Showing posts with label Louis M Goldsborough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louis M Goldsborough. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Diary of Gideon Welles: Friday, January 5, 1866

I submitted the two cases, one of Judge Wayne for money due his granddaughter, and one of Mallory for a cylinder, to the Cabinet. The parties claim the first money due, and the last property seized by the Rebels and recaptured by the Union forces. All seemed united in the opinion that no action could be taken in behalf of these and similar claims at present.

Mr. Seward being absent, Mr. Hunter, who is Acting Secretary of State, stated that there was some embarrassment in regard to the Shenandoah. Both the State and the Treasury Departments appear to have been anxious to get possession of this vessel, but they are much more anxious to get rid of her. Dudley, consul at Liverpool, undertook to send her to the United States by a captain and picked-up crew, but after proceeding about six hundred miles and encountering rough weather she returned. Seward sent me word, a few hours before he left, with Dudley's dispatch that the vessel was on his (D.'s) hands, that he had sent to Admiral Goldsborough for an officer and crew to navigate her, but if the Admiral declined, he desired that I should send out the necessary force to England. This I did not feel inclined to do, but told him we would receive her here when delivered. Hunter now brings up the question in Cabinet, and advises that the vessel remain in Liverpool until after the vernal equinox, unless the Navy Department would receive her in Liverpool. Stanton thought this the proper course, and that I should send out for her. This suggestion I was satisfied came from Seward, who had turned the subject over to him before leaving. I incline to think she had best be sold for what she will bring in Liverpool.

An effort to procure the pardon of K, a swindler now in Sing Sing, was made through McCulloch. But on learning the nature of the case he at once dropped it. The President sends, making inquiry concerning Hale, prisoner in Philadelphia, and Wetmore in Boston. The first is one of a nest of swindlers and thieves, of whom Pasco, just pardoned by the President, was chief; the second swindled men under him, or was guilty of a breach of trust like Marston, whom the President also pardoned.

SOURCE: Gideon Welles, Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson, Vol. 2: April 1, 1864 — December 31, 1866, p. 411-2

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Diary of Gideon Welles: Saturday, June 10, 1865

Absorbed in bringing forward matters which had accumulated and disposing of them. The instructions to Rear-Admiral Goldsborough essentially as understood. Paymaster Cunningham says he has been told there will be expenditures to officers to travel and visit navy yards, and desires an authorization to pay bills. Declined to give it.

SOURCE: Gideon Welles, Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson, Vol. 2: April 1, 1864 — December 31, 1866, p. 316

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Diary of Gideon Welles: Thursday, September 15, 1864

Admiral Farragut writes that his health is giving way under the great labor imposed and long-continued service in the Gulf and the Caribbean Sea. Says he must have rest and shore exercise. The Department had ordered him North to command the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron and capture Wilmington. These orders he had not received when his dispatch was written, and I am exceedingly embarrassed how to proceed. Fox tells me that Grant, with whom he has conversed, would not be satisfied with Lee. Grant had so said or intimated to him when Fox was sent with Gillmore to consult with Grant in regard to operations at Wilmington. My own convictions are that Lee is not the man for that. That kind of work is not in him, except under the immediate orders of another. He is true and loyal, prudent and cautious. Farragut would take the place three times while Lee was preparing, and hesitating, and looking behind for more aid. It pains me to distress him and the Blairs by detaching him and ordering another to the work, but individual feelings, partialities, and friendships must not be in the way of public welfare.

The importance of closing Wilmington and cutting off Rebel communication is paramount to all other questions, more important, practically, than the capture of Richmond. It has been impossible to get the War Department and military authorities to enter into the spirit of this work. They did not appreciate it. But they and Grant have now engaged in it, and Grant is persistent. Just at this crisis Farragut unfortunately fails. It is unavoidable, a necessity. He would not ask relief if not compelled to, and may try to obey the orders, though I think not; and if he offers to, I shall not, under the present aspect of affairs, accept the service from him. But who shall take his place? Lee is not the man, whatever his worth in other respects. Admiral Porter is probably the best man for the service, but his selection will cut Lee to the quick. Porter is young, and his rapid promotion has placed him in rank beyond those who were his seniors, some of whom it might be well to have in this expedition. But again personal considerations must yield to the public necessities. I think Porter must perform this duty. Neither Goldsborough nor Du Pont are men for such service. Nor is Davis. Dahlgren has some good qualities, but lacks great essentials and cannot be thought of for this command. His promotion is not and never will be popular with the Navy. Men as well as officers participate in this feeling. I regret it. I strove to have him suppress his aspirations as premature and not earned afloat. But it is difficult to reason with vain ambition. Dahlgren is not for such a duty the equal of Porter, even were he popular with the service and the country. I see no alternative but Porter, and, unprejudiced and unembarrassed, I should select him. The movement is secret, and I have no one to confer with but Fox, who is over-partial to Porter and whose opinion is foregone, and known already before asking.

Now, how to dispose of Lee? I think we must send him for the present to the West Gulf, and yet that is not strictly right, perhaps, to others. His harvest of prize money, I think, is greater than that of any other officer, and the West Gulf, should Wilmington be closed, will be likely, the war continues, to be the theatre of blockade-running. I think, however, Lee must, for a time at least, have the position.

SOURCE: Gideon Welles, Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson, Vol. 2: April 1, 1864 — December 31, 1866, p. 145-7

Friday, September 4, 2020

Diary of Gideon Welles: Tuesday, July 12, 1864

The Rebels captured a train of cars on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Road, and have burnt the bridges over Gunpowder and Bush Rivers. It is said there were 1500 of these raiders.

Governor Bradford's house, a short distance out of Baltimore, was burnt by a small party. General demoralization seems to have taken place among the troops, and there is as little intelligence among them as at the War Office in regard to the Rebels. General Wallace and his force were defeated, and panic and folly have prevailed.

Admiral Goldsborough and some of our naval officers tendered their services, if required. It seemed to me unneccessary, for I do not believe the Rebels have a large concentrated force in this vicinity, or that they design to make an attack on the city, but for the Navy to hold back when all are being called out would appear bad. I therefore requested Fox to see General Halleck, who much wanted aid, and Goldsborough and the men were therefore ordered and have gone to Fort Lincoln. It would be much better to keep them at work.

We have no mails, and the telegraph lines have been cut; so that we are without news or information from the outer world.

