Hon. Silas A.
Hudson, deceased, who was one of the pioneer settlers of Des Moines county, and
became a man of decisive character, serving as minister to Central America, and
exerting no unimportant influence upon the people with whom he came in contact,
was born in Mason county, Kentucky, Dec. 13, 1815. His father, Bailey
Washington Hudson, was a native of Fauquier county, Virginia, born April 15, 1782.
He was descended from one of the old families of England that was established
in Virginia in colonial days. He served with distinction in the War of 1812,
participating under General Harrison in the battles of Tippecanoe, the River
Raisin, and the Thames. He and his brother Samuel had previously settled in
Mason county, Kentucky, where they jointly purchased seven hundred and sixty
acres of land, known as the family homestead. There Bailey W. Hudson married
Miss Susan A. Grant, a sister of Jesse R. and a daughter of Noah Grant. The
last named, one of the patriots of New England, belonged to the party of
seventeen men who, disguised as Indians, threw the tea overboard in Boston
harbor, and thus instituted what has since been known in history as the Boston
tea-party. Several years after his marriage Mr. Hudson entered into partnership
with Noah Grant, Jr., his brother-in-law, under the firm style of Noah Grant
& Company, and they conducted one of the leading mercantile enterprises of
Maysville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson became the parents of seven children: Silas
A.; Noah Grant, born June 23, 1817; John Y., born July 2, 1819: Frances A.,
March 20, 1821; Walter Warder, June 11, 1823: and Peter Todd, Oct. 26, 1825.
The two last named were among the early settlers of Burlington, and aided in
molding the pioneer history of this part of the State. Walter W. Hudson came to
Burlington with his brother Silas in 1839. He was a soldier of the Mexican War,
serving with the Fifteenth Regiment under Colonel Howard, and he participated
in the engagements at National Bridge, Pueblo. Churubusco, Molino del Rey, and
Chapultepec. At the last named he was the first to carry the flag over the
walls, and the lone Iowa Company was given the credit of running up the first
United States flag over Chapultepec and garrisoning the fort. Following the
close of the Mexican War, and upon the commendation of Colonel Howard, Walter
W. Hudson was appointed a lieutenant of the First United Slates Regular
Infantry by President Polk. He was then sent to the Rio Grande, where he had
charge of the troops that were protecting the line of forts then being built
along the frontier. In an engagement with the Indians he was wounded at Fort
Hudson (which had been named in his honor), and he died at McIntosh near
Lorado, Texas, April 9, 1850. In his death the United States Army lost one of
its most promising, energetic, and efficient officers. Peter Todd Hudson came
to Burlington in 1845, and made his home with his brother Silas until after the
discovery of gold in California, when, hoping to realize a fortune in the mines
on the Pacific Coast, his brother fitted him out with teams and sufficient
means to go to the far West. He remained for two years, taking advantage of
various business opportunities, and then because of failing health he returned
to Burlington. In 1857 Silas A. Hudson sent him to Denver, Colo., where he
opened a supply store, being one of the first settlers in that place. He was
among the discoverers and aided in the early development of the mines at
Breckenridge, and in fact was the founder of that place, naming it in honor of
J. C. Breckenridge, a personal friend of the Hudson family. During the first
year of the war of the rebellion he was driven away by the Indians, and he
returned to Burlington to join General Grant's staff. He entered the service
with the rank of captain, and was subsequently promoted to that of
lieutenant-colonel. He served with General Grant, taking part in all the
battles fought by that intrepid commander, from Vicksburg to Appomattox, and
was offered by General Grant the position of senior major in the regular army,
but declined to accept this military position. He remained on General Grant's
staff until 1867, when he resigned and went to California, where he was engaged
in the stock business. He was afterward offered by General Grant the office of
United States marshal of California, but also declined to serve in that
capacity. He is now living in Colusa county, California.
Silas A. Hudson
acquired a liberal education in the Maysville Academy, at Maysville, Ky., and
largely supplemented his intellectual training by private study. Through travel
he gained the culture and knowledge which can be obtained in no other way. He
left home when seventeen years of age, and spent the succeeding year in travel,
visiting the leading cities of America. He first visited Burlington in 1837,
and also touched at other points on the Mississippi River, but returned to St.
Louis, where he continued to reside until 1839, after which he made a permanent
settlement in Des Moines county. He purchased a lot on Jefferson Street in
Burlington, and in 1840 erected two brick houses, which at that time were
superior to any dwelling of the city. Becoming a factor in mercantile circles,
he engaged in the stove, tin, and hardware business, with which he was
identified for more than twenty years, having a large jobbing trade and also
conducting a number of branch houses in other Western towns. He possessed
marked business capacity, unfaltering energy, and with keen foresight
understood the conditions of the West and its probable development, which
enabled him to anticipate future needs and to meet them in a manner that
resulted beneficially to his community, and at the same time brought him
desirable prosperity. Thus he contributed to the material welfare of the
localities with which he was connected in mercantile lines, but he probably
became best known through his activity in political work.
From his youth Mr.
