Wednesday, June 5, 2013

From New Orleans

Gen. Butler, of all our military Governors has the most thorough appreciation of the Secessionists, and is always master of the situation.  And the General not only appreciates the secesh but very soon learns them to appreciate him, as witness the following items among many of the same sort, which we get from New Orleans. He throws out Confederate notes and shinplasters, forbids the fast day appointed by “one Jefferson Davis” – suppresses newspapers – protects the people and feeds the poor – learns Secesh women proper behavior and descent deportment – snubs the City Fathers and takes down the high sailing rebel by several pegs if not more.  The New Orleans snobs and would be gentry are likely to improve in their manners if not in their morals under the administration of “Picayune Butler.”


Trade is beginning to revive in New Orleans.  The true Delta announces the arrival, on the 15th inst., of a load of cotton by the steamer Diana from Plaquemine.  Cattle had come in from the Red river, and an arrival from Carolina Bluff is reported, with corn, oats, flour and bacon.  In order to encourage the shipments of cotton, General Butler issued the following order promising protection to the cargoes:

The Commanding General of the Department having been informed that rebellious lying and desperate men have represented and are now representing to the honest planters and the good people of the State of Louisiana that the United States Government, by its forces have come here to confiscate and destroy their crops of cotton and sugar, it is hereby ordered  to be made known by publication in all the newspapers of this city that all cargoes of cotton and sugar shall receive the safe conduct of the forces of the United States and the boats bringing them from beyond the lines of the United States force may be allowed to return in safety after a reasonable delay, if their owners shall so desire.  Provided, they bring no passengers except the owners and managers of said boat and of the property so conveyed, and no other merchandise except provisions of which such boats are requested to bring a full supply for the benefit of the suffering poor of the city.

By command of Major General Butler,

A. A. G. Chief of Staff


On the 16th Gen. Butler suppressed the New Orleans Bee, and took possession of the Delta office, by virtue of the following “special order.”

I.  The New Orleans Bee newspaper having published an elaborate though covert argument in favor of the cotton burning mob is hereby suppressed.  No publication of any description will issue from that office until further orders.

II.  The New Orleans Delta newspaper having, in an article of to-day’s issue, discussed the cotton question in a manner which violates the terms of the proclamation of the 1st of May instant from these headquarters the office that of that paper will be taken possession of and its business conducted under direction of the United States authorities.

By command of Maj. Gen. Butler,

GEO. C. STRONG, A. A. General.


On the same day the following order, forbidding the use of Confederate notes was issued by General Butler:

I.  It is hereby ordered that neither the city of New Orleans, nor the banks thereof shall exchange their notes, bills or obligations for Confederate notes, bills or bonds, nor issue any bill not or obligation payable in Confederate notes.

II.  On the twenty seventh day of May, instant, all circulation of, or trade in Confederate notes and bills will cease within this Department, and sales or transfers of property made on or after that day in consideration of such notes or bills, directly or indirectly will be void, and the property confiscated to the United States – one fourth thereof to go to the informer.

By command of Maj. Gen. Butler,

Chief of Staff


General Butler also issued the following order, prohibiting the observance of Jeff. Davis’ fast day:

New Orleans, May 13, 1862

It having come to the knowledge of the commanding General that Friday next is proposed to be observed as a day of fasting and prayer, in obedience to some supposed proclamation of one Jefferson Davis in the several churches of this city, it is ordered that no such observance be had.

Churches and religious houses are to be kept open as in times of profound peace, but no religious exercises are to be had upon the supposed authority above mentioned.

By command of Maj. Gen. Butler,

GEO. C. STRONG, A. A. General


The Herald correspondent says in relation to Gen. butler’s order that all women insulting the soldiers should be treated as “women of the town plying their avocations:”

“The order gives great satisfaction to the command to whom the conduct of the disloyal ladies of the city has become absolutely intolerable.  The Mayor and the violent secessionists received it in high dudgeon and the Mayor addressed the following letter on the subject to General Butler.  The order contains no reflections whatever on the virtue of New Orleans ladies but leaves their future reputation to their behavior after the date of the order.  A more effectual method of abating such an evil could not be devised, and I believe it will be entirely successful.  But here is the Mayor’s letter. –

May 16, 1862

Major Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, Commanding United States Forces

SIR – Your general order No. 28 of date 15th inst., which reads as follows – (here follows order 28, respecting ladies) – is of a character so extraordinary and astonishing that I cannot, holding the office of Chief Magistrate of this city, chargeable with its peace and dignity suffer it to be promulgated in our presence without protesting against the threat it contains, which has already aroused the passions of our people, and must exasperate them to a degree beyond control.  Your officers and soldiers are permitted, by the terms of this order to place any construction they may please upon the conduct of our wives and daughters, and upon such construction, to offer them atrocious insults.  The peace of the city and the safety of your officers and soldiers from harm or insult have, I affirm, been successfully secured to an extent enabling them to move through our streets almost unnoticed, according to the understanding and agreement entered into between yourself and the city authorities.  I did not however anticipate a war upon women and children, who, so far as I am aware, have only manifested their displeasure at the occupation of their city by those whom they believe to be their enemies and I will never undertake to be responsible for the peace of New Orleans while such an edict, which infuriates our citizens, remains in force.  To give a license to the officers and soldiers of your command to commit outrages such as are indicated in your order upon defenseless women is, in my judgment a reproach to the civilization not to say to the Christianity, of the age, in whose name I make this protest.

I am sir, your obedient servant,


To this disrespectful letter Gen. Butler vouchsafed the following unequivocal answer:

NEW ORLEANS, May 16, 1862

John T. Monroe late Mayor of the City of New Orleans, is relieved from all responsibility for the peace of the city, and is suspended from the exercise of any official functions, and committed to Fort Jackson until further order.

Major General Commanding.


Correspondence of the N. Y. Herald


Since my last letter a number of prominent citizens have been arrested and sent to Fort Jackson.  The most notable are John T. Monroe, Mayor of New Orleans, D. G. Duncan, the Mayor’s Private Secretary, John McClellan, Chief of Police, Judge Kennedy, Lucien Adams, Recorder in the Fourth District, and Benj. S. Harrison, formerly a member of the City Council.  Mr. Mazarat, Lieutenant of Police, was ordered under arrest, but the order was afterwards rescinded.