Went to the President's at 12, being day of regular Cabinet-meeting. Messrs. Bates and Usher were there. The President was signing a batch of commissions. Fessenden is absent in New York. Blair informs me he had been early at the council chamber and the President told him no matters were to be brought forward. The condition of affairs connected with the Rebels on the outskirts was discussed. The President said he and Seward had visited several of the fortifications. I asked where the Rebels were in force. He said he did not know with certainty, but he thought the main body at Silver Spring.

I expressed a doubt whether there was any large force at any one point, but that they were in squads of from 500 to perhaps 1500 scattered along from the Gunpowder to the falls of the Potomac, who kept up an alarm on the outer rim while the marauders were driving off horses and cattle. The President did not respond farther than to again remark he thought there must be a pretty large force in the neighborhood of Silver Spring.

I am sorry there should be so little accurate knowledge of the Rebels, sorry that at such a time there is not a full Cabinet, and especially sorry that the Secretary of War is not present. In the interviews which I have had with him, I can obtain no facts, no opinions. He seems dull and stupefied. Others tell me the same.

It was said yesterday that the mansions of the Blairs were burned, but it is to-day contradicted.

Rode out this P.M. to Fort Stevens. Went up to the summit of the road on the right of the fort. There were many collected. Looking out over the valley below, where the continual popping of the pickets was still going on, though less brisk than yesterday, I saw a line of our men lying close near the bottom of the valley. Senator Wade came up beside me. Our views corresponded that the Rebels were few in front, and that our men greatly exceeded them in numbers. We went together into the fort, where we found the President, who was sitting in the shade, his back against the parapet towards the enemy.

Generals Wright and McCook informed us they were about to open battery and shell the Rebel pickets, and after three discharges an assault was to be made by two regiments who were lying in wait in the valley.

The firing from the battery was accurate. The shells that were sent into a fine mansion occupied by the Rebel sharpshooters soon set it on fire. As the firing from the fort ceased, our men ran to the charge and the Rebels fled. We could see them running across the fields, seeking the woods on the brow of the opposite hills. It was an interesting and exciting spectacle. But below we could see here and there some of our own men bearing away their wounded comrades. I should judge the distance to be something over three hundred yards. Occasionally a bullet from some long-range rifle passed above our heads. One man had been shot in the fort a few minutes before we entered.

As we came out of the fort, four or five of the wounded men were carried by on stretchers. It was nearly dark as we left. Driving in, as was the case when driving out, we passed fields as well as roads full of soldiers, horses, teams, mules. Camp-fires lighted up the woods, which seemed to be more eagerly sought than the open fields.

The day has been exceedingly warm, and the stragglers by the wayside were many. Some were doubtless sick, some were drunk, some weary and exhausted. Then men on horseback, on mules, in wagons as well as on foot, batteries of artillery, caissons, an innumerable throng. It was exciting and wild. Much of life and much of sadness. Strange that in this age and country there is this strife and struggle, under one of the most beneficent governments which ever blessed mankind and all in sight of the Capitol.

In times gone by I had passed over these roads little anticipating scenes like this, and a few years hence they will scarcely be believed to have occurred.

SOURCE: Gideon Welles, Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson, Vol. 2: April 1, 1864 — December 31, 1866, p. 73-6

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Diary of Corporal David L. Day: February 5, 1862


The clink of the windlass is heard on all the boats, hoisting up their anchors, so here we go for a trip up the sound, probably for Roanoke island. This island holds the Albemarle sound and all that part of North Carolina lying on it, and also Southeast Virginia. It is quite an important point, and we learn is strongly fortified. Our fleet consists of about seventy sail of all kinds and makes an imposing appearance. The gunboats, under command of Commodore Goldsborough, take the advance, the transports and other craft following. After a few hours sail, the low, pine-covered shore of the old North state presented itself to view. We were in sight of the shore all day and not a house was to be seen or any visible signs of life, excepting huge columns of smoke rising above the tree-tops. These were probably signal fires, as they could be seen along the shore as far as the eye could reach. We sailed today to within ten miles of the light-house at the western end of the Pamlico sound, the entrance to Croatan sound, in which is situated the coveted island. Here we dropped anchor for the night, the gunboats forming a picket guard, and extending themselves nearly to the light-house. The island can be seen through a glass, and tomorrow I expect we shall get a nearer view.

SOURCE: David L. Day, My Diary of Rambles with the 25th Mass. Volunteer Infantry, p. 31-2

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Flag Officer Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, February 18, 1862

18 Feby 62.
My Dear Sir

Have not time to write unofficially, and I am much fatigued. Coal—Coal—I am going with the ships unloaded. Lenthall made some mistake, so with the ammunition —do hurry it on. I should be tied down now hard and fast but for Sherman. A paper of the 12th in. Glowing news from Foote and Goldsborough. It made my heart leap. If God is with us, you shall have all this coast in three weeks, so far as we are concerned, what we do not hold inside will be as tight as a bottle from outside. The thanks of the City of New York to Ringgold made a roar to-day and a wag said, it was better to have been outside than inside on the 7th Nov. Strange all the solid honors thus far in this war have gone to two men who were never in harms way. Publish the letter about the Infernal Machines. I suppose that kind of obstruction is all right with the London Times—it does not keep the cotton in.

Yrs truly
Mr. Fox
Ass. Sec.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 107

Monday, March 25, 2019

Commandant Samuel F. DuPont to Gustavus V. Fox, December 25, 1861

Wabash Port Royal
Christmas Day 1861
My Dear Mr. Fox

A Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Welles, and may the prodigious energies and labors of the Secy and yourself be crowned with success and peace for their results during the coming New Year.

The Department has kindly omitted heretofore to speak of the entrance of the Fingal into Savannah. My first act after the battle before its reverberations had ceased, was to dispatch the Augusta there, for I could see no ships in the offing the day I entered here. How the Monticello came to leave without orders (for Como Goldsboro' had told me to send her to him when I could spare her) I never could learn. But two days after the fight she entered in a dense fog, even our troops on Braddocks point did not see her. This went to my heart I confess and has given me periodical twitches ever since, for she brought the rebels great assistance — to our cost here.

My only comfort is that we have her pretty well sealed up; a contraband informed us she was loading with cotton and going to run out of Wassaw inlet, fearing lest the vessels blockading might be eluded I ordered Seminole and Pembina and Andrews to cross the bar; the former thumped, but they got inside just in time to run Tattnall's barge up a creek ashore1—the crew escaped, except two who hid themselves and made signals and were taken on board the Andrew. One of them a very intelligent and apparently perfectly reliable person has given us much valuable information — he is from Rochester N. Y. and belonged to Tattnall's ship — the Everglade. He had towed the Fingal round into Wilmington river, and has his other steamers and his hulk with the guns along — but he hitched on the Fingal and towed her back stern foremost, but on the Gunboats moving up after him, he fell back behind the fort at Skiddaway.

