- The Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863
- Boston Hymn, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 1, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his Daughter, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 1, 1863
- Robert Gould Shaw, January 1, 1863
- Gov. Samuel. J. Kirkwood to Adj. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Rev. James F. Clarke, January 1, 1863
- Rev. James F. Clarke to N. Augustus Staples, January 1, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: January 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 1, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 1, 1863
- Senator John Sherman to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 2, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 2, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his Daughter, January 2, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, January 2, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 2, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 2, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 2, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 3, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 3, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, January 3, 1863
- Capt. William F. Bartlett to Lieut. Col. Francis W. Palfrey, January 3, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 3, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 3, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 3, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 3, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, January 4, 1863
- Address of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to the 23rd Ohio Infantry, January 4, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, January 4, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, January 4, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, January 4, 1863
- Elizabeth Adams Lusk to Capt. William T. Lusk, January 4, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 4, 1863
- Diary of James F. Clarke, January 4, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 4, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 4, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 4, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 4, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 5, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans to Edwin M. Stanton, January 5, 1863 - 4:30 a.m.
- Elizabeth Adams Lusk to Capt. William T. Lusk, January 5, 1863
- Capt. William T. Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, January 5, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 5, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, January 5, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, January 5, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to Milton B. Cochran, January 5, 1863
- Diary of Alexander G. Downing, Private, Co. E, 11th Iowa Infantry, January 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 5, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 6, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, January 6, 1863
- Co. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, January 6, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 6, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, January 6, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to Brig. Gen. Francis J. Herron, January 6, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, January 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 6, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 7, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, January 7, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 7, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 7, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 7, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, January 7, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 8, 1863
- Sen. Charles Sumner to Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, January 8, 1863
- Francis Lieber to Sen. Charles Sumner, January 8, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 8, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 8, 1863
- Gen. Joseph E. Johnston to Sen. Louis T. Wigfall, January 8, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 8, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, January 8, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 9, 1863
- Letter from Dr. John G. Miller, January 9, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 9, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 9, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, January 9, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 10, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, January 10, 1863
- Capt. William M. Duncan to Mary J. Duncan, January 10, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 10, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 10, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 10, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 11, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, January 11, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, January 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 11, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, January 12, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, January 12. 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, January 12, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 12, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 12, 1863
- Jefferson Davis to the Confederate Congress, January 12, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 12, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 13, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 13, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 13, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, January 14, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 14, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 14, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 14, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 15, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 15, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 15, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 15, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 15, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, January 15, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 15, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 15, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 16, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: General Orders, No. 5, January 16, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, January 16, 1863
- Capt. William T. Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, January 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 16, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 16, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, January 16, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, January 17, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, January 17, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 17, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 17, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 17, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 18, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 18, 1863
- Elizabeth Adams Lusk to Capt. William T. Lusk, January 18, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 18, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 18, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 18, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 18, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 19, 1863
- W. E. Doster to Capt. William T. Lusk, January 19, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 19, 1863
- Letter from Pvt. William Brown, January 19, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 19, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, January 19, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 19, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 19, 1863 - Night
- January 20, 1863. The Mud March begins.
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, January 20, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, January 20, 1863
- Capt. William T. Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, January 20, 1863
- Letter From Sgt. Maj. Theodore R. Oldham, January 20, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 20, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 20, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 20, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 20, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 21, 1863
- Capt. Charles Russell Lowell to Henry Lee Higginson, January 21, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 21, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 21, 1863
- John Hay to Miss Mary Ridgely, January 22, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, January 22, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 22, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 22, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, January 22, 1863
- January 23, 1863. The Mud March concludes.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 23, 186
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, January 23, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 23, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 23, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, January 23, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 23, 1863
- Mary Boykin Chesnut to Charlotte Cross Wigfall, late January 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 24, 1863
- Diary of Corp. John W. Dennett, January 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 24, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, January 24, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, January 25, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Webb, January 25, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 25, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 25, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 25, 1863
- Abraham Lincoln to Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, January 26, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 26, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 26, 1863 - 9 p.m.