These arrests are peculiarly grateful to the respectable portion of this community, as all of them but Judge Kennedy have long been in notoriously bad odor.  The Mayor and his clique have been doing their utmost by covert measures to harass and impede General Butler in promoting a friendly feeling towards the United States Government, and they have placed an injurious construction on almost every step that the General has taken.  Last Saturday morning after the Mayor had the day previous apologized for his insolent, insulting letter to General Order No. 28, regarding the conduct of the women he again called at headquarters for the purpose of withdrawing his apology or obtaining a modification of the order.  Gen. Butler told him unequivocally that he had nothing to modify; that he was not sorry for what he had written, that he would not withdraw it if he could, and could not if he would, but, at the request of the Mayor, the General gave him permission to publish the offensive letter and the apology, and to add that the order applied only to those women who had insulted by word, look, or gesture the officers of soldiers of the United States army.  He also told him that he could append to the correspondence the startling fact that “water is wet” and “blackbirds are black” – a delicate piece of satire that I fear was entirely lost upon the obtuse intelligence of the magistrate.  After an explanation from the General that would have been thoroughly clear to the comprehension of a child, the Mayor left, apparently satisfied, but Saturday night he again sent the General a letter, the counterpart of the first.  Yesterday morning he was again at headquarters with several of his friends, including Judge Kennedy, John McClellan, Chief of Police, and D. G. Duncan.  The mayor demanded the right to withdraw his apology, and Gen. Butler granted it, but informed Mr. Mayor that he had played with the United States authority long enough, and now he had to go to Fort Jackson.  The other parties named above, admitting their approval of the Mayor’s conduct, were also sent to Fort Jackson.

In addition to the Mayor’s conduct in regard to Order No. 28, he has been guilty in conjunction with other members of the city government, of giving material aid and comfort to the enemy since our occupation, and the Monroe Guard – of which I have an account in my letter of the 10th – expected (and probably with reason) that he would pay handsomely for the “honor” paid him in selecting his name for the corps.  The General announced to the above gentlemen that he should hold them as hostage for the good behavior of the city.

Ben Harrison and Lucien Adams are chiefs of the “Thugs,” had have been the most relentless persecutors of Union men.  Their arrest will enable descent people to sleep more securely at night.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

In The Review Queue: Stonewall Goes West

By R. E. Thomas

Stonewall Jackson's death at the Battle of Chancellorsville is the great "what if" of the Civil War. In Stonewall Goes West, the fabled Jackson survives his wounding at Chancellorsville in 1863 to assume command of the South’s Army of Tennessee. In a final bid to reverse the failing fortunes of the Confederacy, a maimed but unbowed General Jackson confronts not only Sherman's Union armies on the western front, but his own recalcitrant generals. Stonewall Goes West gives the classic "what if” a fresh, new answer in a fast-paced tale, rich with authentic detail, filled with battle and strategy, and populated by the Civil War's most colorful personalities.

About the Author

R.E. Thomas is the Managing Editor of The Whiskey Reviewer, a freelance boxing and travel writer, and holds degrees in history and international relations. He has previously published a book about Port wine, and "Stonewall Goes West" is his first novel.

ISBN 978-0988892200, Black Gold Media, © 2013, Paperback, 256 pages, $12.99. To purchase this book click HERE.

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Wednesday, August 13, 1862

The weather is very hot. I was on camp guard today when one of the guards suddenly became sick. I was number 24 in the first relief, and the man next to me, number 25, got sick. He called out to me, "Corporal the guard number 25.'' It then became my duty to repeat the same call, "Corporal the guard number 25," to the guard next to me, number 23, who made the same call to the guard next to him, and in this way the call went down the line to guard No. 1. Guard number 1 then sent the same call to the corporal of the guardhouse, who went out to guard number 25 to see what he wanted. When he was found to be sick another guard was brought out to relieve guard number 25.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 62

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Second Division, Army of the Tennessee Marker: W.H.L. Wallace Headquarters, Pittsburg Landing Road, Shiloh National Military Park

U. S.



This Division, commanded by Brig. Gen. C. F. Smith, arrived upon this field March 19, 1862 and encamped along, and to the right of the road from Pittsburg Landing to Snake Creek Bridge.

April 2, 1862 Brig. Gen. Wm. H. L. Wallace was assigned to the command of the Division.

On Sunday, April 6, 1862, the 1st and 3d brigades were engaged at the “Hornets’ Nest”; two regiments of the 2d Brigade, under Gen. McArthur, were engaged east of the Peach Orchard; the other three regiments were detached to different parts of the field.  At about 5 P. M. Gen. Wallace was mortally wounded and four of his regiments were surrounded and captured.

On Monday the Division, under the command of Col. Tuttle, was in reserve, supporting the 5th Division of the Army of the Ohio, until about noon.  It then formed in the front line between the divisions of McCook and Crittenden, and was engaged in the Review Field.  The Division had present for duty, of all arms, officers and men, 8408.  Its loss was 270 killed; 1173 wounded; 1306 missing; total 2749.

Letter From Orpheus C, Kerr

Pegasus Recovered – the Dog Bologna – Repudiation of Captain Villiam Brown’s Proclamation – the Sambory Guard – Advance on Richmond

(From the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.)

Rejoice with me, my boy, that I have got back my gothic steed, Pegasus, from the Government chap who borrowed him for a desk.  The splendid architectural animal has just enough slant from his backbone to his hips to make a capital desk, and then his tail is so handy to wipe pens on.  In a moment of thirst he swallowed a bottle of ink, and some fears were entertained for his life, but a gross of steel pens and a ream of blotting paper immediately administered caused him to come out all write.

In a gothic sense, my boy the charger continues to produce architectural illusions.  He was standing on a hillside the other day with his rear elevation toward the spectators, his head up and ears touching at the top, when a chap who had been made pious by frequent conversation with the contrabands, noticed him afar off, and says he to the soldier, “What church is that I behold in the distance, my fellow worm of the dust?”  The military veteran looked and says he, “It does look like a church, but it’s only an animated hay rack belonging to the cavalry.”

“I see,” says the pious chap, moving on, “the beast looks like a church because he’s been accustomed to steeple chases.”

I have also much satisfaction in the society of my dog, Bologna, who has already become so attached to me that I believe he would defend me against any amount of meat.  Like the Old Guard of France, he’s always around the bony parts thrown, and like a bon vivant is much given to whining after his dinner.

The last time I was at Paris my boy, this interesting animal made a good breakfast off the calves of the General of the Mackerel Brigadier’s leg’s, causing that great strategical commander to issue enough oaths for the whole Southern Confederacy.  “Thunder!” says the General, at the conclusion of his cursory remarks, “I shall have the hydrophobia and bite somebody.  It’s my opinion,” says the General, hastily licking a few grains of sugar from the spoon he was holding at the time, “It’s my opinion, that I shall go rabid as soon as I see water.”

“Then you’re perfectly safe, my conquering hero,” says I, “for when you see water, the Atlantic ocean will be principally composed of brandy pale.”

