No. 11.
Report of Lieut. Col. R. S. Ripley, South
Carolina Army, commanding Artillery.
Sullivan's Island, Fort Moultrie, April 16, 1861.
MAJOR: I have the
honor to report that on the evening of the 11th instant, at 9½ o'clock, the
batteries under my command were supplied and manned, the furnace heated, and
all was ready for action either against a fleet or Fort Sumter. They were the
The five-gun
battery, east of Curlew ground, under Captain Tupper, of the Vigilant Rifles.
The Maffitt channel
battery, two guns, and mortar-battery No. 2, two 10-inch mortars, under Captain
Butler, of the Infantry.
Fort Moultrie, which
was my headquarters, thirty guns, under Capt. W. R. Calhoun, of the Artillery
assistant commandant of batteries; First Lieuts. Thomas Wagner and Alfred
Rhett, Artillery, commanding Channel and Sumter batteries.
Mortar-battery No.
1, two 10-inch mortars.
The enfilade
battery, four guns, under Capt. J. H. Hallonquist, Artillery, assistant
commandant of batteries, and Lieutenants Flemming, Artillery, and Valentine, Infantry.
The Point battery,
one 9-inch Dahlgren gun, and the floating battery, four guns, under Capt. J. R. Hamilton and
First Lieutenant Yates, of the Artillery, and the Mount Pleasant battery, two
10-inch mortars, under Capt. Robert Martin, of the Infantry.
Of these three
8-inch columbiads, two 32-pounders, and six 24-pounders in Fort Moultrie; two
24-pounders and two 32-pounders in the enfilade battery; one 9-inch Dahlgren
gun, two 32-pounders, two 42-pounders at the Point and on board the floating
battery, and the six 10-inch mortars bore upon Fort Sumter.
A strict watch was
kept all night, but no attempt to send re-enforcements into Fort Sumter was
observed. At 4½ o'clock on the morning of the 12th a shell was seen from the
batteries of Fort Johnson, and in accordance with orders the signal for general
action was made at once. The commands went quickly and quietly to their posts,
and very soon every battery bearing upon the fort had commenced. As it was
still dark the firing was very slow, but after dawn the direct fire was
quickened, until every gun which bore upon Sumter was in quick operation, and
this was continued at the regular intervals presented throughout the day. The
enemy at first only replied to the Cummings Point batteries, but in a short
time opened a brisk fire on the Point and floating batteries of this command
with great precision. Shortly afterward he commenced firing on the enfilade
batteries, but did not open upon Fort Moultrie.
At about 8 o'clock I
visited the batteries to the west of this fort, and noticed the admirable conduct
of the officers and men. Lieutenants Blanding and Flemming, of the Artillery,
at mortar battery No. 1, and Lieutenants Valentine and Burnet, of the Infantry,
at the enfilade battery, were promptly and energetically performing their
duties. Captain Hallonquist was directing his fire to enfilade and drive the
enemy from his parapet. At the Point battery Capt. J. R. Hamilton was firing
with great precision and skill, and from his battery I noticed First
Lieutenants Yates and Harleston on board the floating battery working their
guns with all the rapidity which the order of firing permitted. I next visited
Captain Butler's mortar battery, which he was working energetically.
Fort Sumter opened
upon Fort Moultrie about 8.30 o'clock in the morning, and from that time a
steady and continuous fire was kept up on us from his casemate 32-pounders and
42-pounders throughout the day. This was replied to by the nine guns of the
Sumter battery of this fort, under Lieutenants Rhett and Mitchell, and two guns
of the oblique battery, under Lieutenant Parker, until 9 a.m., when Lieutenant
Rhett's command was relieved by the detachment of Company A, under Lieutenants
Wagner, Preston, and Sitgreaves.
Captain Calhoun
arranged the reliefs, and the officers and men of Companies A, B, and D worked
the Sumter battery of this fort alternately until evening. During this time
Captain Calhoun kept his channel guns manned and ready for action against the
fleet, which was confidently expected to attempt an entrance. At different
times during the afternoon five hot shot were fired upon the quarters at Fort
Sumter. I have learned that they were thrice set on fire. Meantime the enemy's
shot had told with great effect upon the quarters of Fort Moultrie, continually
perforating and breaking them up; but our defenses were strong, the merlons and
traverses heavy and well secured, and no material damage was done to our
defenses, although the principal fire of the enemy was directed on this fort
during the whole of the afternoon. The direct fire ceased with the light, but
the mortars kept up the bombardment at the prescribed intervals.