I have sent John Rodgers there, for I feel comfortable wherever he is — his boilers are repaired, some men can always overcome difficulties, while others do nothing but call for help, never putting their own shoulders to the wheel — but the Flag is very deep for inlet work and is long in turning owing to some defect in her rudder. If you could give him one of those new side wheel double rudder vessels she could not be in better hands; for there are few such officers in any service. I do not rate him over his cousin, because I have never met such a perfect officer and man as the latter.

Would it not be well in appointing the officers to the new Steamers, to give such men who have made their mark in the inferior vessels a lift, rather than keep down the list and give to some below them?

I have had to withdraw the Savannah from Tybee and send her blockading. She got thumping too hard. Drayton is there now, another prince of an officer, with Stevens in the Ottawa who is also very superior. The Wyandotte is also there, but this force is smaller than it ought to be.

In reference to the latter, I am sorry to tell you that she is no acquisition — her light 32's have no sphere here at all, and her machinery is good for nothing — but for the efficiency of the Chf. Engineer of this ship I should have a hard time with such craft.

But this is not all, her Captain is in a state of mental stupefaction from intemperance. Being one of the “Board victims,” I am moving in the matter with extreme caution and leniency. He was first reported officially through Davis by Parrott, for queer doings off Charleston, carrying Parrott 15 miles off his station and then firing guns, and when brought to an explanation seemed stupid. After getting here one of his Acting Masters reported him for frequent intemperance and bad conduct—then a Pilot I gave him to carry him out to Tybee he abused very much and the former an excellent fellow reported him in writing — then up comes a report from Drayton saying “the Captain of the Wyandotte seems quite stupid and I believe from drinking.” So soon as I can get him up here I will send him all the reports and ask him for his explanations, and will send the papers home. I think it would be well for Congress to authorize Flag Officers to order Courts of Inquiry on the home stations. I believe this poor man, ——, had a blow in his head once and a very small quantity of liquor affects him in a strange way.

The Prisoners taken in Wassaw gave us a good many items — they have 45 guns on Pulaski. The other deserters say the same. The rebels are kept perplexed as to our operations and have placed their forces between Brunswick and Savannah. No intrenchments going up around Savannah. An attack on Tybee just in the manner that Missroon said it would be made and of which he could not persuade our Dutch Col. ashore, was only prevented by Robt Lee telling them the ships would knock them all to pieces if they attempted anything of the kind. Gl. Wright is coming on bravely there and the defences are well through — he has a masked battery of rifled cannon beautifully placed and the support between ships and shore will now be mutual by his very clever engineering.

We still have many stories about my quondam Commodore and friend Tattnall — it seems he landed with his Marines on the day of the fight, (I saw him disappear) to help Fort Walker, but arrived to see only the disastrous flight, and then from excitement, he became senseless and was carried back. Maffitt was drunk when he approached near enough for Ammen to let him have the shell — and Tattnall turned him ashore and that is the last of that gentleman. I communicate through Scull creek with Tybee. Mather (smart fellow) made it the other day in 2½ hours in the Andrew. He went to St. Helena Sound in 5 h. We are waiting anxiously for the ferry boats, anything small to send inland. Please hurry the Forbes and give her to an active officer. Please think of a dispatch vessel. Now I ought to draw off a little from Charleston and increase further South, but I have nothing to send. Please tell Wise I will answer his friendly and sprightly letter very soon. It made me laugh heartily.

Faithfully Yrs

1 They had come to see if the course was clear.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 82-6

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Commandant Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, October 8, 1861

Astor House, N.Y. Oct. 8, 61.
Dear Mr. Fox

I answered yr telegraph in some haste last evening and write to say that ten days from the seventh will answer or we will make to answer should I be in advance of it, for in my present view and judgment I cannot spare any of the vessels you have so judiciously designated.

2. Captain Blake having signified his willingness that Midshipman Preston should leave the Academy I beg you will order him to Wabash for I greatly want such a person. The signal business alone for such a fleet to avoid separations and collisions &c will occupy one mind. He is also a draughtsman which will be of importance.

3. Please reward old Commodore Gregory's devotion to his gun boats for which I feel greatly indebted, by ordering his son Hugh M. Gregory to Wabash of which I wrote you before.

4. Goldboro' (Florida) wants a Gunner.

5. A Masters Mate to Curlew.

6. The number of contraband at Fortress Monroe was nearly all a sham. Sherman tells me there are only some four hundred men, and Wool says he will not give them up.

7. The QrMaster is bothered about the transportation of their Gun Powder—their fort and siege powder, not the fixed ammunition, they have 2400 bbls! I can take some on the Wabash. Shall I take one of the Barks at the Yard and make a magazine of her to be towed down?

8. Just had a French & Eng. man of war boarded direct from Charleston, had not seen the Wabash — Vandalia and Flag. off Charleston when they left.

9. Gen. Sherman has asked as a favor to him that Lt. Crossman, now in Philada. be ordered to some vessel in the exped. he being anxious for service on it. He is a son of the Army Quarter Master of that name and I believe clever.

10. Davis is hard at work and so am I, Rodgers also here, all doing our best, full of hope and spirit.

Yours faithfully
S. F. Dupont.
G. V. Fox Esq.
Ass. Secty.

P.S. Should have written sooner but was told you would be here, until Mr. & Mrs. Blair told me otherwise.

Davis says please not forget Preston.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 56-7

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Commandant Samuel F. Dupont to Gustavus V. Fox, September 24, 1861

Astor House 24 Sep. 61.
My Dear Mr. Fox,

I closed up things yesterday at Philada — where Turner is doing remarkably well; I took leave of the master workmen and held up the importance of economy to them.

To-day I have been around with Pook, Mr. Morgan, Bell and Drayton, hurrying up all I could. Pook is in advance of the Yard. Some of the steamers are getting along — the Alabama and Augusta will be ready by Saturday. I think however that Com. Breese should be informed that the Dept is anxious to have as many ships as possible ready by 10. Oct.