Speaking of Paris, it pains me, my boy, to say that Captain Villiam Brown’s proclamation for the conciliation of Southern Union men has been repudiated by the General of the Mackerel Brigade.  “Thunder!” says the General, taking a cork from his pocket in mistake for a watch key, “it’s against the Constitution to open a bar so far away from where Congress sits.”  And he at once issued the following:


WHEREAS There appears in the public prints what presumptuously pretends to be a proclamation of Captain Villiam Brown, Eskevire, in the words following, to wit.

PROCLAMATION – The Union men of the South are hereby informed, that the United States of America has reasserted hisself, and will shortly open a bar-room in Paris.  Also, cigars and other necessaries of life.

By Order of


And whereas, the same is producing much excitement among those members from the border States who would prefer that said bar-room should be nearer Washington in case of sickness, Therefore, I, General of the Mackerel Brigade, do proclaim and declare that the Mackerel Brigade cannot stand this sort of thing, and that neither Captain Villiam Brown, nor any other commander, has been authorized to declare free lunch, either by implication or otherwise, in any State, much less in a state of intoxication, of which there are several.

To persons in this State, now, I earnestly appeal.  I do not argue, I beseech you to mix your own liquors.  You can not, if you would, be blind to the signs of the times, when such opportunity is offered to see double.  I beg of a calm and immense consideration of them (signs), ranging, it may be, above personal liquor establishments.  The change you may receive after purchasing your materials will come gently as the dues from heaven – not rending nor wrecking anything.  Will you not embrace me?  May the extensive future not have to lament that you have neglected to do so.

Yours, respectfully, the

(Green seal.)

When Villiam read this conservative proclamation, my boy, he looked thoughtfully into a recently occupied tumbler for a few moments, and then says he:

“There’s some intelleck in that.  The General covers the whole ground.  Ah!” says Villiam, preparing, in a dreamy manner, to wash out the tumbler with something from a decanter, “the General so completely covers the whole ground sometimes that the police departmink is required to clear it.”

I believe him, my boy!

The intelligent and reliable contrabands, my boy, who have come into Paris from time to time, with the valuable news concerning all recent movements not taking place in the Confederacy were formed lately, by Villiam, into a military company, called the Sambory Guard, Captain Bob Shorty being deputed to drill them in the colored manual of arms.  They were dressed in flaming read breeches and black coats, my boy, and each chaotic chap looked like a section of stove pipe walking about on two radishes.

I attended the first drill my boy, and found the oppressed Africans standing in line about as regular as so many trees in a maple swamp.

Captain Bob Shorty whipped out his sleepless sword, straightened it on a log, stepped to the front, and was just about to give the first order, when, suddenly he started, threw up his nose, and stood paralyzed.

“What’s the matter, my blue and gilt,” says I.

He stood like one in a dream and says he:

“‘Pears to me I smell something.”

“Yes,” says I, “‘tis the scent of the roses that hang around it still.”

“True,” says Captain Bob Shorty, recovering, “it does smell like a cent, and I haven’t seen a cent of my pay for such a long time, that the novelty of the odor knocked me.  Attention, company!”

Only five of the troops were enough startled by the sudden order, my boy, to drop their guns, and only four stooped down to tie their shoes.  One very reliable contraband left the ranks, and says he:

“Mars’r, hadn’t Brudder Rhett bett gub out de hymn before de service commence?”

“Order in the ranks!” says Capt. Bob Shorty, with some asperity, “Attention, company! – Order arms.”

The troops did this very well, my boy, the muskets coming down at intervals of three minutes, bringing each man’s cap with them and pointing so regularly toward all points of the compass, that no foe could possibly approach from any direction without running on a bayonet.

“Excellent!” says Captain Bob Shorty, with enthusiasm.  “Only, Mr. Rhett, you needn’t hold your gun quite so much like a hoe.  Carry Arms!”

Here Mr. Dana stepped out from the ranks, and says he: “Carry who, mars’r?”

“Go to the rear,” says Capt. Bob Shorty, indignantly.  “Present Arms!”

If Present Arms means to sick your bayonet into the next mans side, my boy, the troops did it very well.

Splendid!” says Capt. Bob Shorty.  “Shoulder Arms – Eyes right – double quick, march!  On to Richmond!”

The troops obeyed the order, my boy, and haven’t been seen since.  Perhaps they’re going yet, my boy.

Company Three, Regiment 5 Mackerel Brigade, started for an advance on Richmond yesterday, and by a forced march got within three miles of it.  Another march brought them within five miles of the place, and the last dispatch stated that they had but ten miles to go before reaching the rebel capital.

Military travel, my boy, is like the railroad at the West, where they had to make chalk marks on the track to see which way the train was going.

Yours on time,

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Tuesday, August 12, 1862

We just learned that Ebenezer McCullough of Company E died of chronic diarrhea at Corinth, on the third of this month. His home was at Davenport, Iowa.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 62

Monday, June 3, 2013

Remarkable Requests – Will of Capt. Levy, of the Navy

From the N. Y. Post

The will of Captain Uriah P. Levy, U. S. N., came up for probate in the Surrogate’s Court to-day.  Mrs. Levy receives only her right of dower and all the household furniture, plate, &c. so long as she shall remain unmarried, excepting what is otherwise bequeathed, to revert upon her death or marriage.  Captain Levy’s nephew, Ashel S. Levy, receives the Washington farm, in Albemarle, Virginia, with all the negro slaves, &c., and $5,00 [sic] in cash, also his gold box with the freedom of the city of New York.

He leaves to his brother, Jos. M. Levy, $1,000 in cash and mortgage on his house in Baltimore, to his brother Isaac Levy, $1,000 and all debts due him on notes, to Mitchell M. Levy, son of his brother, Joseph P. Levy, $1,000 in cash, to Eliza Hendricks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, the income of $1,000 to his nephew Morton Phillips, of New Orleans, his gold hunting watch and $500, to Colonel T. Moses of South Carolina a sliver urn, formerly belonging to Dr. Philips on which is engraved, “From Captain Uriah P. Levy, United States Navy, to his kinsman, Colonel Franklin Moses, Senator of the State of South Carolina, as a testimony of my affection.”

There are also legacies of $100 each to Captain John B. Montgomery, Captain Lawrence Kearney and Captain Francis Gregory, United States Navy, and Benj. F. Butler, to purchase mourning rings.  To Lieutenants Peter Turner and John Moffat, U. S. Navy, and Dr. John J. Cohen and Jacob J. Cohen, Jr., Col. M. Cohen, United States Navy, Lieutenant Lanier, Captain Wm. Meroine and Commodore Thomas Ap C Jones, each $25, to purchase mourning rings.