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 26, 1863
- John Stuart Mill to John L. Motley, January 26, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 26, 1863
- Gen. Joseph E. Johnston to Sen. Louis T. Wigfall, January 26, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 26, 1863
- Senator John Sherman to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, January 27, 1863
- Capt. William T. Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, January 27, 1863
- W. E. Doster to Capt. William T. Lusk, January 27, 1863
- Col. Ethan Alan to Isaac N. Phelps, January 27, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 27, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 27, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 28, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, January 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 28, 1863
- Maj.-Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks’ General Order No. 12, January 29, 1863
- Elizabeth Adams Lusk to Capt. William T. Lusk, January 29, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 29, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, January 29, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 29, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, January 30, 1863
- Gov. John A. Andrew to Capt. Robert Gould Shaw, January 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, January 30, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith & Eliza Walter Smith, January 30, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, January 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 30, 1863
- Charles Eliot Norton to George William Curtis, January 30, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, January 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 30, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, January 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose, January 31, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, January 31, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: January 31, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, January 31, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, February 1863
- Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Louise Wigfall, February 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, February 1, 1863
- Capt. Charles Russell Lowell to Anna Jackson Lowell, February 1, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, February 1, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, February 1, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 1, 1863
- Charles Eliot Norton to George William Curtis, February 1, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 1, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to Abraham Lincoln, February 2, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, February 2, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, February 2, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 1 and 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 2, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 3, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 3, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, February 3, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 3, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 4, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, February 4, 1863
- Capt. Robert Gould Shaw to Annie Kneeland Hagerty Shaw, February 4, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 4, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 4, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 4, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 4, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 5, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 5, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 5 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 6, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, February 6, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 6, 1863
- George William Curtis to Charles Eliot Norton, February 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 6, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Eleanor Agnes Lee, February 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 6, 1863
- War Department, Adjutant General’s Office: General Orders, No. 35, February 7, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 7, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 7, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, February 7, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 7, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 7, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, February 7, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 7, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 8, 1863
- Col. Rutherfrod B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, February 8, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 8, 1863
- Capt. Robert Gould Shaw to Annie Kneeland Hagerty Shaw, February 8, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, February 8, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, February 8, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 7-8, 1863
- Capt. Charles Russell Lowell to Anna Jackson Lowell, February 9, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 9, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 9, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, February 9, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, February 9, 1863
- John J. Cisco to George L. Stearns, February 9, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee, February 9, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 9, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 9, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 9, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 10, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 10, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 10, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 11, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 11, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 11, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, February 12, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 12, 1863—Evening
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, February 12, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, February 12, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 12, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, February 12, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 12, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, February 13, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 13, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 13, 1863
- Gen. Robert E. Lee to the Confederate Senate, February 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 13, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 13, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 14, 1863
- George William Curtis to Charles Eliot Norton, February 14, 1863
- Gen. Joseph E. Johnston to Sen. Louis T. Wigfall, February 14, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, February 14, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 14, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, February 15, 1863
- Capt. Charles Russell Lowell to Henry Lee Higginson, February 15, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, February 15, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, February 15, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, February 15, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, February 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 15, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 16, 1863
- Brig. Gen. James A. Garfield to Burke A. Hinsdale, February 16, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 16, 1863
- Capt. Robert Gould Shaw to Francis G. Shaw, February 16, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Rep. Charles B. Sedgwick, February 16, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 16, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 17, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 17, 1863—Evening
- Letter From Dr. John G. Miller, February 17 1863
- George William Curtis to John J. Pinkerton, February 17, 1863
- John L. Motley to Mary Lothrop Motley, February 17, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 17, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 18, 1863
- Diary of Lieut. Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, February 18, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, February 18, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, February 18, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 18, 1863—Evening
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, February 18, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 18, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 18, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 19, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, February 19, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, February 19, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 19, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 19, 1863
- Francis Lieber to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, February 20, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 20, 1863—Evening
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 20, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 20, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, February 21, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 21, 1863—5 p.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, February 22, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, February 22, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 22, 1863—Evening
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 22, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 22, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 22, 1863 - Sunset
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 23, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 23, 1863—Evening
- General Robert E. Lee to Mary Custis Lee, February 23, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, February 23, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 23, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 24, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, February 24, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 24, 1863
- Diary of Capt. Joseph Stockton, February 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 24, 1863—7 p.m.
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 24, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 24, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, February 25, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 25, 1863
- Diary of Maj. Joseph Stockton, February 25, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, February 25, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 25, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 25, 1863—12 a.m.
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 25, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 25, 1863—7 p.m.