The Isaac Smith (Swiftsure line) will be a most formidable vessel, possibly the most efficient and powerful for certain purposes that has been purchased, but the cost is considerable. The second one is so light, that the alterations must be much less, and the third the Western World, had better be kept for a troop ship. She will carry two thousand five hd. A rifle gun forward and one gun on each broadside will be a suitable armament.

I have concluded to have two ferry-boats, and a Tug as tender with a rifle gun, Mr. Morgan to write about it, if you approve.

I wish The Adger could remain here and commence the nucleus of the expedition. They should anchor off the battery and after getting everything on board and their crews stationed I would send them to Sandy Hook to withdraw attention. Drayton would go down and put them through an exercise and see to their magazines and ammunition &c &c. With these new arms and rifle guns, &c, I am satisfied that one of the best things you did was to give me Drayton as ordnance officer — he is very au fait and he and Bell chimed right in. Bell is very earnest and feels the importance of exertion.

The Gunboats are well forward and Cap. Gregory and Comstock are also very active. I am going to try one of them tomorrow. They seem desirous I should go with them, and I thought it, though I feel the loss of a few hours even.

May I ask you to form the Expedition for me as soon as you can by giving these officers orders to report as soon as ready, that is that Com B. should do so. I told the latter I wished the Wabash not to come to the Yard but to lay off the battery, which pleased him much.

The Bienville is pretty well on. We had better let Lee have her, as the DeSoto is far behind her — the danger here is being top heavy — the guns shd have been on the middle deck.

Now for a little very private chat.

You have a rare party at that Yard just now — that Court of retired old gentlemen — and then the regular retiring board — a hot place for me to get into. Com. Paulding was cordial and hearty in the extreme. Farragut a little constrained. The others, I did not see — but Breese who was very cordial told me the theory which had been got up—

“That the younger officers had prevailed on the Dept. to adopt its course about the flag officers — and this was done in connivance with and in order to act upon the retiring board, that they would feel compelled to retire all above the flag officers!! Of course I am looked upon as the arch conspirator of the younger officers. I spoke right out to Breese, first in emphatic defence of the Dept; secondly in utter defiance and utter contempt of any aspersions upon me. He gave me to understand that Bell (C. H.) was the most sore. I said he had had a big Navy Yard and a Meditn Squadron, and while feeling respect for him, as the Dept did, I could see nothing in his history that shd make him preferred to me, who had served as long and as faithfully as he ever had. Do not understand that Breese was sympathising in these complaints, not at all — he was disgusted I think with Stringham coming North.

I have seen Howell, he will be able to take a gun boat and will be a fine appt. All seemed delighted when I told them the Dept would probably give Crosby a gun boat, as a reward for his activity and zeal.

Send for Goldsboro and post him up, if you choose. I will meet him in Washington — perhaps it would be well we should arrange some things together. Sands speaks in highest terms of his industry and constant attention to duty. Sands seemed delighted with his appointment and mine and said he would be ready to come at any time and help us give those fellows a lick.

I return about Thursday to Philad — attend to my private affairs, pack up everything, make my will, and on Monday commence here and work to the end — by that time I hope Wabash will be in.

I have written more than you can read.

Truly Yr friend
S. F. DP.

SOURCE: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 52-55

Monday, December 18, 2017

Major-General John A. Dix to Abraham Lincoln, March 7, 1863

Head Quarters Department of Virginia
Seventh Army Corps
Fort Monroe, Va. Mch. 7th 1863

I am extremely unwilling to trouble you amid your multifarious and responsible duties with a matter, which ought to have been settled elsewhere. But having failed in every effort to arrange it, I feel it my duty to the public service to appeal to you. Soon after Admiral Lee took command of the blockading squadron on this part of the coast, he placed a Gun-boat between Fort Monroe and Fort Wool, a short distance to the East, and required all vessels bound to this post, even when laden with Army stores, to come to anchor or heave to, until a permit to come to the dock could be procured from me. —

No such requirement has been enforced before, since the commencement of the war. It is not only a new but a useless vexation: and has led in some instances to the most serious inconvenience and loss. —

The only pretext, under which it can be made, is to enforce the blockade; and as against this Fort it is an absurdity. A blockade is an investment of an enemy's port. — Admiral Lee is blockading one of our Forts by one of our gun-boats – a novelty in war which is without precedent.

I protested against this proceeding at the outset as an indignity to the Army and to the Commander of this Military Department whose Head Quarters are here; and I would have resisted it but for an unwillingness to present to the public the scandal of a quarrel between the Army and the Navy, when the cordial co-operation of both is needed to maintain the national interests and honor.

If the object of the blockade of the enemy's territory were promoted by the measure, I would silently acquiesce in it, objectionable as it is. But no such object is gained. There is no enemy's territory to blockade within fifteen miles of Fort Monroe, and the blockading squadron at Newport News and Norfolk shuts out all ingress.

It does not profess to be a precaution against smuggling, and it would be useless if it did. There is a revenue vessel at Fort Monroe, commanded by a very faithful and vigilant officer. There is also a Captain of the Port with a competent force. — These two officers examine all vessels that come to Fort Monroe, not only as to the sufficiency of their papers, but as to their cargoes, opening and scrutinizing every cask and package.

The practical objections to the measure are these

1st It compels every vessel to come to, and to send to the Fort for a permit, often at great inconvenience. —

2nd It occasions delays, always vexatious in time of war, when the prompt delivery of supplies is necessary, and sometimes exceedingly annoying. — The last time I visited Washington, a Commissary's vessel laden with potatoes of which we were greatly in need, was kept lying alongside of the guard-boat twenty four hours because I was not here to give a permit. On the same day some boats laden with insurgents came out of the Rappahannock and burned the Ship Alleghanian laden with guano. If the gun-boat had been employed in protecting our commerce there, instead of blockading the Army at Fort Monroe, and keeping us out of our supplies, it would have deprived the enemy of a success and spared us an annoyance. —

3rd It is the source not only of annoyance but of disaster and private injury. On the night of the 21st ulto. in the midst of a violent easterly gale and snow storm a schooner laden with forage for the Quartermaster in attempting to enter the harbor for shelter, was ordered off by the guard-boat, as the Captain states because she had not a permit from me, and ran aground on the beach. She was unladen with great inconvenience, and we had three Steamers employed for portions of two days to get her afloat. The actual loss to the Government cannot be less than $1.000.—

The Officer of the Gun-boat, as I learn, has authority to pass vessels driven into the harbor by violent storms; but misapprehensions sometimes arise and serious accidents occur in consequence. If the gun-boat were removed there would be no danger of misunderstanding and loss. —

These are briefly some of the inconveniences and the evils of this measure. — I object to it 1st as useless; 2nd as inconvenient and vexatious; 3rd as producing public annoyance and injury; 4th as a source of private wrong and loss; and 5th as an indignity to the Army; and on these grounds I ask your interposition to terminate it. I enclose a map showing the position of the gun-boat at "A", and I request that she may be required to be removed and placed as far west as "B", and that this Fort be left open to the access of vessels as it was under Admirals Goldsborough and Wilkes, not only to such as have Army supplies, but such as come here for shelter, subject to the usual revenue and military inspection which is never omitted. —

There is an immense contraband traffic carried on between the York and Rappahannock Rivers, and the Steamer which is blockading us, might render a valuable service in that quarter instead of creating annoyance to the Army here. —

I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your ob'd't Servant
John A. Dix
Maj. Genl.

