Showing posts with label Big Black River. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Black River. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Diary of Musician David Lane, July 3, 1863

July 3d, 1863.

We are encamped six miles from Haines Bluff, on a ridge of ground, in a perfect wilderness. I have hardly seen level ground enough, in this State, for a regiment to camp on. I find blackberries in abundance, and, therefore, am content. They have formed a large share of my diet, and have been both food and medicine. Scurvy and diarrhea have entirely disappeared. That which we most need and cannot get is pure water. The streams have all run dry, and unless it rains soon, every spring within reach of us will fail. Water is now so scarce every regiment except the Seventeenth has placed a guard over its own spring, and will not allow others to use it. If we stay here long, we will be compelled to dig wells.

We are now twelve miles from Vicksburg and eight miles from the Big Black. I can still hear the thunder of artillery, morning and eve, at the former place. If Grant celebrates the Fourth inside of Vicksburg, as report says he intends to do, he must do something decisive soon. He may be doing that very thing this minute. When I began writing, his cannon kept up a continual roar. It has almost ceased. Perhaps he is now storming their works.

Our men are still throwing up fortifications. The whole country for fifteen miles around Vicksburg is little less than a fortification. The inhabitants around here did not run away at our approach. Most of them are intensely loyal just now. The reports of want and destitution with which the papers are filled, and which I doubted, are true. Many families draw all their supplies from our Quartermaster. Soon all must do so.

SOURCE: David Lane, A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer, 1862-1865, p. 62-3

Diary of Musician David Lane, July 11, 1863

Near Jackson, Miss., July 11th, 1863.

On the 6th of July, at about 3 o'clock p. m., we fell into line and started for the Big Black River, distant about two miles. The Rebels had shown themselves in considerable force on the opposite bank, and had engaged our skirmishers from rifle pits, which were dug close to the river bank, and were concealed by a thick growth of small cane, killing and wounding several of our men. Their force was unknown to us, the river fifteen to twenty feet deep, the banks level, and, on the other side, covered with a heavy growth of timber.

Bridges must be built, and the hazardous task was assigned to the First Brigade. In crossing a level stretch of cleared land, by looking back, I could see the whole brigade in motion, winding along like a huge serpent and extending nearly a mile in length, and a feeling of pride and exultation surged over me as I saw, once more, the grand old Ninth Corps advancing on our country's foe, and led, too, by the glorious Seventeenth.

On arriving at the river we formed in line behind a bank, thickly covered with brush, and awaited the darkness of night before beginning our task.

At dusk each regiment was formed into reliefs, for fatigue duty, and the work of building began.

Contrary to our expectations, no opposition was offered. A raft was built on which skirmishers were carried over, but they found no enemy. As soon as they discovered our determination to cross, they fell back toward Jackson. We built our bridge, and crossed the next day, July 7th, at 12 m. A deserter told us they had heard of the surrender of Vicksburg, and had left in haste. Quite a number of mules and beef cattle were left behind, and were taken in charge by our Quartermaster. Here our advance assumed somewhat the nature of a forced march. We halted but a few minutes at a time, and continued, until nearly midnight, to feel our way. Our first day's march, after crossing the river, was over a rough, broken country, covered by a thick growth of timber, which afforded a grateful shade, alternated by open stretches of cleared land, where the sun beat down upon us in all its fierceness. Many of our men fell out; several were sunstruck, two of whom died in a few minutes. On our previous short marches we had been greatly inconvenienced by the scarcity of water, but we had now to travel thirty miles through a country almost destitute of springs or streams, the inhabitants depending on cisterns and artificial ponds for themselves and stock. I have not seen a well of water in Mississippi. The negroes tell us we will not find a drop of water for thirteen miles for man or beast. The long-continued drought has nearly exhausted cisterns and dried up most of the artificial ponds. We could only push ahead and trust in providence. But we were not left to perish, for that very night we marched into camp in the midst of one of the heaviest thunder showers I ever witnessed. It seems to me as much a miracle as the "Smiting of the rock for the Children of Israel." And I thanked God and took courage. That, and the frequent showers that followed, saved thousands of men and horses from perishing of thirst. As often happens when large bodies of troops are in motion, our supply train did not come up, and the second morning from the river found us with empty haversacks. Unlike Virginia, this part of Mississippi abounds in cattle and hogs, and the ravines around our camp were soon converted into slaughter houses, from which our men supplied themselves with meat. We stayed here until 2 o'clock p. m. for the train to came up; half rations were issued, and we resumed our march, and kept it up until midnight. This was a hard day for men and horses, owing to the scarcity of water and the excessive heat. A number of men died of sunstroke, anl twenty-five horses were found dead. Not a man of the Seventeenth has died, although several were compelled to fall out. As for myself, I marched near the head of the regiment all day, and was ready for a like excursion the next morning. We camped that night within five miles of Jackson, and our advance had already skirmished with their pickets, who had slowly fallen back. We were aroused at 4 in the morning, drew four days' rations, and a little after 5 were on the move, cautiously feeling our way to avoid surprise. We marched in this way about two miles, when the enemy was discovered about three-fourths of a mile ahead, in a cornfield, drawn up in line of battle. Smith's division formed quickly to oppose them, artillery was ordered to the front, and every preparation was made for an engagement, but, before our artillery could be brought to bear, they fell back to the left of the city and took up a position in a piece of timber.