The will directs the executors to erect a monument at Cypress Hills, to consist of a full length statue of Captain Levy, in iron or bronze, in the full uniform of a Captain of the United States Navy and holding his hand a scroll on which shall be inscribed, “Under this monument,” or “In the memory of Uriah P. Levy – Captain in the United States Navy, Father of the Law for Abolition of the Barbarous Practice of Corporal Punishment in the Navy of the United States.”  The monument is to cost $6,000, and the body is to be buried under it.

To the Historical Society are bequeathed three paintings – the Wreck of the Medusa frigate, by Gericault, the Descent of the infant Jesus and Virgin Confessing the Bishop of Rouen, and a Rural Scene by Carl Bonner.  He then bequeaths his farm and estate at Monticello, Va., formerly belonging to President Thomas Jefferson, with all the residue of his estate, “to the People of the United States,” or such persons as Congress shall appoint to receive it, and especially all my real estate in the city of New York in trust for the sole and only purpose of establishing and maintaining at the farm in Monticello, Va., an agricultural school for the purpose of educating, as practical. farmers children of the Warrant Office of the United States Navy whose fathers are dead, the children to be supported by this fund from the ages of twelve to sixteen.”  For fuel and fencing said farm school, [the] will bequeaths two hundred acres of woodland of his Washington farm, Va.

The will especially requires that no professorships be established in said school and no professors being employed, the school being intended for charity and not for pomp.  In case Congress refuses to carry out the intention of this bequests the property is bequeathed to the people of Virginia for the same purpose, and incase the legislature of Virginia declines to received the trust the property is to go to the Portuguese Hebrew Congregation in this city and the Old Portuguese Hebrew Congregation in Cherry street, Philadelphia, and the Portuguese Hebrew Congregation of Richmond Va., for the establishment of said school at Monticello, for the children of all denominations, Hebrew and Christian.

Should this fund be more than sufficient for the support of children of warrant officers of the navy, the children of sergeant-majors of the United States army are to be included in the benefit – the balance to be for the benefit of children of seamen.  He further bequeaths $1,000 to the Portuguese Hebrew Hospital of this city.

The executors are Benjamin F. Butler, D. V. S. Coddington, Ashel S. Levy, Jos. H. Patten, Joshua Cohen, Jacob J. Cohen, George Carr, and John B. Blake, who are also created trustees of the estate.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Review: Giant In The Shadows

By Jason Emerson

He is known to history as Robert Todd Lincoln, the oldest of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln’s four sons, and the only one to survive to adulthood.  Never preferring to use his full name during his lifetime he was known as Robert T. Lincoln.  To those who knew and loved him, he was simply Bob.

From his birth to his death, and since, Robert T. Lincoln has remained hidden in the shadows of his martyred father and controversial mother.  With  “Giant in the Shadows: The Life of Robert T. Lincoln,” journalist and an independent historian, Jason Emerson has delivered Robert T. Lincoln from the shadows of his famous parents and given him his own well deserved place in history.

Comprehensive in its scope, “Giant In the Shadows,” details the life of Robert T. Lincoln from his birth on August 1st, 1843 in a rented from of Springfield, Illinois’ Globe Tavern to his death on July 28, 1926 at Hildene, his private estate in Manchester, Vermont.  During his nearly 83 year lifespan, Robert would be present at Robert E. Lee’s surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House; he would be the only person in American History to be closely associated with three presidential assassinations (those of his father, James Garfield and William McKinley); he would become the 35th Secretary of War, serving under Presidents James Garfield and Chester Arthur; United States Minister to the United Kingdom during the administration of President Benjamin Harrison; President of the Pullman Palace Car Company; but most notably Robert was the keeper of the historical legacy of Abraham Lincoln.

Much of “Giant in the Shadows” explores the dynamics of the Lincoln family and their personal relationships with one another.  Mr. Emerson demonstrates that Abraham Lincoln’s relationship with his son, Bob, was a warm and intimate one, rather than cold and distant as it has often been portrayed.  Robert’s often tumultuous relationship with his mother, Mary Todd Lincoln is thoroughly examined.  During his childhood Robert shared a close relationship with his mother, but the cumulative effect of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination in combination with the deaths of three of her four children took its psychological on Mary Lincoln.  As his mother’s mental health deteriorated Robert and Mary Todd Lincoln’s roles were reversed; the son became his mother’s protector.  With few options and a fear for his mother’s safety, Robert had his Mother declared insane and placed her in an institution, causing a deep family rift that never fully healed.

Biographers often fall in love with their subjects, and Mr. Emerson is not immune.  In the book’s only major shortcoming Robert Lincoln’s role in the Pullman strike of 1894 is not fully examined and murky at best.

With all of the tragedy in his life, it is easy to feel sympathetic toward Robert T. Lincoln, and that is completely understandable.  Emerson demonstrates time and again, that Robert Lincoln is not a man to be pitied.  It is true, his name opened many doors for him, but time and again Robert shut those doors, opened other doors of opportunity of his own choosing, and never once used his father’s memory and legacy to his own advantage while rising to his own prominence.  Much like his father Robert T. Lincoln was in many ways a self made man.

ISBN 978-0809330553, Southern Illinois University Press, © 2012, Hardcover, 640 pages, Photographs & Illustrations, End Notes, Bibliography & Index. $39.95.  To purchase click HERE.

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Monday, August 11, 1862

I wrote a letter home today and sent a ten dollar bill in it. I am sending home nearly all my pay from the Government, with the understanding that father is to keep it for me.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 62

Sunday, June 2, 2013

W.H.L. Wallace Headquarters Monument: Pittsburg Landing Road, Shiloh National Military Park



Mahoney, of the Dubuque Herald says . . .

. . . in denunciation of the Administration and the war , and that the “people will soon open their eyes and understand,” &c.  This is a pretty good joke for Mahoney to get off at the expense of his friends.  Loyal men have always had their “eyes open,” and their “understanding” good.  But Mahoney and his traitorous crew will not get their “eyes open” until their “understanding” lets them slip through the “drop.”  Mourners will be few and scattering, like the days of Judas, but the attendance will be large. – {Indianola Visitor

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Sunday, August 10, 1862

We had company inspection this morning. We received orders to sweep the camp twice a day from now on. Our new chaplain, Chauncey H. Remington, conducted preaching services in the evening on the regimental parade ground.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 62

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Review: Gettysburg, Turning Point Of The Civil War

Edited by Kelly Knauer

In his introduction “Why Gettysburg Matters,” James M. McPherson explains Robert E. Lee and the leaders of the Confederacy believed a Confederate victory on Northern soil would force Ulysses S. Grant to loosen his strangle-hold on Vicksburg, Mississippi, the tide of Northern sentiment would turn against the war, and Abraham Lincoln would be forced to sue for peace or be defeated in the following year’s election.  If the Republican Party was defeated in large numbers in the 1864 elections, Lee believed the newly installed President of the United States would have no other option than to capitulate and give the Confederacy her freedom.  In short, Lee’s second invasion of the North was a vital component of the Southern campaign to win the war.

