This is the day of fate — and, without a cloud in the sky,
the red sun, dimly seen through the mist (at noonday), casts a baleful light on
the earth. It has been so for several days.
Early this morning a dispatch was received from Gen.
Beauregard that the enemy attacked the forts in Charleston harbor, and,
subsequently, that they were landing troops on Morris Island. Up to 3 o’clock
we have no tidings of the result. But if Charleston falls, the government will
be blamed for it — since, notwithstanding the remonstrances of Gen.
[Beauregard], the government, members of Congress, and prominent citizens, some
10,000 of his troops were away to save Vicksburg.
About one o’clock to-day the President sent over to the
Secretary of War a dispatch from an officer at Martinsburg, stating that Gen.
Lee was still at Hagerstown awaiting his ammunition — (has not Col. Gorgas,
Chief of Ordnance, been sufficiently vigilant?) — which, however, had arrived
at the Potomac. That all the prisoners (number not stated), except those
paroled, were at the river. That nothing was known of the enemy — but
that cavalry fighting occurred every day. He concluded by saying he did not
know whether Lee would advance or recross the river. If he does the
latter, in my opinion there will be a great revulsion of feeling in the
Confederate States and in the United States.
Another dispatch, from Gen. J. E. Johnston, dated yesterday,
at Jackson, Miss., stated that Grant’s army was then within four miles of
him, with numbers double his own. But that he would hold the city as long as
possible, for its fall would be the loss of the State. I learn a subsequent
dispatch announced that fighting had begun. I believe Johnston is intrenched.
To-day Mr. Secretary Seddon requested Attorney-General
Watts, if he could do so consistent with duty, to order a nolle prosequi in
the District Court of Alabama in the case of Ford, Kurd & Co. for trading
with the enemy. Gen. Pemberton had made a contract with them, allowing them to
ship cotton to New Orleans, and to bring back certain supplies for the army.
But Mr. Attorney-General Watts replied that it was not consistent with his duty
to comply, and therefore he demurred to it, as the act they were charged with
was in violation of the act of Congress of April 19th, 1862.
We lost twelve general officers in the fall of Vicksburg — one
lieutenant-general, four major-generals, and seven brigadiers.
Dispatches from Jackson, Miss., say the battle began
yesterday, but up to the time of the latest accounts it had not become general.
Johnston had destroyed the wells and cisterns, and as there are no running
streams in the vicinity, no doubt Grant's army will suffer for water, if the
defense be protracted.
From Charleston we learn that we lost in yesterday’s combat
some 300 men, killed and wounded — the enemy quite as many. This morning the
Yankees assaulted the battery on Morris Island, and were repulsed in two
minutes, with a loss of 95 killed and 130 wounded, besides prisoners. Our loss
was five, killed and wounded. Nothing further was heard up to 7 o'clock P.M.
From Lee we have no news whatever.
A letter from Governor Vance, of North Carolina, complains of
an insult offered by Col. Thorburn (of Virginia), and asking that he be removed
from the State, and if retained in service, not to be permitted to command North
Carolinians. The Governor, by permission of Gen. Whiting, proceeded down the
river to a steamer which had just got in (and was aground) from Europe, laden
with supplies for the State; but when attempting to return was stopped by Col.
[Thorburn], who said it was against the rules for any one to pass from the
steamer to the city until the expiration of the time prescribed for quarantine.
The Governor informed him of his special permission from Gen. Whiting and the
Board of Navigation — and yet the colonel said he should not pass for fifteen
days, “if he was Governor Vance or Governor Jesus Christ.” The President
indorsed on this letter, as one requiring the Secretary’s attention, “if the
case be as stated.”
Again the blockade-runners are at their dirty work, and
Judge Campbell is “allowing” them. To-day Col. J. Gorgas, who is daily in
receipt of immense amounts of ordnance stores from Europe by government
steamers, recommends that passports be given N. H. Rogers and L. S. White to
proceed North for supplies. This is a small business. It is no time to
apply for passports, and no time to grant them.
We now know all about the mission of Vice-President Stephens
under flag of truce. It was ill-timed for success. At Washington news had been
received of the defeat of Gen. Lee — which may yet prove not to have been “all a
SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's
Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 1, p. 375-7