Showing posts with label John S Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John S Morgan. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Monday, January 16, 1865

Splendid weather. Lt Sharman quite ill and in our qtrs. Reported (?) Shelby on the Ark river above here. I. N. Ritner dies in Hosp. Battalain drill P. M.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Tuesday, January 17, 1865

Warm & pleasant. Genl Inspection by Capt Barnes A. A. I. G. 1st Div at 2 P. M. Sharman removed to Officers Hospital

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Wednesday, January 18, 1865

Quite warm beautiful day. hear Lt Sis no better. disease Pnumonia, Rumors (?) of fighting near Ft Smith and boats captured

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Thursday, January 19, 1865

Battalain drill P. M. Lt. Sharman some better.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Friday, January 20, 1865

Reviewed at 12, M, by Genl Reynolds who compliments our Regt. Lt. Sharman, much worse. Capt L—— and Lt Rice go to sit up with him Mill 7 mile from town burned by Rebs

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Saturday, January 21, 1865

Wet drizzly rain all day. Fort detail relieved. Lt Seevers brings report of a march for 10 days. No orders until near noon, orders come to be ready by 8, A. M. tomorrow over to see Lt Sharman. he is better. Evening prevailing opinion that it is good bye Little Rock how are you Shrevesport. A cooperating column reported moving up Red River. nearly all the troops cav. & Inft to go.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Sunday, January 22, 1865

Morning drizzly, over to Amb. C. & to see Lt Sharman who is better before day. Regt to St Johns Square at 9 a. m. all there at 11.30 and start. 1st Mo cav. 1st Iowa cav 43d Ill Inft. 50th Ind Inft. 28th Wis Inft 9th Wis Inft 33 Iowa Inft. 2 secs. of 25th Mo battery, all light order. Roads rough. Camp at 4. P. M. at Mill burned by Webs jeorillas 8 miles from town. Snow from 3.30

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Monday, January 23, 1865

Morning clear & cold with 3 inches of snow. off at 7.15 walking tolerable. teams sticks. P. M. bad bottom roads very bad camp at 1. P. M. at Widow Campbells marched 12 miles. Evening cold

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Tuesday, January 24, 1865

Night cold, off at 7.30. Regt in rear roads very bad. Camp at dark in a wet swamp. marched 12 miles

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 571

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Wednesday, January 25, 1865

Cold. off at daylight. road tolerable in Pine Bluffs at 12. camp at 1.30 1½ mile from town 40th Ia reported at the Rocks, and boats captured on Ark river. March today 13 miles Rations come up this Evening. 33d in advance today

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Thursday, January 26, 1865

Night cold. ice 2 inches off. at 7. road bad 4 miles slow. rest of march fast. 1 pris. taken. 25 Rebs seen by scout. Make 12 miles. troops from Pine Bluffs with us 106th & 126th Ill. Inft & 1 sec of Negro battery

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Friday, January 27, 1865

Not so cold. prospect of rain, road muddy, marching hard. Mount Ebby at 2. P. M. camp at river at 3.30, after marching 18 miles, from Cav in camp, had killed one and captured 15, of Webs band. 1st Mo lost 1. Killed Pontoon laid cav with 2 days rations cross at 4. to ride all night to scare at Camden some of prisoners Haskells Employees

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Saturday, January 28, 1865

Inft in camp all day, forage party find plenty. 9. Wis Party bring in two prisoners Col Mackey & 3 of staff with guard of 50 cav cross river to get news of cav. Pantoon boats canvass. Fagan with 2500 reported at Montocello

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Sunday, January 29, 1865

Inft in camp all day. A wounded Reb found in the brush near the bridge. at 12. M, Col Mackey returns. was out and camped 10 miles, heard nothing of Cav. At 1. P. M. go to see the Prisoners 25 in no. 1 spunky sergt. 2 little boys only temporairly detained. Cav return at 4 P. M. with 20 Prisoners & 95 head of cattle had been within 15 miles of Camden 2 last days pleasant.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Monday, January 30, 1865

Start back at 7. Morning drizzly Very hard marching. one Pris taken by the 9. Wis. dressed in uniform will say who or what he is. drizzly rain nearly all day.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan, Tuesday, January 31, 1865

Column moved at 7. Roads bad & marching very heavy. pass through Pine Bluffs at 1. P. M. camp 2 miles from town. The cavalry rec marching orders & turn over all thier Govt property Horses Wagons &c at Pine Bluffs

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 572

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Diary of 1st Sergeant John S. Morgan, Sunday, January 1, 1865

A nice enough day, did not go to church. worked part of the day on Pay rolls. Evening spent at the house of Mr Goins in co with Mr Miller, in camp at 9, P. M. and drink Egg nog. 

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 570

Diary of 1st Sergeant John S. Morgan, Monday, January 2, 1865

Not very well today. drill the co part of the time this P. M. Recd mail, a letter from Mattie

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 570

Diary of 1st Sergeant John S. Morgan, Tuesday, January 3, 1865

Feel rather blue but finish the Pay rolls P. M. Battalian drill was not out.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 570

Diary of 1st Sergeant John S. Morgan, Wednesday, January 4, 1865

Still on sick list. Flag of truce at Picket port, News (?) 2,000 Rebs outside the lines desiring to come in and take the Oath.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, Thirty-Third Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, Vol. XIII, No. 8, Third Series, Des Moines, April 1923, p. 570