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 25, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 25, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, February 25, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, February 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, February 26, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, February 26, 1863
- Diary of Maj. Joseph Stockton, February 26, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 26, 1863
- Charles Eliot Norton to George William Curtis, February 26, 1863
- George S. Denison to Salmon P. Chase, February 26, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 26, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: February 26, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 26, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 26, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, February 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, February 27, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 27, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 27, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, February 28, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, February 28, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, February 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, February 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Ephraim Shelby Dodd: February 28, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, February 28, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, March 1, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, March 1, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 1, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 2, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 2, 1863—Evening
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, March 2, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 2, 1863
- An Act for Enrolling and Calling Out the National Forces, and for other Purposes, March 3, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 3, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 3, 1863
- John L. Motley to Anna Lothrop Motley, March 3, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Charlotte Wickham Lee, March 3, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, March 3, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Brig. Gen. Wm. H. Fitzhugh Lee, March 3, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, March 4, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 4, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 4, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 5, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 5, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, March 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 5, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 5, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 6, 1863
- Diary of Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, March 6, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 6, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 7, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. Dix to Abraham Lincoln, March 7, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 7, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 7, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 7, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 7, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, March 7, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 7, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 8, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 8, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 8, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 9, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, March 9, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 9, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 9, 1863
- John Bright to John L. Motley, March 9, 1863
- Charles Eliot Norton to George William Curtis, March 9, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 9, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 9, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 10, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, March 10, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Congressman Elihu B. Washburne, March 10, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 10, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 10, 1863
- George William Curtis to Charles Eliot Norton, March 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 11, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, March 11, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 12, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 12, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 12, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 13, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, March 13, 1863
- Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas to Gov. Nathaniel S. Barry, March 13, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 13, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 13, 1863—Evening
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 13, 1863
- Salmon P. Chase to John M. Forbes, March 14, 1863
- Acting Rear Admiral David D Porter to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, March 14, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, March 14, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 14, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 14, 1863—Evening
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, March 14, 1863
- Col. George A. Stone to Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, March 14, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, March 14, 1863
- From Corinth, published March 14, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 14, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 14, 1863 - 5 p.m.
- Congressman William B. Allison to Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, March 15, 1863
- Maj. General. George G. Meade to John Sergeant Meade, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 15, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 15, 1863—Evening
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, March 15, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March __, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 15, 1863 - 1:30 a.m.
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 15, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 15, 1863 - Later
- Edwin M. Stanton to the American Freedman's Inquiry Commission, March 16, 1863
- Gideon Welles to William H. Aspenwall& John M. Forbes, March 16, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, March 16, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 16, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 16, 1863—Evening
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 16, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 17, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 17, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 17, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 17, 1863
- Capt. Robert Gould Shaw to Sarah Blake Sturgis Shaw, March 17, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 17, 1863
- Lieut.-Col. Abner H. McCormick to Col. Thomas W. Higginson, March 17, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, March 17, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 17, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to Edwin M. Stanton, March 18, 1863
- William H. Seward to Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, March 18, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 18, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 18, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, Wednesday, March 18, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 18, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, March 18, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 18, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 18 & 19, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 19, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 19, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 19, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, March 19, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 19, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 19, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to William H. Seward, March 20, 1863
- Senator John Sherman to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, March 20, 1863
- Diary of Colonel William F. Bartlett, March 20, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 20, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, March 20, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 20, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 20, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, March 20, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 20, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, March 20, 1863
- War Department, Adjutant General’s Office: General Orders, No. 27, March 21, 1862
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 21, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 21, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, March 21, 1863
- Diary of Colonel William F. Bartlett, March 21, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 21, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 21, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 22, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, March 22, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, March 22, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 22, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 22, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, March 22, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, March 22, 1863
- Sarah F. Wakefield to Abraham Lincoln, March 23, 1863
- Proclamation of Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, March 23, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 23, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 23, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 23, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, March 23, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, March 23, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 23, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 23, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, March 24, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, March 24, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 24, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, March 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 24, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, March 24, 1863
- Diary of Colonel William F. Bartlett, March 25, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 25, 1863—2:30 p.m.
- Capt. Robert Gould Shaw to Sarah Blake Sturgis Shaw, March 25, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Jeb Stuart to Capt. John S. Mosby, March 25, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 25, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 26, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 26, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 26, 1863
- Sen. James W. Grimes to Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont, March 27, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 27, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, March 27, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 27, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, March 27, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, March 27, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 27, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 27, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, March 28, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 28, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 28, 1863
- Letter from Lieut. Ensign H. King, March 28, 1863
- John L. Motley to Anna Lothrop Motley, March 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 28, 1863
- Maj. Gen.Thomas J. Jackson to Rev. Dr. Robert H. Morrison, March 28, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 29, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 29, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 29, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 29, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, March 29, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 29, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 29, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, March 29, 1863 - Night
- Salmon P. Chase to John M. Forbes & William H. Aspinwall, March 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, March 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, March 30, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 30, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 30, 1863
- Capt. Robert Gould Shaw to Francis G. Shaw, March 30, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 30, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton, March 31, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, March 31, 1863
- Gideon Welles to William H. Seward, March 31, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, March 31, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 31, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, March 31, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, March 31, 1863
- John M Forbes to Salmon P. Chase, March 31, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, March 31, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, March 31, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: March 31, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, March 31, 1863
- Gustavus V. Fox to John M. Frobes, April 1, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Gideon Welles, April 1, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Salmon P. Chase, April 1, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, April 1, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, April 1, 1863