[ Endorsed on Envelope by Lincoln:]

Submitted to Mars & Neptune.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Diary of Gideon Welles: Saturday, September 20, 1862

Am troubled by Preble's conduct. There must be a stop put to the timid, hesitating, and I fear sometimes traitorous course of some of our officers. Tenderness, remonstrance, reproof do no good. Preble is not a traitor, but loyal. An educated, gentlemanly officer of a distinguished family and more than ordinary acquirements, but wants promptitude, energy, decision, audacity, perhaps courage. I am inclined to believe, however, an excess of reading, and a fear that he might violate etiquette, some point of international law, or that he should give offense to Great Britain, whose insolence the State Department fears and deprecates and submits to with all humility, had its influence. He paused at a critical moment to reflect on what he had read and the state of affairs. A man less versed in books would have sunk the pirate if she did not stop when challenged, regardless of her colors. No Englishman had a right to approach and pass the sentinel on duty. Preble was placed there to prevent intercourse, — was a sentinel to watch the Rebels and all others, — and no Englishman had a right to trespass. A board of officers would be likely to excuse him, as in the case of —— and ——,1 on account of his amiable qualities, general intelligence, and good intentions. The time has arrived when these derelictions must not go unpunished. I should have preferred that some other man should have been punished. I have had the subject under consideration with some of the best minds I could consult, and found no difference of opinion. I then took the dispatches to the President and submitted them to him. He said promptly: “Dismiss him. If that is your opinion, it is mine. I will do it.” Secretary Seward and Attorney-General Bates, each of whom I casually met, advised dismissal. It is painful, but an unavoidable duty. I am sorry for Preble, but shall be sorry for my country if it is not done. Its effect upon the Navy will be more salutary than were he and fifty like him to fall in battle.

Commander Joe Smith,2 who died at his post when the ill-fated Congress went down from the assault of the Merrimac, perished in the line of duty. I have never been satisfied with the conduct of the flag-officer3 in those days, who was absent in the waters of North Carolina, — purposely and unnecessarily absent, in my apprehension, through fear of the Merrimac, which he knew was completed, and ready to come out. It was like dread of the new Merrimac at Richmond, which was nearly ready, that led him finally to resign his squadron command. He has wordy pretensions, some capacity, but no hard courage. There is a clan of such men in the Navy, varying in shade and degree, who in long years of peace have been students and acquired position, but whose real traits are not generally understood. The Department is compelled to give them commands, and at the same time is held responsible for their weakness, errors, and want of fighting qualities.

Nothing conclusive from the army. The Rebels have crossed the river without being hurt or seriously molested, — much in character with the general army management of the war. Little is said on the subject. Stanton makes an occasional sneering remark, Chase now and then a better one, but there is no general review, inquiry, or discussion. There is no abatement of hostility to McClellan.

1 No names in original.
2 Lieutenant Joseph B. Smith.
3 Captain, afterwards Rear-Admiral, Louis M. Goldsborough.

SOURCE: Gideon Welles, Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson, Vol. 1: 1861 – March 30, 1864, p. 141-2

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Major-General George B. McClellan to Flag-Officer Louis M. Goldsborough, June 27, 1862

June 27, 1862.

I desire you will send some light-draught gunboats at once up the Chickahominy as far as possible, and also that you will forthwith instruct the gunboats in the James River to cover the left flank of this army. I should be glad to have the gunboats proceed as far up the river as may be practicable, and hope they may get up as far as the vicinity of New Market.

We have met a severe repulse to-day, having been attacked by greatly superior numbers, and I am obliged to fall back between the Chickahominy and the James River. I look to you to give me all the support you can in covering my flank, as well as in giving protection to my supplies afloat in James River.

Major-general, Commanding.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 11, Part 3 (Serial No. 14), p. 267

Friday, April 4, 2014

Major-General George B. McClellan to Edwin M. Stanton, June 26, 1862 – 9 p.m.

June 26, 1862--9 p.m.
Secretary of War:

The firing has nearly ceased. I have nearly everything on the way – impediments on the other side of the Chickahominy – and hope to be ready for anything to-morrow.

Please see that Commodore Goldsborough complies promptly with my request. Victory of to-day complete and against great odds.

I almost begin to think we are invincible.
Major-General, Commanding.

SOURCES: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 11, Part 3 (Serial No. 14), p. 260

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Salmon P. Chase to Janette Ralston Chase, May 11, 1862