About a mile from that place we halted and prepared again for battle. Rebel cavalry could be seen hovering near our left, while a strong force of infantry could plainly be seen in the woods in front of us. Our brigade the First—was ordered to the front, and formed in line of battle, supported by the Third Brigade. The Forty-fifth Pennsylvania and Second Michigan deployed as skirmishers about forty rods in advance of us. They moved cautiously about one hundred yards, when the enemy fired on them, wounding four. This was a signal for an advance. We had formed in a cornfield, and advanced at 2:30 p. m. The sky was cloudless; not a breath of air was stirring. Our course, after emerging from the cornfield, lay across a level pasture. We advanced steadily, but the Rebels fell back as we approached, firing occasionally, until dark, when we halted in the wood until morning, sleeping on our arms. Soon after daylight we were up and after them, keeping, all this time, our line of battle. As we emerged into an open field we were saluted by a volley that passed harmlessly over our heads. This was their parting salute, for they immediately retired behind their fortifications, and we took up the position assigned us on the left of the city.

I have written these sketches as I could snatch a moment here and there, a few lines at a time.

SOURCE: David Lane, A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer, 1862-1865, p. 64-8

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Diary of Musician David Lane, June 21, 1863

The sky is overcast with clouds, a cool breeze comes from the west, which makes the temperature delightful. I have been out berrying, and have succeeded admirably. On my way in I found some short pieces of board, of which I have made a comfortable seat, with a desk in front, on which I am now writing. I feel quite like an aristocrat. In my ramble across the field I discovered a flowering vine, the most bewitchingly beautiful thing I ever saw. I searched in vain for seed sufficiently matured to germinate. I wish I could describe its matchless beauty, but words are feeble.

We are still lying here waiting for Johnson, of course, to come to us, although no one seems to know where Johnson is—whether on the Yazoo, the Big Black or the little one. I suspect it is not definitely known whether his "large army" is a myth or a reality. But, doubtless, these hidden, secret, mysterious "strategic movements" and original plans will, some time, be made apparent, and then I, at least, will make one desperate attempt to appreciate and admire the wisdom and energy which could see, plan and execute with such unerring certainty and success. But Vicksburg, the center of gravity at present, is really a very stubborn fact. I do not understand it, cannot comprehend it, but I believe Grant will investigate it to the satisfaction of all loyal people. All the reliable information I can get at present is brought on the wings of the wind. This is not Grant's official report, but the report of his artillery. Last night his cannons' sullen roar reverberated from cliff to cliff and shook the hills. There are all sorts of rumors which it is folly to repeat, for they are replaced by new ones every hour. I believe I will record the latest, so here goes:

Last night Pemberton conceived the brilliant idea of turning loose four or five hundred horses and mules, creating a stampede among them, and, when Grant's lines open to let them through, as certainly would be done, if he suspected nothing, why, out they would rush, artillery, infantry and all, before the lines could close again, and thus escape. But Grant was wide awake, fell back a mile or two to give himself room to work, opened his lines for the horses to pass through and the Rebels to pass in, then closed on them and had them trapped.