- Murat Halstead to Salmon P. Chase, April 1, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 1, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 1, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 1, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 2, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to The Loyal National League, April 2, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 2, 1863 — Evening
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 2, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 2, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 2, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, April 2, 1863
- War Department, Adjutant General's Office: General Orders, No. 88, April 3, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 3, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, April 3, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, April 3, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, April 3, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 3, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 3, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 3, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 3, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 3, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 3, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 4, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 4, 1863
- For Hire—A Family of Negroes, April 4, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 4, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 4, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 4, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 4, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, April 5, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 5, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, April 5, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, April 5, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 5, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, April 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 5, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 6, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 6, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, April 6, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, April 6, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 6, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 6, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 7, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, April 7, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 7, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 7, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 7, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 7, 1863
- John Hay to John G. Nicolay, April 8, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 8, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 8, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 8, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 8, 1863
- John Hay to John G. Nicolay, April 9, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 9, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 9, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, April 9, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, April 9, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Barnett Smith, April 9, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 9, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 9, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 9, 1863
- General Pierre G. T. Beauregard to Samuel Cooper, April 9, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 9, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 9, 1863
- John Hay to Abraham Lincoln, April 10, 1863
- John Hay to John G. Nicolay, April 10, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 10, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, April 10, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, April 10, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, April 10, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, April 10, 1863
- Francis Lieber to Sen. Charles Sumner, April 10, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 10, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 10, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, April 10, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 10, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 11, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 11, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 11, 1863 — Evening
- Letter from Sgt. Thomas A. Trent, April 11, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 11, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. John C. West, April 11, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 12, 1863
- Adj. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas to Edwin M. Stanton, April 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, April 12, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 12, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 12, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, April 12, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 12, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 12, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. John C. West, April 12, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 12, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 12, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 13, 1863
- Gideon Welles to William H. Seward, April 13, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside: General Orders, No. 38, April 13, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to William H. Seward, April 13, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 13, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, April 13, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. John C. West, April 13, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 13, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 14, 1863
- John Hay to John G. Nicolay, April 14, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 14, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, April 14, 1863
- Capt. Charles F. Morse, April 14, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, April 14, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 14, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. John C. West, April 14, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 14, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 14, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 15, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, April 15, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 15, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 15, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, April 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. John C. West, April 15, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 15, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 15, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 16, 1863
- John Hay to John G. Nicolay, April 16, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman To Ellen Ewing Sherman, April 16, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 16, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, April 16, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 16, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 16, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 16, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 17, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 17, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 17, 1863
- Baron Otto von Bismarck to John L. Motley, April 17, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 17, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 17, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 17, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 18, 1863
- Gideon Welles to William H. Seward, April 18, 1863
- Capt. William M. Duncan After the Copperheads, published April 18, 1863
- Gideon Welles to John M. Forbes, April 18, 1863
- John M. Forbes & William H. Aspinwall to Gideon Welles, April 18, 1863
- John M. Forbes & William H. Aspinwall to Salmon P. Chase, April 18, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 18, 1863
- William H. Seward to Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, April 18, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 18, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 18, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, April 18, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 18, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 18, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 18, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 18, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. Dix to Mag. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, April 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum to Clara Rice Slocum, April 19, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, April 19, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, April 19, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 19, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, April 19, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 19, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, April 19, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 19, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 19, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 20, 1863
- William H. Seward to Gideon Welles, April 20, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 20, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, April 20, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 20, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 20, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 21, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 21, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 21, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 21, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 21, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 22, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's General Orders, No. 25, April 22, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, April 22, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, April 22, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 22, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 22, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 22, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 23, 1863
- John Hay to John G. Nicolay, April 23, 1863
- Major-General David Hunter to Jefferson Davis, April 23, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, April 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, April 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, April 23, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 23, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 23, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 24, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, April 24, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, April 24, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 24, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 24, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, April 25, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 25, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 25, 1863
- John M. Forbes & William H. Aspinwall to Salmon P. Chase, April 25, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 25, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 25, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 26, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, April 26, 1863
- Mrs. Mary Duncan to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, April 26, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 26, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 26, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 26, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 26, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 27, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, April 27, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 27, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: April [27], 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 27, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 27, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 27, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 28, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, April 28, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, April 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: April 28, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 28, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, April 28, 1863
- April 29, 1863, Battle of Grand Gulf.
- April 29, 1863, Battle of Snyder’s Bluff begins.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, April 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, April 29, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: April 29, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 29, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 29, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 29, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, April 29, 1863
- April 30, 1863, Battle of Snyder’s Bluff continues.
- Diary of Gideon Wells, April 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker's General Orders No. 47, April 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, April 30, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, April 30, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, April 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: April 30, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, April 30, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, April 30, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, April 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: April 30, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, April 30, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, April 30, 1863
- May 1, 1863, Final day of the Battle of Snyder’s Bluff.
