Showing posts with label James T. Pike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James T. Pike. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2016

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: November 19, 1862

Hon. James A. Seddon (Va.) has been appointed Secretary of War. He is an able man (purely a civilian), and was member of our Revolutionary Convention, at Metropolitan Hall, l6th April, 1861. But some thought him then rather inclined to restrain than to urge decisive action. He is an orator, rich, and frail in health. He will not remain long in office if he attempts to perform all the duties.

Two letters were received from Gen. Lee to-day. Both came unsealed and open, an omission of his adjutant-general, Mason. The first inclines to the belief that Burnside intends to embark his army for the south side of James River, to operate probably in Eastern North Carolina.

The second, dated 17th inst. P.M., says the scouts report large masses advancing on Fredericksburg, and it may be Burnside's purpose to make that town his base of operations. (Perhaps for a pleasant excursion to Richmond.) Three brigades of the enemy had certainly marched to Fredericksburg. A division of Longstreet's corps were marched thither yesterday, 18th, at early dawn. Lee says if the reports of the scouts be confirmed, the entire corps will follow immediately. And he adds: “Before the enemy's trains can leave Fredericksburg (for Richmond) this whole army will be in position.” These letters were sent immediately to the President.

A letter from Gen. Holmes' calls for an immediate supply of funds ($24,000,000) for the trans-Mississippi Department. A letter from Gen. Pike says if Gen. Hindman (Ark.) is to control there, the Indian Country will be lost.

We shall soon have a solution of Burnside's intentions. Lee is in spirits. He knows Burnside can be easily beaten with greatly inferior numbers.

We hear of sanguinary acts in Missouri — ten men (civilians) being shot in retaliation for one killed by our rangers. These acts exasperate our people, and will stimulate them to a heroic defense.

The cars this afternoon from the vicinity of Fredericksburg were crowded with negroes, having bundles of clothing, etc., their owners sending them hither to escape the enemy. A frightened Jew, who came in the train, said there was an army of 100,000 near Fredericksburg, and we should hear more in a few days. I doubt it not.

Salt sold yesterday at auction for $1.10 per pound. Boots are now bringing $50 per pair; candles (tallow) 75 cts. per pound; butter $2.00 per pound. Clothing is almost unattainable. We are all looking shabby enough.

Mr. K., the young Chief of the Bureau, who came in with Mr. Randolph, declines the honor of going out with him, to the great chagrin of several anxious applicants. It is an office “for life.”

I shall despair of success unless the President puts a stop to Gen. Winder's passport operations, for, if the enemy be kept advised of our destitute condition, there will be no relaxation of efforts to subjugate us. And Europe, too, will refuse to recognize us. I believe there are traitors in high places here who encourage the belief in the North and in Europe that we must soon succumb. And some few of our influential great men might be disposed to favor reconstruction of the Union on the basis of the Democratic party which has just carried the elections in the North.

Everything depends upon the result of approaching military operations. If the enemy be defeated, and the Democrats of the North should call for a National Convention — but why anticipate?

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 1, p. 191-3

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Washington News

WASHINGTON, April 9. – The Secretary of War has submitted to Congress a communication on the northern coast defences, enclosing an elaborate report from Edwin S. Johnson, of Conn., well known as a practical civil Engineer and connected with the Joint Commission of 1817 and 1819, for running and marking the north eastern boundary line.  Mr. Johnson recommends the passage of Senator Morrill’s bill, and the adoption of the policy of placing in the hands of the President the necessary power to accept loans of money from the several States for the public defences, and therein provided.  Among the modes of defence contemplated are the use of railways and floating ball-proof batteries, in addition to the ordinary system of fortifications.

His report is the result of a careful examination of the matters in question, including a long list of documents, based on a thorough acquaintance with the philosophical, geographical and topographical feature of the country.

James T. Pike, Minister to the Netherlands, in transmitting to the State Department, a copy of the tariff and revenue system of that country, concludes his dispatch as follows:

“It will be observed that there is no direct tax on personal property, or on _____, as such taxes are believed to stand in the way of industrial and commercial developments, and to operate to expel capital.