Having established the importance of the July 1863 battle, the book’s creators take a step back in time and to look at the bigger picture.  In the chapter, “The Road to Gettysburg,” the divisive issue of slavery is cited as the primary cause of the regional divisions in the United States.  After decades of debates and compromises, John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry, was the match that lit the fuse, and the election of Abraham Lincoln was the explosive detonation that caused the Union to fracture as one Southern state seceded after another.

Moving forward in time to the summer of 1863 the next chapter, “Lee Invades the North” follows what is now known as the Gettysburg Campaign: the Army of Virginia’s northward movement through Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and into Pennsylvania with the Army of the Potomac at it heels.

The battle took place over three days, July 1-3, 1863, and each day of the battle is covered in one chapter of the book.  Each of these chapters includes a “Battlefield Guide,” giving its readers a reference point for information which follows in the chapter’s successive pages, namely a glossary of military terms and a timeline of day’s events; annotations about time, and the organization of infantry and artillery units are also included.  On the opposing page is a map detailing the day’s action.

Interspersed throughout the book are articles covering Abraham Lincoln’s search for a general able to defeat Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Civil War Medicine, the Gettysburg Cyclorama, Death and the Civil War, and Lee’s escape south after the battle.

The final chapter “Gettysburg in Memory,” brings us from the immediate aftermath of the battle to the conclusion of the war up to the present day.  It delves into the realm of recent of study, the Civil War in Memory; with articles covering Civil War photographers and photography, Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address, and the Civil War in movies.

Many of the officers who lead troops on both sides of the conflict have become historical icons.  “Gettysburg, The turning Pont of the War” features lengthy biographical sketches of some of the battle’s notable participants: Robert E. Lee, J.E.B. Stuart, George G. Meade, Joshua L. Chamberlain and James Longstreet.  Also included are shorter biographical sketches of those commanding of the opposing armies: for the Confederacy A. P. Hill, Jubal Early, Henry Heth, Richard S. Ewell, John Bell Hood, Richard H. Anderson, Edward “Allegheny” Johnson, William Barksdale, George E. Pickett, Lewis A. Armistead, Isaac H. Trimble and J. Johnston Pettigrew; and their Federal counterparts Francis C. Barlow, Solomon Meredith, Winfield Scott Hancock, John C. Caldwell, William J. Colville, Alfred Pleasonton, Henry Hunt, John Buford and John F. Reynolds

First person accounts of the battle are also included in the book from civilians Elizabeth Masser Thorn and Tillie Pierce; Confederates Colonel William C. Oates of the 15th Alabama Infantry, Sergeant Valerius C. Giles of the 4th Texas Infantry and Captain Henry T. Owen, of the 18th Virginia Infantry; and Federal troops, Lieutenant Charles A. Fuller of the 61st New York Infantry, Captain Edward R. Bowen of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry and Lieutenant George G. Benedict of the 12th Vermont Infantry

Using its linear narrative of each day’s action in combination with first person accounts and a liberal use of photographs, artworks and maps, “Gettysburg, The Turning Point of the War” gives its readers a panoramic view of the largest battle ever to take place in the Western Hemisphere, sets it into its proper historical context, and explores how we choose to remember the battle and the Civil War.

ISBN 978-1618930538, Time, © 2013, Hardcover, Dimensions 10.5 x 1 x 11.5 inches, 192 pages, Maps, Photographs, Illustrations, Picture Credits & Index. $29.95.  To Purchase the book click HERE.

Mutilated Treasury Notes

WASHINGTON, May 18, 1862

To guard against frauds upon the Government and to secure the just rights of holders, the following rules, for the redemption of mutilated United States Notes, are hereby established.

FIRST – Mutilated notes, which have been torn no matter how much, but of which it is evident that all the fragments are returned or defaced no matter how badly, but certainly satisfactorily genuine, will be redeemed to their full face value on presentation.

SECOND – Fragments of notes will be redeemed in full only when accompanied by an affidavit stating the cause and manner of mutilation, and that the missing part of the note is totally destroyed.  The good character of the affiant must also be fully vouched by the officer before whom the affidavit is taken.

THIRD – In the absence of such affidavit, fragments of notes will not be paid in full, but the parts presented will be redeemed in their proportion to the whole note, reckoning, as a general rule, by twentieths.

FOURTH – Less than half of a note will not be redeemed, except by payment of the full value of the note under the second rule, or by payment of the proportional value of the missing part, when presented under the fifth rule.

FIFTH – Fragments of notes, for which less than the full face value has been paid, will be retained for a year, to an end that the owners who have received less than the value of the full note, may have opportunity to return the missing part and receive the amount previously withheld.

SIXTH – Until further order, mutilated notes and fragments will be redeemed only at the Treasury of the United States at Washington, whither they can be sent, addressed to the “Treasurer of the United States,” by mail, free of postage.  A draft on the Assistant Treasurer at New York, for the amount allowed will be returned in the same way, to the address of the person remitting the same.

Secretary of the Treasury

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Saturday, August 9, 1862

The weather is very hot and during the day the men not on duty keep close to camp. There are some fine orchards in this locality and we get plenty of fruit now, as all orchard guards have been removed. The men are given passes and every day four or five from each company go out to get fruit.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 62

Friday, May 31, 2013

Col. David Stuart’s Headquarters Monument: Larkin Bell’s Field, Shiloh National Military Park

U. S.

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Meeting of the Ladies’ Aid Society

The Ladies’ Aid Society will meet in the Medical College at 10 o’clock this forenoon.  As some two hundred wounded soldiers are soon to be here, and must be provided for, it is hoped that there will be a full attendance of Ladies.  There is immediate need of the aid of all who can render it.

By order of the President.

– Published in The Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa, Thursday, April 17, 1862

The Government Expenditures

The country was some time ago informed on what seemed to be “reliable authority,” that the expenditures of the Government were fully three millions of dollars per day. – A great deal of astonishment and some apprehension was felt at the statement.  People were justly puzzled and alarmed at the idea of the nation plunging into debt at the rate of one thousand millions of dollars per year.  It now appears that the average expenditures of the Government have not been one million of dollars per day.  The New York Commercial Advertiser says of a speech made on Tuesday, by Mr. Dawes of Massachusetts.  He showed on authority which is entirely trustworthy, that the whole expenses of the present Administration, and for a period of fourteen months and eighteen days, amounted only to $441,000,000, which was three millions less than one million per day on the average.  The entire indebtedness including the seventy millions bequeathed by the last Administration was $482,796,145, on the 22nd of this month.  The speech of Mr. Dawes was in reply to Voorhees of Indiana, who made out that our National debt would soon amount to six thousand million dollars.