- May 1, 1863, Battle of Port Gibson.
- Diary of Gideon Wells, May 1, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 1, 1863
- Letter from the 7th Illinois Infantry, May 1, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 1, 1863
- Joint Resolutions Adopted by the Confederate Congress on the Subject of Retaliation, April 30 - May 1, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 1, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, May 1, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 2, 1863
- Sen. James W. Grimes to the Editor of the Linn County Register, May 2, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 2, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, May 2, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, May 2, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 2, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 2, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 2, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 2, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 3, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, May 3, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 3, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson to General Robert E. Lee, May 2, 1863 - 3 p.m.
- Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall to Louise Wigfall, May 2, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 2, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 3, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 3, 1863
- Gen. Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, May 3, 1863
- Gen. Robert E. Lee to Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, May 3, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 3, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 4, 1863
- Brig. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren to Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick, May 4, 1863
- Brig. Gen. James A. Garfield to Corydon E. Fuller, May 4, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 4, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 4, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 4, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 4, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Charles A. Dana, May 5, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 5, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, May 5, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 5, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, May 5, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 5, 1863
- Gen. Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, May 5, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 5, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 5, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 6, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker's General Orders No. 49, May 6, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, May 6, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, May 6, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 6, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 6, 1863
- Stephen R. Mallory to James D. Bulloch, May 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 6, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside, May 7, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, May 7, 1863 - 9:30 p.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 7, 1863
- Senator John Sherman to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, May 7, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 7, 1863
- Diary of Rutherford B. Hayes, May 7, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, May 7, 1863
- Capt. Charels F. Morse, May 7, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, May 7, 1863
- Letter from Lieut. Ensign H. King, May 7, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 7, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 7, 1863
- George L. Stearns to Mary Hall Stearns, May 7, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 7, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 7, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee's General Orders, No. 59, May 7, 1863
- Gen. Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, May 7, 1863
- Gen. Robert E. Lee's General Orders No. 59, May 7, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, May 7, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 7, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 7, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside, May 8, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 8, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 8, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to Abraham Lincoln, May 8, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. Maj. Luman H. Tenney, May 8, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 8, 1863
- George L. Stearns to Governor John A. Andrew, May 8, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 8, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 8, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 8, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 8, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, May 9, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, May 9, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 9, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 9, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 9, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, May 9, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 9, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, May 9, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 10, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, May 10, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 10, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 10, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 10, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 10, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 9 & 10, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 10, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 10, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 11, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 11, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 11, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee's General Order, No. 61, Stonewall Jackson's Death, May 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Mary Custis Lee, May 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, May 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, May 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 11, 1863
- Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall, May 11, 1863
- May 12, 1863, Battle of Raymond.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 12, 1863
- John L. Motley to Anna Lothrop Motley, May 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 12, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 12, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 12, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 12, 1863
- Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall, May 12, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 12, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 12, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 13, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 13, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 13, 1863
- Capt. Richard F. Halstead to Miss Sedgwick, May 13, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, May 13, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 13, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 13, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 13, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 13, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 13, 1863
- May 14, 1863, Battle of Jackson, Mississippi.
- Diary of Gideon Wells, May 14, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: May 14, 1863
- Rev. Dr. Orville Dewey to William Cullen Bryant, May 14, 1863
- William Cullen Bryant to Richard H. Dana, May 14, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 14, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 14, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 15, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, May 15, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 15, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 15, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, May 15, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. Maj. Luman H. Tenney, May 15, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 15, 1863
- George L. Stearns to Mary Hall Stearns, about May 15, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 15, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, May 15, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 15, 1863
- Louise Wigfall to Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall, May 15, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 16, 1863
- May 16, 1863, Battle of Raymond.
- Resolutions of the New York Democratic Committee, The Albany Resolutions, May 16, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Lieut. Col. Henry Sturgis Russell, May 16, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 16, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 16, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 16, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 16, 1863
- May 17, 1863, Battle of Big Black River Bridge.
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to John Sergeant Meade, May 17, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, May 17, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, May 17, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Alexander G. Downing, May 17, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 17, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 17, 1863
- Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall, May 17, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, May 17, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 18, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 18, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 18, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 18, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 19, 1863
- New York Democratic Committee to Abraham Lincoln, May 19, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Special Orders No. 134, May 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, May 19, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, May 19, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. Maj. Luman H. Tenney, May 19, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 19, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 19, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 19, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 19, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, May 19, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 20, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 20, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, May 20, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, May 20, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 20, 1863
- Francis Lieber to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 20, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Gov. John A. Andrew, May 20, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 20, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 20, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 20, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 21, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's General Field Orders, No. ––, May 21, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 21, 1863
- Diary of Col. William F. Bartlett, May 21, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, May 21, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 21, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 21, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 21, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Maj. Gen. John Bell Hood, May 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 21, 1863
- May 22, 1863, Siege of Port Hudson begins.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. General Henry W. Halleck, May 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Rear Admiral David D. Porter, May 22, 1863 - 8:30 p.m.