“The decisive successes of the Federal Government in Tennessee, have produced their natural effect on this side of the water.  When Charleston and Savannah shall have fallen, and our gunboats traversed the Mississippi, all interest in the affairs of the conflict will cease in Europe.”

About two weeks ago, Com. Foote, in telegraphing the Navy Department, said that Gen. Pope intended to make a transverse movement, which would astonish the secesh on Island No. 10.  The fulfillment of this predication is already known to the country.

The Senate was several hours in Executive session to-day.  It confirmed several military appointments of low grade and Sam’l Brown of Ohio, to be Attorney of the Territory of Colorado.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 12, 1862, p. 3

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

From Arkansas

ROLLA, Mo., March 29.

Reliable persons just from the army in the Southwest, say the rebels, some thirty-five thousand, under Van Dorn and Price, have retreated entirely across the Boston Mountains, and are at Van Buren and Fort Smith, receiving supplies from Memphis and Little Rock via Arkansas river, which is high.

The Texan Troops are much disheartened at the death of McCulloch, and the Arkansas Troops feel the loss of McIntosh very much.  The rebels are badly off for shoes and clothing.

Pike’s Indians have mostly returned to the Indian nation.  They were not formidable in battle, being panic-stricken at the effect of our artillery.

Price received his Major General’s commission in the Confederate service on the 16th.  One regiment of Texans reached Van Buren on the 15th to reinforce Van Dorn, and more were expected from Louisiana.  The whole rebel reinforcements will not exceed five thousand in the next six weeks.

Lieut. Co. Herron, of the 9th Iowa who was taken prisoner, was in the hands of the rebels for two weeks.  They were badly frightened and retreated very rapidly, and for the three first days of their flight had nothing to eat.  Their cannon and baggage train might have been easily captured.  Gen. Curtis’ army fell back to Keitsville, to secure forage, Arkansas, North of Fayetteville being entirely out.

Our forces are now camped at the head of Cross Timber Hollow, where the water and forage are plenty.  Our pickets extend into Arkansas and the rebel pickets come north to the top of Boston Mountains. – Fayetteville is unoccupied.  Very little union sentiment has been developed in Arkansas.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, March 31, 1862, p. 1

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Washington News

Washington, April 9. – The Secretary of War has submitted to Congress a communication on the northern coast defences [sic], enclosing an elaborate report from Edwin S. Johnson, of Conn., well known as a practical civil Engineer, and connected with the Joint Commission of 1817 and 1819, for the running and marking of the north eastern boundary line. Mr. Johnson recommends the passage of Senator Morrill’s bill, and the adoption of the policy of placing in the hands of the President the necessary power to accept loans of money from the several States for the public defences [sic], as therein provided. Among the modes of defence [sic] contemplated are the use of railways and floating ball proof batteries, in addition to the ordinary system of fortifications.

His report is the result of a careful examination of the matters in question, including a long list of documents, based on a thorough acquaintance with the philosophical, geographical and topographical feature of the country.

James T. Pike, Minister to the Netherlands, in transmitting to the State Department, a copy of the tariff and revenue system of that country concludes his dispatch as follows:

“It will be observed that there is no direct tax on personal property, or on ____, as such taxes are believed to stand in the way of industrial and commercial developments, and to operate to expel capital.”

“The decisive success of the Federal Government in Tennessee, have produced their natural effect on this side of the water. When Charleston and Savannah shall have fallen, and our gunboats traversed the Mississippi, all interest in the affairs of the conflict will cease in Europe.”

About two weeks ago, Com. Foote, in telegraphing to the Navy department, said that Gen. Pope intended to make a transverse movement, which would astonish the secesh on Island No. 10. The fulfillment of this prediction is already known to the country.

The Senate was several hours in Executive session today. It confirmed several military appointments of low grade, and Sam’l Brown, Of Ohio, to be Attorney of the Territory of Colorado.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Friday April 11, 1862