SOURCE: David Lane, A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer, 1862-1865, p. 53-5

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, July 5, 1863

Last Wednesday we moved from our encampment at Mound Bluff Church, and after two days' marching, came to this place, and we are now encamped on ——— Creek, between Canton and Edwards' Depot, and twelve miles from the latter place. The enemy's out-posts are only three miles off, beyond the Big Black, and a collision is expected at any hour. The situation at Vicksburg is unchanged, as far as we know, but General Price is in possession of Helena, Arkansas, which will create a diversion in favor of the besieged, as he is in a position to cut off Grant's supplies. The "Fourth" passed off very quietly with us, there being an order against making any loud noise. A speech was made by some one in a brigade just across the creek from us. Night.—We have just received orders to march at 3 o'clock to-morrow morning with this additional injunction: "On this march there is to be no loud hallooing, firing of guns, or cutting down of large trees. The men are to march in their files, and company officers are to see that this order is enforced or they will be cashiered. Penalty for the disobedience of this order is death." This order, signed by the Commanding General, together with the various reports of the enemy's movements, put us on the tip-toe of expectation as to what was up. The very latest is to the effect that General Pemberton has surrendered to General Grant. The news comes so direct, and bears such a good face, that we all believe it. We are now satisfied we are to begin a retreat in the morning; whither, we know not.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 216

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, July 7, 1863

While waiting for the brigade to move, I will endeavor to write up what transpired yesterday. At about I A. M. we were aroused from sleep with orders to fall into line, but no movement was made for nearly two hours. We saw that the wagon-train was in front, and this indicated a fight or a retreat; at 3 o'clock we began the march at a quick gait, which was kept up until evening, when we bivouaced on the Jackson road, fifteen miles from that place, and three from Clinton.

We had passed in a few miles of the enemy early in the morning, but so silently that he was probably unaware of the movement. The wagon train was sent by another route for safety. We now have confirmation of the news from Vicksburg. There is no longer any doubt about its truth. The place surrendered after the garrison had subsisted ten weeks upon mule meat and pea meal. The officers and men are to be brought within our lines and parolled, the officers to retain their side arms. It is said that there is a heavy column of the enemy, under General Osterhaus, following in our wake. General Johnston is having the pond, which afforded water to the army last week, ditched off, and to make it palatable for our pursuers, is having dead mules thrown into it. It is the only chance for them to get water this side of Big Black. Bragg's army is reported falling back to Chattanooga, leaving our homes to the mercy of the foe. It is now ten o'clock, and Ector's Brigade, which is in line of battle in our rear, and ours are all the troops left here, the rest having gone ahead.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 216-7

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, May 31, 1863—Noon

Yesterday morning the brigade left Canton, heading northwest. We made twenty miles and encamped for the night in a grove convenient to water, badly broken down by the march. Our division is now composed of five or six brigades of infantry and cavalry, under acting Major General Walker, and it is in fine fighting spirits. Nothing of interest on the route yesterday, except the crossing of the Big Black on a pontoon at 3 o'clock, P. M. To-day we have made about eight miles, and are now halted in a hot lane awaiting orders. The Forty-first Tennessee is the advance guard for the division. We have passed the little town of Benton, and are in eight miles of Yazoo City; by day after to-morrow we expect to meet the enemy. Besides our own, there are two other columns marching on the enemy, each said to be fourteen thousand strong, the whole under command of General Joseph E. Johnston. It is thought to be his intention to fall upon the enemy's rear at three points, while the Vicksburg garrison assails from the front. I expect some bloody work, but we are confident of the result.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 214-5

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, June 14, 1863

Left camp in the vicinity of Yazoo yesterday morning at daylight, and after a hard day's march nearly due south, arrived at the Big Black, which we crossed on a pontoon bridge last night at eight o'clock. This march of twenty-eight miles was the hardest yet made. We bivouaced on the south bank, and spent the rest of the night cooking rations, against leaving at daylight.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 215

Diary of Private W. J. Davidson, June 16, 1863

On Sunday evening left Big Black and moved to Church, occupying our old camping ground of May 20th, where we are resting and waiting orders. Occasional cheering reports come in from our beseiged friends, one of which is to the effect that the enemy attacked Vicksburg again on Friday, and was repulsed and driven five miles from the field; our loss said to be seven hundred. From some causes we are placed under greater restrictions now than ever, and are not allowed to go outside of the guard line without a pass. Yesterday two men of Comb's Tennessee Battalion, who had fallen out of ranks at Yazoo, came up and were immediately arrested, tried, and had one side of their heads shaved, all in the space of a few hours. Rations still short, consisting of beef and meal.