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, May 22, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 22, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 22, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 22, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Rear Admiral David D. Porter, May 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 23, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, May 23, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Col. Robert Gould Shaw, May 23, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Lt. Col. Henry Sturgis Russell, May 23, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, May 23, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 23, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 23, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, May 23, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 23, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 24, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 24, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 24, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to John C. Bancroft, May 24, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. Maj. Luman H. Tenney, May 24, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, May 24, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 24, 1863
- Mrs. Mary Duncan to Abraham Lincoln, May 24, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 24, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 24, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, May 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Special Orders, No. 140, May 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 25, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, May 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, May 25, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, May 25, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, May 25, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, May 25, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, May 25, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 25, 1863
- Diary of Corp. David L. Day, May 25, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 25, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 25, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 25, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 25, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 26, 1863
- Sen. James W. Grimes to Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont, May 26, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: Special Orders No. 141, May 26 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, May 26, 1863
- Brig. Gen. James A. Garfield to Burke A. Hinsdale, May 26, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 26, 1863
- Maintenance of Peace with America, May 26, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Joseph Pease, Joseph Bevan Braithwait & Robert Forster, May 26, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 26, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 26, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, May 26, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 27, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 27, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, May 27, 1863
- Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, May 27, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, May 27, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 27, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 27, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 27, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 26 & 27, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 27, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 28, 1863
- Charles A. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, May 28, 1862
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: Special Orders, No. 143, May 28, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 28, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, May 28, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 28, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, May 28, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, May 28, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, May 28, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Wells, May 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Francis P. Blair, Jr., May 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, May 29, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, May 29, 1863 - 11 p.m.
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, May 29, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 29, 1863
- John M. Forbes & William H. Aspinwall to Salmon P. Chase, May 29, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 29, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 29, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 29, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, May 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand's General Orders No. 72, May 30, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to his Daughter, May 30, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Lt. Col. Henry S. Russell, May 30, 1863
- Col. Florence M. Cornyn to Col. Jacob B. Biffle, May 30, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, May 30, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 30, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: May 30, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, May 31, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks, May 31, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: May 31, 1863
- John L. Motley to Lady William Russell, May 31, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, May 31, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Mary Custis Lee, May 31, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, May 31, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, May 31, 1863—Noon
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 1, 1863
- Col. Robert Gould Shaw to Annie Kneeland Haggerty Shaw, June 1, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 1, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 1, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: June 1, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 1, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, June 1, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 1, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 1, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 2, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 2, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, June 2, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Joseph A. Mower, June 2, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, June 2, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: June 2, 1863
- Francis Lieber to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 2, 1863
- Mrs. Mary Duncan to Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, June 2, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 2, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 2, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 1 &2, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 3, 1863
- Sen. Lyman Trumbull & Congressman Isaac N. Arnold to Abraham Lincoln, June 3, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 3, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick to his Sister, June 3, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball, June 3, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, June, 3, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 3, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: June 3, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 3, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 3, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 3, 1863
- Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, June 4, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 4, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball, June 4, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 4, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 4, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside's General Orders No. 91, June 4, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, June 4, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: June 4, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 4, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 4, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 4, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 5, 1863
- Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 5, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball, June 5, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Charles A. Dana, June 5, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Anna Jackson Lowell, June 5, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 5, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: June 5, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 5, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 5, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 5, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 5, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 6, 1863
- Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 6, 1863 - 1 a.m.
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, June 6, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 6, 1863
- Maj. John A. Rawlins to Maj.-Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 6, 1863
- Diary of 5th Sgt. Osborn H. Oldroyd: June 6, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 6, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 6, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 6, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 6, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, June 6, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 6, 1863
- June 7, 1863, Battle of Miliken’s Bend.
