with a fierce moustache and imperial and a big clanking sabre. I gazed at this Adjutant-General and he at me, and gradually, through the military fierceness, there peeped forth the formerly pacific expression of Channing Clapp!1 There never was such a change, Achilles and all other warlike persons; and is much improved withal. That same evening enter another general (distinguished foreigner this time), El General Jose Cortez, chevalier of some sort of red ribbon and possessor of a bad hat. He was accompanied by two eminent Seflors, Mexicans and patriotic exiles. We were out riding when they came; but, after our return, and in the midst of dinner, there comes an orderly with a big official envelope, proving to be a recommendation from Mr. Seward. “Oh,” says the General, “another lot, hey? Well, I suppose they will be along to-morrow”; and went on quietly eating dinner. Afterwards I went into the office of General Williams (or “Seth” as they call him here) and there beheld, sitting in a corner, three forlorn figures. Nobody seemed to know who they were, but the opinion prevailed that they were a deputation of sutlers, who were expected about that time! But I, hearing certain tones of melancholy Spanish, did presently infer that they were the parties mentioned in the big, official envelope, and so it proved! They were speedily entered into the General's presence and, after a few compliments, anxiously asked when the next train left for Washington; for it appears that they had supposed Culpeper was a pleasant jaunt of about fifteen minutes from the Capitol, and was furnished with elegant hotels and other conveniences; consequently they had brought no sac de nuit, and had had nothing to eat since early morning, it being then dark! Their surprise was considerable, after a weary ride of some hours, to be dumped in a third-rate village, deserted by its inhabitants and swarming with dusty infantry. John made ready with speed, and, after a meal and a bottle of champagne, it was surprising to see how their barometers rose, especially that of small Señior, No. 2, who launched forth in a flood of eulogium on the state of civil liberty in the United States. Our next care was to provide them sleeping-accommodations; no easy matter in the presence of the fact that each has barely enough for himself down here. But I succeeded in getting two stretchers from the hospital (such as are used to bring in the wounded from the field) and a cot from Major Biddle; three pillows (two india-rubber and one feather) were then discovered, and these, with blankets, one tin basin, one bucket, and one towel, made them entirely happy. Really, how they looked so fresh next morning was quite a marvel. Then, after a good breakfast, we put them all on horseback (to the great uneasiness of the two Señiors) and followed by a great crowd of a Staff (who never can be made to ride, except in the higglety-pigglety style in which “Napoleon et ses Marechaux” are always represented in the common engravings), we jogged off, raising clouds of red dust, to take a look at some soldiers.  . . . El General was highly pleased and kept taking off his bad hat and waving it about. Also he expressed an intense desire that we should send 50,000 men and immediately wipe out the French in Mexico.

“Why doesn't Meade attack Lee?” Ah, I have already thrown out a hint on the methods of military plans in these regions. But, despite the delays, I should have witnessed a great battle before this; if, If, IF, at the very moment the order had not come to fill up the gap that the poltroonery of two of Rosecrans’ Corps has made in the western armies. I do believe that we should have beaten them (that's no matter now), for my Chief, though he expressly declares that he is not Napoleon, is a thorough soldier, and a mighty clear-headed man; and one who does not move unless he knows where and how many his men are; where and how many his enemy's men are; and what sort of country he has to go through. I never saw a man in my life who was so characterized by straightforward truthfulness as he is. He will pitch into himself in a moment, if he thinks he has done wrong; and woe to those, no matter who they are, who do not do right! “Sir, it was your duty and you haven't done it; now go back and do it at once,” he will suddenly remark to some astonished general, who thinks himself no small beer. Still I do wish he would order the Provost-Marshal to have a few more of the deceased horses buried. The weather here is perfect — could not be finer.

1 A classmate at Harvard.

SOURCE: George R. Agassiz, Editor, Meade’s Headquarters, 1863-1865: Letters of Colonel Theodore Lyman from the Wilderness to Appomattox, p. 23-5

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

From Washington


Tribune’s Special.

It is said on the authority of intercepted letters from Richmond, that several editors of rebel newspapers have been hung for publishing intelligence which was contraband of war.

A general order from the Adj. General’s office directs paymasters to recognize agents which may be appointed by States under certain circumstances to receive soldier’s pay.

A rumor, which the War Department has not had an opportunity to disprove or rectify, asserts that Gen. Blenker has been seriously injured by a fall from his horse. It is not true that his command has been assigned to Gen. Rosencrans [sic].

The condition of the Treasury now enables the Secretary to direct the payment in cash of all claims, of dates prior to Nov. 1st 1861, including claims settled by the St. Louis commission, and it is expected that those of November will also be paid in full within a few days. All other claims, without regard to date, will be paid on presentation, if desired as heretofore, 80 percent in cash.