Mr. DAWES said:

The expenditures of all the departments of the Government outside of the war and navy, since the Administration came into power are as follows, For the Interior Department, Indians and pensions to the 22nd of May $8,681,860, civil list, foreign intercourse and miscellaneous $21,635,010, making a total of nearly $25,367,000.  The expenditures of the War during that time amounted to $374,172,000 and the navy during the same time $42,055,000, or a total of $416,227,000.  The average daily expenditures in the War Department have been $897,295, and those of the navy $100,852 making the average in both departments $998,147.  No requisitions are unpaid, excepting a few thousand dollars for illegality or disloyalty.  The payments last Thursday were only $864,917 yet the day after when the paymasters came in the expenditures were $2,000,000 but on Saturday only $500,000.  So the expenditures of the government up to the 22nd of May inst. in round numbers, were for the military $374,000,000, navy, $42,000,000, all other expenditures, $25,000,000 – a total of $441,000,000.  From the 4th of March, 1861, till the 22nd of May the public debt including $70,000,000 old debt bequeathed by Buchanan, amounted in the aggregate on Friday last to $481,796,145.  Mr. Dawes run [sic] a parallel between the expenditures under the former administration and the present showing as to the civil list, this administration has been far more honest and economical than that.

The expenditures of the Government have been greater in the past than they will be in the future.  Vast sums of money have been laid out in ships and arms.  The creation of the enormous artillery force which is now so effective an arm of our military department involved lavish outlays of money.  Our coast expeditions have cost us extravagantly.  Arms have been procured at great cost.  In fact we were not prepared for war, and have been obliged to make up for our want of preparation.  We have now made our permanent investments in war material and the current expenditures will be diminished.  The estimate that the war was costing us three millions per day, was made just at the time that hundreds of vessels were charted for the transportation of McClellan’s army from Alexandria to Fortress Monroe and while an immense fleet of steamers were conveying Gen. Grant’s army up the Tennessee river the great cost of these vessels of course swelled the aggregate daily expenditure greatly, but yet the three million estimate was much too large even for that time.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Col. Asbury B. Porter

PORTER, ASBURY B., COL., retired; born in Bourbon Co., Ky., June 20, 1808; when 21 years of age, his father died, leaving a wife and nine children; Asbury being the oldest, upon him devolved the care of the family; they removed to Illinois and located in Vermilion Co.; while living here, he became acquainted with Miss Martha A. Brazleton, a native of North Carolina; she came to Illinois at an early age, and they were married Jan. 18, 1835; the same year Col. Porter came to Iowa and bought land in Henry Co., raised a crop and went back to Illinois for his family, they arrived here in October, 1836, and were among the earliest settlers; there being only a few now living in the county who were here at that time. He was elected Clerk of the Courts in 1847; reelected to the same office in 1849; was elected and represented this county in the Territorial Legislature; was re-elected and served for three terms; was engaged in the mercantile business for twenty years; was Captain of a military company — “The Mt. Pleasant Grays” — and when the war broke out, at the first call for 75,000 men, this company enlisted in the three-months service, and Capt. Porter went with them to Keokuk; while there, was elected Major of 1st Regt., Iowa V. I., the only Iowa regiment that answered the first call for 75,000 men; when the term of service for which they enlisted had expired, there was a prospect of a battle, and Gen. Lyon requested the regiment to remain; a vote of the regiment was taken and they unanimously decided to stay, and did remain until after the battle of Wilson Creek was fought; about one week before the battle, Gen. Lyon wrote the Secretary of War, recommending Maj. Porter for promotion to the rank of Major in the regular army, and requesting that he be assigned to duty under him; but he preferred to remain in the volunteer service; upon the expiration of the three-months service, he received authority from the Secretary of War to raise the 4th Regt. Iowa Cav.; was commissioned Colonel; he was also authorized by the Secretary of War to select, inspect and buy the horses for the regiment without restrictions; the only instance known where this privilege was given the Colonel of any regiment during the war; Col. Porter selected and inspected every horse; the regiment was composed of battalions of horses of matched colors, and left for the field twelve hundred strong, and was with Gen. Curtis in Missouri and Arkansas; Col. Porter was obliged to resign his commission in 1863, on account of his eyesight. After the war, he held the office of Revenue Inspector in this Congressional District. They have seven children — Watson B., with the C, B. & Q. R. R.; Emily D., now Mrs. Dr. McClure; Louzenia W., now Mrs. Capt. Beckwith; Sadie E., at home; Frank P., contractor on the C, B. & Q. R. R.; Jennie C., now Mrs. Bean, of Albia; Asbury B., civil engineer on the C, B. & Q. R. R.; lost one son — Samuel A.

SOURCE: Western Historical Company, Chicago, Illinois, The History of Henry County, Iowa, 1879, p. 578

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Col. Porter’s grandson, Warren Wallace Beckwith, married Jessie Harlan Lincoln, granddaughter of President Abraham Lincoln.

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Friday, August 8, 1862

No news of importance. The officers are having considerable trouble in keeping the boys from getting through the lines. We have regular brigade guard to keep the men in camp, yet every day a few slip through when the guards are walking in opposite directions. But now, every morning at guard mount, the officer of the day gives strict orders that guard number 1 shall walk his beat so that he will be looking at guard number 2, and continuing thus around the entire camp, so that all getting to the end of their beats at the same time face about and proceed as before, each looking toward the guard ahead of him.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 61-2

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Capt. Warren Beckwith

BECKWITH, WARREN, CAPT., contractor for masonry work on the C. B. & Q. R. R.; born in Monroe Co., N. Y., Jan. 31, 1833, and received his education there; studied surveying civil engineering when he was 19 years of age; and in 1852-54, he was engaged on the Genesee Valley R. R. (now the Rochester Branch of the Erie R. R.) Went to Kansas in 1854, and came to Iowa in May, 1856; became connected with the B. & M. R. R., directly after the Land Grant Act was passed, from 1856 to 1860, then resigned and went to Texas with stock. When the war broke out, returned here and enlisted in the 4th Regt. Iowa Cav.; held the position of Battalion Adjutant; he was promoted to Captain, Jan. 1, 1863; he was in a number of severe fights and skirmishes; in the battle of Guntown one-third of his men engaged were killed and wounded; he was in the service until August, 1865. Upon his return, was appointed Roadmaster of the B. & M. R. R., and held that position until the consolidation of this road with the C, B. &Q. R. R., when he was appointed Superintendent of the track and bridges over the whole line, which position he held until he was appointed chief engineer of the whole line. On account of his health he has recently resigned. He married Miss Louzenia Wallace Porter April 14, 1863; she is a daughter of Col. A. B. Porter, one of the earliest settlers of Henry Co. They have five children—Everett, Orville, Emily, Florence and Warren.