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, June 7, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 7, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 7, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 7, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 7, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 7, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 8, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 8, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Hallack, June 8, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June, 8, 1863
- Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins to Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, June 8, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 8, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. Maj. Luman H. Tenney, June 8, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 8, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 8, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 8, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 8, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 8, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 9, 1863
- Gideon Welles to William H. Seward, June 9, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Julia Dent Grant, June 9 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman: General Orders, No. 44, June 9, 1863
- Mrs. Fanny Kemble to John M. John M. Forbes, before June 9, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Anne Howell Forbes, June 9, 1863
- John M. Forbes writing from London, after June 9, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 9, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 9, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Mary Custis Lee, June 9, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 9, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, June 9, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, June 9, 1863
- Abraham Lincoln to Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, June 10, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Thomas A. Scott, June 10, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Simon Cameron, June 10, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 10, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 10, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 10, 1863
- Col. Edward D. Townsend to Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside, June 10, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 10, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 10, 1863
- Mrs. Ann Ware Winsor to Charles L. Bartlett, June 10, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 10, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 10, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, June 10, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to W. H. Fitzhugh Lee, June 10, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 10, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 11, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Abraham Lincoln, June 11, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant too Brigadier-General Elias S. Dennis, June 11, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, June 11, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Cadwallader C. Washburn to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 11, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 11, 1863
- Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins: Special Orders No. 157, June 11, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 11, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 11, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 11, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Charlotte Wickham Lee, June 11, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Mary Custis Lee, June 11, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 11, 1863
- Abraham Lincoln to Erastus Corning and Others, June 12, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 12, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 12, 1863—11:30 a.m.
- Maj.. Charels F. Morse, June 12, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 12, 1863
- Alexander H. Stephens to Jefferson Davis, June 12, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 12, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, June 12, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 12, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 13, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 13, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan to Thurlow Weed, June 13, 1863
- Brig. Gen. Elias S. Dennis to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 13, 1863
- Col. Robert Gould Shaw, June 13, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, June 13, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 13, 1863
- Letter From Sgt. Thomas A. Trent, published June 13 1863
- Letter from Pvt. Frederick B. Johnson, published June 13, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 13, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 13, 1863
- General Robert E. Lee to Col. G. W. Custis Lee, June 13, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 13, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 13, 1863
- Charles A. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, June 14, 1863 - 8 a.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 14, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, June 14, 1863 - 12 m.
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 14, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, June 14, 1863
- Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch, June 14, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 14, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, June 14, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 14, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 14, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 14, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 14, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, June 14, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 14, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, June 14, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, June 14, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Gov. David Tod, June 15, 1863 - 2 a.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 15, 1863
- Simon Cameron to Abraham Lincoln, June 15, 1863 - 3:50 p.m.
- Edwin M. Stanton to Simon Cameron, June 15, 1863 - 7:30 p.m.
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: General Orders, No. 36, June 15, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, June 15, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Cadwallader C. Washburn, June 15, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant too Brig. Gen. Elias S. Dennis, June 15, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Col. George G. Pride, June 15, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Jesse Root Grant, June 15, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, June 15, 1863
- Letter from Lieut. Ensign H. King, June 15, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 15, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 15, 1863
- Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch, June 15, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 15, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 15, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 15, 1863
- Diary of Private Louis Leon: June 15, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 16, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans, June 16, 1863 - 2 p.m.
- Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 16, 1863 - 6:30 p.m.
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 16, 1863—8 p.m.
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 16, 1863
- John L. Motley to Anna Lothrop Motley, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 16, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 16, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. W. J. Davidson, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 16, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 17, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, June 17, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, June 17, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 17, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, June 17, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Anna Jackson Lowell, June 17, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 17, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 17, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 17, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 17, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, June 17, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 18, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 18, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant: Special Orders, No. 164, June 18, 1863
- Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 18, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 18, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 18, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 18, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 18, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 18, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 18, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 18, 1863
- Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall to Charlotte Cross Wigfall, June 18, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 18, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 18, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 19, 1863
- Charles A. Dana to Edwin M. Stantion, June 19, 1863—10. a.m.
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Abraham Lincoln, June 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, June 19, 1863
- Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins to Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, June 19, 1863
- Col. William F. Bartlett to Col. Francis W Palfrey, June 19, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, June 19, 1863
- Lieut. Col. John A Rawlins to Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, June 19, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 19, 1863—8:30 p.m.
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, June 19, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 19, 1863
- Wendell Phillips to George L. Stearns, June 19, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 19, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 19, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 19, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 20, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 20, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 20, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Maj. Caspar Crowninshield, June 20, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 20, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 20, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 20, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, June 20, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 20, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 21, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Acting Rear Admiral David D. Porter, June 21, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 21, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 21, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 21, 1863
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, June 21, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 20 & 21, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 21, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, June 21, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 21, 1863
- Charles A. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, June 22, 1863 - 9 a.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 22, 1863
- Rear Admiral David D. Porter to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to [Maj.] Gen. Richard Taylor, June 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Elias S. Dennis, June 22, 1863
- Brig. Gen.. Elias S. Dennis to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Francis J. Herron, June 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S Grant to Brig. Gen. Peter J. Osterhouse, June 22, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, June 22, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, June 22, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 22, 1863
- Maj.. Charels F. Morse, June 22, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 22, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 22, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 22, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 22, 1863
- Gideon Welles to William H. Seward, June 23, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 23, 1863
- Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood to Edwin M. Stanton, June 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Francis J. Herron to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 23, 1863—2 a.m.