SOURCE: Edwin L. Drake, Editor, The Annals of the Army of Tennessee and Early Western History, Vol. 1, p. 215-6

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Major-General William T. Sherman to Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, July 3, 1863

PARKE'S, July 3, 1863.
General GRANT:

I am this moment in, and have your dispatch. Telegraph me the moment you have Vicksburg in possession, and I will secure all the crossings of Black River, and move on Jackson or Canton, as you may advise. I want my own corps and Ord's, with Parke in reserve; train small; all of which will be arranged [when] I know for certain that you fire in absolute possession. If you are in Vicksburg, glory, hallelujah! the best Fourth of July since 1776. Of course we must not rest idle, only don't let us brag too soon. I will order my troops at once to occupy the fords of the Big Black, and await with anxiety your further answer.


SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 461

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General Nathaniel P. Banks, July 4, 1863

Near Vicksburg, July 4, 1863.
Maj. Gen. N. P. BANKS, Comdg. Department of the Gulf:

GENERAL: The garrison of Vicksburg surrendered this morning. Number of prisoners, as given by the officers, is 27,000; field artillery, one hundred and twenty-eight pieces, and a large number of siege guns, probably not less than eighty. The other stores will probably not amount to any great deal. I held all my surplus troops out on Big Black River and between there and Haynes' Bluff, intending to assault in a few days. I directed that they be kept in readiness to move on the shortest notice to attack Johnston. The moment the surrender of Vicksburg was agreed upon, the order was given, and troops are now in motion. General Sherman goes in command of this expedition. His force is so large I think it cannot fail. This move will have the effect of keeping Johnston from detaching a portion of his force for the relief of Port Hudson. Although I had the garrison of Vicksburg completely in my power, I gave them the privilege of being paroled at this place, the officers to retain their side-arms and private baggage, and field, staff, and cavalry officers to take with them one horse each. I regard the terms really more favorably than an unconditional surrender. It leaves the transports and troops for immediate use. At the present junction of affairs in the East and on the river above here, this may prove of vast importance. I hope, general, and from what, Admiral Porter tells me, this probably will find you in possession of Port Hudson.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 470-1

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Major-General William T. Sherman to Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, July 12, 1863—12 m.

Before Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863--12 m.

Port Hudson being ours, and Holmes repulsed at Helena, the Missouri forces should be pushed to Little Rock at once. Mobile should be attacked also, from the direction of New Orleans, and, when it is taken, we could move on Selma. I fear the weather is too hot for me to march to Grenada. Would it not be better to move on Grenada from Memphis, and on Columbus, Miss., from Corinth, leaving me to fight Johnston according to circumstances, and to destroy the Central road as far as Canton and Big Black River?

Harrisonburg, La., should be attacked by a brigade. It would paralyze the Washita country. Can't Grierson join me by land?

All is well with me now. I have ten days' supplies. Will send my supply train to Black River, under good escort, as soon as unloaded.

W. T. SHERMAN,        
General GRANT,

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 2 (Serial No. 37), p. 523

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General William T. Sherman, June 22, 1863

NEAR VICKSBURG, MISS., June 22, 1863.

Maj. Gen. WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, Comdg. Fifteenth Army Corps:

Information just received indicates that the enemy are crossing Big Black River, and intend marching against us by way of Bear Creek. They probably will start out to-morrow. I have ordered Parke to move out with four brigades to support his cavalry and hold the enemy as near Big Black River as possible until their position is clearly defined, when we can draw all our forces from Snyder's Bluff and the forces previously indicated here to their support. Tuttle's division should be marched out within supporting distance of Parke at once. You will go and command the entire force. Your wagon train can move from wherever you may be to Lake's Landing or Snyder's Bluff, whichever may be the most convenient for supplies and ordnance stores. When on the ground you can draw troops from Snyder's Bluff and the three brigades designated from McPherson's corps directly, without communicating through headquarters. Should any [further] forces become necessary, I can take them from our left by leaving that in the same condition it was before the arrival of Lauman and Herron.


SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 428

Major-General William T. Sherman to Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, June 23, 1863—11 a.m.

AT McCALL'S, June 23, 186311 a.m.

DEAR GENERAL: Parke, with Smith's division and one brigade of his Yankee troops, is on the river road from Neily's to Post Oak Ridge, with orders to feel forward to the bridge across Bear Creek, 6 miles beyond Post Oak Ridge. My cavalry is now down at Little Bear Creek, on the Birdsong road. Tuttle's division is close up to the cavalry, and McArthur's is near here, and we are waiting for his troops to come up. I will put them on the Birdsong road. Parke and I can communicate by the ridge from McCall's to Neily's. After nooning I propose to go forward to the Big Black. I hear nothing of Johnston at all; no trace of him or signs of his approach. The country is ill-adapted to large masses. It is cut up by impracticable ravines, and all the roads are on narrow ridges, where a regiment will find difficulty in forming a front. A small force can oppose a large one, and as to getting at Johnston unless he crosses to this side of Big Black, I think it cannot be done. If he crosses Big Black and comes by any road, I shall, of course, meet him and oppose him, calling for all the help I may deem necessary. If he crosses Big Black, I think this is the place to fight him. Order Osterhaus to be certain to blockade all roads from Big Black toward Vicksburg, between Clear Creek and this road. After satisfying myself that there is, or is not, a purpose on his part to cross over, I will communicate the fact; but, no matter what his strength, he must come by narrow roads, and I have as many men as can be handled on such grounds. If I conclude he does not design to come in by Birdsong Ferry or the ford above, I will blockade it, so as to force him to come on the main ridge within striking distance of Haynes' Bluff, so that we won't care if he comes or not.

Yesterday four companies of my cavalry (Fourth Iowa) had gone to Big Black River on the road to obstruct it. They had felled many trees, and must have been off their guard when their pickets came in from three directions, giving notice of the approach of the enemy. Quite a fight ensued, in which our men got the worst, and were forced to fly. As soon as the news reached camp, Colonel Swan went to the ground with his regiment, and found 8 dead, 12 wounded, and about 20 missing. From the people he heard the attack came from Wirt Adams' cavalry, which had gone off in the direction of Mechanicsburg. Colonel Swan buried the dead, and brought off all the wounded except one, who was left well cared for at a house. He could hear of but about 12 prisoners in the hands of the enemy, so that he expects some 8 more will have gone down to Osterhaus, and will come in to-day.

The party lost that 2-pounder gun we captured at Jackson, but before abandoning it they disabled it by taking out the breech-pin. The fact of our coming out today is attributed by the secesh to our purpose to punish the perpetrators of this action.

I will send you positive intelligence to-night if Johnston be coming or not this side of Big Black River. On the best evidence now procurable, he is not coming this way, or at this time.

I take it for granted you do not want me to attempt to follow him across that river unless after a defeat. If he comes to this side, I can hold him till re-enforced, and then I know we can whip him. In the mean time look out toward Baldwin's and Hankinson's, though I do not believe he will put himself in such a pocket.

Yours, truly,
W. T. SHERMAN,        
Major-General, Commanding Expedition.
General GRANT.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 2 (Serial No. 37), p. 245-6

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General William T. Sherman, June 25, 1863

Near Vicksburg, June 25, 1863.
Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN, Commanding Expedition:

GENERAL: Your note is just received. This morning a deserter, the hospital steward of the Sixth Texas Cavalry (a young man from Indiana, but who moved to Texas in 1858), came in He reports as having come as far as Mechanicsburg between the two rivers, when their cavalry first arrived. Since that they have fallen back across Black River, and now his brigade, [J. W.] Whitfield commanding, are at Bolton The enemy have no body of troops south of the railroad; Johnston has his headquarters between Brownsville and Canton, about 15 miles from Bolton. The deserter says he hears these men say that Johnston has 35,000 men. They estimate our forces at 90,000, but think Pemberton can detain most of them.