The night set in
dark and rainy, and it was feared that the enemy would certainly attempt to
re-enforce. All the batteries on the island were visited, and especial vigilance
enjoined. The channel batteries were kept manned, the various enfilading guns
were all in readiness to sweep the faces and landings at Fort Sumter, and the
mortar batteries to redouble their fire upon an alarm. The night passed away
with one alerte, during which the mortar practice was increased in
rapidity for a short time, and a few shots were fired from the different
batteries; but it becoming apparent that the alarm was groundless the vertical
fire was resumed, according to orders, and kept up until the day dawned.
Believing that it
was impossible that the fleet outside would permit the cannonade to proceed
without an attempt to re-enforce during the day and the men of my command
having been exposed to a pelting rain during the night, and feeling confident
that we had perfect command of the enemy's parapet, it had been determined to
fire but two or three guns from the Sumter battery of Fort Moultrie, and, while
keeping up a brisk mortar practice and fire from the enfilade battery, to save
the ammunition of the Point and floating batteries to repel an attempt to
re-enforce. Orders were given to such effect, and the two guns were opened from
the Sumter battery of this fort, the other batteries firing in order. Fort
Sumter opened early and spitefully, and paid especial attention to Fort
Moultrie – almost every shot grazing the crest of the parapet, and crashing
through the quarters. Our defenses were still uninjured and our losses
Finding that I could
spare men and still keep the channel battery manned, the fire was somewhat
increased, until about 9 o'clock on the morning of the 13th smoke was seen to
issue from the roof of the quarters of Fort Sumter, and it was evident that a
conflagration had commenced. The entire Sumter battery of Fort Moultrie was
manned at once, and worked with the utmost rapidity, officers and men vieing in
their energy. Captain Calhoun, First Lieutenants Wagner, Rhett, and Preston,
Second Lieutenants Sitgreaves, Mitchell, and Parker, of the Artillery, and Mr.
F. D. Blake, acting engineer, all superintended the working of the guns, which
were manned by detachments from Company B, relieved at times by detachments
from Company A, with a skill, and precision rarely excelled. Indeed, I doubt
whether an artillery fire at such a distance with ordinary guns has ever
equaled it in precision. The shot, both hot and cold, crashed into the quarters
of Fort Sumter and along the parapet rendering the extinction of the flames
difficult, and lighting up new places to windward. It became evident soon that
the enemy was worsted, but to insure the result orders were passed to each of
the batteries to redouble their fire.
Captain Hamilton,
Captain Hallonquist and Lieutenants Yates and Valentine had anticipated the
order, and Captain Butler soon increased the rapidity of his mortar practice;
nevertheless from his casemates the enemy still poured shot thick and fast upon
Fort Moultrie until about 12.45 p.m., when his flagstaff was cut away, and it
slackened. The thick and stifling smoke arising from the ruins of his buildings
told plainly that the time for surrender had nearly come. Nevertheless he
hoisted a new flag over the crest of his parapet, and our fire, which had been
ordered to cease when his flagstaff fell, was reopened with all the vigor we
could command. The smoke still poured out of the ruins, and the fire from Fort
Sumter having slackened again the order was again given to cease, but upon his
recommencing we reopened.
While the enemy's
flag was still flying and he was still firing upon us, a boat was observed to
leave Cummings Point and pull towards Fort Sumter. By my order a shot was sent
ahead of it, but it continued on and landed.
At 1.15 p.m., a
white flag having been hoisted alongside the United States ensign, the firing
ceased. Brigadier-General Dunovant, who was present in Fort Moultrie,
immediately sent Captain Hartstene, C. S. N., Captain Calhoun, and Surgeon
Lynch, C. S. N., to ascertain whether the surrender was made, and to tender
assistance. Upon their arrival they found that the staff of the commanding
general had just preceded them.