SOURCE: Western Historical Company, Chicago, Illinois, The History of Henry County, Iowa, 1879, p. 559

EDITOR’S NOTE: Captain Beckwith’s son Warren Wallace Beckwith, married Jessie Harlan Lincoln, the granddaughter of President Abraham Lincoln.

A Fight at Huntsville

Private letters from Huntsville mention a fight at that place between an officer of one of the Ohio regiments and Col. Davis, of Huntsville, a law partner of Jere Clemens.  Davis was a member of the Alabama Secession Convention, and a Union man.  In the Convention he told Yancey, who threatened to coerce North Alabama, which was disposed to remain in the Union, that if he wanted a fight he should not have it in North Alabama, but on the dividing line.  After the Act of Secession, however, Davis took up arms for the Southern Confederacy.  The meeting between Col. Davis and the Ohio officer, who was of equal rank, took place at the quarters of Major McCook.  Some Champagne was opened and the discussion of the state of the country presently grew warm.  The Alabama Colonel told the Ohio Colonel he was a d----d liar, and Ohio told him that if he were not the guest of Major McCook, he would knock him down. – Alabama begged Ohio not to have any scruples of that sort, and repeated the epithet.  So at it they went.  Fair play was shown, and Ohio soon made his word good, knocking Alabama down and giving him a severe pelting when he was down.  Ohio’s damage consisted chiefly in a badly torn shirt.  Alabama received a pair of black eyes and enlarged nose and mouth.  Jere Clemens met the Ohio officer a few days afterward and told him he had inquired into the particulars of the affray, and that his partner (Davis) had been served exactly right.  Davis afterward acknowledged that he had got no more than he deserved.  This little circumstance has contributed largely to the popularity of the Ohioan in Huntsville.

P. S. – The three first letters of the Ohio Colonel’s name are Len. A. Harris. – {Cincinnati Commercial

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Thursday, August 7, 1862

Nothing of importance. Everything is quiet in camp. The rebels are not giving us much anxiety yet, but our officers are not napping; a strong picket is constantly kept in line.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 61

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another New Man-Of-War

The new steam sloop-of-war Adirondack has just been completed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and the Navy Department have been informed that she is ready for her armament, and may be put in commission at once if required.  Her rigging and external decoration were finished last week, and she now lies in the stream, a perfectly built model.

The Adirondack is one of the new steam corvettes ordered by the Government, and was built at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and launched on Washington’s birthday, the 22d of February last.  She is a wooden vessel, having been far advanced toward construction before the advantages of iron clad ships were made so manifest.  She is 237 feet 2 inches long, over all, has a breadth of beam of 36 feet, a depth of hold 10 feet 11½ inches, and will draw when laden 14 feet of water.  Her machinery is of the first class, and was constructed at the Novelty Works in this city.  It consists of two horizontal back-acting engines, with cylinders 42 inches in diameter and 30 inch stroke.  The boilers, of which two splendid once have been put up, are Martin’s patent, provided with the latest improvements of the inventor.  The propeller is a three bladed, true screw, 14 feet 3 inches in diameter, with proportionate to pitch.  Sewall’s furnace condenser is attached to the machinery, and a distilling apparatus, capable of distilling 300 gallons of water in 24 hours.  The armament of the vessel is prepared, but must not be described now.

Officers for Adirondack will be appointed in a few days, and it is expected she will make her trial trip in the first week of June.  Her model was designed in Washington by the United States Contractors, so that she is a “regular navy built man-of-war.” – {Tribune

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

“Raid” on Owen

Owen county, which has been noted for being infested with traitors – traitors big and traitors small – traitors low and traitors tall – and for their vehement declarations, that they knew their rights, and would maintain their liberty and independence until they all – big and little died in the last ditch.  Well, Owen county was recently thrown into a terrible ferment by a “raid” from Union soldiers, but after all their boasting not as a traitor was ready to be the man to show where the last ditch is located.  Ah! who shall tell it in Dixie that Federal soldiers invaded the “sacred soil” of Sweet Owen, a few days since and instead of resisting arrest, as they had all sworn to do, the county Judge, the County Court Clerk, the Sheriff, the Circuit Court Clerk, and others, with lamb-like meekness, permitted themselves to be led off to prison at Louisville!  And so ended the first chapter.

Chapter two is rich with incidents enough to form the basis of a good story, but we have not descriptive powers enough to do the subject justice.  Let us give the facts as we heard them.

One day last week – probably Monday – court having adjourned for dinner, the traitors assembled in the Court House to nominate candidates to fill the various offices to be voted for at the ensuing election.  The meeting organized and was ready for business, when Dr. Gale, the Ex-Representative to the Legislature from Owen, had occasion to go to the front door.  No sooner had he reached it, and cast one look out into the street, than he started back, “his hair erect like the quills of the fretful porcupine” – his eye balls starting from their deep sockets, and glazed with horror – and approaching the officers of the meeting gasped out: “Lincoln’s whole ------ army has surrounded the Court House and town!”

What ensued on the announcement is beyond our powers of description in the words of the old saying, it can be better imagined than described, the pencil of a Hogarth alone could do it justice.  A thunderbolt falling into the midst of a crowd, could not have produced greater consternation, and a 1,000 lb. bomb shell falling in their midst would not have caused a more sudden skedaddling.

Reader, you can form some idea of the scene by imagining you were present, and witnessed Representative Burns jumping out of a back window, carrying the sash on his neck like a yoke on a goose; Senator Grover following after Burns and lighting upon his back, and think it a horse he was astraddle of, rode him to the horse rack; Burns mounting a horse without taking time to unhitch him, and finding it impossible to make the horse break lose then cut the reins to get free from the rack, leaving his horse to his own course, so he would only increase his speed in proportion to the zeal and energy that his rider belabored him with heels and fists.  Judge Nuttal finding no place above earth to hide, some of the rebels let him down a well in a bucket.  Will Pryor of Henry coming into town during the excitement, was urged to hide after some parlay he consented; was ushered into a room with three beds, but found no place in either for even his head – the traitors were piled up two and three deep under them!  In despair, he rushed down stairs, and so soon as possible put the Kentucky river between him and Owen county.