They are anxious to attack, to relieve the suspense. Colonel Blood captured a rebel courier coming out of Vicksburg last night. He had with him quite a number of private letters for the mail outside. The most important among them is one from M. L. Smith to his wife, and one from [W. T.] Withers. The former said their fate must be decided within the next ten days. If not relieved in that time, he expects to go North, but calculates on a speedy exchange, when he will be restored to the bosom of his family. A number of the letters speak of getting four ounces of bacon per day, and bread made of rice and flour mixed. Corn $40 per bushel, and not to be had at that. Strong faith is expressed by some in Johnston's coming to their relief. Withers, particularly, cannot believe they have been so wicked as for Providence to allow the loss of their stronghold of Vicksburg. Their principal faith seems to be in Providence and Joe Johnston.

Dana will probably go out this evening, and will carry you any news we may have up to that time. There is no truth in the rumor that Port Hudson has fallen. I believe a vessel has come up from Port Hudson, but no word for me. Admiral Porter informs me that Banks has lost severely; that Kirby Smith has attempted to relieve the garrison from the opposite side of the river.

McPherson will spring two mines in his front this afternoon. He will try then to secure a place within the fort now in his front. The mines are run about 35 feet in, and will go up with a blast of 1,000 pounds of powder. I think it advisable to keep your troops out until Joe Johnston carries a design to move in some other direction. Continue to obstruct roads to confine his advance on as far and as narrow passes as possible. Should you discover a change of plan on his part, to counteract it.

Respectfully, yours,

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 439

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General Henry W. Halleck, June 26, 1863

NEAR VICKSBURG, MISS., June 26, 1863.
        General-in- Chief:

Yesterday a mine was sprung under the enemy's most commanding fort, producing a crater sufficient to hold two regiments of infantry. Our men took immediate possession, and still hold it. The fight for it has been incessant, and thus far we have not been able to establish batteries in the breach. Expect to succeed. Joe Johnston has removed east of the Big Black. His movements are mysterious, and may be intended to cover a movement from his rear into East or West Tennessee, or upon Banks. I have General Sherman out near his front on the Big Black with a large force watching him. I will use every effort to learn any move Johnston may make, and send troops from here to counteract any change he may make, if I can.

U.S. GRANT,        

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 1 (Serial No. 36), p. 43

Major-General William T. Sherman to Lieutenant Colonel John A. Rawlins, June 27, 1863

Camp at Bear Creek, June 27, 1863.

SIR: It was my purpose to have come to headquarters yesterday, but the importance of knowing the ground in this quarter, so broken and complicated, induced me to continue what I had begun, and I continued my exploration. Big Black River is so easily passable at many points that I am forced to extend my lines to watch all, and the result of my personal observations is contained in an order made last night, which is now being carried into effect. I found the enemy watching with cavalry an easy ford at Messinger's house. The family consisting of many women, whose husbands and brothers were evidently serving an easy purpose of keeping up communications, so I moved them all by force, leaving a fine house filled with elegant furniture and costly paintings to the chances of war. Also the family of Hill, with other war widows, at a place on the Birdsong road, is removed to a harmless place within our lines. These may appeal to the tender heart of our commanding general, but he will not reverse my decision when he knows a family accessible to the enemy—keen scouts—can collect and impart more information than the most expert spies. Our volunteer pickets and patrols reveal names and facts in their innocence which, if repeated by these women, give the key to our points.

As a general thing, the valley of Big Black River above the bridge has a wide fertile valley on this side, the hill coming down rather abrupt from the other. The ground slopes easily and gradually from the ridge, marked on Wilson's map from Oak Ridge, Neily's, McCall's, Wixon's, and Tiffintown. Innumerable roads and cross-roads intersect the country, which cannot be obstructed, but which, running on narrow ridges, with narrow corn-fields, admit of easy defense. It is only by familiarity with the country, its ugly ravines, its open, narrow ridges all coming to a common spur, that a comparatively small force can hold in check a large one.

If the enemy crosses at one point, he must take some days to get over his men and matériel, and then would have to feel his way, as he knows full well that many of them have been made impassable to his wagons and artillery. This will give us time to fall on him or await his attack. Should he cross at several points, our tactics would be to hold small forces in obstruction at the several points named in my order, and a heavy force fall on one or other of his detachments. If the enemy forces us back, Wixon's will be the grand battle-field, or somewhere on Clear Creek.