The prospect of the passage of the Pacific RR. Bill during the present session is not promising.

The Herald’s Fort Monroe correspondent under the date of the 17th state: From our army before Yorktown, I hear the most cheering news. By information just received from soldiers, I learn that last evening a Colonel and Lieut. Colonel from the rebel army came over to our lines, and surrendered themselves as prisoners of war. These two officers also report that an entire Irish brigade mutinied, and by order of Jeff. Davis, were deprived of their arms and sent to the rear.

The act authorizing the Postmaster General to establish branch postoffices in the cities prescribes the charge of one cent in addition to the regular postage, for ever letter deposited in any branch postoffice to be forwarded by mail from the principal office, and which shall be prepaid by stamp; and once cent for every letter delivered as such branch office, to be paid on delivery.

The naval appropriation bill contains an item of nearly $800,000 to pay for and finish Steven’s battery, the money Not to be expended unless the Secretary of the Navy is of the opinion that the same will secure an efficient steam battery. The section appropriated $13,000,000 merely says to enable the secretary to contract for iron-clad steam vessels of war.

The select committee of the Senate through Mr. Hale, made their report under the resolution adopted in July last, instructing them to inquire into the circumstances attending the surrender of the navy yard at Pensacola, and the destruction of the property of the United States at the Norfolk navy yard and the armory at Harper’s Ferry, and the abandonment of the same by the Federal forces; and also whether there was default on the part of our officers. The committee relate at length the facts of the case. The amount of property at the Norfolk navy hard was valued at $9,760,000. The vessels were worth nearly $2,000,000. There were in the yard at least 2,000 heavy guns, of which 300 were of the Dahlgren pattern. The committee making this report was composed of senators Hale, Johnson, of Tenn., and Grimes.


Col. Morrow, late of the 2d Ohio regiment, now attached to Gen. Hunter’s staff, has arrived, bringing dispatches to the War Department, but which up to 10 o’clock had not been delivered. He states that among the prisoners taken is Capt. Simms, editor of the Savannah Republican. The sword belonging to the latter he has presented to Representative Gurney, of Ohio.

Ex-Mayor Britt has declined the appointment tendered him by the President as one of the commissioners under the bill for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.

The post-office appropriation bill provides $1,000,000 for the service of the California Central route, and repeals the acts requiring the Postmaster General in causing the transportation of the mails by steamship between our own and foreign ports, and between any of our own ports touching at foreign ports, to give preference to American over foreign steamships when departing from the same port for the same port within three days of each other. The Postmaster General is authorized to establish a coast mail, not less than semi-monthly, between San Francisco and Crescent City, Cal., including service at intermediate points; provided the sum to be paid for such service does not exceed $20,000 per annum. The President has approved and signed the above named bills.

The act reorganizing and increasing the efficiency of the medical department of the army, adds to the present corps ten surgeons and ten assistant surgeons, twenty military cadets and as many hospital stewards as the Surgeon General may consider necessary. The Surgeon General to be appointed under this act is to have the rank and pay and emoluments of a Brigadier General. There is to be one Assistant Surgeon General, one Inspector General, and ten of hospitals. The latter is to have the supervision of all that relates to the sanitary condition of the army. There are to be beside eight medical inspectors, charged with the duty of inspecting the sanitary condition of the transports, quarters and camps of the field hospitals. The appointments are to be made by the President, either from the regular or volunteer surgeons, with sole regard to qualifications.


The following was received at the Navy Department to-day:

April 13, 1862.

SIR: The dispatches from the commanding General of this department to the Hon. Secretary of War will convey the gratifying intelligence of the fall of Ft. Pulaski. It was a purely military operation – the result of laborious and scientific preparations and of consummate skill and bravery in execution. It would not have pertained to me to address you in reference to this brilliant and successful achievement, had not Maj. Gen. Hunter, with a generous spirit long to be remembered, permitted the navy to be represented on this interesting occasion, by allowing a detachment of seamen and officers from this ship to serve one of the breaching batteries. I have thanked General personally, and desire to express my acknowledgments to Brig. Gen. Benham, and acting Brig. Gen. Gilmore, for acts of consideration shown to my officers and men. Respectfully,

Flagg Officer Commanding.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 21, 1862, p. 1

Friday, October 2, 2009

Gen. Hunter has divided his department into three districts . . .

. . . and has designated their commanders as follows: Gen Benham, headquarters and Beaufort; Gen Brannan, at or near Key West; Gen. Arnold, at Fort Pickens.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 17, 1862, p. 2