That was the second chapter in Owen County’s ferment.  We only regret that we have not the power to do it justice to it. – {Shelby (Ky.) News

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Wednesday, August 6, 1862

I went on guard again. The boys are having high times today; all having plenty of money, they are making it lively in camp. But those on guard duty are having hard work because of the hot weather; for with dress coat buttoned up, all accouterments strapped on, and carrying musket at right shoulder shift, one can easily see what warm work it is walking the beat.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 61

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Captain Warren Beckwith

Captain Warren Beckwith, Mt. Pleasant. Enl. Sep. 21, 1861; prom. Adjt. 1st Batt. Dec. 25, 1861; ceased to act (apparently not mustered out) on discontinuance of battalion organization in Sep., 1862; served as "Acting Adjt." of the regt. July to Oct., 1862, and as "Acting Qrmr." from Oct. 1862, to March, 1863. Com. Capt. of C to date Jan. 1, 1863, and mustered in as Capt. May 20, 1863. Remained with the Co. upon Vet. reenlistment, and served in the field to the end of the war. Mustered out with the Co. Wounded in action Nov. 8, 1862, Marianna, Ark. Aide-de-camp on staff of Gen. William Vandever, commanding brigade, July and Aug., 1862. In command of the cavalry of the Provost-Guard at Memphis, Tenn., from Aug. 1 to Dec. 20, 1864; of an expedition to Bankston, Miss., in Grierson's raid from Memphis to Vicksburg, Dec. 1864; and of the 4th Iowa Cav. detachment on expedition to Lake St. Francis, Ark., from Memphis, Tenn., early in Dec., 1864. Sometimes in command of 2d Batt.

Source: William Forse Scott, Roster of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, 1861-1865, p. 60

Asbury B. Porter

ASBURY B. PORTER was born in the State of Kentucky, in the year 1808. He removed to Iowa, making his home at Mount Pleasant where he was engaged in the mercantile business when the Civil War began. He first entered the service as major of the First Iowa Infantry, serving with distinguished ability at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. In October, 1861, he was appointed colonel of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry and served until the 8th of March when he was dismissed from the service by order of the President. The cause of his dismissal is not given in the published reports of the Adjutant General’s Office.

SOURCE: Benjamin F. Gue, History of Iowa, Volume 4: Iowa Biography, p. 214

The Crisis and its Demands

Col. Forney writes from Washington to the Philadelphia Press:

We are living in the midst not simply of a revolution unparalleled in history, but a rebellion against all the improvements in Government, in science, in law and in society.  The men who refused to stand by the Government in this crisis cannot stop this revolution.  They cannot save Slavery, but they may temporarily wound the Constitution and the Union.  Radical remedies are always the offspring of grave diseases.  The ingratitude and savage atrocities of Slavery have turned the heart of Christendom against it and have made the severe medicines of men who were called fanatics a few years ago, palatable to those who have been among the moderate classes of our people.  The true statesman accepts things as they are.  His duty is first to his country.  He must put down her foes by every means, and if one weapon fails he must try another. – Such a leader can no more ignore the revolution against Slavery, brought about by slave-owners, than he can blot out the undying memory which preserves for eternal veneration and example the great events which have changed the civil polity and religious systems of other nations.

One of the incidents of this revolution against Slavery is the extraordinary transformation wrought in the minds of intelligent and conscientious Democrats.  I have just received a letter from a gentleman who bears an honored name as a consistent member of the once respected Democratic party, which I publish as one of the thousand evidences of the change that is taking place in the minds of men.

“The leading article of the Press this morning speaks the language of truth and necessity.  You remember it was my policy from the outset – no more legislation, no more talk, no more compromise or conciliation.  The Government must show sterner stuff.  We must treat those heaven daring and hell-deserving offenders, those highwaymen, those assassins and pirates as the worst of foes.  Mercy to them is cruelty to the civilized world, which on its broad expanse is more or less interested in the maintenance of this Republic in all its integrity.  Our Government should and must ‘press them to the wall,’ follow them up on their way, defeat them until they are dispersed, lay down their arms and return to their allegiance, are subjugated or exterminated.  We must decide at once and sternly – no indulgence of domestic traitors in our midst.  We must imitate Baltimore everywhere all over our country, and drive the traitors and their treason from our streets.  No more talk of consanguinity, affinity, or sacred friendship with barbarians and assassins.  They dissolve in thin air before the true patriot, who must bury the recollections of all ties in the proud consciousness of duty to God and his country from which source he will be sure to receive his reward.  For God’s sake urge, by all possible means at your command, the necessity of the most stringent measures, nor hope for any peace or restoration of the Government by other means.  You are doing much persevere [sic], call men and things by their right names, and [illegible] our thoughts turn to subjugation or if need be extermination, American and Christianity demand it.”

You will tell me this is strong language, but remember, it is the voice of one who has not only been foremost in the ranks of the Democracy, but foremost among the defenders of the South.  He speaks as tens of thousands of Democrats feel.  Mr. Lincoln told the Border States of the “signs of the times” and there is none that suggest a more solemn warning that the revolution in regard to Slavery among the masses who have been its ardent advocates and apologists.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

How the Prisoners are to Get their Pay

WASHINGTON, October 28, 1861

General Order No. 90

The following plan for paying the families of officers and soldiers in the service of the United States, who are, or may become prisoners of war, the sums due them by the Government, having been approved by the President, it is published for the information of all concerned.

Payments will be made to persons presenting written authority from a prisoner to draw his pay – or without such authority, to his wife, the guardian of his minor children, or his widowed mother or in the order named.

Applications for such pay must be made to the senior paymaster of the district in which the regiment of the prisoner is serving, and must be accompanied by the certificate of a judge of a court of the United States, of a District Attorney of the United States, or of some other party under the seal of a Court of Record of the State in which the applicant is a resident , setting forth that the said applicant is the wife of the prisoner, the guardian of his minor children, or his widowed mother, and if occupying either of the last two relationships towards him, there is no one who is more nearly related according to the above classification.

Payments will be made to parties thus authorized and identified, on their receipts made out in the manner that would be required of the prisoner himself, at least one month’s pay, being in all cases retained by the United States.  The officer making the payment will see that it is entered on the last previous muster roll for the payment of the prisoner’s or will report it, if those rolls are not in his possession, to the senior paymaster of the district; who will either attend to the entry or give notice to the payment to the Paymaster General, if the rolls have been forwarded to his office.  By order,

Adjutant General

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, June 7, 1862, p. 1

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Tuesday, August 5, 1862

The Eleventh Iowa drew two months’ pay today. I received $26. We are able to purchase most any kind of goods needed, right here at Bolivar only two miles from camp.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 61