I think, unless General Grant thinks my services more useful elsewhere, I had better remain, as naturally all look to me for orders. Please ask the general to read the inclosed order* carefully, and, if any part is open to objection, to state it, that I may modify in time. I sent 800 cavalry, under Colonel Bussey, up the Ridge road toward Mechanicsville, last night, to sweep back by the lower Benton road. They went to Post Oak Ridge, and have not yet reported.

Yesterday our pickets skirmished a little at Messinger's. I was there, and did not see more than 15 or 20 men, on horseback, as curious to watch us as we them. One man, near Hill's, was shot through the head by a scamp from the bushes, who could not be found. As usual, my cavalry are not bold, but the infantry go in without any hesitation.

Not a sound, syllable, or sign to indicate a purpose of crossing Big Black River toward us, but I still enjoin on all that our enemy is too wary to give us notice a minute too soon. Every possible motive exists for them to come to the relief of Vicksburg, and we should act on that supposition rather than the mere signs of movements which are known only to Johnston, and will not be revealed, even to his own troops, till the last moment.

In order that you may understand any future communication, mark your map as follows: One and a half miles east of Young's, where the road comes in from Markham, mark Hill's; 1½ miles southeast of Hill's, Jones' plantation; 2 miles below Birdsong Ferry, Jones' Ford; 1½ miles southeast of Cameron, Messinger's plantation and Ford; 1 mile east of Fox, mark Parson Fox; 3 miles east of Tiffin, on the Bridgeport road, Brook. All these points may become of note. I still regard the country at Tiffin, Brant, Cowan, W. Wixon, and Hardaway as the key-points of this region.

I still have my headquarters by the roadside, in front of Tribbs', where the road forks to Young's and Markham's.

When this letter is read, please send it to my adjutant, to be copied in my letter-book, and returned to you for file.

I am, &c.,
W. T. SHERMAN,        
Major-General, Commanding.
        Assistant Adjutant-General.

* See General Orders, No. 49, June 29, Part III, p. 449

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 2 (Serial No. 37), p. 246-8

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Julia Dent Grant, June 29, 1863

June 29th 1863
Dear Julia,

During the present week I think the fate of Vicksburg will be decided. Johnston is still hovering beyond the Black river and will attack before you receive this or never. After accumulating so large an army as he has, at such risk of loosing other points in the Confederacy by doing it, he cannot back out without giving battle or loosing prestige. I expect a fight by Wednsday or Thursday. There may be much loss of life but I feel but little doubt as to the result.—Saturday or Sunday next I set for the fall of Vicksburg. You can come down then and bring the children with you. We will have to make some arrangement for them to go to school as soon as schools open after vacation. You will have to stay with them as a general thing but by selecting a good place for you and them to board you can visit me a part of the time, when I am still. I do not expect to be still much however whilst the war lasts. Fred, has returned from his uncles. He does not look very well but is not willing to go back until Vicksburg falls. I think I will send him a trip as far North as St. Paul after the fall of Vicksburg. Remember me to all at home. You do not say whether you have leased the farm or not. I do not want White to hold it. Kiss the children for me.


SOURCE: John Y. Simon, Editor, The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 8, p. 444-5

Major-General William T. Sherman: General Orders, No. 49, June 29, 1863

Camp at Bear Creek, June 29, 1863.

The following modifications of existing orders are made and will be executed at once:

I. General Osterhaus will continue, as heretofore, to hold the fortified position on Black River, at the railroad bridge, with patrols and guards, watching the river below as far as Baldwin's, and up as far as Bridgeport; his reserves at Clear Creek, near Bovina.

II. General McArthur will occupy Tiffin in force, with guards toward the Messinger ford, connecting with Osterhaus on the Bridgeport road, and his main guards occupying the main ridge up as far as Brant's.

III. Major-General Parke will leave a small guard at Milldale and Templeton's, sufficient to hold those points, and move all the troops of the Ninth Army Corps to the east side of Clear Creek, connecting his guards at Brant's with McArthur's, his center near Wixon's and his guards connecting with General W. S. Smith's, near Mrs. Nelly's.