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Abraham Lincoln, June 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Francis J. Herron, June 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, June 23 1863
- Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, June 23, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 23, 1863—11 a.m.
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 23, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Fremantle, June 23, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 23, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 23, 1863
- Abraham Lincoln to Maj. Gen. Darius Couch, June 24, 1863 - 8:55 a.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 24, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan to Edwin M. Stanton, June 24, 1863 - 3:15 p.m.
- Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 24, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Francis J. Herron to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 24, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Francis J. Herron to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 24, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 24, 1863
- Diary of Private Charles H. Lynch, June 24, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 24, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 24, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 24, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 24, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, June 24, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, June 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Lieut. Col. Samuel J. Nasmith, June 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 25, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, June 25, 1863
- Maj.. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 25, 1863
- Diary of Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, June 25, 1863
- Col. Rutherford B. Hayes to Sardis Birchard, June 25, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 25, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 25, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, June 25, 1863
- A Woman's Diary of the Siege of Vicksburg, June 25, 1863
- Ohio Democratic Committee to Abraham Lincoln, Re: Clement Vallandigham, June 26, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 26, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 26, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, June 26, 1863
- Brig. Gen. Lorenzo Thomas to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 26, 1863
- Col. Robert Gould Shaw to Annie K. Haggerty Shaw, June 26, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to William Whiting, June 26, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 26, 1863
- Capt. Charles W. Wills, June 26, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 26, 1863
- George L. Stearns to Mary Hall Stearns, June 26, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 26, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 26, 1863
- Diary of Sarah Morgan, June 26, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Gov. David Tod, June 27, 1863
- Edwin M. Stanton to Gov. Horatio Seymour, June 27, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Brig. Gen. Elias S. Dennis, June 27
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Lieut. Col. John A. Rawlins, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Edwin M. Stanton, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 27 1863
- Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor to Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, June 27, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to Ellen Ewing Sherman, June 27, 1863
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Eliza Walter Smith, June 27, 1863
- Diary of Musician David Lane, June 27, 1863
- John M. Forbes to Mrs. N. J. Senior, June 27, 1863
- John M. Forbes & William H. Aspinwall to Salmon P. Chase, June 27, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 27, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 27, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 27, 1863 - 3 p.m.
- General Robert E. Lee's General Orders, No. 73, June 27, 1863
- Charlotte Cross Wigfall to Lieut. Francis H. Wigfall, June 27, 1863
- Diary of Judith W. McGuire, June 27, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 28, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 28, 1863 - 7 a.m.
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's General Orders, No. 67, June 28, 1863
- Orders of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, June 28, 1863
- Diary of Sgt. George G. Smith, June 28, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 28, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 28, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 28, 1863 - Afternoon
- Dr. Spencer G. Welch to Cordelia Strother Welch, June 28, 1863
- June 29, 1863, Battle of Goodrich’s Landing begins.
- Abraham Lincoln to Matthew Birchard et al, June 29, 1863
- Charles A. Dana to Edwin M. Stanton, June 29, 1863 - 9 a.m.
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Absalom H. Markland, June 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Julia Dent Grant, June 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman: General Orders, No. 49, June 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, June 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 29, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Meade, June 29, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Josephine Shaw, June 29, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: June 29, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 29, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 29, 1863
- June 30, 1863, Battle of Goodrich’s Landing ends.
- Alexander K. McClure to Abraham Lincoln, June 30, 1863
- Abraham Lincoln to Alexander K. McClure, June 30, 1863
- Gov. Richard Yates to Abraham Lincoln, June 30, 1863
- Diary of Gideon Welles, June 30, 1863
- Circular of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, June 30, 1863
- Circular of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, June 30, 1863
- Orders of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, June 30, 1863
- Maj. Gen. George G. Meade to Margaretta Sergeant Meade, June 30, 1863
- Col. Charles Russell Lowell to Col. J. H. Taylor, June 30, 1863 - 5 a.m.
- Alexander K. McClure to Abraham Lincoln, June 30, 1863 - Received 11:05 a.m.
- Maj. Gen. Darius N. Couch to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, June 30, 1863, 5. p.m.
- Col. Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, June 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Daniel L. Ambrose: Tuesday, June 30, 1863
- Diary of Sir Arthur Freemantle, June 30, 1863
- Diary of John Beauchamp Jones, June 30, 1863
- Diary of Pvt. Louis Leon: June 25-30, 1863
- Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston, June 30, 1863
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Documents & Speeches: January 1 - June 30, 1863
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