It is hard to say
whether any distinction can be made in the conduct of the officers and men
under my command. From the senior captain to the prisoner turned out of the
guard-house just before the action all did their duty. The conduct of several
came under my special notice, and I mention them accordingly. Captains Calhoun
and Hallonquist, assistants to commandant of batteries; Capt. J. R. Hamilton,
First Lieutenants Wagner, Rhett, and Yates, and Second Lieutenant Flemming, of
the Artillery, and Captain Butler and Lieutenant Valentine, of the Infantry,
were all in command of batteries, and deserve especial mention. In addition to
the officers whose names appear in the report above I take pleasure in
mentioning the conduct of the engineer and assistants, First Lieutenant Earle,
and Messrs. F. D. Blake and J. E. Nash, volunteers, acting.
No repairs being
needed for the defenses, these gentlemen acted as staff and lookout officers,
and were very efficient. Lieut. T. S. Fayssoux, of the Cavalry, assistant
commissary of subsistence, acted well in the same capacity. Capt. C. F.
Middleton, an old resident of Sullivan's Island, remained with his family
during the cannonade, and was especially useful. All of these gentlemen were
active and prompt in communicating orders and doing whatever duty devolved upon
Surg. Arthur Lynch,
C. S. N., and Assist. Surg. Walter Taylor, South Carolina Volunteers, the
permanent surgeons of the post, had made every preparation for the discharge of
their duties, and would have been assisted by Drs. Raoul, Barnwell, and
Porcher, who volunteered, but fortunately our casualties were so few that their
services as surgeons were needless. They acted as staff officers. The Rev. Mr.
Aldrich was present during the cannonade. Dr. Maddox acted as surgeon at mortar
battery No. 1, and Drs. Daviga and Logan at the Point and on board the floating
battery. Mr. John Wells, of South Carolina, acted as an ordnance officer at the
Point battery under Captain Hamilton.
Our escape with only
four slight casualties I conceive to be in a great measure due to the strength
of our defenses, the material of which had been furnished under the direction
of Maj. Walter Gwynn, chief engineer, in large quantities since the 1st of
January last. Major Gwynn had also given his personal supervision to the
construction of several of the works. The batteries exterior to the fort and
many of the works adjacent were built under the superintendence of Captain
Trapier, whose accomplishments as an engineer are well known, and certainly are
appreciated by those who garrison works constructed by him.
Several times during
the action I had the pleasure of meeting the brigadier-general commanding, and
of receiving valuable assistance from Captain Bruns and other officers of the
staff. I wish to draw particular and special attention to the valuable services
of Messrs. John Henery and Charles Scanlan, acting military storekeepers, who
have been on duty with my command since January last. These gentlemen have
given every attention to their duty, and to them is due, in a great measure,
the high state of efficiency of our guns and ordnance. They were indispensable
during the action.
The Ordnance
Department deserves and has my thanks for the material furnished under so many
adverse circumstances since the 1st of January last.
Among other
volunteers, Maj. John Dunovant, of the Infantry, came to Fort Moultrie early on
the morning of the 13th, and was present during the action, doing all that lay
in his power.
I was deprived of
the services of the commissioned battalion staff during the cannonade. First
Lieut. James Hamilton, adjutant, was absent sick on the 11th instant, but
hearing of the probability of an engagement, left his bed and came to report
for duty. He remained until some time after the action, when it was evident
that his strength was gone. Lieutenant Yates, battalion quartermaster,
preferred the command of the floating battery, and I excused him from staff
Lieut. Col. Hatch,
quartermaster-general, had made preparations for the extinguishment of fires.
Mr. Prioleau Ravenel was present with the engines and a body of men to put them
out should they occur. We were fortunate, and he did what duty he was called on
to perform.
I have the honor to
inclose a return of the few wounded, a statement of shot fired, and such
reports from commanding officers as I have received. To them I beg to refer for
the names of meritorious individuals not mentioned above.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient
Lieutenant-Colonel of Artillery, Commanding.
Return of shot and
shell fired from the batteries of Fort Moultrie Sullivan's Island, and Mount
Pleasant, commanded by Lieut. Col. R. S. Ripley, Artillery, South Carolina
Army, during the cannonade and bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12 and 13,
[Click graph to enlarge.] |
War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and
Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 1 (Serial No. 1), p. 39-43; This
report is quoted in Samuel Wylie Crawford’s The Genesis of the Civil
War: The Story of Sumter, 1860-1861, p. 435.