MY DARLING NETTIE: I believe I closed my letter to you with an account of the bombardment. That was thought to have shown the inability of an attempt to land at Sewell's Point while the Merrimac lay watching it; it at once became a question, what should now be done? Three plans only seemed feasible: to send all the troops that could be spared around to Burnside, and let him come on Norfolk from behind — that is, from the south; to send them up James River to aid McClellan; or to seek another landing place out of reach of the Merrimac. I offered to take the Miami, if a tug of less draught, and capable, therefore, of getting nearer shore, could accompany me, and make an examination, in company with an officer, of the coast east of the Point. Colonel Cram offered to go, and General Wool said he would accompany us. We started accordingly, and being arrived opposite a point which I mark 'A' on the poor draft I send you, sent a boat's crew on shore to find the depths of water. We had already approached within some five hundred yards in the Miami, and the tug had approached within perhaps one hundred, of the shore. The boats went very near the shore, and then pulled off, somewhat to my surprise. But when they returned to the boat, the mystery was explained. They had seen an enemy's picket, and a soldier standing up and beckoning to his companions to lie close, and they had inferred the existence of an ambush, and had pulled off to avoid being fired upon. When the officer of the boat and Colonel Cram came on board, they could still see the picket on horseback, and pointed his position out to me; but I, being near-sighted, could not see. It was plain enough that there was no use in landing men to be fired upon and overcome by a superior force, and so the order was given to get under way to return to Fortress Monroe. We had, indeed, accomplished our main purpose, having found the water sufficiently deep to admit of landing without any serious difficulty. But just as we were going away, a white flag was seen waving over the sand-bank on shore, and the General ordered it to be answered at once, which was done by fastening a bed-sheet to the flag-line, and running it up. When this was done several colored people appeared on shore — all women and children. Fearing the flag and the appearance of the colored people might be a cover, intended to get our people within rifle-shot, I directed two boats to go ashore, with full crews well armed. They went, and pretty soon I saw Colonel Cram talking with the people on shore, while some of the men were walking about on the beach. Presently one boat pulled off toward the ship, and when she had come quite near I observed the colored people going up the sand-bank, and Colonel Cram preparing to return with the other boat. It occurred to me that the poor people must have desired to go to Fortress Monroe, and might have been refused. So I determined to go ashore myself, and jumping into the returned boat was quickly on the beach. The Colonel reported his examination entirely satisfactory, and I found from the colored people (one of whom, however, turned out to be a white woman, living near by) that none of them wanted to leave, and we all returned to the ship. These women were the soldiers who had alarmed our folks.

We had made an important discovery — a good and convenient landing place, some five or six miles from Fortress Monroe, capable of receiving any number of troops, and communicating with Norfolk by quite passable roads, with a distance by one route of eight or nine, and by another of twelve or thirteen, miles.

When I got back to Fortress Monroe I found the President had been listening to a pilot and studying a chart, and had become impressed with a conviction that there was a nearer landing, and wished to go and see about it on the spot. So we started again and soon reached the shore, taking with us a large boat and some twenty armed soldiers from the Rip Raps. The President and Mr. Stanton were on the tug and I on the Miami. The tug was, of course, nearest shore, and as soon as she found the water too shoal for her to go farther safely, the Rip Raps boat was manned and sent in. Meantime, I had the Miami got ready for action, and directed the captain to go ashore with two boats and all the men they could take, fully armed. Before this could be done, however, the other boat had pulled off shore, and several horsemen, who appeared to be soldiers of the enemy, were seen on the beach. I sent to the President to ask if we should fire on them, and he replied negatively. We had again found a good landing, which at the time I supposed to be between two and three miles nearer Fortress Monroe, but which proved to be only one-half or three-quarters of a mile nearer.

Returning to Fortress Monroe, it was agreed that an advance should at once be made on Norfolk from one of these landings. General Wool preferred the one he had visited, and it was selected. It was now night, but the preparations proceeded with great activity. Four regiments were sent off and orders given for others to follow. Colonel Cram went down to make a bridge of boats to the landing, and General Wool asked me to accompany him the next morning.

Next morning (yesterday) I was up early, and we got off as soon as possible. As soon as we reached the place, I took the tug which brought us down, and went up the shore to where the President's boat had attempted to land the evening before. I found the distance to be only three-quarters of a mile, and returned to the Miami, where I had left the General. He had gone ashore, and I at once followed. On shore I found General Viele, with an orderly behind. He asked if I would like a horse, and I said yes. He thereupon directed his orderly to dismount, and I mounted. I then proposed to ride up to where the pickets had been seen the night before. He complied. We found a shed where the pickets had staid, and fresh horse tracks in many places, showing that the enemy had only withdrawn a few hours. Meantime, Mr. Stanton had come down, and on my return to General Wool, asked me to go with the expedition, and I finally determined to do so.

Accordingly, I asked General W. for a squad of dragoons and for permission to ride on with General Viele ahead of him. He granted both requests. After going about five miles, General V. and myself came up with the rear of the advance (which had preceded us three or four hours), and soon heard firing of artillery in front. We soon heard that the bridge which we expected to cross was burnt, that the enemy's artillery was posted on the other side, and that Generals Mansfield and Weber were returning.

About one-half or three-quarters of a mile from the burning bridge, we met them, and of course turned back. Returning, we met General Wool, who determined to leave a guard on that route and take another to Norfolk.

There was now a good deal of confusion, to remedy which and provide for contingencies General Wool sent General M. to Newport News to bring forward his brigade, and brigaded the troops with him, assigning General Viele to the command of one and General Weber to the command of the other. The cavalry and Major Dodge were in advance, General Wool and staff next, then a body of sharpshooting skirmishers, then the main body of Viele's brigade, and then Weber's. We stopped everybody from whom we could obtain information, and it was not long before we were informed that the intrenched camp, where we expected the rebels would fight, if anywhere, had just been evacuated, and that the barracks were fired. This pleasant intelligence was soon confirmed by the arrival of one of Dodge's dragoons, who told us that the cavalry were already within it.

We kept on, and were soon within the work — a very strong one, defended by many heavy guns, of which twenty-one still remained in position. The troops, as they entered, gave cheer after cheer, and were immediately formed into line for the farther march, now only two miles to Norfolk. General Wool now invited General Viele, General Weber, and Major Dodge to ride with us in front, and so we proceeded until we met a deputation of the city authorities, who surrendered the city in form. General Wool and myself entered one carriage with two of the deputation, and General Viele another, with others, and so we drove into town and to the City Hall, where the General completed his arrangements for taking possession of the city. These completed, and General Viele being left in charge as military governor, General Wool and myself set out on our return to Ocean View, our landing-place, in the carriage which had brought us to the City Hall; which carriage, by the way, was that used by the rebel General Huger, and he had, perhaps, been riding in it that very morning.

It was sundown when we left Norfolk — about ten when we reached Ocean View — and near twelve when we reached Fortress Monroe. The President had been greatly alarmed for our safety by the report of General M., as he went by to Newport News; and you can imagine his delight when we told him Norfolk was ours. He fairly hugged General Wool.

For my part, I was very tired, and glad to get to bed.

This morning, as the President had determined to leave for Washington at seven, I rose at six, and just before seven came into the parlor, where Commodore Goldsborough astonished and gratified us that the rebels had set fire to the Merrimac, and had blown her up.1 It was determined that, before leaving, we would go up in the Baltimore, which was to convey us to Washington, to the point where the suicide had been performed, and above the obstructions in the channel, if possible, so as to be sure of the access to Norfolk by water, which had been defended by the exploded ship. This was done; but the voyage was longer than we anticipated, taking us up the wharves of Norfolk, where, in the Elizabeth River, were already lying the Monitor, the Stevens, the Susquehanna, and one or two other vessels. General Wool and Commodore Goldsborough had come up with us on the Baltimore; and, as soon as they were transferred to the Susquehanna, our prow was turned down stream, and touching for a moment at the Fortress, we kept on our way toward Washington, where we hope to be at breakfast to-morrow.