Hudson was deeply interested in the question of politics, and read everything
that he could find bearing upon such subjects, so that when he reached manhood
he was well informed concerning the political history of his country, and had
intimate knowledge of the leading questions of the day, as well as of the
careers and records of all of the prominent public men. The first national
election in which he took part was in the presidential campaign of 1836, when
he gave his support to General Harrison, casting his first ballot at
Louisville, Ky. He was an ardent supporter of the Whig party, and after his
arrival at Burlington he wrote the call that organized the Whig party in this
territory, giving his support to its nominees during the existence of that
great political organization.
Mr. Hudson left his
impress upon the political history of Iowa, being very influential in her
affairs. He was clerk of the Territorial Legislature and also first chief clerk
of the House in the State organization. During the legislative session of
1842-43 the territorial laws were revised by the general assembly, and in this
work Mr. Hudson largely assisted, as he did when the laws were again revised in
1846-47, being adapted to the State organization. In 1862 he rendered valuable
service because of his intimate knowledge of the needs and conditions of the
commonwealth. He was the author of the city charter of Burlington and its
principal ordinances under which the city was governed for more than thirty
years, preparing these documents in 1845. He used the charter and ordinances of
the city of Cincinnati as a basis upon which to work, and the papers were so
correct as to construction and so adequate to the city's needs that there was
no change made in three decades. In community affairs Mr. Hudson was actively
interested, holding many important offices. He was a member of the city council
for fourteen years, and was mayor of Burlington in 1855-56, holding that
position at the time the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad was
constructed to this city. He was also acting mayor during the two previous
terms. He filled a number of minor offices, serving for some time as a member
of the school board. At the time of the establishment of the New York Tribune
Mr. Hudson became one of its subscribers, and for more than twenty years was an
influential and valued contributor to its columns, as he was also to the
Louisville Journal, its editor being George D. Prentice. He was from early life
an intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln: and, recognizing his great qualities, he
became a champion of his cause in connection with the presidency when the
subject of the choice of a candidate was being discussed by the people in 1860.
He used the columns of these influential journals to bring the name of Lincoln
prominently before the public, and in connection with Horace Greeley he
arranged to have Mr. Lincoln go to New York, where he made the great speech
that so seriously hurt Mr. Steward's chance for the presidency. Mr. Hudson was
also instrumental in having Mr. Lincoln come to Burlington, where he was listened
to by many citizens who still reside here. This was the only time that the
martyred president ever spoke in this city, and his subsequent election and
reelection were largely aided by the voice and pen of his old friend. The
cordial relation existing between them was never interrupted until the assassin
did his deadly work and the nation mourned a martyred president.
Mr. Hudson was
always a stanch friend and admirer of General Grant, who was an own cousin, and
with whom he had been in a measure in close relationship in his youth, each
living at different periods at the home of the other. Naturally Mr. Hudson was
an ardent supporter of the war, and was among the first to take an active and
prominent part in raising and forwarding troops. During the war he spent a part
of the time in the field with General Grant, and at the siege of Vicksburg he
had a narrow escape. Raising his head above the breastworks, several rebel
bullets instantly whistled about his head, one cutting a crease in his scalp;
and because of his injury he was almost a constant sufferer afterward. He never
wavered in his allegiance to the Union cause until its preservation was an
established fact. Outside of offices connected with the municipal government he
did not seek political prominence, yet in March, 1869, he was appointed by
President Grant to the position of United States minister to Central America.
On that mission he was eminently successful. Previous to his residence there
the commerce between the United States and Central America was very limited. He
devoted himself to increasing the trade with the states there, and soon after
his arrival he arranged for the landing of the vessels of the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company, running between San Francisco and Panama. According to the
terms of the treaty these were to stop at five ports of Central America. These
and other means which he employed led largely to diverting the trade of Central
America to this country, and the immense commerce which succeeded was the
legitimate outgrowth of his efforts. He not only rendered valuable service to
the United States during his ministry, but also did able work for the people of
Central America as well. That country was in a state of constant revolution at
the time, and the friendly offices of tile legation were being constantly
employed in behalf of foreign residents coming under the displeasure of the
government. The creditable manner in which his services were rendered to all
parties led to the government's consenting that he should represent foreign residents
in Central America, In this way he represented nine different nationalities,
including Switzerland, which country has ever since confided to the American
ministry, elsewhere as well as in Central America, the protection of her
citizens abroad.