IV. General Tuttle will hold his present position on the spur leading from McCall's to Markham's and Young's, and will entrench a position back of Trible's.

V. General W. S. Smith will hold as now his position at Oak Ridge Post-Office, with guards forward on the two Benton roads, and his right connecting with General Parke, at Mrs. Nelly's. General Smith, in connection with General Washburn, will effectually blockade all roads and paths coming from the north and lying between the ridge road and Yazoo Valley road.

VI. General Washburn will hold the fortified position at Haynes' Bluff, with Kimball's division, and will continue to strengthen the lines on the north front. That being our strongest front, we should invite attack in that quarter.

VII. This disposition of forces makes a connected line from the railroad bridge to Haynes' Bluff, by Tiffin, Wixon's, McCall's, Nelly's, and Oak Ridge. Each corps and division commander will proceed to entrench a position near his key-point, sufficient for two batteries and one brigade, commanding water, and looking to the east and north. All roads to the rear should be improved; a double track for wagons made by opening fences and trimming out woods. Lateral roads should also be looked to, to facilitate concentration and lateral movements. Roads to the front should be obstructed, except such as are necessary for our guards and our own use. The commanding general, after careful personal inspection, pronounces the points from which we have most reason to apprehend danger, to be the two fords at Messenger's, and about a mile below Birdsong, Wixon's, and Nelly's are the best points for concentration, and the ridges by Fox's and Markham's the best lines of operation.

VIII. All the cavalry not absolutely needed for orderlies and patrols will be massed under command of Colonel Bussey, Third Iowa, on Bear Creek, from Young's up to Harris', and is charged specially to watch the lower Benton road and the ford below Birdsong.

IX. All commanders of corps and divisions, and the chief of cavalry, will report by letter or staff officer daily to the commanding general at his bivouac near Tuttle's.

By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
[L. M. DAYTON,]        

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 449-50

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Major-General William T. Sherman, June 29, 1863

Near Vicksburg, June 29, 1863.
Maj. Gen. WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, Comdg. Fifteenth, Army Corps:

GENERAL: Your general order, blank number, is received. The dispositions you made are excellent. It will be impossible for Johnston to cross the Big Black River, north of the railroad, without being discovered and your troops ready for him. My only apprehensions are that Johnston, finding us so ready, may cover a movement south, and dash in at Baldwin's and south of that before troops can be got out to meet him. A move of this kind certainly could not be made for anything more than a diversion to relieve the Vicksburg garrison. It does not look to me as if Johnston would ever think of bringing his wagon train across Big Black River south of us. I had but little confidence in the blockading of the roads south of the Jackson road; something has been [done], however, and will help a little if Johnston should attempt to come in that way. Ord's cavalry watch all the ferries south of Baldwin's, and though they sometimes see rebel cavalry east of the river, yet they discover no signs of an attempt to cross.

I sent out a scout, who traveled for some time east from Big Black River bridge and south of the railroad. He says no troops have gone south of the railroad. The same statement is made by a deserter from one of the Texas brigades stationed at Bolton Station; but this information is several days old. In the mean time Johnston may have changed his plans and the position of his troops half a dozen times. You need not fear, general, my tender heart getting the better of me, so as to send the secession ladies to your front; on the contrary, I rather think it advisable to send out every living being from your lines, and arrest all persons found within who are not connected with the army.

Very truly, yours,

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 449

Major-General Edward O. C. Ord to Lieutenant Colonel John A. Rawlins, July 1, 1863

HDQRS. THIRTEENTH A. C., Near Vicksburg, July 1, 1863.

Lieut. Col. JOHN A. RAWLINS, A. A. G., Dept. of the Tennessee:

COLONEL: I have the honor to send to headquarters two prisoners, with a black boy, captured near the mouth of Big Black by Maj. James Grant Wilson, Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, while attempting to cross the river in a canoe. Major Wilson found a few letters in the possession of the prisoners, which are inclosed for the information of the major-general commanding.* If the statements in the letters of the amount of rations (and the black boy says it has been but one-quarter pound of bacon and meal each for ten days past) can be relied on, the information is valuable. It is strongly corroborated by the statements of deserters for some days past.

E. O. C. ORD.
* Not Found.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 457