So has ended a brilliant week's campaign of the President; for I think it quite certain that if he had not come down, Norfolk would still have been in possession of the enemy, and the Merrimac as grim and defiant, and as much a terror as ever. The whole coast is now virtually ours. There is no port which the Monitor and Stevens can not enter and take.

It was sad and pleasant to see the Union flag once more waving over Norfolk, and the shipping in the harbor, and to think of the destruction accomplished there a little more than a year ago.

I went to Norfolk last night by land with the army; this morning, by water, with the navy. My campaign, too, is over.

SORUCE: Robert B. Warden, An Account of the Private Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase, p. 428-32

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gustavus V. Fox to Major General George B. McClellan, March 13, 1862

NAVY DEPARTMENT, March 13, 1862.

 Maj. Gen. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Fairfax Court-House:

The Monitor is more than a match for the Merrimac, but she might be disabled in the next encounter. I cannot advise so great dependence upon her. Burnside and Goldsborough are very strong for the Chowan River route to Norfolk, and I brought up maps, explanations, &c., to show you. It turns everything, and is only 27 miles to Norfolk by two good roads. Burnside will have New Berne this week. The Monitor may, and I think will, destroy the Merrimac in the next fight, but this is hope, not certainty. The Merrimac must dock for repairs.

 G. V. FOX.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 5 (Serial No. 5), p. 753

Sunday, February 16, 2014

From Washington


No official dispatch has been received from Com. Goldsboro about the expedition up James River.  It comprised the steam frigate Susquehanna, three gunboats and tug Wave.  The latter mounting one gun.  They found the first rebel battery at Dog’s Point deserted.  The rebel flag was flying over the battery at Hardy’s Point, 15 miles above Newport News, but on landing was found deserted.  Also all the rebel batteries between there and Jamestown, with guns mostly dismounted.  Near Jamestown they met a squadron under Commander Rogers, which had previously gone up the river, and learned from them particulars of the fight at Fort Darling, and the disaster to the Naugatuck.

Goldsboro’s expedition was last heard from Friday, and was still going up river, securing most of the ordnance left by the rebels.

The general evacuation below Fort Darling doubtless gives Goldsboro a chance to bring up mortar boats, &c., to act effectively against the fort.  James River and banks are now clear of rebel soldiers.  The Monitor and Galena were the only vessels run by Dog’s Point and Hardy’s bluff batteries.  The remainder of the fleet stopped below.  Of twenty-eight shells which struck the Galena eighteen penetrated.  None did the Monitor any damage, all glancing off.  Both returned down river Friday last.  The Galena is not materially injured.  They doubtless followed Goldsboro, Saturday up the river.

The universal topic is of course the President’s proclamation, denouncing and repudiating the conduct of Maj. Gen. Hunter.  It was understood yesterday that the President would await advice of the authenticity of the alleged proceeding of Hunter, but to-day it was too obvious that the mischief would be irreparable, if immediate action was not taken.  The effect in Washington has been most happy and reassuring.  The grand patriarchal spirit manifested, yearning for the good of the whole nation more than ever, exalts the President in the confidence and love of the people, and increases the sway he has over al extremes of political parties here represented.

The circuit court to-day appointed three commissioners for adjudication of cases arising under the fugitive slave law.  Seven arrests only were made to-day.  There seems to be concurrent jurisdiction claimed by the military authorities, regarding the fugitives under their protection, therefore it cannot be said the law has full course.

This morning about 50 of the citizens of the adjoining counties of Maryland, proceeded to the White House, accompanied by Messrs. Crissfield, Calvert, Webster, and Leary, representatives in Congress from that state, who had a conversation with the President regarding the interest of their constituents, as involved in the fugitive law.  They say the President promised a response on some other occasion.

The U. S. military telegraph has an office open and working, in a saw mill, at the 14th mile post from Richmond.  The lines to the various camps and stations between headquarters and Fort Monroe are in good condition and working admirably, under the personal superintendence of F. F. Rekert.


Hon. Edward Stanley is on the eve of departure for North Carolina.  He to-day received his commission as Military Governor of that State.  He is invested with the powers and duties of that station, including the power to establish all necessary offices and tribunals, and suspend the writ of Habeas corpus, during the pleasure of the President, or until the loyal inhabitants shall organize a State government in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.  His powers are exactly similar to those with which Gov. Johnson, of Tennessee, is invested.

An army officer, just arrived here, from Port Royal, denies the published statement that at the last accounts our pickets were within four miles of Savannah.

A private letter from an officer of the flotilla, speaking of the recent engagement, says: The iron-clad Galena was maneuvered so beautifully and saucily that she passed five or six times as close as she could get, and silenced one of the batteries; she then passed and repassed the second battery six times, but finding they were using so much ammunition, for which we expect to have better use further up, Rogers, the commander, ordered the wooden vessels to run up, whilst he in the galena lay just off the battery, and disconcerted the rebel gunners.  The Galena then followed, but the buoys have been displaced so that the pilots lost their bearing, and run the galena ashore, and she is still aground.  None of our vessels are seriously injured.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 21, 1862, p. 1

Friday, December 27, 2013

Washington, May 19 [1862].

It is unofficially stated that Com. Goldsborough has taken possession of the batteries on James river, two of which were silenced by the Galena while on her way to Richmond.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 20, 1862, p. 1

Thursday, May 9, 2013

From Washington

NEW YORK, Feb. 3.

The Tribune’s special stated that letters continue to be received from eminent bankers, favoring the “legal tender bill.”  There is no reason to believe that Gen. Butler was assured before he left Washington that he should have a Major General’s commission as well as the title.  He will land several brigades at a point on the Southern coast not now occupied by Union soldiers.  The capture will be more important than any yet made.

Secretary Stanton insisted that Butler should have what he wanted, although McClellan disapproved of it.

Fort Pulaski is now thoroughly invested.  Gen. Sherman has daily repots of all that is done there, and will take the place when he chooses to attack.

Time’s Dispatch

A movement is making here by members of Congress from the West and Northwest, headed by Frank Blair and Mr. Arnold to have Gen. Sigel made a Major General, and it will probably be successful.

