DAVENPORT, May 7, 1862.
Council assembled.
Present all but Ald. Le Claire.
The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Several petitions for improvement of streets were referred
to committee on streets. The petition of
Kohrs and Bielenburg and others for permission to work out their poll-taxes on
the alley, in block 8. Referred to
committee on streets with power to act.
The petitions of Catharine M. Veiths, for refunding of tax
and of Catharine Gorman for remission of tax, were referred.
Ald. Noe read a number of proposals for roofing the City
Hall. The work was awarded to Mitchel
& Pool, as the lowest bidders at $339.
The Mayor announced the resignation of Ald. Le Claire
The following committees were announced:
Finance. – Davenport,
Noe, and Ochs.
Ordinances. – Renwick,
Schmidt, and Lambach.
Streets. – McCarn,
Ochs, and Huot.
Public Buildings and
Grounds. – Lambach, Davenport, and Mitchell.
Fire and Water. - Noe, Schmidt, and Renwick.
Gas. - Mitchell, Cunningham and Lambach.
Claims. – Ochs,
Renwick, and Mitchell
Police. – Glasmann, Davenport and Huot.
Printing. – Cunningham,
McCarn, and Noe.
Licenses. – Huot,
Glasmann, and Renwick.
Markets. – Renwick,
Noe, and McCarn.
Reports of City
Officers. – McCarn, Schmidt, and Davenport.
The Mayor announced that at the Fire on Tuesday evening,
some of the firemen of the Rescue Engine Co. refusing to work, he had disbanded
the company temporarily. The foreman had
presented him with the names of some firemen who had refused to work, and he
recommended their expulsion.
Ald. Noe moved that said firemen be expelled from the
department, and that the action of the Council be published in the daily
On motion of Ald. McCarn, the contract for the brick work on
the new roof of the city hall was awarded to Marsh Noe at $45.
Ald. Davenport presented a petition of T. Lewis, offering to
pay the city $75 in lieu of taxes for the last for years. Referred
The Mayor presented his bond, which was approved.
The report of the City Sexton was presented. The whole number of interments for the past
year was 148.
Ald. Renwick moved that James Grant, Bleik Peters, and Enos
Tichenor be appointed to a board of equalization, they to receive two dollars
each per day for their services.
Ald. Renwick offered a resolution instructing the Ordinance
Committee to amend the hog ordinance.
The Mayor announced that he had appointed Mr. Brown as
policeman, subject to the approval of the Board, and had also appointed Adam
Hamaker as special policeman at Bard’s lumber yard. Appointments approved.
Ald. Renwick moved that an election for Alderman of the
Fifth Ward be held on Saturday, the 17th. Inst.
Ald. McCarn offered a resolution, that the lower floor of
the city Hall be fitted up for offices for city officers. Adopted.
The mayor announced that after consultation with several
Aldermen, he had purchased a safe for $200, which amount was ordered paid.
A number of bills were ordered paid. One for burying 70 hogs, at 25 cents each,
and one of officer Brown, for killing and burying dogs and hogs were referred.
Ald. Noe offered the following resolution, which was
Resolved, That the fire and water committee be
instructed to get 12 hose spanners made for the use of the two companies now in
service, as they are much needed.
Ald. Renwick moved that a special committee be appointed to
consult with the executors of the Le Claire estate for purchase of the Reserve
landing. Adopted.
Ald. Renwick, McCarn, and Noe were appointed to such
Ald. Noe moved, that whoever claims a reward for killing a
dog shall produce the tip of the nose of the animal sacrificed before getting
his pay. Adopted.
Ald. Renwick moved to elect City Attorney. Carried.
Messrs. Armstrong, Congdon, Skinner and Dittoe were placed in
nomination. – First ballot resulted: Cogdon, 5; Skinner, 4; Armstrong, 1, Dittoe,
1. Mr. Shorey was placed in
nomination. Second ballot – Shorey, 5,
Congdon, 4; Skinner 1; Dittoe, 1. Third
Ballot – Shorey, 6; Congdon 4; Dittoe, 1.
Mr. Shorey was declared elected.
Messrs. Lambach, Kennedy, Motie and Baker were placed in nomination
for Street Commissioner. First ballot
resulted – Motie, 5; Lambach, 4; Baker, 1; Kennedy, 1. Second ballot – Motie, 5; Lambach, 3; Kennedy
1; Baker, 1. Third ballot – Motie, 6;
Lambach 4; Baker 1. Mr. Joseph Motie was
therefore declared elected Street Commissioner.
Mr. A. Braun was nominated for City Sexton. On the ballot, Nicholas Crambach had 6 votes,
A. Braun 5. Mr. Crambach was therefore
declared elected.
Ald. McCarn presented the petition of David Kelly and others
to gravel Commercial street. Referred.
– Published in The
Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 8, 1862, p.