In 1871, after five
successive battles, the rebels won their way to the city of Guatemala, and
demanded its surrender. On this occasion the government placed Mr. Hudson at
the head of a commission, investing him with the power to treat with the rebel
general and his forces for a change of government, and this commission was
successfully concluded. Owing to the bitter opposition of General Barrios,
second in command, the commission met with almost total failure. The
bloody-minded half-breed chief had enlisted and led the advance columns, and
held them under promise that the plunder of the city should be given up to them
for their services, and he would listen to no other terms. When the commission
had advanced within about a furlong of the rebel forces, they were met and
halted by the officer commanding, and informed by him that he was ordered to
turn back all parties seeking personal interviews with the general-in-chief,
and to fire upon them it they refused. Mr. Hudson stated to him the object of
the commission; that it was made up of the representatives of friendly powers,
and that in their quality as such they could accept no such answer, especially
from a lesser officer than the general-in-chief: that the commission expected,
and would give him a reasonable time to furnish, a fitting escort to the camp
of the general-in-chief, and should he fail to do so they would undertake to
find their way unaided. After much parley with him by others, and no movement
being made toward providing an escort. Mr. Hudson, announcing his purpose, and
accompanied by the United States consul, rode forward, while all the others
sought cover outside the sweep of the battery planted in front of them. They
were allowed to approach within forty or fifty yards of the guns, while every demonstration
of a purpose to fire upon them was being made. At length the commander ordered
the gunners not to fire, and came forward, meeting Mr. Hudson and his
companion, declaring that he could not execute the order, and that he would
furnish an escort as requested and go with them himself to insure their safety
and freedom from unpleasant stoppages. Here they were again joined by their
colleagues. Mr. Hudson afterward learned that this officer was a nephew of
General Granados, the rebel commander, and that in employing the friendly
offices of the United States legation in behalf of political suspects a short
time before he had secured the release of his brother, who had been condemned
to be shot as a spy, and that this brother was present with the commander,
pleading with him in Mr. Hudson’s behalf until he was successful in his attempt
to have the life of Mr. Hudson spared. In company with both parties they
proceeded to the camp of General Granados, reaching there about 10 P.M. The
greater part of the night was spent in arranging the terms by which the
personnel of the government could be changed peacefully and further loss of
life and properly be avoided, and not offend the mercenary Barrios and his
followers. By the terms of the compact the rebel troops were commanded to stack
their arms four miles outside of the city, which they did to the number of
about twenty-four thousand, and to enter Guatemala as private citizens. The
next morning at ten o'clock they met on the government plaza and elected, viva voce.
General Granados provisional president: who, as such, by the terms of the
treaty was required and did issue writs of election to the several departments
for the election of new members of congress and the organization of the
government under the existing law. This put an end to the revolutionary
troubles during the residence of Mr. Hudson in that city.
In 1873 Mr. Hudson
resigned, and returned to his home in Burlington, where he lived until his
death. In his domestic relations he was happy. In 1844 he married Miss Ann
Caldwell, a native of Kentucky, born Jan. 14, 1826. Of this marriage there were
three children: Virginia, born Oct. 25, 1845; Marietta, born June 25, 1848: and
Walter Werder, born Aug. 25, 1850. The second daughter died Jan. 11, 1874. Mrs.
Hudson died on the 13th of March, 1851, and on Jan. 11, 1853, Mr. Hudson was
again married, his second union being with Serena Griffey, who was born at
Morgantown, W. Va., July 23. 1825, and was the fifth in a family of twelve
children, ten of whom reached adult age, nine daughters and a son coming to
Burlington. Her father, William Griffey, was born July 4, 1787, and was of
English descent. He was a successful merchant at Morgantown, and was an iron
manufacturer. He was married Oct. 28, 1810, to Miss Mary Spitzer, a native of
Winchester, Va., and of German descent. Mr. Griffey was obliged to pay a large
security debt, and nearly all of his property was swept away in this manner. He
had to take as partial indemnity for his loss the negroes that had belonged to
the man who failed, and these he allowed to purchase their freedom as they were
able to do so. Mr. Griffey came to Iowa in May, 1837, proceeding down the Ohio
and up the Mississippi rivers by steamer to where the village of Burlington
stood. It then contained only a few houses. Mr. Griffey took up land, and in
connection with Mr. Sherfy operated a saw mill on Flint Creek and one in
Illinois. Later he opened a clothing store on Jefferson and Main Streets, where
he remained until his death, which occurred Jan, 11, 1848. His wife, who was
born June 15, 1795, died in 1850. Their children were Leanna, who married
Charles Medara, and died in the spring of 1838: Henry, who went South, and was
not heard from after a time; Levara, who married David Rice, and died leaving a
family: Mary, the wife of John Johnson, of Denver; Mrs. Hudson; Delia, who
married Capt. Thomas French, and is a widow, living at Cripple Creek, Colo.;
Ellen, who is the widow of Daniel Cox, and resides in Burlington, Iowa: Laura,
deceased; Martha, the widow of William Hillhouse, and now living with her
mother; and Caroline, who died after attaining early womanhood.
During the last ten
years of his life Mr. Hudson was an invalid, suffering from paralysis. His mind
was very clear and alert, and he maintained a deep interest in public affairs
until his demise, which occurred Dec. 19, 1897. In the management of his varied
enterprises Mr. Hudson was successful, and he acquired a competency, enabling
himself and family to live in ease and comfort. His was, indeed, a well-spent,
active, and useful career, characterized by unfaltering devotion to the general
good as well as to his individual interests. He was a co-laborer and colleague
of many of the eminent men of the nation, and the labor which he did when
serving as minister to Central America still finds its fruition in the national
trade relations which have since existed between the two countries.
SOURCE: Hobart Publishing Company, Biographical Review of Des Moines County,
Iowa, p. 94-101