Herald’s Dispatch

The select committee on the defence and fortifications of the great lakes and rivers are prepared to make a report.  They will recommend the erection of such fortifications at Mackinaw as will make it the Gibraltar, as it is nearly the key of our Northwestern frontier.  Their report will provide also for the establishment of a naval depot and National armory upon Lake Michigan, probably at or near Chicago, and that preparations to be immediately made for the accumulation of the necessary arms and munitions to arm the whole of the American vessels engaged in the commerce of the northern lakes.

It is estimated that there are in this trade 1,200 American vessels to 300 British and 15,000 American sailors to 3,000 British.  It is represented by the committee that the majority of the population of the loyal States is west of the Alleghany mountains; that the line of lake coast exceeds the whole length of our Atlantic coast, and that our commerce on the lakes is greater than our whole foreign trade.  To complete the defences and render communications with all parts of the Northwest secure form interruption by a foreign foe, it will also be recommended that a military railroad shall be immediately constructed from the mouth of the Menomonie River or Badenouquet, on Lake Michigan, to Marquette, on Lake Superior, and that a ship canal shall be built from Chicago to the Mississippi River.  It is said that these recommendations have the approval of Gen. McClellan.  The report will probably be made on Tuesday.


It is known that a number of Southern secessionists are in Canada, whose business is to collect money from sympathizing friends, and to forward and received dispatches from Europe, and place them in such secret channels that they may reach their ultimate destination.  It is not likely that such proceedings will be much longer continued.

Lieut. Col. Sir P. Windham, late commanding 2d brigade of the Italian army, has been appointed Colonel of the Michigan regiment of Lancers.


So vast an army has been martialed in this District, that no proper arrangements have been made for even a decent interment of those who die in our hospitals. – This matter is under consideration, and will receive the immediate attention of Congress.

The result of the examination recently instituted by telegraph interests shows that the number of messages transmitted over the lines during the past year was 2,800,000, yielding a total revenue of $15,220,000.  Should Congress in the next tax bill impose 3 cents on each message, a little over $84,000 would be realized from that source, or 5½ per cent. on the aggregate amount of business.

The following communication has been received at the Navy Department from Capt. John Marston, dated U. S. steamer Roanoke, Hampton Roads, Feb. 1st:

“I have the honor to report to you the arrival, during the past night of the bark Gemsbock, from Beaufort, N. C.  Capt. Coventry informs me that on Tuesday, 28th, he heard heavy firing in the rear of Beaufort, but he has no conjecture from when it proceeded.

“Capt. Coventry also reports that on Thursday, 30th Jan., at 9 o’clock in the morning, while off Roanoke Inlet, he heard heavy firing in the direction of Roanoke Island, which leaves no doubt in my mind that flag officer Goldsborough is at work.”

Representatives of the telegraphic interests now here, have suggested to the committee of ways and means their readiness to pay a tax on their messages and thus contribute to the support of the government.

The chairman of the ways and means committee, Mr. Stevens, will endeavor to bring the House to a vote on the Treasury bill on Thursday.

Representative Hooper’s speech to-day, was listened to with marked attention, it being considered a clear exposition of the views of the Treasury Department on the financial question.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 4, 1862, p. 1

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Official intelligence form the Fleet

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. – Official dispatches from Com. Goldsborough, dated Jan. 26th, arrived this morning.  Seventeen of the naval vessels were at that time in the Sound over and beyond the bulkhead under immediate command of Commodore Rowan in full readiness for operations.  General Burnside was preparing his forces to move in connection with the fleet.  Commodore Goldsborough says things now look hopeful, and I sincerely trust we shall be soon at the enemy.  Any decided approach now to this quarter on that part of the Rebels with all the force they can muster would certainly result in their speedy capture and destruction.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 1, 1862, p. 2

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Special to New York Papers

(Herald’s Special.)

The House considered the amendments to the Tax bill.  Among others agreed to are the following:

Tennessee to have till the 1st of December to assume payment of her portion of the tax.

Breweries manufacturing less than five hundred bbls. per annum, to pay twenty-five dollars.

Licensed brokers to pay fifty dollars, the same commercial brokers, and land warrant brokers twenty-five dollars.

The Committee rose and the House adjourned.

(Tribune Correspondence.)

WASHINGTON, March 24. – The President today nominated the flowing the following Brigadier Generals:

Col. G. M. Dodge, of Iowa, who commanded a brigade under Col. Carr at Pea Ridge; Col. R. S. Canby of the 19th U. S. Infantry., now commanding the Department of New Mexico; S. Wessul, of the 6th U. S. Infantry.

W. H. Havens, of Ohio, has been appointed Consol at Manahan, Brazil.

Secretary Welles has addressed the following letter to Lieut. Worden, of the Monitor:


SIR: The naval action which took place on the 10th inst., between the Monitor and the Merrimac at Hampton Roads, when your vessel with two guns engaged a powerful armed steamer of at least eight guns, and after a four hours’ conflict, repelled her formidable antagonist, has excited general admiration and received the applause of the whole country.  The President directs me, while earnestly and deeply sympathizing with the in the injuries which you have sustained, but which it is believed are but temporary, to thank you and your command for the heroism you have displayed and the great service you have rendered.  The action of the 10th, and the performance, power and capabilities of the Monitor must effect a radical change in naval warfare.

Flag Officer Goldsborough, in your absence, will be furnished by the Department with a copy of this letter of thanks and instructed to cause it to be read to the officers and crew of the Monitor.

I am respectfully your obedient servant.


(Herald’s Dispatch.)

A rumor is current here this evening that Gen. Shields will be obliged to have his left arm amputated on account of the wound received at the battle near Winchester.  It is well authenticated but is not credited.

(Times’ Dispatch.)

The Journal, of Boston, and the Sunday Mercury and the Journal of Commerce, are suspended by order of the Secretary of War, and their editors and proprietors arrested and ordered to Washington to be tried by court martial for violating the fifty seventh article of war.

The statement that Gen. Blenker had been suspended from his command is pronounced untrue.  Neither is it true that the Senate Military Committee have reported against his confirmation.  He is opposed by some of his countrymen, but the Senate committee decided to give him a fair hearing.

Fewer bids were put in for constructing gunboats to-day than was anticipated by the Department.  The awards will not be made for several days.  The plan of each boat is highly approved by scientific men.  They are invulnerable and draw only four feet of water.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 4